Papers by Alessandro Grillo
Advanced Electronic Materials
Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VII
Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation V
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All information contained in this document is property of INAF. All rights reserved.
All information contained in this document is property of INAF. All rights reserved.

Cornell University - arXiv, Jun 1, 2013
In this paper, the development of the dual mirror Small Size Telescopes (SST) for the Cherenkov T... more In this paper, the development of the dual mirror Small Size Telescopes (SST) for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is reviewed. Up to 70 SST, with a primary mirror diameter of ∼ 4 m, will be produced and installed at the CTA southern site. These will allow investigation of the gamma-ray sky at the highest energies accessible to CTA, in the range from about 1 TeV to 300 TeV. The telescope presented in this contribution is characterized by two major innovations: the use of a dual mirror Schwarzschild-Couder configuration and of an innovative camera using as sensors either multi-anode photomultipliers (MAPM) or silicon photomultipliers (SiPM). The reduced plate-scale of the telescope, achieved with the dual-mirror optics, allows the camera to be compact (∼ 40 cm in diameter), and low-cost. The camera, which has about 2000 pixels of size 6×6 mm 2 , covers a field of view of ∼ 10 •. The dual mirror telescopes and their cameras are being developed by three consortia, ASTRI (Astrofisica con Specchi a Tecnologia Replicante Italiana, Italy/INAF), GATE (Gamma-ray Telescope Elements, France/Paris Observ.) and CHEC (Compact High Energy Camera, universities in UK, US and Japan) which are merging their efforts in order to finalize an end-to-end design that will be constructed for CTA. A number of prototype structures and cameras are being developed in order to investigate various alternative designs. In this contribution, these designs are presented, along with the technological solutions under study.
Cornell University - arXiv, Apr 24, 2013
2018 IEEE 13th Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), 2018
We present the electrical characterization of mono and bilayer MoS 2 back-gate field-effect trans... more We present the electrical characterization of mono and bilayer MoS 2 back-gate field-effect transistors with ohmic or Schottky contacts. We investigate features such as persistent photoconductivity, hysteresis and field emission.

Cornell University - arXiv, Mar 19, 2014
ABSTRACT A 3-day international workshop on atmospheric monitoring and calibration for high-energy... more ABSTRACT A 3-day international workshop on atmospheric monitoring and calibration for high-energy astroparticle detectors, with a view towards next-generation facilities. The atmosphere is an integral component of many high-energy astroparticle detectors. Imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes and cosmic-ray extensive air shower detectors are the two instruments driving the rapidly evolving fields of very-high- and ultra-high-energy astrophysics. In these instruments, the atmosphere is used as a giant calorimeter where cosmic rays and gamma rays deposit their energy and initiate EASs; it is also the medium through which the resulting Cherenkov light propagates. Uncertainties in real-time atmospheric conditions and in the fixed atmospheric models typically dominate all other systematic errors. With the improved sensitivity of upgraded IACTs such as H.E.S.S.-II and MAGIC-II and future facilities like the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) and JEM-EUSO, statistical uncertainties are expected to be significantly reduced, leaving the atmosphere as the limiting factor in the determination of astroparticle spectra. Varying weather conditions necessitate the development of suitable atmospheric monitoring to be integrated in the overall instrument calibration, including Monte Carlo simulations. With expertise distributed across multiple collaborations and scientific domains, an interdisciplinary workshop is being convened to advance progress on this critical and timely topic.
Cornell University - arXiv, Jul 8, 2013
Compilation of CTA contributions to the proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conferen... more Compilation of CTA contributions to the proceedings of the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013), which took place in 2-9 July, 2013, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2021
We fabricate monolayer MoS2 field effect transistors and study their electric characteristics fro... more We fabricate monolayer MoS2 field effect transistors and study their electric characteristics from 10 −6 Torr to atmospheric air pressure. We show that the threshold voltage of the transistor increases with the growing pressure. Hence, we propose the device as an air pressure sensor, showing that it is particularly suitable as a low power consumption vacuum gauge. The device functions on pressure-dependent O2, N2 and H2O molecule adsorption that affect the n-doping of the MoS2 channel.

Experimental Astronomy, 2021
UVscope is an instrument, based on a multi-pixel photon detector, developed to support experiment... more UVscope is an instrument, based on a multi-pixel photon detector, developed to support experimental activities for high-energy astrophysics and cosmic ray research. The instrument, working in single photon counting mode, is designed to directly measure light flux in the wavelengths range 300-650 nm. The instrument can be used in a wide field of applications where the knowledge of the nocturnal environmental luminosity is required. Currently, one UVscope instrument is allocated onto the external structure of the ASTRI-Horn Cherenkov telescope devoted to the gamma-ray astronomy at very high energies. Being co-aligned with the ASTRI-Horn camera axis, UVscope can measure the diffuse emission of the night sky background simultaneously with the ASTRI-Horn camera, without any interference with the main telescope data taking procedures. UVscope is properly calibrated and it is used as an independent reference instrument for test and diagnostic of the novel ASTRI-Horn telescope.

Physical Review B, 2021
The search for optimal materials to be used in superconductor/ferromagnet hybrids is fundamental ... more The search for optimal materials to be used in superconductor/ferromagnet hybrids is fundamental to the development of superconducting spintronic devices. One of the main issues which should be tackled is the optimum ferromagnetic material that should be used in these systems, i.e., a ballistic ferromagnet with a large value of the exchange energy or a weak ferromagnet with diffusive transport. Here, we investigate the proximity effect between Nb and amorphous NdNi 5. We observe that the electrical transport is influenced by the strong disorder in the ferromagnetic layers. For small values of the ferromagnetic layer thickness, the depression of the superconducting critical temperature is stronger than as observed in metallic ferromagnetic layers with comparable values of the exchange energy. On the contrary, for a large thickness of the ferromagnet the interface transparency is very small and the effect of the ferromagnet on the superconductor becomes negligible. The results are in line with recent observations and confirm the prominent role played by the structural and morphological properties of the ferromagnet on the physics of superconductor/ferromagnet bilayers.
Papers by Alessandro Grillo