Papers by Alessandra Giovinazzo
Management of mountain huts is inserted in a particularly fragile ecosystem, i.e. the mountains, ... more Management of mountain huts is inserted in a particularly fragile ecosystem, i.e. the mountains, to which they are linked by a relationship of mutual interdependence. As a business activity, the mountain hut interacts with the surrounding environment, and in doing so, generâtes inevitable impacts on this. As regards the public administration, the mountain hut category may represent a potential recipient of resources to the extent that it decides to encourage application of measures able to mitigate such impacts. This work describes a system of modelling the mountain hut activity at a double scale. The first describes the processes of the activity of each mountain hut and the relationships between these and protection of the surrounding environment, while the second level aggregates the individual models of 35 mountain huts of the Aosta Valley and describes system behaviour according to various strategies at aggregate level. The final aim is to establish, where sufficient quantitativ...
Management of mountain huts is inserted in a particularly fragile ecosystem, i.e. the mountains, ... more Management of mountain huts is inserted in a particularly fragile ecosystem, i.e. the mountains, to which they are linked by a relationship of mutual interdependence. As a business activity, the mountain hut interacts with the surrounding environment, and in doing so, generates inevitable impacts on this. As regards the public administration, the mountain hut category may represent a potential recipient of resources to the extent that it decides to encourage application of measures able to mitigate such impacts. This work describes a system of modelling the mountain hut activity at a double scale. The first describes the processes of the activity of each mountain hut and the relationships between these and protection of the surrounding environment, while the second level aggregates the individual models of 35 mountain huts of the Aosta Valley and describes system behaviour according to various strategies at aggregate level. The final aim is to establish, where sufficient quantitativ...
Il presente lavoro riporta i primi risultati del capitolo "Energia" del progetto "... more Il presente lavoro riporta i primi risultati del capitolo "Energia" del progetto "Osservatorio Tecnologico, gestionale e formativo per la sicurezza in montagna, la tutela dell'ambiente montano e delle strutture ricettive alpine", promosso dalla Fondazione Montagna Sicura – Montagne sûre di Courmayeur, attuato dal Dipartimento di Scienze Merceologiche dell'Università di Torino in collaborazione con la Fondazione stessa, con il supporto economico della Compagnia di San Paolo di Torino e dell'Assessorato Territorio, Ambiente e Opere pubbliche della Regione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta nell'ambito del programma Interreg III A Alcotra. L'Osservatorio vuole essere un supporto per i gestori dei rifugi alpini della Valle d'Aosta e, fra i suoi obiettivi, mira alla creazione di una banca dati sulle tecnologie ecocompatibili che possono essere utilizzate nelle strutture ricettive d'alta quota. Come primo passo si è condotta un'analisi sul campo...
Papers by Alessandra Giovinazzo