Papers by Aleksandra Miloskovic
The utilization of fish bioindicators has become of crucial importance for ecosystem contaminatio... more The utilization of fish bioindicators has become of crucial importance for ecosystem contamination assessment. Bleak (Alburnus alburnus) is a widely distributed epipelagic fish species characterized as very active with fast metabolism which can lead to a high accumulation of pollutants in tissues. Bleak is easy to sample, identify in the field by morphological characteristics, and easy to work within the laboratory. This study deals with the bleak sensitivity in detecting the pressure of the potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in the large lowland Great Morava River. The Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn, and Zn were estimated in whole body composite (wbc) of bleak. The study was conducted at Great Morava River, near the city of Paraćin in Serbia. The highest concentrations of essential elements Zn and Fe were detected. The most toxic elements As and Hg were below detection limits. The metal pollution index (MPI) was 0.39. In large lowland rivers, point sources of pollution such as municipal wastewaters of smaller settlements usually have only local impact due to high dilution by the main watercourse. Since bleak is a site-specific species, results in this study indicated that this stretch of the Great Morava River is slightly affected by PTEs. None of the elements above the maximum permitted concentrations (MPC) in fish meat for use in the human diet, prescribed by the Official Gazette and European Commission Regulation, were not recorded.
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Sep 28, 2018
In the present study, landmark-based geometric morphometrics was applied to compare and visualize... more In the present study, landmark-based geometric morphometrics was applied to compare and visualize the overall size and shape variation, sexual size and shape dimorphism of the species Barbus balcanicus Kotlík, Tsigenopoulos, Ráb & Berrebi from different fragmented localities. The body shape of the fish was significantly different both for sex and locality. Also, body size significantly differed between sexes, with females being generally larger than males. This study also proved significant differences in body shape between populations from different localities. Considering that the environmental conditions of the localities were not greatly different from each other, the morphological divergence that was observed may be partly attributed to stream damming, which acts as a stressor, permanently altering the systems and shifting them into new ecological frameworks.
Zoomorphology, Nov 10, 2016
The morphometric variation among several populations of Astacus astacus from different regions of... more The morphometric variation among several populations of Astacus astacus from different regions of the Balkan Peninsula was studied based on a large set of morphometric parameters per crayfish. Differences in morphometry among populations from ten water bodies in Serbia, Slovenia and Albania were tested using a multiple discriminant analysis. Analyses included twenty-two morphometric parameters per crayfish. The most discriminant characteristics for separating males among populations were weight, head width (HEW), width of the carapace at the hind edges (CEW) and claw length (CLL), and for female populations those were abdomen length (ABL), rostrum width (ROW), total length (TL), claw length (CLL) and claw width (CLW). Our results improve the existing knowledge about the noble crayfish morphology, show clear differentiation between populations from various aquatic ecosystems and reflect geographical separation.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Feb 3, 2023
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Jan 7, 2022
and Zn were detected in the muscle and gills of Prussian carp from three different freshwater eco... more and Zn were detected in the muscle and gills of Prussian carp from three different freshwater ecosystems: isolated ponds and the South Morava River in Serbia, and Kopačko Lake in complex wetland ecosystem of the Kopački Rit Nature Reserve in Croatia. The main goals of the paper were to assess the concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in the muscle and gills of Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio), to examine whether abiotic factors from three different freshwater ecosystems affect the accumulation of PTEs in sh tissues and to estimate the human health risk resulting from sh consumption. There were only six concentrations of PTEs in the gill tissue (Cr, Hg, Mn, Pb, Sn, and Zn) that were not signi cantly different among the different freshwater ecosystems. In the muscles, the differences were much less visible. Kopačko Lake distinguished with the highest values of metal pollution index (MPI) for muscles (0.24) and isolated ponds with the highest values of MPI for gills (0.8). The redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that concentrations of Al, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Fe in the gill tissue were signi cantly correlated with the environmental variables. In contrast, the RDA based on element concentrations in the sh muscles indicated no signi cant relationship with the environment. Isolated ponds, with no in ow of freshwater, stand out as the most polluted, followed by Kopačko Lake with occasional oods. Flowing freshwater ecosystem South Morava River can be single out as at least polluted with PTEs. The target hazard quotients (THQ) and hazard index (HI) suggested there were no signi cant noncarcinogenic health risks. The target carcinogenic risk factor (TR) for As and Pb con rmed there were no cancer risks related to human sh consumption. Since the elevated concentrations of toxic Cd and As in Prussian carp were estimated, an early warning should be assumed, especially for shing activities in these areas.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2014
Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca), European catfish (Silurus glanis), burbot (Lota lota), and common ... more Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca), European catfish (Silurus glanis), burbot (Lota lota), and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were collected from the Danube River (Belgrade section, Serbia), and samples of liver, muscle, and gills were analyzed for Al,
1 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Chair of Microbiology, Center for Genotoxicology an... more 1 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Chair of Microbiology, Center for Genotoxicology and Ecogenotoxicology, Belgrade 2 University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science, Institute of Biology and Ecology, Kragujevac 3 University of Belgrade, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade 4 University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research ̈Siniša Stanković ̈, Belgrade 5 University of Belgrade, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, Belgrade
Length–weight relationship give information on the condition and growth patterns of fish. This st... more Length–weight relationship give information on the condition and growth patterns of fish. This study reports length– weight relationships for Abramis brama (Linnaeus, 1758), Alburnus alburnus (Linnaeus, 1758), Carassius auratus (Linnaeus, 1758), Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758), Rutilus rutilus (Linnaeus, 1758), Silurus glanis (Linnaeus, 1758), Ameiurus nebulosus (Le Sueur, 1819), Perca fluviatlis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Sander lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758). Specimens were collected from 2007 to 2013 in Gruza Reservoir (Central Serbia). The b values in the LWRs of analyzyed fish varied between 2.274 and 3.213.
Dekapodni rakovi su ključna komponenta biodiverziteta reka, jezera i močvara u kojima žive. Imaju... more Dekapodni rakovi su ključna komponenta biodiverziteta reka, jezera i močvara u kojima žive. Imaju važnu ekološku ulogu u pravilnom funkcionisanju slatkovodnih ekosistema. U svetu, trećini do polovini populacija slatkovodnih rakova preti smanjenje brojnosti, čak i iščezavanje. Isto se dešava i sa autohtonim populacijama plemenitog raka (Astacus astacus) širom Evrope, a posledica je klimatskih promena, zagađenja, degradacije staništa i račije kuge. Ni populacije ove vrste u slatkovodnim ekosistemima Srbije nisu izostavljene. Situacija je prilično ozbiljna kada se ima u vidu da im je brojnost opala: više od 65% u poslednjih 50 godina. Inače, plemeniti rak je jedna od tri vrste autohtonih, dekapodnih rakova koji naseljavaju slatkovodne ekosisteme Srbije. Nekada brojne populacije, sada su ograničene na fragmentisana staništa. Za razliku od drugih evropskih zemalja, u Srbiji ne postoji kultura konzumiranja ove vrste u ishrani, ne uzgaja se u akvakulturi i shodno tome izostaje ekonomski z...
Zagađenje slatkovodnih ekosistema širokim spektrom zagađivača postalo je veoma važno pitanje u po... more Zagađenje slatkovodnih ekosistema širokim spektrom zagađivača postalo je veoma važno pitanje u poslednjih nekoliko decenija, ne samo zbog uticaj na vodosnabdevanje, već i zbog štete koju nanosi vodenim organizmima. Smatra se da su metali najvažniji oblik zagađenja voda zbog toksičnosti, perzistentnosti i akumulacije u vodenim organizmima. Vodeni organizmi su u širokoj upotrebi biološkog monitoringa promena nivoa antropogenih zagađujućih materija. Poznavanje koncentracije metala u ribama je važno kako za pravilno planiranje upravljanjа vodama tako i u pogledu ljudske ishrane. Zn je esencijalni metal i kao takav igra važnu ulogu u biološkim sistemima, ali takođe prekomernim unosom može proizvesti toksičan efekat. Akumulacije Gruža i Bovan su formirane osamdesetih godina za vodosnabdevanje, ali su danas i značajne ribolovne vode. Antropogeni uticaj na ove akumulacije je vrlo izražen. Konstantno je direktno ispuštanje neprečišćenih otpadnih voda, okolno zemljište se intenzivno obrađuje ...
Analize vode i/ili sedimenta mogu biti neefikasne u identifikovanju metala u fluvijalnim ekosiste... more Analize vode i/ili sedimenta mogu biti neefikasne u identifikovanju metala u fluvijalnim ekosistemima usled nerazdvojive varijabilnosti rečnog toka i koncentracije zagađivača. Monitoring zagađenja ribljih tkiva ima važnu ulogu ranog alarma koji ukazuje na probleme kvaliteta vode i sedimenta, a takođe omogućava detekciju toksičnih materija u ribama koje dalje mogu da imaju negativan efekat na konzumente. Reka Sava je tipična nizijska reka i najveća desna pritoka Dunava koja protiče kroz tri zemlje: Sloveniju, Hrvatsku i Srbiju. Do 1990-ih je bila izložena zagađenju iz metalurgije, hemijske, kožne, tekstilne, prehrambene i industrije celuloze i papira, ali i usled poljoprivrednih aktivnosti. Takođe je i glavni recipijent otpadnih voda mnogih gradova i zagađenih pritoka. Ciljevi ove studije su da se utvrde koncentracije Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn i Zn u kompostu uklije (Alburnus alburnus) kao potencijalne bioindikatorske vrste zagađenja teškim metalima reke Sa...
Istraživanja biodiverziteta kopnenih voda Srbije sa ciljem konzervacije u in situ i/ili ex situ u... more Istraživanja biodiverziteta kopnenih voda Srbije sa ciljem konzervacije u in situ i/ili ex situ uslovima sprovode se u proteklih 10 godina u okviru više istraživačkih projekata. Kao rezultat ovih istraživanja formirana je aplikaciono-informativna baza podataka pod nazivom: Biodiverzitet akvatičnih ekosistema Srbije-ex situ konzervacija „BAES ex situ”. Na osnovu podataka iz baze, „BAES ex situ”, sprovedena su istraživanja tokom 2008. godine sa ciljem izrade Programa za unapređenje ribarstva u slivu Velike, Zapadne i Južne Morave (i dela toka Dunava, Save, kanala hidrosistema DTD i voda Pančevačkog rita). Dobijeni podaci jasno ukazuju da je linjak (Tinca tinca) u odnosu na istraživanja od pre 10 i 20 godina znatno manje zastupljen u slivu Velike Morave. Svi nalazi linjaka južno od Save i Dunava tokom ovog istraživanja su iz hidroakumulacija Srbije (Vlasina, Ćelije) i uneseni su poribljavanjem iz uzgajališta ili prirodnih voda sa područja Vojvodine. Stanje populacija linjaka prema lite...
Poslednjih godina u svetu je veoma aktuelno pitanje alohtonih ribljih vrsta. Bilo da su unete slu... more Poslednjih godina u svetu je veoma aktuelno pitanje alohtonih ribljih vrsta. Bilo da su unete slučajno ili namerno, alohtone vrste najčešće uspevaju da opstanu u novom okruženju, u kojem zbog degradiranosti staništa i narušenih biocenoloških veza vremenom postaju dominantne. Alohtone vrste često imaju invazivan karakter jer se brzo i nekontrolisano šire u nove ekosisteme gde se ponašaju kao kompetitori za prostor i hranu autohtonim vrstama i polako ih potiskuju. Ovim radom prikazan je odnos u brojnosti i biomasi autohtonih i alohtonih ribljih vrsta u nekim akumulacijama u Srbiji. Tokom istraživanja obraćena je pažnja na veličinu i starost akumulacija u kojima je praćena ihtiocenoza. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 15 akumulacija različite starosti, tipa postanka, morfometrijskih, fizičkih i hemijskih osobina. Konstatovano je prisustvo 20 vrsta riba iz 9 familija, sa izrazitom dominacijom porodice Cyprinidae. Od ovog broja 8 vrsta su alohtone i pripadaju familijama Salmonidae (Oncorhynchu...
Acta Ichthyologica Et Piscatoria, Mar 29, 2022
European perch, Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus, 1758 and roach, Rutilus rutilus (Linnaeus, 1758) are ... more European perch, Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus, 1758 and roach, Rutilus rutilus (Linnaeus, 1758) are the most common species present in mesotrophic and eutrophic lakes throughout Europe. Their biomass, especially in juvenile stages, contributes the most to the fish production of these ecosystems. In Bovan Reservoir, these two species constitute the bulk of the juvenile fish biomass. This study aimed to investigate the feeding composition of these two species in order to evaluate their niche overlap due to the availability of resources during different seasons. Traditional diet analysis indices and Kohonen artificial neural network (i.e., a self-organizing map, SOM) were used to investigate the diet of 158 individuals of both species and evaluate their food niche overlap. The indicator value (IndVal) was applied to identify indicator food categories based on which the contents of their alimentary tracts were grouped first into neurons and then into clusters on the SOM. Our results showed that juvenile fish used zooplankton and benthic prey in their diet. Roach often fed on nonanimal prey, while perch of age 0+ used fishes in the diet. Additionally, four clusters of neurons were isolated on the SOM output network. The distribution of perch and roach alimentary tracts in neurons indicated no high degree of competition between them. While diet analyses indices show which food category is generally important in specimensʼ diet, the SOM recognizes those specimens and arranges them together into the same or adjacent neurons based on dominant prey. Understanding fish feeding habits is critical for the development of conservation and management plans. Since Bovan is a eutrophic reservoir, our knowledge of fish feeding habits needs to be considered for stocking strategies in the future.
Book of Proceedings: 1st International Conference on Chemo and BioInformatics, 2021
The noble crayfish is one of the three autochthonous species that inhabit the freshwater ecosyste... more The noble crayfish is one of the three autochthonous species that inhabit the freshwater ecosystems of Serbia, along with stone and Danube crayfish. The noble crayfish has a complex historical and genetic status shaped by geological events, habitat loss, pollution, translocations, and reintroductions of both autochthonous and allochthonous crayfish species. That led to the disruption of the species genetic structure, mixing, and loss of populations across Europe. According to recent data, its populations in the freshwater ecosystems of Serbia are significantly reduced, so it has the status of a "strictly protected species". The genetic structure of the species must be known for endangered species conservation. Unfortunately, there is lack of such data for the territory of Serbia, which due to its position on the Balkan Peninsula, was an important refuge during the glaciation period. In this paper, the genetic structure of seven crayfish populations in freshwater ecosystems...
The aim of this study was to investigate the diet of adult predatory fish (pikeperch, perch, pike... more The aim of this study was to investigate the diet of adult predatory fish (pikeperch, perch, pike, and catfish) that inhabit the Bovan reservoir and determine their impact on the ecological stability of the reservoir. The results showed that predators most often used planktivorous fish species in their diet, including bleak, roach, and perch. These species are dominant prey to predators, and at the same time important links in food chains. By feeding on planktivorous fish, predatory fish can contribute to the reduction of the eutrophication of the reservoir and keep this ecosystem stable.
Small Water Bodies of the Western Balkans, 2021
Science of The Total Environment, 2018
The As concentrations were above the MPC in marine sardines from Boka Kotorska Bay. • THQ and HI ... more The As concentrations were above the MPC in marine sardines from Boka Kotorska Bay. • THQ and HI indicated a health risk for Montenegrin consumers. • Zavoj, Vlasina and Međuvršje reservoirs are potential for commercial fishing and the safe use of freshwater sardines. • General recommendation for the management is that the use of freshwater sardines should be emphasized.
Papers by Aleksandra Miloskovic