Papers by Alejandro Zarco Villavicencio
Seminars in Medical Writing and Education, Dec 28, 2023
Introduction: a descriptive and exploratory non-experimental study was carried out with the purpo... more Introduction: a descriptive and exploratory non-experimental study was carried out with the purpose of knowing the characteristics of academic stress generated in Medicine students in the fourth module of the first year in the 2022 generation of the degree in Medical Surgeon of the Facultad de Estudios Superiores (FES) Zaragoza, to determine which are the most relevant factors of academic stress. Methods: the sample consisted of 200 students of the FES Zaragoza (UNAM). The Systematic Inventory of Academic Stress (SISCO) was used to obtain the data. Results: it was found that the environmental stimuli most frequently identified as stressors were work overload, teacher evaluations, as well as the character and personality of the teachers. The most frequent stress indicators are sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, and drowsiness. Being thus the most frequently used coping strategies, assertive ability, elaboration of a plan and execution of their tasks as well as self-praise. Conclusions: it can be concluded that there are differences in the frequency of presentation of the characteristics of academic stress, the importance of these is highlighted, since this will allow implementing some solutions such as the design and implementation of workshops or programs for better stress management in the academic environment with this type of population.
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, May 10, 2022
The biomedical model for chronic non-communicable dis eases considers that people with the diseas... more The biomedical model for chronic non-communicable dis eases considers that people with the disease must respond automatically to their medical prescription. However, this leads to a confrontation of sick people against their social group since an invisible and controlling force shapes and leads the patient into developing a disposition opposed to their required treatment plan, this element is better known as culture. The purpose of this study is to encourage reflection about the influence of culture in the lack of control regarding this type of diseases. It is proposed to differentiate between disease and illness, calling patient when treating the disease and sufferer when treating the illness. Hence, treating the suf ferer includes considering worries, fears, beliefs, expectations, emotions, and feelings, as well as repercussions of the disease on their life. To proof this statement, the concept of culture is described and conceptualized, as well as its function, and why it is of vital importance to intervene in the socio-cultural context of the sufferer. Keywords: Illness; chronic disease; sufferer; culture.
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina
The biomedical model for chronic non-communicable dis eases considers that people with the diseas... more The biomedical model for chronic non-communicable dis eases considers that people with the disease must respond automatically to their medical prescription. However, this leads to a confrontation of sick people against their social group since an invisible and controlling force shapes and leads the patient into developing a disposition opposed to their required treatment plan, this element is better known as culture. The purpose of this study is to encourage reflection about the influence of culture in the lack of control regarding this type of diseases. It is proposed to differentiate between disease and illness, calling patient when treating the disease and sufferer when treating the illness. Hence, treating the suf ferer includes considering worries, fears, beliefs, expectations, emotions, and feelings, as well as repercussions of the disease on their life. To proof this statement, the concept of culture is described and conceptualized, as well as its function, and why it is of v...
Medicina e Investigación Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
La diabetes mellitus es considerada actualmente un problema de salud pública a nivel internaciona... more La diabetes mellitus es considerada actualmente un problema de salud pública a nivel internacional, es por ello que el objetivo de este trabajo es efectuar una revisión documental de la productividad científica con relación a esta enfermedad. Para esto, se realizó un rastreo de información con motores de búsqueda en internet. La selección de los documentos identificados fue conforme a lo requerido para el estudio; los hallazgos se examinaron, compararon y analizaron; posteriormente se efectúo una sinopsis. Se presentan aspectos sobresalientes que sitúan a la diabetes mellitus como un problema de salud pública, su epidemiología, los determinantes causales de la misma, los factores de riesgo, los estilos de vida, las secuelas de la enfermedad, el manejo no farmacológico y las acciones para evitarla. Además, evidencia los vacíos de atención para la salud, la multicausalidad de la enfermedad y de sus complicaciones, así como, la complejidad de su manejo y prevención, con propuestas de i...
The Journal of medical research, Oct 28, 2021
Introduction: The metabolic syndrome is a clinical, biochemical and anthropometric entity that pr... more Introduction: The metabolic syndrome is a clinical, biochemical and anthropometric entity that precedes the possibility of intervening towards cardiometabolic risk. In an observational and cross-sectional study, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in older adults was identified, as well as its association with health determinants, observing a greater association in women than in men due to the influence of socioeconomic conditions and lifestyles that influence health. the state of health. Objetive: To identify the association between biological and social factors, lifestyles and the presence of metabolic syndrome in a population of older adults in Mexico City. Material and methods: Descriptive, observational, cross-sectional and prolective study, applying a questionnaire to 161 elderly people, exploring socioeconomic variables, BMI, ICC, fasting glycemia, cholesterol, triglycerides and T/A were measured, applying ATP III / NCPE criteria for MS.
En Mexico nos encontramos en transiciones epidemiologica y demografica caracterizadas, entre otra... more En Mexico nos encontramos en transiciones epidemiologica y demografica caracterizadas, entre otras, el incremento de las enfermedades cronicas como causas de morbi-mortalidad y el envejecimiento de la poblacion. Lo anterior demanda un modelo de atencion medica diferente al establecido para atender enfermedades agudas y transmisibles, en las que el individuo enfermo puede recuperar su salud en un tiempo relativamente corto, no asi en las enfermedades cronicas, en las que el individuo enfermo las “padece” por tiempo prolongado, con grandes repercusiones en su vida familiar, laboral y social. Proponemos utilizar el termino “paciente” para los individuos con enfermedad aguda o trasmisible y “padeciente” para aquellos con padecimientos cronicos, lo cual implica la exploracion de nuevas alternativas para la atencion medica efectiva
Los valores son complejas unidades funcionales cognitivo-afectivas, a traves de las que se regula... more Los valores son complejas unidades funcionales cognitivo-afectivas, a traves de las que se regula la actuacion del ser humano. Son importantes en todos los aspectos de la vida, pues influyen en las relaciones interpersonales y la forma en que enfrentamos la realidad. Segun Spranger, existen seis tipos basicos de valores: teorico/cientifico, estetico, religioso/espiritual, politico, economico y social/humanistico. Los profesionales de la medicina deben contar con valores bien arraigados, tanto humanisticos como cientificos, para un buen desempeno con sus pacientes. Estos valores deberian estar presentes en los estudiantes de medicina y fomentarse en su formacion profesional. Realizamos un estudio descriptivo en 75 alumnos del primer ano de la Carrera de Medico Cirujano de la FES (Facultad de Estudios Superiores) Zaragoza, UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico), con el fin de identificar los valores predominantes. Los valores mas altos fueron los teoricos, mientras que los mas...
RESPYN Revista de Salud Pública y Nutrición, 2017
Introducción: La transición epidemiológica y demográfica, así como la modificación del estilo de ... more Introducción: La transición epidemiológica y demográfica, así como la modificación del estilo de vida han contribuido a incrementar la prevalencia de la diabetes mellitus (DM) y otras enfermedades crónicas. La DM provoca complicaciones que trastornan la calidad de vida y llevan a una muerte prematura, además de generar costos elevados para su atención. Los enfermos con DM realizan atribuciones causales acerca de su enfermedad, y conocerlas ayuda a explicar y entender lo que le pasa al enfermo y permite llevar a cabo acciones preventivas. Objetivo: Diseñar y validar un instrumento que permita conocer las atribuciones causales que los enfermos con DM realizan en relación a sus complicaciones crónicas. Métodos: Se desarrolló una escala tipo Likert de 36 ítems y se sometió a validación de contenido por 10 jueces de varias disciplinas del área de la salud. Resultados: Los ítems que fueron calificados con un porcentaje superior o igual a 80 en las categorías de suficiencia, claridad, cohe...
Vertientes Revista Especializada En Ciencias De La Salud, May 31, 2013
médico ideal" "El médico ideal" "El médico ideal" "El médico ideal" "El médico ideal"
Papers by Alejandro Zarco Villavicencio