Papers by Alejandra Gonzalez Rossetti
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 1993
Las opiniones expresadas en este documento son responsabilidad de sus autores y no reflejan neces... more Las opiniones expresadas en este documento son responsabilidad de sus autores y no reflejan necesariamente las del Centro Intemacional para el Desarrollo del Nifio o las de UNICEF. Los autores expresan su agradecimiento a Robert Ledogar, David Parker, Claudio SepUlveda y en especial a James R. Himes por sus valiosos comentarios y sugerencias.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 1993
The authors wish to thank Robert Ledogar, David Parker, Claudio Sepulveda and particularly James ... more The authors wish to thank Robert Ledogar, David Parker, Claudio Sepulveda and particularly James R. Himes for their valuable comments and suggestions. Translated by Sharon de Navarro
Florence, Italy: International Child Development …, 1993
This thesis analyses the state's capacity to pursue health reform. It argues that the feasibi... more This thesis analyses the state's capacity to pursue health reform. It argues that the feasibility of health reforms, as well as their final content, are in great part determined by their political context, and the political strategies reformers resort to when pursuing their policy agenda. The analysis is framed in the political context in which a reform initiative evolves, the political dynamics of and around the health reform process, and the characteristics and strategies of the teams in charge of leading policy change (change teams). The research aims to contribute to existing knowledge in the health policy field by furthering the analysis and explanation of the political feasibility of health reforms. A two case study comparative analysis is used based on primary and secondary sources and in-country interviewing. Colombia and Mexico, challenged by the need to attain universal coverage, and faced with large inefficiencies, set about to transform their health systems in the 19...
Papers by Alejandra Gonzalez Rossetti