Papers by Alberto Almeida
Anais do Congresso Nacional de Excelência em Gestão

Aula : revista de pedagogía de la Universidad de Salamanca, Nov 18, 2010
From the 80s, in Portugal witnessed the approval of certain regulatory and publication of some st... more From the 80s, in Portugal witnessed the approval of certain regulatory and publication of some studies on the administration and management of Portuguese schools that will culminate in 1998 with the approval of Decree-Law n.º 115-A/98, on May 4, which prescribed the school autonomy and decentralization as key aspects of a new organization of education, the aim being the achievement of democracy, equal opportunities and the quality of public education. It was definitely open to enable schools to group together according to their interests, affinities and geographical proximity. Underlying the formation of school clusters are important principles such as the realization of a sequential and linked path of children covered by compulsory education in a given geographical area and of overcoming the situation of isolation of certain schools. The grouping of establishments in schools should result in a dynamic and creative process, conducted by the schools themselves and according to their specific situation as part of a wider movement to strengthen the autonomy, the statement of an educational project and demand Discovery and partnerships. These dynamics have been implemented in very many counties of our country, were abruptly halted with the XV Constitutional Government, to impose a logic of vertical integration throughout the country, contrary to the provisions of Law of the Education and Decree-Law n.º 115-A/98 of May 4. So, will emerge in the Portuguese educational map, vertical groupings of schools, now considered as new management units, with their own bodies and located in the school-based in each group. His appearance was part of a new policy of recentralization of power, accompanied by the transformation of each grouping, a new tier of devolved government, fostering a new form of control over the schools merged. The vertical groupings (many) only overlap in the same organizational unit subsets different professional interactions with sparse, usually about instrumental issues that do not involve an innovation to improve their professional practices.
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 2021

PLOS ONE, 2020
Background During the COVID-19 pandemic, public health measures such as isolation, quarantine, an... more Background During the COVID-19 pandemic, public health measures such as isolation, quarantine, and social distancing are needed. Some of these measures can adversely affect mental health. Activities that can be performed at home may mitigate these consequences and improve overall mental well-being. In this study, home-based activities that have potential beneficial effects on mental health were examined. Methods A rapid review was conducted based on a search of the following databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PyscINFO, Global Health,,, and Eligible studies include randomized controlled trials and non-randomized studies published between 1/1/2000 and 28/05/2020 and that examined the impact of various activities on mental health outcomes in low-resource settings and contexts that lead to social isolation. Studies of activities that require mental health professionals or that could not be done at home were exclu...
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 2018

International Journal of Population Data Science, 2018
IntroductionBC Ministry of Health (MoH)’s health administrative data holdings for a variety of ge... more IntroductionBC Ministry of Health (MoH)’s health administrative data holdings for a variety of general health care data are not readily linked with various data registries maintained by specialized care agencies of the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA). These provincial data sources have rich chronic disease information for BC residents. Objectives and ApproachThe objective of this project is to develop a system for cross-agency linkage of provincial level chronic disease data to improve chronic disease information that would support the BC’s health system, MoH and PHSA agencies in particular, in healthcare delivery and chronic disease prevention planning. We aim to achieve linkage of data from various provincial chronic disease data sources of the MoH and PHSA, with further potential to link with variety of other external databases such as Census data for socio-economic determinants of health. We are reporting here the outcome of the first phase of this project. ResultsTh...

Physical Review E, 2001
It was recently proposed a novel discretization for nonlinear Klein-Gordon field theories in whic... more It was recently proposed a novel discretization for nonlinear Klein-Gordon field theories in which the resulting lattice preserves the topological (Bogomol'nyi) lower bound on the kink energy and, as a consequence, has no Peierls-Nabarro barrier even for large spatial discretizations (h ≈ 1.0). It was then suggested that these "topological discrete systems" are a natural choice for the numerical study of continuum kink dynamics. Giving particular emphasis to the φ 4 theory, we numerically investigate kink-antikink scattering and breather formation in these topological lattices. Our results indicate that, even though these systems are quite accurate for studying free kinks in coarse lattices, for legitimate dynamical kink problems the accuracy is rather restricted to fine lattices (h ≈ 0.1). We suggest that this fact is related to the breaking of the Bogomol'nyi bound during the kinkantikink interaction, where the field profile loses its static property as required by the Bogomol'nyi argument. We conclude, therefore, that these lattices are not suitable for the study of more general kink dynamics, since a standard discretization is simpler and has effectively the same accuracy for such resolutions.
Physics Letters B, 2015
We investigate some quantum features of the bumblebee electrodynamics in flat spacetimes. The bum... more We investigate some quantum features of the bumblebee electrodynamics in flat spacetimes. The bumblebee field is a vector field that leads to a spontaneous Lorentz symmetry breaking. For a smooth quadratic potential, the massless excitation (Nambu-Goldstone boson) can be identified as the photon, transversal to the vacuum expectation value of the bumblebee field. Besides, there is a massive excitation associated with the longitudinal mode and whose presence leads to instability in the spectrum of the theory. By using the principal-value prescription, we show that no one-loop radiative corrections to the mass term is generated. Moreover, the bumblebee self-energy is not transverse, showing that the propagation of the longitudinal mode can not be excluded from the effective theory.
Annals of Physics, 2016
In this work we study two types of five-dimensional braneworld models given by sine-Gordon potent... more In this work we study two types of five-dimensional braneworld models given by sine-Gordon potentials. In both scenarios, the thick brane is generated by a real scalar field coupled to gravity. We focus our investigation on the localization of graviton field and the behaviour of the massive spectrum. In particular, we analyse the localization of massive modes by means of a relative probability method in a Quantum Mechanics context. Initially, considering a scalar field sine-Gordon potential, we find a localized state to the graviton at zero mode. However, when we consider a double sine-Gordon potential, the brane structure is changed allowing the existence of massive resonant states. The new results show how the existence of an internal structure can aid in the emergence of massive resonant modes on the brane.
Les Controles Viti Vinicoles Systemes Et Pratiques Actes Du Iio Symposium International Du Droit De La Vigne Et Du Vin 27 29 Avril 1994 1994 Isbn 2 7314 0080 3 Pags 359 369, 1994
EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2014
The thermal properties of the three-dimensional Dirac oscillator are considered. The canonical pa... more The thermal properties of the three-dimensional Dirac oscillator are considered. The canonical partition function is determined, and the high-temperature limit is assessed. The degeneracy of energy levels and their physical implications on the main thermodynamic functions are analyzed, revealing that these functions assume values greater than the one-dimensional case. So that at high temperatures, the limit value of the specific heat is three times bigger.
Proceedings of Offshore Technology Conference, 2009

All Days, 2010
This paper describes the current studies to define alternatives for the geological storage of the... more This paper describes the current studies to define alternatives for the geological storage of the CO2 present in the associated gas to be produced from the Pre-salt reservoirs of the Santos Basin, Brazil. Recent hydrocarbon discoveries in Santos Basin, offshore Brazil, in the so-called pre-salt reservoirs, brought many challenges for the production development (Beltrao et al., 2009). The reservoirs are heterogeneous microbialite carbonates, located below up to 2,000 m salt layer thickness, in water depths of 2,200 m. The oil is a 28 – 30°API, with GOR higher than 200 m3/m3. Besides the unique environment, one additional challenge is the variable CO2 content in the associated gas. The sustainable hydrocarbon production from the pre-salt reservoirs will, then, require, in line with Petrobras and its partners' vision, avoiding emissions of the CO2 produced together with the hydrocarbon. The task that would be difficult for onshore oil fields reaches unparalleled complexity in the s...
Esta web está usando Manakin, una interfaz para Dspace creada por Texas A&M University Libraries.... more Esta web está usando Manakin, una interfaz para Dspace creada por Texas A&M University Libraries. La interfaz es completamente configurable mediante aspectos o temas basados en XSL. Para más información visita http://di. tamu. edu y http://dspace. org
Esta web está usando Manakin, una interfaz para Dspace creada por Texas A&M University Libraries.... more Esta web está usando Manakin, una interfaz para Dspace creada por Texas A&M University Libraries. La interfaz es completamente configurable mediante aspectos o temas basados en XSL. Para más información visita http://di. tamu. edu y http://dspace. org
À Fernanda, à Mariana e ao Francisco, pelo tempo e pela atenção que não lhes pude dar e que merec... more À Fernanda, à Mariana e ao Francisco, pelo tempo e pela atenção que não lhes pude dar e que mereciam, pela sua colaboração na elaboração deste trabalho e pela compreensão, pelo amor e pelo carinho que sempre nos tem guiado ao longo das nossas vidas.
Esta web está usando Manakin, una interfaz para Dspace creada por Texas A&M University Libraries.... more Esta web está usando Manakin, una interfaz para Dspace creada por Texas A&M University Libraries. La interfaz es completamente configurable mediante aspectos o temas basados en XSL. Para más información visita http://di. tamu. edu y http://dspace. org

Physics Letters B, 2012
Brane world six dimensional scenarios with string like metric has been proposed to alleviate the ... more Brane world six dimensional scenarios with string like metric has been proposed to alleviate the problem of field localization. However, these models have been suffering from some drawbacks related with energy conditions as well as from difficulties to find analytical solutions. In this work, we propose a model where a brane is made of a scalar field with bounce-type configurations and embedded in a bulk with a string-like metric. This model produces a sound AdS scenario where none of the important physical quantities is infinite. Among these quantities are the components of the energy momentum tensor, which have its positivity ensured by a suitable choice of the bounce configurations. Another advantage of this model is that the warp factor can be obtained analytically from the equations of motion for the scalar field, obtaining as a result a thick brane configuration, in a six dimensional context. Moreover, the study of the scalar field localization in these scenario is done.
Papers by Alberto Almeida