Papers by Akhmad Supriadi
Al-Istinbath : Jurnal Hukum Islam
The sex recession is an implementation of worries about household responsibilities. Marriage, whi... more The sex recession is an implementation of worries about household responsibilities. Marriage, which is supposed to be a requirement for the legality of sexual relations, has experienced a shift. Marriage is no longer considered an appropriate institution with a modern lifestyle in several not Muslim-majority countries. The objective of this research is to offer solutions to the problem of a sexual recession that some of the world's most developed countries are currently facing. This type of research is empirical-normative research. The data is sourced from official news reports and reputable journals that reveal the sex recession in developed countries, such as the United States, England, Australia, and Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and China. Research is being conducted using a phenomenological approach, a conceptual approach, and a philosophical approach. The result of this research are the epistemology of marriage in Islamic law is a solution to overc...
Idea Press Yogyakarta eBooks, 2017
Segala puji diiringi rasa syukur yang mendalam senantiasa terlimpah ke hadirat Allah SWT, sang pe... more Segala puji diiringi rasa syukur yang mendalam senantiasa terlimpah ke hadirat Allah SWT, sang pencurah hidayah, magfirah, kasih dan sayang. Salawat serta salam tercurah kepada Muhammad saw, sang uswah hasanah pembawa rahmah hingga akhir zaman. Setelah melewati berbagai kesulitan dan hambatan, penulisan buku yang awalnya merupakan naskah tesis penulis ketika menempuh S2 ini alhamdulillâh wasysyukr lillâh dapat diselesaikan. Dengan segala keterbatasan yang ada, terutama kapasitas akademik intelektual, penulis ingin dengan segala kerendahan hati mengucapkan terima kasih disertai apresiasi sebesar-besarnya, kepada: Ayah dan Ibu serta saudara-saudari penulis yang A. telah memberikan perhatian, dukungan dan doa tiada terhingga kepada penulis Isteri dan putritercinta serta mertua yang telah B. berkorban waktu, pikiran serta tenaga dan doa selama studi S2 penulis di Yogyakarta. Ayahanda Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Chirzin, M.Ag, C. selaku pembimbing sekaligus yang telah penulis anggap sebagai orang tua, dengan kedalam ilmu serta kerendahan hati beliau banyak memberikan bimbingan, motivasi serta senantiasa mengingatkan penulis sehingga
Jurnal Studi Agama dan Masyarakat, 2017
A bomb explosion in the City of London, England, not only shook Jasser Auda’s soul, but also incr... more A bomb explosion in the City of London, England, not only shook Jasser Auda’s soul, but also increased the academic anxiety that encouraged him to start writing an important work in his academic career entitled Maqasid al-Shariah as Philosophy of Islamic Law. The peak of his anxiety is a fidgetiness accumulation that he experienced during the struggle with the academic world, especially Islamic law. The condition of Muslims at that time is increasingly culminating in the case of terrorism in London that took the name of Islamic law1 coupled with the low level of muslims human development index (HDI) indicated the inferioity as well as the low quality of Muslims both in terms of science, education, politics, economy, women's empowerment, and other capabilities that were still under of minimum standards2. Jasser Auda also felt an intellectual anxiety when finding the reality of Islamic law (fiqh) seemed to be lacking in solutions to the Islamic community in general. The anxieties ...
Jurnal Studi Agama dan Masyarakat, 2016
Al-Qur ’ an , as the guidance of muslim in all age , included all aspect s of life in it . It did... more Al-Qur ’ an , as the guidance of muslim in all age , included all aspect s of life in it . It did not only talk about ritual teachings, but it also gave the followers the comprehensive guidance of how to interact wit h other people in social life and business and economic life. This article was aimed to explore Qur ’ anic terms, ethics, and principle s in relation to busines s and economic issue. According to this research, the se economic and business term s were mentioned frequently in different sura s : al-bay’i, al-riba’, al-tijarah, al-adl, al-qisth, al-rizq, al-mal, etc. B ased on the terms, the fundamental ethics , and the principle s of Qur ’ an in business and economy, there were integration (tawhid), balance, justice, mutual trust and advantage, honesty, prime service, togetherness, social care and responsibility, hygiene and legality.
Refleksi, 2018
This paper describes four (4) types of epistemology on tafsir ‘ilmi (science exegesis) in Indones... more This paper describes four (4) types of epistemology on tafsir ‘ilmi (science exegesis) in Indonesia, which four experts have explained their own epistemology and its relation between Al-Qur’an and science, are Nazwar Syamsu, Achmad Baiquni, Muhammad Quraish Shihab and Agus Purwanto. These experts are selected as subject of research based on an opinion if they respectively have represent their own epistemology which differs each other. Based on the result of study and analysis, although all are working to integrate Al-Qur’an and science, these four experts have different epistemic reasoning to understand and explain a relation among Qur’anic verses on science. Nazwar Syamsu’s epistemology tends to an Islamization or Qur’anization of Qur’anic verses on science so its interpretation which is sourced from Al-Qur’an and scientific theory tends to look for Qur’anic justification through scientific theory. Type of epistemology which is initiated by Achmad Baiquni tends to dialogue between ...
SUHUF, 2019
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perubahan terjemahan dalam Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya (QDT) y... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perubahan terjemahan dalam Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya (QDT) yang diproduksi oleh Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia pada tiga edisi (1969, 1990 dan 2002) terkait dengan penciptaan manusia (Surah anNisa/4: 1, al-A’raf/7: 189, az-Zumar/39: 6, ar-R?m/3: 21, an-Na?l/16: 72, asy-Sy?r?/42: 11) dan pasangan surgawi (Surah al-Baqarah/2: 25, Ali Imran/3: 15 dan an-Nis?’/4: 57), dan berupaya mengungkap aspek ideologis di balik perubahan itu, terutama ideologi gender. Penelitian ini membuktikan adanya pergeseran dalam ketiga edisi itu, terutama pada edisi 2002 yang tidak hanya menyangkut diksi (pilihan kata), struktur dan susunan kalimat, tetapi juga substansi terjemahan. Artikel ini berargumen bahwa perubahan terjemah itu terkait dengan pergeseran ideologis negara ke arah yang ramah gender, dan relasi kuasa antara negara, terutama melalui Kementerian Agama, dan penerjemah (tepatnya tim revisi terjemahan) pada satu sisi, dan keberadaan penerjemah atau kore...
Papers by Akhmad Supriadi