This research aims to know the prediction of potential for groundwater reserves. The r... more This research aims to know the prediction of potential for groundwater reserves. The research method applies surface geological mapping and subsurface data collection with the 200-span Schlumberger configuration geoelectric method. The stratigraphy of the research area is sorted from old to young, the first is the granodiorite unit, the sandstone unit, and alluvial units are deposited inconsistently. The geological structure working in the research area has a dominant northwest-southeast direction. The direction of. groundwater flow follows the topography of the research area, whicb is flowing from the north to the south, where the elevation of the norlh js higher than the eJevation of the south. The aquifer characteristics in the research area can be divided into two based on the mterpretation of geoelectric inversion, such as shallow aquifer with material in the form of sand and deep aquifer with sand and gr...
Keluarga merupakan kelompok sosial yang pertama dan utama, tempat keluarga berinteraksi secara so... more Keluarga merupakan kelompok sosial yang pertama dan utama, tempat keluarga berinteraksi secara sosial. Pola asuh dalam keluarga memiliki nilai strategis dalam pembentukan kepribadian anak melalui nilai dan norma dari orang tuanya. Pola asuh tersebut bisa berjalan dengan baik mana kala orang tuanya mengasuh secara langsung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan ,(1) pola asuh keluarga pada remaja yang ditinggal merantau orang tua, (2) factor pendukung dan factor penghambat pola asuh keluarga yang ditinggal merantau orang tua. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tehnik pengumpulan data. Semua data dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan cara pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan guna menghasilkan data tentang PolaAsuuh Keluarga pada Remaja yang Ditinggal Merantau Orang Tua, Studikasus: di Desa Sumbermulyo, Kecamatan Winong, Kabupaten Pati Jawa Tengah. Hasil penel...
Work culture is a philosophy as values into the nature, customs, and Work culture was a philosoph... more Work culture is a philosophy as values into the nature, customs, and Work culture was a philosophy as values that became the nature, habits, and the driving force that was owned by every individual in the working environment of an organization. If it was associated with the organization, especially in the Ministry of Religion, the work culture showed how the values of work culture internalized by certain means (vehicle), so that people could feel the excellent service from government organizations of Religion Ministry.
This research is motivated by the assumption that parenting is one of the factors that are very v... more This research is motivated by the assumption that parenting is one of the factors that are very vital for the development of children and is part of the factors that can shape the character of children and make them achieve. The study explored parenting style employed by the parents in order to build the character of a successful child. The qualitative method was used in this study where the data were collected through interview, observation and documentation. The research participants were drawn by using purposive sampling technique. The participants were the parents of the children who frequently achieve the first till fifth rank in one of the elementary schools in east Lampung regency who tend to have many achievements. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis. From the result of data analysis, it was revealed that the parenting style to build the character of a achieving children is (1) Authoritative Parenting and (2) Authoritarian Parentin
This research is motivated because there is a problem that there are many students whose interest... more This research is motivated because there is a problem that there are many students whose interest in learning is lacking, especially for textual learning. Students prefer to learn instantaneously using internet facilities. done by the teacher. Whereas on the other hand, there is a problem of students not daring to express their opinions in class because of the lack of knowledge of the students themselves. This research uses qualitative methods. data using observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis uses qualitative data analysis techniques. The results showed that the implementation of e-books in PAI learning at SMP Negeri 1 Muara Telang ran smoothly because it was supported by communication and interaction factors between individual students and teachers well established, the characteristics of teachers and students who had the ability to use e-books, attitudes and the mindset of the teacher and students to work together towards progress together and the financial sit...
The purpose of this study is to discuss creative economic empowerment policies in supporting tour... more The purpose of this study is to discuss creative economic empowerment policies in supporting tourism potential in Banten Province. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive research approach. The technique of determining the informants in this study was determined based on the purposive sampling technique through data collection techniques through observations, interviews and document searches. Data analysis techniques are carried out continuously during data collection in the field until data collection is completed. This analysis includes several activities, namely reviewing data, grouping data, finding what is important according to the research focus and studying and deciding what to report. The results of the study indicate that the policy of empowering the creative economy in supporting tourism potential is still not fully effective, based on the analysis of the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) approach even though the changes have come from within the communi...
Tihu Village is located on the southern coast of Gorontalo and is included in an area prone to ea... more Tihu Village is located on the southern coast of Gorontalo and is included in an area prone to earthquakes and tsunamis. The impact of the earthquake and tsunami disaster can be in the form of loss of life and material. The losses incurred as a result of a disaster are usually caused by the local community's lack of responsiveness in dealing with an impending disaster. Mitigation efforts are needed in tsunami-prone areas to prevent casualties and material losses. Mitigation efforts can be carried out by socializing the earthquake and tsunami disaster and making tsunami evacuation routes. The programs implemented through this service activity are: 1) survey of potential disasters and identification of disaster-prone zones; 2) manufacture of disaster risk reduction information boards; 3) construction of evacuation route boards and assembly points; 4) Socialization of earthquake and tsunami disaster risk reduction; 5) Installation of evacuation route boards and assembly points.
Nursing and Health Sciences Journal (NHSJ), Apr 1, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on all aspects of life at all ages, especially ... more The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on all aspects of life at all ages, especially adolescents, that require appropriate resolution. This virus causes panic and restrictions imposed by public health authorities in many countries, including travel bans, limiting social gatherings, and closing public schools. This limitation impacts the psychology of adolescents that are prone to emotional and behavioral development. This literature review aims to explore the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on adolescent psychological responses. This study uses a literature review method with article searches conducted on the Pubmed, ScienceDirect, and Scopus electronic databases. There were 686 articles in the search databases Pubmed, ScienceDirect, and Scopus, but only ten articles met all the inclusion criteria and were reviewed. The covid-19 can affect the physical and mental health of a teenager. The prevalence of psychological disorders in adolescents is relatively high There are four psychological symptoms: stress, depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. As nurses, we can teach adolescents simple exercises, including deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and positive self-talk. Nurse has an essential helping them understand their role in society, understand that physical distance is not equal to distance emotional, and identify problems during the pandemic.
Poverty in South Sumatra is very high, so special care must be taken to reduce the problem, inver... more Poverty in South Sumatra is very high, so special care must be taken to reduce the problem, inversely proportional to the high enough zakat potential. The regulation on zakat using the payroll system from the salary of every government employee has been implemented. This regulation has a positive impact on collecting zakat funds in South Sumatra, but the position of zakat in helping the government to reduce poverty in this province needs to be explored further in scientific work, a case study of 100 zakat recipients managed by the national board of zakat (BAZNAS) by analyzing the impact of the distribution of zakat, infaq and shadaqah in reducing poverty based on the CIBEST method. This shows that the distribution of zakat, infaq and shadaqah carried out by BAZNAS can significantly reduce povertythat the provision of zakat funds in the form of venture capital was on target, able to increase the welfare index by 55.84% then the spiritual index increased to 4,026 which was previously ...
SERAMBI: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis Islam, May 1, 2019
This article aims to examine how to review Islamic business ethics and consumer protection laws o... more This article aims to examine how to review Islamic business ethics and consumer protection laws on the brick production process and how to review Islamic business ethics and consumer protection laws on the brick-making process in Nguneng Village, Wonogiri. This research is a type of field research with a qualitative approach, data collection techniques using observation and interviews related to the production process and sales of these brick blocks. Then draw conclusions using Islamic business ethics theories and consumer protection laws. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that 1) The production process of concrete blocks in Nguneng Village, Puhpelem District, Wonogiri Regency is not following Islamic business ethics because it does not meet the principles of Islamic business ethics because it does not pay attention to honesty, balance, free will, responsibility, and virtue in making Concrete brick. Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji bagaimana tinjauan etika bisnis Islam dan undang-undang perlindungan konsumen terhadap proses produksi batako dan bagaimana tinjauan etika bisnis Islam dan undang-undang perlindungan konsumen terhadap proses penjualan batako di Desa Nguneng, Wonogiri. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan interview terkait proses produksi dan penjualan batako tersebut. Kemudian menarik kesimpulkan dengan menggunakan teori-teori etika bisnis Islam dan Undang-undang perlindungan konsumen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa 1) Proses produksi batako di Desa Nguneng Kecamatan Puhpelem Kabupaten Wonogiri belum sesuai dengan etika bisnis Islam karena tidak memenuhi prinsip prinsip etika bisnis Islam, karena kurang memperhatikan kejujuran, keseimbangan, kehendak bebas, tanggung jawab, dan kebajikan dalam pembuatan batako.
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology
North Arm Sulawesi is a triple junction between three convergent plates which results in developm... more North Arm Sulawesi is a triple junction between three convergent plates which results in development of geological structures at all scales, thereby triggering the potential for land motion. Lolak Dam is an infrastructure that functions as a water reservoir which is then channeled for domestic needs. This research aims to identify safety factors of the Lolak Dam slopes where land motion occurs several times. Field data in the form of lithology was carried out by geomechanical testing in the form of specific gravity, cohesion, and internal shear angle. The analysis was carried out on the slopes of the Lolak Dam on the left backrest which is a spillway area. The method used is Bishop with the help of the Slide v.6 Program. Lithological in the research area obtained gray claystone, red claystone, chert slate, sandstone, and basalt. Safety factors result which using the Slide program are 1.517 (Stable) in slope 1, 1,260 (Stable) in slope 2, and 0.745 (unstable) in slope 3.
Jurnal Intelektualita Keislaman Sosial dan Sains, Dec 12, 2019
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi peningkatan mutu layanan perpustakaan di MAN... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi peningkatan mutu layanan perpustakaan di MAN 3 Palembang dan menganalisis karakteristik strategi peningkatan mutu layanan perpustakaan di MAN 3 Palembang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, adapun yang menjadi sumber primer dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 3 orang, yakni kepala perpustakaan, dua orang pengelola perpustakaan. Adapun teknik analisis data menggunakan metode analisis mengunakan Model Miles dan Huberman yang terdiri dari tiga tahapkan yaitu: reduksi data, tampilan data, dan gambar kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, maka untuk strategi peningkatan mutu layanan perpustakaan di MAN 3 Palembang ada lima strategi yang dilakukan, yaitu; Realiabilitas, memberikan layanan perpustakaan sesuai dengan SOP perpustakaan. Daya tangggap, merespon permintaan pemustaka. Jaminan, akses layanan dengan mudah. Empati, pengelola perpustakaan berusaha berpikir untuk bisa memahami kebutuhan pemustaka. Bukti fisik, menata dan merawat sarana prasarana agar suasana nyaman. Ciri dari strategi peningkatan mutu layanan perpustakaan di MAN 3 Palembang, yaitu: Pertama, Fokus dari strategi peningkatan mutu layanan perpustakaan adalah pengembangan koleksi, promosi layanan dan buku baru. Kedua, Keunikan pada program book lover, program promosi, layanan infak buku, dan layanan pendampingan diperuntukkan kepada siswa yang akan mengikuti olimpiade dan perlombaan di luar sekolah. Ketiga, perpustakaan memiliki nama Baitul Hikmah dan sloganslogan yang menarik.
In implementing the works program of the Branch Management of Indonesian Islamic Students Movemen... more In implementing the works program of the Branch Management of Indonesian Islamic Students Movement of Malang Regency, for the sake of a good and interesting event, the owners of power use female activists to become workers. Women activists must carry out tasks that are not in accordance with their job descriptions, get coercion from fellow activists to carry out tasks that they themselves have not yet experienced and only try first, and the most striking is when female activists are not happy if there is a women's development program. The practice of exploitation of these women activists, seen in this article, uses Michel Foucault's body discipline theory. The body's discipline works as a normalization of behavior designed by utilizing the productive and reproductive abilities of the human body. The practice of power through disciplining the body, creates a situation where the individual body can internalize submission and make it look like a normal state. This practice is what Foucault calls the normalization of power over the individual body. Individuals will never feel that they are being used and subjugated because they already consider it to be within reasonable limits. It can also be said that this is a veiled exploitation.
This study aims to analyze the management of teacher recruitment which focuses on the study proce... more This study aims to analyze the management of teacher recruitment which focuses on the study process and selection material. This research was conducted at SMK Nurul Iman Palembang, as a school known for its quality in the recruitment and development of teachers. This study uses a qualitative method based on descriptive studies, with data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Informants in this study were principals, vice principals, and teachers. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation and verification or drawing conclusions. The results of the study explain that the teacher recruitment process at SMK Nurul Iman Palembang goes through the stages of preparation for teacher recruitment, formation of a teacher recruitment committee, dissemination of recruitment information, acceptance and collection of administration, preparation of selection materials, interviews, and determination of participant graduation. The selection...
Kota Tengah Subdistrict has the highest population density in Gorontalo City, with a population d... more Kota Tengah Subdistrict has the highest population density in Gorontalo City, with a population density of 6,755 people/km2. This high population density requires a large amount of water to meet the needs of the population, where one form of fulfillment is taken from groundwater. For this reason, it is necessary and important to know the characteristics of aquifers. This study aims to determine the characteristics of groundwater aquifers in the Kota Tengah Subdistrict. The method used is the resistivity geoelectric method to obtain aquifer characteristics in the form of material type (lithology), depth, and thickness of the aquifer. Based on the geoelectrical analysis in TS 01 there are 4 layers, namely topsoil, clay sand, sand, and clay; TS 02 contains topsoil, sand, and clay layers; TS 03 contains topsoil, sand, and clay. The study found that the lithology of the near-surface layer in the Kota Tengah subdistrict can be classified into aquifers and aquicludes. The aquifer layer is ...
This article will explain about the integration of Islam and local culture in the architecture of... more This article will explain about the integration of Islam and local culture in the architecture of ancient mosques in Java. The architecture of the ancient mosque to this day is still considered to have a deep meaning. The encounter with local culture and Islam, made Islam transformed into a religion that sees the existing reality. Civilization is in the form of a physical stand firmly in its nuances of locality. Mosques are historical relics for Muslims as evidence that Islamic history has succeeded in bringing civilization to a stop in Java. The mosque is a center for da'wah, education and socio-religious activities. So the establishment of the mosque is not a matter of physical considerations, but metaphysical. The method that the author uses is the historical method. This article only looks at an overview of the architecture of ancient mosques in Java. The content of the discussion describes how Islamic architecture in Java, architectural development, integration of Islam and...
Jurnal Tamaddun : Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam, 2021
This article will describe a work of a prominent historian during the Zengid dynasty under the Se... more This article will describe a work of a prominent historian during the Zengid dynasty under the Seljuk dynasty, namely Ibn al-Athir al-Jazari. The historian who emerged in the late classical Islamic period and towards the middle is a figure who has given birth to monumental works in the field of history, namely Al-Kamil Fi Al-Tarikh and several other books. The focus of this study is to examine the work of Ibn Al-Athir in his Muqaddimah. Which the author will describe by explaining the biography, the work of Ibn Athir and the study of the work of Al-Kamil fi Al-Tarikh. The method that the author uses is the historical historiography method. This article examines more than the historiographical study of Ibn Athir himself. The results of the study show that Al-Kamil fi Al-Tarikh is a monumental work in Islamic history. many meanings can be taken in this great writing of Ibn Athir. Apart from Ulama, he is a historian, so that the nuances of his historical writings are full of Islamic treasures, the motivation to write history and what lessons can be learned behind the historical events that occurred, this is the most important. The point is that history must be written thoroughly, not disjointed, so that it appears that history is always continuous, and is not blackened or obscured, omitted in the periodization of history, write as it is and take its ibrah as a life lesson.
This study aims to explore social relations in Sidorejo Village, Umbulsari District, Jember Rege... more This study aims to explore social relations in Sidorejo Village, Umbulsari District, Jember Regency. Central to this study is the relations and efforts to maintain harmony between Muslims and Christians in Sidorejo Village. The methodology in this study is qualitative methods using historical, religious and social approaches in-depth interview techniques and literature review analysis. The results of this study indicate that social solidarity among the people of Sidorejo in building social relations is very harmonious through several religious and social activities carried out together. Religious leaders and community leaders also participate in building harmony between Muslims and Christians in Sidorejo Village. In conclusion, the Sidorejo people enable to construct harmony and tackle social conflict through mediation before the conflict arises on the surface. Social relations are the key for the people of Sidorejo to build social-based religious harmony, because the goal of build...
Jurnal Intelektualita: Keislaman, Sosial dan Sains, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi sumber daya ma... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi sumber daya manusia pendidik pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri Nurul Ilmi Kabupaten Banyuasin. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara, pengamatan, dan studi dokumen guna menggali informasi, serta kondisi riil lapangan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengembangan sumber daya manusia melalui 9 tahapan yang terdiri dari pengembangan kompetensi pedagogik, profesional, sosial, dan kepribadian.
This research aims to know the prediction of potential for groundwater reserves. The r... more This research aims to know the prediction of potential for groundwater reserves. The research method applies surface geological mapping and subsurface data collection with the 200-span Schlumberger configuration geoelectric method. The stratigraphy of the research area is sorted from old to young, the first is the granodiorite unit, the sandstone unit, and alluvial units are deposited inconsistently. The geological structure working in the research area has a dominant northwest-southeast direction. The direction of. groundwater flow follows the topography of the research area, whicb is flowing from the north to the south, where the elevation of the norlh js higher than the eJevation of the south. The aquifer characteristics in the research area can be divided into two based on the mterpretation of geoelectric inversion, such as shallow aquifer with material in the form of sand and deep aquifer with sand and gr...
Keluarga merupakan kelompok sosial yang pertama dan utama, tempat keluarga berinteraksi secara so... more Keluarga merupakan kelompok sosial yang pertama dan utama, tempat keluarga berinteraksi secara sosial. Pola asuh dalam keluarga memiliki nilai strategis dalam pembentukan kepribadian anak melalui nilai dan norma dari orang tuanya. Pola asuh tersebut bisa berjalan dengan baik mana kala orang tuanya mengasuh secara langsung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan ,(1) pola asuh keluarga pada remaja yang ditinggal merantau orang tua, (2) factor pendukung dan factor penghambat pola asuh keluarga yang ditinggal merantau orang tua. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tehnik pengumpulan data. Semua data dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan cara pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan guna menghasilkan data tentang PolaAsuuh Keluarga pada Remaja yang Ditinggal Merantau Orang Tua, Studikasus: di Desa Sumbermulyo, Kecamatan Winong, Kabupaten Pati Jawa Tengah. Hasil penel...
Work culture is a philosophy as values into the nature, customs, and Work culture was a philosoph... more Work culture is a philosophy as values into the nature, customs, and Work culture was a philosophy as values that became the nature, habits, and the driving force that was owned by every individual in the working environment of an organization. If it was associated with the organization, especially in the Ministry of Religion, the work culture showed how the values of work culture internalized by certain means (vehicle), so that people could feel the excellent service from government organizations of Religion Ministry.
This research is motivated by the assumption that parenting is one of the factors that are very v... more This research is motivated by the assumption that parenting is one of the factors that are very vital for the development of children and is part of the factors that can shape the character of children and make them achieve. The study explored parenting style employed by the parents in order to build the character of a successful child. The qualitative method was used in this study where the data were collected through interview, observation and documentation. The research participants were drawn by using purposive sampling technique. The participants were the parents of the children who frequently achieve the first till fifth rank in one of the elementary schools in east Lampung regency who tend to have many achievements. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis. From the result of data analysis, it was revealed that the parenting style to build the character of a achieving children is (1) Authoritative Parenting and (2) Authoritarian Parentin
This research is motivated because there is a problem that there are many students whose interest... more This research is motivated because there is a problem that there are many students whose interest in learning is lacking, especially for textual learning. Students prefer to learn instantaneously using internet facilities. done by the teacher. Whereas on the other hand, there is a problem of students not daring to express their opinions in class because of the lack of knowledge of the students themselves. This research uses qualitative methods. data using observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis uses qualitative data analysis techniques. The results showed that the implementation of e-books in PAI learning at SMP Negeri 1 Muara Telang ran smoothly because it was supported by communication and interaction factors between individual students and teachers well established, the characteristics of teachers and students who had the ability to use e-books, attitudes and the mindset of the teacher and students to work together towards progress together and the financial sit...
The purpose of this study is to discuss creative economic empowerment policies in supporting tour... more The purpose of this study is to discuss creative economic empowerment policies in supporting tourism potential in Banten Province. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive research approach. The technique of determining the informants in this study was determined based on the purposive sampling technique through data collection techniques through observations, interviews and document searches. Data analysis techniques are carried out continuously during data collection in the field until data collection is completed. This analysis includes several activities, namely reviewing data, grouping data, finding what is important according to the research focus and studying and deciding what to report. The results of the study indicate that the policy of empowering the creative economy in supporting tourism potential is still not fully effective, based on the analysis of the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) approach even though the changes have come from within the communi...
Tihu Village is located on the southern coast of Gorontalo and is included in an area prone to ea... more Tihu Village is located on the southern coast of Gorontalo and is included in an area prone to earthquakes and tsunamis. The impact of the earthquake and tsunami disaster can be in the form of loss of life and material. The losses incurred as a result of a disaster are usually caused by the local community's lack of responsiveness in dealing with an impending disaster. Mitigation efforts are needed in tsunami-prone areas to prevent casualties and material losses. Mitigation efforts can be carried out by socializing the earthquake and tsunami disaster and making tsunami evacuation routes. The programs implemented through this service activity are: 1) survey of potential disasters and identification of disaster-prone zones; 2) manufacture of disaster risk reduction information boards; 3) construction of evacuation route boards and assembly points; 4) Socialization of earthquake and tsunami disaster risk reduction; 5) Installation of evacuation route boards and assembly points.
Nursing and Health Sciences Journal (NHSJ), Apr 1, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on all aspects of life at all ages, especially ... more The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on all aspects of life at all ages, especially adolescents, that require appropriate resolution. This virus causes panic and restrictions imposed by public health authorities in many countries, including travel bans, limiting social gatherings, and closing public schools. This limitation impacts the psychology of adolescents that are prone to emotional and behavioral development. This literature review aims to explore the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on adolescent psychological responses. This study uses a literature review method with article searches conducted on the Pubmed, ScienceDirect, and Scopus electronic databases. There were 686 articles in the search databases Pubmed, ScienceDirect, and Scopus, but only ten articles met all the inclusion criteria and were reviewed. The covid-19 can affect the physical and mental health of a teenager. The prevalence of psychological disorders in adolescents is relatively high There are four psychological symptoms: stress, depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. As nurses, we can teach adolescents simple exercises, including deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and positive self-talk. Nurse has an essential helping them understand their role in society, understand that physical distance is not equal to distance emotional, and identify problems during the pandemic.
Poverty in South Sumatra is very high, so special care must be taken to reduce the problem, inver... more Poverty in South Sumatra is very high, so special care must be taken to reduce the problem, inversely proportional to the high enough zakat potential. The regulation on zakat using the payroll system from the salary of every government employee has been implemented. This regulation has a positive impact on collecting zakat funds in South Sumatra, but the position of zakat in helping the government to reduce poverty in this province needs to be explored further in scientific work, a case study of 100 zakat recipients managed by the national board of zakat (BAZNAS) by analyzing the impact of the distribution of zakat, infaq and shadaqah in reducing poverty based on the CIBEST method. This shows that the distribution of zakat, infaq and shadaqah carried out by BAZNAS can significantly reduce povertythat the provision of zakat funds in the form of venture capital was on target, able to increase the welfare index by 55.84% then the spiritual index increased to 4,026 which was previously ...
SERAMBI: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis Islam, May 1, 2019
This article aims to examine how to review Islamic business ethics and consumer protection laws o... more This article aims to examine how to review Islamic business ethics and consumer protection laws on the brick production process and how to review Islamic business ethics and consumer protection laws on the brick-making process in Nguneng Village, Wonogiri. This research is a type of field research with a qualitative approach, data collection techniques using observation and interviews related to the production process and sales of these brick blocks. Then draw conclusions using Islamic business ethics theories and consumer protection laws. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that 1) The production process of concrete blocks in Nguneng Village, Puhpelem District, Wonogiri Regency is not following Islamic business ethics because it does not meet the principles of Islamic business ethics because it does not pay attention to honesty, balance, free will, responsibility, and virtue in making Concrete brick. Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji bagaimana tinjauan etika bisnis Islam dan undang-undang perlindungan konsumen terhadap proses produksi batako dan bagaimana tinjauan etika bisnis Islam dan undang-undang perlindungan konsumen terhadap proses penjualan batako di Desa Nguneng, Wonogiri. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan interview terkait proses produksi dan penjualan batako tersebut. Kemudian menarik kesimpulkan dengan menggunakan teori-teori etika bisnis Islam dan Undang-undang perlindungan konsumen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa 1) Proses produksi batako di Desa Nguneng Kecamatan Puhpelem Kabupaten Wonogiri belum sesuai dengan etika bisnis Islam karena tidak memenuhi prinsip prinsip etika bisnis Islam, karena kurang memperhatikan kejujuran, keseimbangan, kehendak bebas, tanggung jawab, dan kebajikan dalam pembuatan batako.
Journal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology
North Arm Sulawesi is a triple junction between three convergent plates which results in developm... more North Arm Sulawesi is a triple junction between three convergent plates which results in development of geological structures at all scales, thereby triggering the potential for land motion. Lolak Dam is an infrastructure that functions as a water reservoir which is then channeled for domestic needs. This research aims to identify safety factors of the Lolak Dam slopes where land motion occurs several times. Field data in the form of lithology was carried out by geomechanical testing in the form of specific gravity, cohesion, and internal shear angle. The analysis was carried out on the slopes of the Lolak Dam on the left backrest which is a spillway area. The method used is Bishop with the help of the Slide v.6 Program. Lithological in the research area obtained gray claystone, red claystone, chert slate, sandstone, and basalt. Safety factors result which using the Slide program are 1.517 (Stable) in slope 1, 1,260 (Stable) in slope 2, and 0.745 (unstable) in slope 3.
Jurnal Intelektualita Keislaman Sosial dan Sains, Dec 12, 2019
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi peningkatan mutu layanan perpustakaan di MAN... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi peningkatan mutu layanan perpustakaan di MAN 3 Palembang dan menganalisis karakteristik strategi peningkatan mutu layanan perpustakaan di MAN 3 Palembang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, adapun yang menjadi sumber primer dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 3 orang, yakni kepala perpustakaan, dua orang pengelola perpustakaan. Adapun teknik analisis data menggunakan metode analisis mengunakan Model Miles dan Huberman yang terdiri dari tiga tahapkan yaitu: reduksi data, tampilan data, dan gambar kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, maka untuk strategi peningkatan mutu layanan perpustakaan di MAN 3 Palembang ada lima strategi yang dilakukan, yaitu; Realiabilitas, memberikan layanan perpustakaan sesuai dengan SOP perpustakaan. Daya tangggap, merespon permintaan pemustaka. Jaminan, akses layanan dengan mudah. Empati, pengelola perpustakaan berusaha berpikir untuk bisa memahami kebutuhan pemustaka. Bukti fisik, menata dan merawat sarana prasarana agar suasana nyaman. Ciri dari strategi peningkatan mutu layanan perpustakaan di MAN 3 Palembang, yaitu: Pertama, Fokus dari strategi peningkatan mutu layanan perpustakaan adalah pengembangan koleksi, promosi layanan dan buku baru. Kedua, Keunikan pada program book lover, program promosi, layanan infak buku, dan layanan pendampingan diperuntukkan kepada siswa yang akan mengikuti olimpiade dan perlombaan di luar sekolah. Ketiga, perpustakaan memiliki nama Baitul Hikmah dan sloganslogan yang menarik.
In implementing the works program of the Branch Management of Indonesian Islamic Students Movemen... more In implementing the works program of the Branch Management of Indonesian Islamic Students Movement of Malang Regency, for the sake of a good and interesting event, the owners of power use female activists to become workers. Women activists must carry out tasks that are not in accordance with their job descriptions, get coercion from fellow activists to carry out tasks that they themselves have not yet experienced and only try first, and the most striking is when female activists are not happy if there is a women's development program. The practice of exploitation of these women activists, seen in this article, uses Michel Foucault's body discipline theory. The body's discipline works as a normalization of behavior designed by utilizing the productive and reproductive abilities of the human body. The practice of power through disciplining the body, creates a situation where the individual body can internalize submission and make it look like a normal state. This practice is what Foucault calls the normalization of power over the individual body. Individuals will never feel that they are being used and subjugated because they already consider it to be within reasonable limits. It can also be said that this is a veiled exploitation.
This study aims to analyze the management of teacher recruitment which focuses on the study proce... more This study aims to analyze the management of teacher recruitment which focuses on the study process and selection material. This research was conducted at SMK Nurul Iman Palembang, as a school known for its quality in the recruitment and development of teachers. This study uses a qualitative method based on descriptive studies, with data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Informants in this study were principals, vice principals, and teachers. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation and verification or drawing conclusions. The results of the study explain that the teacher recruitment process at SMK Nurul Iman Palembang goes through the stages of preparation for teacher recruitment, formation of a teacher recruitment committee, dissemination of recruitment information, acceptance and collection of administration, preparation of selection materials, interviews, and determination of participant graduation. The selection...
Kota Tengah Subdistrict has the highest population density in Gorontalo City, with a population d... more Kota Tengah Subdistrict has the highest population density in Gorontalo City, with a population density of 6,755 people/km2. This high population density requires a large amount of water to meet the needs of the population, where one form of fulfillment is taken from groundwater. For this reason, it is necessary and important to know the characteristics of aquifers. This study aims to determine the characteristics of groundwater aquifers in the Kota Tengah Subdistrict. The method used is the resistivity geoelectric method to obtain aquifer characteristics in the form of material type (lithology), depth, and thickness of the aquifer. Based on the geoelectrical analysis in TS 01 there are 4 layers, namely topsoil, clay sand, sand, and clay; TS 02 contains topsoil, sand, and clay layers; TS 03 contains topsoil, sand, and clay. The study found that the lithology of the near-surface layer in the Kota Tengah subdistrict can be classified into aquifers and aquicludes. The aquifer layer is ...
This article will explain about the integration of Islam and local culture in the architecture of... more This article will explain about the integration of Islam and local culture in the architecture of ancient mosques in Java. The architecture of the ancient mosque to this day is still considered to have a deep meaning. The encounter with local culture and Islam, made Islam transformed into a religion that sees the existing reality. Civilization is in the form of a physical stand firmly in its nuances of locality. Mosques are historical relics for Muslims as evidence that Islamic history has succeeded in bringing civilization to a stop in Java. The mosque is a center for da'wah, education and socio-religious activities. So the establishment of the mosque is not a matter of physical considerations, but metaphysical. The method that the author uses is the historical method. This article only looks at an overview of the architecture of ancient mosques in Java. The content of the discussion describes how Islamic architecture in Java, architectural development, integration of Islam and...
Jurnal Tamaddun : Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam, 2021
This article will describe a work of a prominent historian during the Zengid dynasty under the Se... more This article will describe a work of a prominent historian during the Zengid dynasty under the Seljuk dynasty, namely Ibn al-Athir al-Jazari. The historian who emerged in the late classical Islamic period and towards the middle is a figure who has given birth to monumental works in the field of history, namely Al-Kamil Fi Al-Tarikh and several other books. The focus of this study is to examine the work of Ibn Al-Athir in his Muqaddimah. Which the author will describe by explaining the biography, the work of Ibn Athir and the study of the work of Al-Kamil fi Al-Tarikh. The method that the author uses is the historical historiography method. This article examines more than the historiographical study of Ibn Athir himself. The results of the study show that Al-Kamil fi Al-Tarikh is a monumental work in Islamic history. many meanings can be taken in this great writing of Ibn Athir. Apart from Ulama, he is a historian, so that the nuances of his historical writings are full of Islamic treasures, the motivation to write history and what lessons can be learned behind the historical events that occurred, this is the most important. The point is that history must be written thoroughly, not disjointed, so that it appears that history is always continuous, and is not blackened or obscured, omitted in the periodization of history, write as it is and take its ibrah as a life lesson.
This study aims to explore social relations in Sidorejo Village, Umbulsari District, Jember Rege... more This study aims to explore social relations in Sidorejo Village, Umbulsari District, Jember Regency. Central to this study is the relations and efforts to maintain harmony between Muslims and Christians in Sidorejo Village. The methodology in this study is qualitative methods using historical, religious and social approaches in-depth interview techniques and literature review analysis. The results of this study indicate that social solidarity among the people of Sidorejo in building social relations is very harmonious through several religious and social activities carried out together. Religious leaders and community leaders also participate in building harmony between Muslims and Christians in Sidorejo Village. In conclusion, the Sidorejo people enable to construct harmony and tackle social conflict through mediation before the conflict arises on the surface. Social relations are the key for the people of Sidorejo to build social-based religious harmony, because the goal of build...
Jurnal Intelektualita: Keislaman, Sosial dan Sains, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi sumber daya ma... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi sumber daya manusia pendidik pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri Nurul Ilmi Kabupaten Banyuasin. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara, pengamatan, dan studi dokumen guna menggali informasi, serta kondisi riil lapangan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengembangan sumber daya manusia melalui 9 tahapan yang terdiri dari pengembangan kompetensi pedagogik, profesional, sosial, dan kepribadian.
Papers by Ahmad Zainuri