Papers by Ahmad Y Muhammad
Journal of Community Engagement Research for Sustainability
Usaha budidaya lebah kelulut untuk produksi madu di Desa Tanjung Sari, Kabupaten Kepulauan Merant... more Usaha budidaya lebah kelulut untuk produksi madu di Desa Tanjung Sari, Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti, Provinsi Riau, telah diawali pada tahun 2016 lalu yang kemudian terus berkembang hingga saat ini. Dari pengamatan kami terdapat setidaknya tiga permasalahan utama yang dihadapi para pemelihara koloni lebah kelulut di desa ini, yaitu kehilangan koloni, produksi madu yang rendah, dan kendala dalam pemasaran. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mendorong dan membantu masyarakat memecahkan masalah-masalah ini. Dari bulan Maret s/d Agustus 2021 kami telah bekerjasana dengan masyarakat setempat dalam upaya mencari jalan keluar dari permasalahan-permasalahan ini. Kehilangan koloni akibat pergi dan/atau matinya koloni antara lain dipicu oleh kurang optimalnya kondisi pemeliharaan. Hal ini sekaligus dipercaya menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab rendahnya produksi madu. Solusi terhadap hal ini adalah peningkatan kualitas pemeliharaan koloni, antara lain dengan meningkatkan penaungan dan proteksi dari h...
Cureus, 2022
Introduction Worldwide, there are more than 424 million confirmed cases of COVID-19. Most of the ... more Introduction Worldwide, there are more than 424 million confirmed cases of COVID-19. Most of the hospitalized critical COVID-19 patients manifested neurological signs and symptoms and higher mortality. The majority of COVID-19 fatalities occurred mostly in patients with advanced age and underlying medical comorbidities. This is the first local retrospective study in Qatar, which reported neurologic manifestations (48.5%) of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate acute neurological manifestations in COVID-19 hospitalized patients in the country. Methods This is a retrospective, observational study of 413 hospitalized COVID-19 patients. They were admitted to three different COVID-19 designated hospitals (Hazm Mebaireek, Ras Laffan, and Cuban tertiary care Hospitals) under the Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar from 1st January 2020, to 31 January 2021. We evaluated electronic medical records of these patients and data were collected while their neurological manifestations were confirmed by two trained neurologists. These neurologic manifestations were categorized into three major groups: central nervous system (CNS), peripheral nervous system (PNS), and neuromuscular system. Results Of 413 patients, 94% (389) were male and 6% (24) were female; the mean age was 52 years. Among all different nationalities of COVID-19 patients, 20.3% (84) were Indian, 12.5% (52) were Bangladeshi, 10.1% (42) were Qatari and 9.2% (38) were Nepali. The most common symptoms at the onset of COVID-19 illness were as follows: 77.5% (321) had a fever, 67.4% (279) experienced cough, 58.7% (243) experienced shortness of breath and 26.1% (108) developed a sore throat. Overall 48.5% (201) patients developed different neurologic manifestations. The most common neurologic symptoms were myalgia (28%; 116), headache (10.4%; 43), dizziness (5.8%; 24) and hemiparesis due to strokes (5.3%; 22). In this study, the most common risk factors were hypertension (47.6%), diabetes (46.9%), obesity (21%), chronic kidney disease (10%), ischemic heart disease (9.7%), and smoking (6.8%). About 45.2% (187) patients were admitted to MICU and 8.5% (35) died due to COVID-19 complications. Significant other extrapulmonary multiorgan system involvement were skeletal muscle injury (39.4%), kidney injury (36.7%), liver injury (27.5%), myocardial injury (23.9%), rhabdomyolysis (15.7%) heart failure (11.4%) and acute pancreatitis (11.1%). Discussion The most common neurologic signs and symptoms were myalgia, headache, dizziness, and strokes, mainly due to large vessel thrombosis, lacunar, and posterior circulation strokes. Conclusions Patients with COVID-19 are at high risk of developing neurological manifestations. The most common COVID-19-related acute neurological manifestations were myalgia, headache, dizziness, and acute ischemic stroke. Prompt recognition, early diagnosis, and appropriate management of these manifestations could potentially lead to better patient outcomes in COVID-19 patients. Categories: Internal Medicine, Neurology Keywords: intensive care unit-acquired weakness (icu-aw), creatine kinase (ck), acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (adem), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ards), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2), coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) 1, 2 1, 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 Open Access Original Article
Case Reports in Neurology, 2020
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a viral illness, caused by the novel severe acute respirat... more Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a viral illness, caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). It is currently affecting millions of people worldwide and is associated with coagulopathy, both in the venous and arterial systems. The proposed mechanism being excessive inflammation, platelet activation, endothelial dysfunction, and stasis. As an ongoing pandemic declared by WHO in March 2020, health systems worldwide are experiencing significant challenges with COVID-19-related complications. It has been noticed that patients with COVID-19 are at greater risk of thrombosis.
The Professional Medical Journal, 2010
Objective: To share the experience of tissue expansion. Study Design: Descriptive. Duration: June... more Objective: To share the experience of tissue expansion. Study Design: Descriptive. Duration: June 2005 to May 2009. Setting: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Rawalpindi. Inclusion Criteria: Patients of all ages and sex undergoing tissue expansion. Exclusion Criteria: Patients having acute injuries, burns and defects which were closed primarily. Patients undergoing primarily flap surgery. Materials and Methods: The shape and size of the tissue expander was chosen according to the deformity and expected wound geometry. All the surgerieswere performed under general anaesthesia. Drains were removed after 48 – 72 hours. Slightly filled (20 – 50ml) tissue expanders were used. Tissue expansion was started after 7 – 12 days and were filled twice weekly. Results: Total 19 patients (12 males & 7 females) were included in the study. The mean age in males was 32.9 years (range 13 – 44 years) and 21.1 years (range 19 – 36 years) in females. The differentdeformities included contractures 31.6%, Postbur...
PloS one, 2017
Fire has become a common feature in tropical drained peatlands, and it may have detrimental impac... more Fire has become a common feature in tropical drained peatlands, and it may have detrimental impacts on the overall biodiversity of the forest ecosystem. We investigated the effect of fire on termite and ant assemblages and the importance of remnant forest in restoring species diversity in fire-impacted tropical peat swamp forests. The species loss of both termites and ants was as high as 50% in some fire-impacted peats compared to remnant forests, but in most cases the species richness for termites and ants was statistically equal along the land uses surveyed. However, a pronounced difference in functional group composition of termites was detected. In particular, sites close to remnant forests contained two additional termite feeding groups so that they shared a similar composition structure with remnant forests but were significantly different from sites distant from remnant forests. In general, ants were resilient to fire, and the similarity index showed a high degree of similari...
Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies G Coe Series, 2012
2008). Giam Siak Kecil and Bukit Batu are unique areas in Riau, Sumatra, Indonesia, which has bee... more 2008). Giam Siak Kecil and Bukit Batu are unique areas in Riau, Sumatra, Indonesia, which has been declared as a "Biosphere Reserve" by UNESCO in 2009. This Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve (GSK-BB) has an area of 1,787 km 2 and embraces different land use types on the vast tropical landscape which is dominated by peat land. The reserve is divided into three zones, i.e. Core Area, Buffer Zone and Transition Area (Figure 1). The major part of Core Area is two wildlife reserves that are managed by the Indonesian Forest Department, namely Giam Siak Kecil Wildlife Reserve and Bukit Batu Wildlife Reserve. The other part of the Core Area is protected area ("Kawasan Lindung") of surrounding industrial tree plantation ("Hutan Tanaman Industri" or "HTI"). The Buffer Zone is mostly managed by four industrial tree plantations under Sinar Mas Forestry. Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus pellita are planted in the Giam Siak Kecil area and Acacia crassicarpa are planted in the Bukit Batu area to supply timber for pulp and paper production by Asia Pulp and Paper. The outmost Transition Area is mostly owned and managed by smallholders as small-scale plantations of oil palm and rubber and for other agricultural purposes. In this study, we aim to assess and evaluate the status of the species composition of mammals and birds in the different land use types on the peat land in Bukit Batu area of GSK-BB. Mammals and birds are faunal groups commonly used as "flag species" for forest management and conservation (Jonsson and Villard 2009; Roberge and Angelstam 2009). Study area Bukit Batu area is northeastern part of GSK-BB. This area is located by the Strait of Malacca, in Bengkalis Regency of Riau Province, Indonesia (Figure 2). The area is about 800 km 2. The climate of the area belongs to the Zone D (Oldeman et al. in Whitten et al. 2000), which has three to four consecutive wet months and two to six consecutive dry months. The average annual rainfall in Bukit Batu is about 2000 mm (the average during the last 5 years was 2018.2 mm); the minimum air temperature ranges 23-24 ºC and the maximum level ranges 31-33 ºC, while the air humidity is always beyond 80% (PT. BBHA 2011, unpulished data). The major land use types in this area during the study period (2010-2011) are (1) natural peat swamp forest in Core Area, comprising Bukit Batu Wildlife Reserve and the protected areas within surrounding industrial tree plantations (HTI), (2) planted acacia forest in two industrial tree plantations in Buffer Zone, namely PT. Bukit Batu Hutani Alam (BBHA) and PT. Sakato Pratama Makmur (SPM), and (3) agriculture area in Transition Zone. The natural peat swamp forests in Core Area are in both unlogged and logged conditions, but partly include sparse bush or grassland and rubber stands planted along lower stream of the Bukit Batu River. The Bukit Batu Wildlife Reserve was gazetted in 1986 172 Lonchura maja 1 Notes: *1 Industrial tree plantation *2 Observations out from survey effort listed; these includes camera-trapping and accidental encounter
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengamplifikasikan gen transkriptase berbalik (RT) endogenus retrovir... more Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengamplifikasikan gen transkriptase berbalik (RT) endogenus retrovirus daripada ikan marin Sabah menggunakan teknik Tindakbalas Berantai Polimerase (PCR). Sejumlah 15 ekor ikan marin Sabah yang berlainan spesis telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Daripada 15 sampel ikan ini, sebanyak sepuluh sampel ikan telah menunjukkan keputusan yang positif bagi pengekstrakan genomik DNA dengan menunjukkan saiz genomik yang dikehendaki iaitu melebihi 23 000 pasangan bes. Sepuluh sampel yang menunjukkan keputusan positif ini kemudiannya dijalankan Tindakbalas Berantai Polimerase (PCR) yang bertujuan untuk mengamplifikasikan gen transkriptase berbalik dengan penggunaan dua primer universal iaitu PRO (protease) dan RT (transkriptase berbalik) dengan purata kepekatan DNA adalah 124ng/µl. Sebanyak satu sampel telah memberikan keputusan yang positif dengan memberikan produk peR pada saiz yang di kehendaki iaitu 700 pasangan bes. Sampel yang positif ini kemudiannya dipotong daripada gel agarose dan dipurifikasikan daripada gel. Apabila sampel ini dianalisa dengan gel elektroforesis untuk kali kedua, didapati bahawa tiada jalur DNA yang dapat di kesan pada saiz yang dikehendaki. Difahami bahawa kegagalan untuk mendapatkan hasil PCR bagi gen transkriptase berbalik ini adalah disebabkan bilangan salinan endogenus retrovirus yang rendah pada ikan marin Sabah.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Bidang Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Aug 14, 2014
The island of Sumatra harbors a few large ungulates, including the endangered Asian tapir, Tapiru... more The island of Sumatra harbors a few large ungulates, including the endangered Asian tapir, Tapirus indicus, whose population is believed dwindling due to habitat loss and fragmentations. Recent surveys indicated that the species occurs in a wide range of habitats which are strongly affiliated to natural forests. In Riau Province, Rimbang-Baling Wildlife Reserve is one of the remaining pockets of tapir population. We have conducted a preliminary assessment of tapir population in this reserve using camera traps. We operated 20 camera-traps in 20 systematically grids. From 1,710 effective trap nights, 304 images of tapir with 71 independent images were obtained, which were identified as 14 individuals. Based on the best models developed in DENSITY Program Version 4.4, we estimated that there were 7.60 ± 2.40 (D±SE)tapir individuals/100 km 2 in the surveyed area. Our study provided the first density estimate of this endangered speciesin Sumatra using Spatial Explicit Capture-Recapture method. The findings indicate that Rimbang Baling is an important area that should be protected more effectively if the Asian tapirs want to be conserved for the long term.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Bidang Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Jul 2, 2014
Mud lobsters (Thalassina) are one of the most common macrofauna in mangrove ecosystems, especiall... more Mud lobsters (Thalassina) are one of the most common macrofauna in mangrove ecosystems, especially in the Indo-Pacific region. The presence of this fauna is typically marked by mud mounds that are hardly overseen in its habitats, as a result of its bioturbation activities. This study, which focused on Bukit Batu coastal area in Riau Province, aimed to identify the occurring species in the area, describe the distribution and abundance patterns along the sea-inland gradient, and identify critical factors affecting the patterns. Observations were carried out in the focal area from September to November 2013 along four 1100 m-long transects, on each of which 10 quadratic plots of 10 m x 10 m were established in 100-m interval. The observed parameters were the characteristics of vegetation cover, soil BD, groundwater level, groundwater salinity and pH, beside number of “active” mounds. At least two species of mud lobsters were countered, T. anomala and T. spinosa. Mud lobster mounds were totally absent at a distance of 0 and 100 m from lowest-tide line, while most abundant at a distance of 200 m, with 9.4 mounds/m2. The abundance decreased sharply following the increasing distance toward inland, which was down to 0.09 mounds/m2 at 1100 m. Mounds were more evenly distributed toward the sea, while increasingly random as their density decreased. Groundwater salinity was the most critical affecting mound distribution and abundance.
Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam, 2015
This article discusses the theme of Sufism, modernity, and the relationship between the two. This... more This article discusses the theme of Sufism, modernity, and the relationship between the two. This study concludes that according to Mah} mûd, Sufism can deliver the people towards the true knowledge. In order to obtain this knowledge, the method of ittibâ' to al-Qur"ân and Sunnah is used. The method is implemented through purification of the soul. This method differs from the two methods used in modernity, namely the Cartesian philosophical method and Baconian observation method. The last two methods are only able to produce empirical-rational knowledge. According to Mah} mûd, both methods are only appropriate when used in the context of physical science, not of metaphysics and moral issues. The last two issues are more appropriate when viewed from the perspective of Sufism, which is guided by revelation. Mah} mûd argued that the relationship between Sufism and modernity is a complementary relationship, in which each of the two aspects is a complementary entity to another. It means that modernity will be spiritually empty without Sufism on one hand and Sufism will also be more meaningful when supported by modern science on the other.
Ecological Research, 2015
Peatlands have experienced large scale changes due to extensive deforestation for logging, conver... more Peatlands have experienced large scale changes due to extensive deforestation for logging, conversion to agro-industrial plantations, and frequent peat fires. The adverse effects of peat fires can lead to long-term impacts on invertebrate biodiversity in the peatland ecosystem. Although the impact of fire on termite diversity in tropical grasslands and savannas has been the focus of increased attention in recent years, little is known about the effects of peat fires on termite assemblages. In this review, we present available information about the impact of human use of peatlands on termite assemblages in the Indo-Malayan region. By synthesizing the currently available studies conducted in temperate and tropical savanna systems, we highlight the need for studies of the relationship between termites and fire-impacted tropical peatlands. We consider the ecological and biological scenarios in fire-impacted peatland that are likely to shape termite assemblages, and we discuss traits of the surviving genera (i.e., Coptotermes, Schedorhinotermes, and Parrhinotermes) that may contribute to their success in the harsh post-fire peatland environment (e.g., colony fusion, colony breeding structure, subsidiary nests, and colony migration). Knowledge of these strategies is crucial for understanding the evolutionary adaptation process of termites. This review also aims to stimulate further research in using termite ecosystem services to restore the fertility of degraded fire-impacted peatlands.
BMC Public Health, 2015
Background: Despite advanced smoking prevention and cessation policies in many countries, the pre... more Background: Despite advanced smoking prevention and cessation policies in many countries, the prevalence of cigarette smoking among indigenous and some ethnic minorities continues to be high. This study examined the stages of change (SOC) of the readiness to quit smoking among Arab men in Israel shortly after new regulations of free-of-charge smoking cessation workshops and subsidized medications were introduced through primary health care clinics. Methods: We conducted a countrywide study in Israel between 2012-2013. Participants, 735 current smokers; 18-64 years old; were recruited from a stratified random sample and interviewed face-to-face using a structured questionnaire in Arabic. We used ordered regression to examine the contribution of socioeconomic position (SEP), health status, psychosocial attributes, smoking-related factors, and physician advice to the SOC of the readiness to quit smoking (pre-contemplation, contemplation and preparation). Results: Of the current smokers, 61.8 % were at the pre-contemplation stage, 23.8 % were at the contemplation stage, and only 14.4 % were at the preparation stage. In the multinomial analysis, factors significantly (P < 0.05) contributing to contemplation stage compared to pre-contemplation stage included [odds ratio (OR), 95 % confidence interval (CI)]: chronic morbidity [0.52, (0.31-0.88)], social support [1.35, (1.07-1.70)], duration of smoking for 11-21 years [1.94, (1.07-3.50)], three or more previous attempts to quit [2.27, (1.26-4.01)], knowledge about smoking hazards [1.75, (1.29-2.35)], positive attitudes toward smoking prevention [1.44, (1.14-1.82)], and physician advice to quit smoking [1.88, (1.19-2.97)]. The factors significantly (P < 0.05) contributing to preparation stage compared to pre-contemplation stage were [OR, (95 % CI)]: chronic morbidity [0.36, (0.20-0.67)], anxiety [1.07, (1.01-1.13)], social support [1.34, (1.01-1.78)], duration of smoking 5 years or less [2.93, (1.14-7.52)], three or more previous attempts to quit [3.16, (1.60-6.26)], knowledge about smoking hazards [1.57, (1.10-2.21)], and positive attitudes toward smoking prevention [1.34, (1.00-1.82)]. Conclusions: Most Arab men who currently smoke are in the pre-contemplation stage, indicating low readiness to quit smoking. New policies of free-of-charge smoking-cessation group sessions and subsidized medications introduced through primary health care clinics in Israel may be less effective among Arab men. For these policies to promote cessation more successfully, tailored interventions and campaigns may be needed to increase the readiness to quit smoking in this population, especially for those at the pre-contemplation stage.
Every semester, the final examination results of several courses may record a high percentage of ... more Every semester, the final examination results of several courses may record a high percentage of failure. Several contributing factors which may cause this phenomenon include student attributes, test item construction, and teaching approach. The purpose of this study is to look at test item construction variables which may lead to low performance. As the Key Performance Indicator (KPI), the university (UiTM) has stipulated that all courses should attain below 25% failure rate. Based on this criterion, courses which registered 25% and above failure rate were selected. Utilising a specially designed tool, the respective final examination papers were analysed based on two indicators: (1) mapping of examination papers with course learning outcomes, and (2) construction of quality items which are valid, reliable, fair and consistent. The analyses revealed several disparities that showed non-alignment between the final examination papers and the respective curriculum documents. In additio...
Life Science Journal
Hepatitis C is highly prevalent in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Pakistan. Combination therapies of In... more Hepatitis C is highly prevalent in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Pakistan. Combination therapies of Interferon or Pegylated Interferon in combination with ribavirin are currently being used as antiviral options. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the response rate of combination therapy among patients infected with HCV 3a in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. A total of 50 patients (29 male and 21 female) belonging to different regions of KPK were enrolled for the study. All the patients were chronically infected with HCV 3a with elevated LFTs. Out of the total 50 patients, 30 (60%) showed ETR and 20 (40%) were Non Responders (NR). Follow up study indicated that all individuals with ETR developed a sustained virological response (SVR). Early virological response was observed only in 2 patients infected with HCV 3a. The response rate (60%) of combination therapy against HCV 3a infected patients of KPK and FATA is comparatively lower than earlier estimates. Our study supports the clinica...
OPEC Review, 2004
... projects in Nigeria Olusegun Omole, TA Borisade and ... The authors are all from the Departme... more ... projects in Nigeria Olusegun Omole, TA Borisade and ... The authors are all from the Department of Petroleum Engineering at University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Olusegun Omole is Petroleum Technology Development Fund Chair in Petroleum Engineering, at the University. ...
Papers by Ahmad Y Muhammad