Dark jokes are jokes that are very common among students, and sometimes these dark jokes are carr... more Dark jokes are jokes that are very common among students, and sometimes these dark jokes are carried out in an exaggerated way so that they will offend other people. Furthermore, there is a moral crisis perspective on students who bring these dark jokes when they exceed the limit for just joking. This study used a qualitative descriptive method at the State Islamic University of KH. Abdurrahman Wahid. The results of this study are that most students who carry dark jokes do not have sufficient education, then there is an assumption that it is only a joke that does not need to be taken seriously, which is attached to most students, then the influence of this dark jokes style of speech often arises because of the lack of student religious education. Moreover, the existence of symbolic violence caused by excess when conveying dark jokes is typically ignored by students who convey these dark jokes which makes the dark jokes style of speech affect morale among students.
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis uin jakarta, Sep 28, 2020
This study aims to examine the effect of education level, motivation to pay taxes, law enforcemen... more This study aims to examine the effect of education level, motivation to pay taxes, law enforcement and religiosity on tax morals and their impact on individual taxpayer compliance. The population taken in this study is individual taxpayers who work, while individual taxpayers who work in the Jakarta area are the samples. Based on the Convenience sampling method, the total sample of the study was 205 samples. Testing the hypothesis used in this study using Structural Equation Model analysis with the help of Amos software. Based on the results of Structural Equation Model analysis, the results of this study indicate that the level of education, motivation to pay taxes, law enforcement and religiosity significantly influence tax morale and compliance of individual taxpayers
NIM : I 22111022 PROGRAM STUDI FARMASI FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS TANJUNGPURA PONTIANAK 2016... more NIM : I 22111022 PROGRAM STUDI FARMASI FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS TANJUNGPURA PONTIANAK 2016 UJI EFEK PENYEMBUHAN LUKA SAYAT EMULSI FASE MINYAK EKSTRAK IKAN GABUS (Channa striata) PADA TIKUS JANTAN WISTAR SECARA ORAL ABSTRAK Ikan gabus (Channa striata) telah terbukti memiliki aktivitas penyembuhan luka sayat. Ikan gabus (Channa striata) memiliki kandungan asam lemak Omega 3 dan Omega 6 yang dapat mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka sayat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek penyembuhan luka sayat dan dosis optimal dari emulsi fase minyak ekstrak ikan gabus yang diberikan secara oral. Tikus jantan Wistar yang telah dilukai pada area punggung sepanjang 2 cm dengan kedalaman 2 mm dan diberikan emulsi fase minyak ekstrak ikan gabus selama 10 hari. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap hari dengan pengabilan foto pada hari ke 1;2;4;6;8 dan 10. Luas area luka diukur dengan bantuan program Macbiophotonic image J. Analisis statistik digunakan program SPSS for Windows 17.0 menggunakan ...
Juvenile delinquency nowaday become a special concern for all elements of society, parents, teach... more Juvenile delinquency nowaday become a special concern for all elements of society, parents, teacher, nor government. Lack of control affect to the emergence of contradict actions against religious values and norm, law, and also social. The lack of experience and knowledge in adolescent self, especially to religious issues make children (adolescent) is easy to fall into behavior and actions that conflict with religous values and norms. The purpose of this research is to describe the teacher’s effort when engraft Aqidah values to overcome the juvenille delinquency and also the implementation constraints on Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School of Kudus. The location of this research is Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School of Kudus and the object of his study is the boarding school and the teacher concerned on related activities with the implementation of aqidah values at Muhammadiyah Islamic School of Kudus. The subject of this research is “what efforts will Aqidah teacher do when engr...
Ikan gabus ( Channa striata ) telah terbukti memiliki aktivitas penyembuhan luka sayat. Ikan gabu... more Ikan gabus ( Channa striata ) telah terbukti memiliki aktivitas penyembuhan luka sayat. Ikan gabus ( Channa striata ) memiliki kandungan asam lemak Omega 3 dan Omega 6 yang dapat mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka sayat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek penyembuhan luka sayat dan dosis optimal dari emulsi fase minyak ekstrak ikan gabus yang diberikan secara oral. Tikus jantan Wistar yang telah dilukai pada area punggung sepanjang 2 cm dengan kedalaman 2 mm dan diberikan emulsi fase minyak ekstrak ikan gabus selama 10 hari. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap hari dengan pengabilan foto pada hari ke 1;2;4;6;8 dan 10. Luas area luka diukur dengan bantuan program Macbiophotonic image J. Analisis statistik digunakan program SPSS for Windows 17.0 menggunakan One Way ANOVA dan Post hoc Test-LSD . Berdasarkan uji statistik yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan emulsi fase minyak ekstrak ikan gabus memiliki aktivitas penyembuhan luka, dimana seluruh kelompok variasi dosis berbeda secara s...
Soil treatment for rice plants must be prepared two months before planting. Soil processing is in... more Soil treatment for rice plants must be prepared two months before planting. Soil processing is intended to create better physical, chemical, and biological conditions of the soil to a certain depth to be suitable for plant growth. The study was conducted in the cimencrang paddy field with field observations and farmers' methods. The land preparation activity is divided into two stages, namely the first land preparation and the second land preparation. First processing, cut the soil and turn it over. Processing the second land, destroying the lumps produced from the first treatment. There are two things that can be analyzed from observations including economic analysis and tractor efficiency. Economic analysis includes costs incurred to process land taking into account the operational time required. The tractor efficiency is assessed from the use of the tractor in processing the land and the type of tractor used. Keywords:
Ketersediaan air tanah di beberapa kawasan hunian dan tempat tinggal mengalami penurunan setiap t... more Ketersediaan air tanah di beberapa kawasan hunian dan tempat tinggal mengalami penurunan setiap tahunnya, Seiring dengan banyaknya jumlah penduduk ini berpengaruh pada tingkat jumlah limbah cair terbuang, baik digunakan setelah digunakan mandi, maupun saat mencuci baju atau peralatan rumah tangga lainnya. Meningkatnya jumlah akan pembuangan limbah cair ini tidak diimbangi dengan kualitas dan kuantitas pengolahan air limbah, hal ini di buktikan dengan kasus-kasus pencemaran air yang terjadi di Indonesia. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut diatas dibuat suatu rancangan pengolahan air limbah rumah tangga menggunakan sistem Elektrokoagulasi. Elektrokoagulasi adalah proses penggumpalan dan pengendapan pertikel halus yang terkandung pada air dengan menggunakan energi listrik. Proses ini dapat mengurangi kandungan supaya limbah air rumah tangga jika dibuang tidak mencemari lingkungan dan output dari hasil ini sesuai standarisasi limbah cair. Dari hasil pengujian Proses Elektrokoagulasi ini diper...
The study was conducted at a branch of Bank Mestika lord Tambusai Pekanbaru and aims to determine... more The study was conducted at a branch of Bank Mestika lord Tambusai Pekanbaru and aims to determine the effect of motivation and organizational culture on employee performance Mestika Bank branch lord Tambusai Pekanbaru. The study population was all employees totaling 45 people. Sampling transactions are carried out with models census. The variables used in this study is motivation and organizational culture as an independent variable, and performance as the dependent variable. Data analysis method used is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS tools 17 for windows. The research concludes that the motivation and organizational culture have a significant effect on the performance simultaneously. Partially, the motivation has no significant effect on performance. While organizational culture positive and significant effect on employee performance. Cultural organizations provide a stronger influence on performance than the influence of motuivas...
International Journal of Applied Business and International Management, 2017
International Marketing is a kind of activity business which can improve relationship between eac... more International Marketing is a kind of activity business which can improve relationship between each country. Besides, international marketing also useful to fulfill of needed in each country by exporting or importing typical goods from each country and expand the market for Indonesia. CV Cahaya Mustika is a company which is trying to export a local product from Indonesia which is a Sofa made from used drum. According to company condition right now, CV Cahaya Mustika isn’t readiness to enter the international marketing because of the financial burden. So, with Nusantara Project that give a solution and idea for joining the international marketing, CV Cahaya Mustika have a potential to joining the International Marketing. Nusantara Project also selection a country that which country have a high demand of goods sold from Company based on the data and Nusantara project gave an information of which fright forwarder that have a low prices and high trust for exporting goods. So, with the co...
This work describes an innovative application of Integrated Asset Model (IAM) implemented for Mex... more This work describes an innovative application of Integrated Asset Model (IAM) implemented for Mexico Area-1, aiming to simulate the whole asset development. The context of application is strongly complex, since the asset is composed of five reservoirs, connected to the same Floating Production Storage and Offloading unit (FPSO). The reservoirs are separated and different in terms of structure, initial pressure regimes and characteristics of oil. A cross-platform model of the whole Area-1, has been developed in order to implement simulation constraints from asset to well level in a unique tool. Moreover, an innovative process was defined to increase the accuracy of the IAM, improving the control of the wells equipped with electrical submersible pumps (ESP), through the honouring of the ESP working conditions. Reservoir models include actually dedicated instructions to monitor and handle wells production according to gas-liquid ratio (GLR) at the ESP intake. This allows to operate the...
Diskominfo Jatim merupakan instansi pemerintahan yang memiliki tugas untuk meningkatkan layanan i... more Diskominfo Jatim merupakan instansi pemerintahan yang memiliki tugas untuk meningkatkan layanan informasi dan teknologi bagi masyarakat Jawa Timur. Dalam pelaksanaan tugas tersebut, Diskominfo Jatim mempunyai beberapa unit kerja, salah satunya adalah Bidang Aplikasi dan Informatika (Aptika). Unit kerja Aptika memiliki tugas untuk merencanakan, menyiapkan bahan pelaksanaan dan mengkoordinasikan e-Government dan pemberdayaan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK), Pengembangan Aplikasi serta Persandian dan Keamanan Informasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun perencanaan strategis sistem informasi agar penggunaan sistem informasi dapat mendukung pencapaain visi, misi, dan tujuan Diskokinfo Jatim. Perencanaan strategis sistem informasi menggunakan model Ward & Peppard yang didukung dengan analisis SWOT dan matriks McFarlan. Hasil penelitian akan memberikan rekomendasi strategi bisnis SI, strategi manajemen SI, dan roadmap pengembangan sistem informasi sebagai salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan kepada masyarakat sesuai visi, misi dan tujuan organisasi. DOI : https://doi.org/10.33005/sibc.v12i1.1585
The objective of this work is the prediction of water salinity evolution trend for Mexico Area-1 ... more The objective of this work is the prediction of water salinity evolution trend for Mexico Area-1 development that foresees the injection of a mixture of seawater and produced water from the six different reservoirs connected to the same FPSO. Prediction of salinity trend evolution is crucial for forecasting possible biogenic hydrogen sulphide (H2S) formation and foreseeing the relating impacts over completion and facility material selection and on health, safety and environment (HSE) management. Traditional numerical simulations through stand-alone models do not consider the effects of the reciprocal interaction among the fields on production profiles and are not able to simulate salinity evolution of produced and injected water mixture, variable over time. To overcome this limit, a new tool was developed. It consists in a python script that, introduced into the Area-1 Integrated Asset Model, allowed to generate forecasts of the water salinity along the project lifetime. These simul...
This article develops a theory of European power as ‘governmentality’, with a particular referenc... more This article develops a theory of European power as ‘governmentality’, with a particular reference to European Union (EU)’s engagement of civil society in Indonesia through a package of “civil society strengthening programs”. In contrast to some arguments of ‘normative power’ or ‘civilian power’ in the European Union, that put emphasis on EU’s normative framework in explaining EU’s diplomatic engagements in world politics, this article argues that European Union’s global outreach is best seen as the politics of governmentality, which comprises the spread of norms to the “global south” through various developmental strategies in order to form particular subjectivities based on European Union’s “normative framework”. This argument will be applied to empirically explain the role of EU’s engagement of civil society in Indonesia. To substantiate the argument, this article will analyse (1) the debate on recent theorisation of “European power” in EU and International Relations studies, wit...
Reduction of nickel laterite to form Nickel Pig Iron has turned into one of a breakthrough in fac... more Reduction of nickel laterite to form Nickel Pig Iron has turned into one of a breakthrough in facing the scarcity of sulfide ore. In this study, the effect of using different reducing agent and different type of nickel laterite to produce Nickel Pig Iron was investigated.The nickel laterite, saprolite and limonite were reduced by antrachite coal, lamtoro charcoal, coconout shell charcoal, and carbon riser, under the temperature ranged from 800to 1000⁰C. The higher the temperature, and the longer it was kept at high temperature, the more complete the reduction process. According to some analysis, the saprolite gives more Ni content than limonite. The X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRD) analysis has indicated that the type of carbon used in the process greatly influences the nickel laterite rate of reduction. Also, biomass as reducing agent gives an almost similar reactivity as coal-based reducing agent. It means biomass reducing agent can be classified as a good reducing agent in the reduction process.
Akuntabilita pengelolaan keuangan desa merupakan hal yang sangat penting yang harus dilakukan ole... more Akuntabilita pengelolaan keuangan desa merupakan hal yang sangat penting yang harus dilakukan oleh pemerintah Desa Alam Panjang. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui transparansi pengelolaan keuangan Desa di Desa Alam panajang Kabupaten Kampar dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana akuntabilitas pengelolaan alokasi dana desa di Desa Alam Panjang Kecamatn Rumbio Jaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori konsep Good Governance, Reformasi Birokrasi, Keuangan Desa, Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa, Transparansi serta konsep Islam tentang Transparansi Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa, Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Desa Alam panjang telah mekaksanakan akuntabilitas pengelolaan alokasi Dana Desa serta melaporkan kepada masyarakat mengenai laporan pertanggungjawaban pengelolaan keuangan desa tersebut, adapun faktor penghambat transparansi pengelolaan keuangan desa di desa Alam pan...
Dark jokes are jokes that are very common among students, and sometimes these dark jokes are carr... more Dark jokes are jokes that are very common among students, and sometimes these dark jokes are carried out in an exaggerated way so that they will offend other people. Furthermore, there is a moral crisis perspective on students who bring these dark jokes when they exceed the limit for just joking. This study used a qualitative descriptive method at the State Islamic University of KH. Abdurrahman Wahid. The results of this study are that most students who carry dark jokes do not have sufficient education, then there is an assumption that it is only a joke that does not need to be taken seriously, which is attached to most students, then the influence of this dark jokes style of speech often arises because of the lack of student religious education. Moreover, the existence of symbolic violence caused by excess when conveying dark jokes is typically ignored by students who convey these dark jokes which makes the dark jokes style of speech affect morale among students.
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis uin jakarta, Sep 28, 2020
This study aims to examine the effect of education level, motivation to pay taxes, law enforcemen... more This study aims to examine the effect of education level, motivation to pay taxes, law enforcement and religiosity on tax morals and their impact on individual taxpayer compliance. The population taken in this study is individual taxpayers who work, while individual taxpayers who work in the Jakarta area are the samples. Based on the Convenience sampling method, the total sample of the study was 205 samples. Testing the hypothesis used in this study using Structural Equation Model analysis with the help of Amos software. Based on the results of Structural Equation Model analysis, the results of this study indicate that the level of education, motivation to pay taxes, law enforcement and religiosity significantly influence tax morale and compliance of individual taxpayers
NIM : I 22111022 PROGRAM STUDI FARMASI FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS TANJUNGPURA PONTIANAK 2016... more NIM : I 22111022 PROGRAM STUDI FARMASI FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS TANJUNGPURA PONTIANAK 2016 UJI EFEK PENYEMBUHAN LUKA SAYAT EMULSI FASE MINYAK EKSTRAK IKAN GABUS (Channa striata) PADA TIKUS JANTAN WISTAR SECARA ORAL ABSTRAK Ikan gabus (Channa striata) telah terbukti memiliki aktivitas penyembuhan luka sayat. Ikan gabus (Channa striata) memiliki kandungan asam lemak Omega 3 dan Omega 6 yang dapat mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka sayat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek penyembuhan luka sayat dan dosis optimal dari emulsi fase minyak ekstrak ikan gabus yang diberikan secara oral. Tikus jantan Wistar yang telah dilukai pada area punggung sepanjang 2 cm dengan kedalaman 2 mm dan diberikan emulsi fase minyak ekstrak ikan gabus selama 10 hari. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap hari dengan pengabilan foto pada hari ke 1;2;4;6;8 dan 10. Luas area luka diukur dengan bantuan program Macbiophotonic image J. Analisis statistik digunakan program SPSS for Windows 17.0 menggunakan ...
Juvenile delinquency nowaday become a special concern for all elements of society, parents, teach... more Juvenile delinquency nowaday become a special concern for all elements of society, parents, teacher, nor government. Lack of control affect to the emergence of contradict actions against religious values and norm, law, and also social. The lack of experience and knowledge in adolescent self, especially to religious issues make children (adolescent) is easy to fall into behavior and actions that conflict with religous values and norms. The purpose of this research is to describe the teacher’s effort when engraft Aqidah values to overcome the juvenille delinquency and also the implementation constraints on Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School of Kudus. The location of this research is Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School of Kudus and the object of his study is the boarding school and the teacher concerned on related activities with the implementation of aqidah values at Muhammadiyah Islamic School of Kudus. The subject of this research is “what efforts will Aqidah teacher do when engr...
Ikan gabus ( Channa striata ) telah terbukti memiliki aktivitas penyembuhan luka sayat. Ikan gabu... more Ikan gabus ( Channa striata ) telah terbukti memiliki aktivitas penyembuhan luka sayat. Ikan gabus ( Channa striata ) memiliki kandungan asam lemak Omega 3 dan Omega 6 yang dapat mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka sayat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek penyembuhan luka sayat dan dosis optimal dari emulsi fase minyak ekstrak ikan gabus yang diberikan secara oral. Tikus jantan Wistar yang telah dilukai pada area punggung sepanjang 2 cm dengan kedalaman 2 mm dan diberikan emulsi fase minyak ekstrak ikan gabus selama 10 hari. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap hari dengan pengabilan foto pada hari ke 1;2;4;6;8 dan 10. Luas area luka diukur dengan bantuan program Macbiophotonic image J. Analisis statistik digunakan program SPSS for Windows 17.0 menggunakan One Way ANOVA dan Post hoc Test-LSD . Berdasarkan uji statistik yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan emulsi fase minyak ekstrak ikan gabus memiliki aktivitas penyembuhan luka, dimana seluruh kelompok variasi dosis berbeda secara s...
Soil treatment for rice plants must be prepared two months before planting. Soil processing is in... more Soil treatment for rice plants must be prepared two months before planting. Soil processing is intended to create better physical, chemical, and biological conditions of the soil to a certain depth to be suitable for plant growth. The study was conducted in the cimencrang paddy field with field observations and farmers' methods. The land preparation activity is divided into two stages, namely the first land preparation and the second land preparation. First processing, cut the soil and turn it over. Processing the second land, destroying the lumps produced from the first treatment. There are two things that can be analyzed from observations including economic analysis and tractor efficiency. Economic analysis includes costs incurred to process land taking into account the operational time required. The tractor efficiency is assessed from the use of the tractor in processing the land and the type of tractor used. Keywords:
Ketersediaan air tanah di beberapa kawasan hunian dan tempat tinggal mengalami penurunan setiap t... more Ketersediaan air tanah di beberapa kawasan hunian dan tempat tinggal mengalami penurunan setiap tahunnya, Seiring dengan banyaknya jumlah penduduk ini berpengaruh pada tingkat jumlah limbah cair terbuang, baik digunakan setelah digunakan mandi, maupun saat mencuci baju atau peralatan rumah tangga lainnya. Meningkatnya jumlah akan pembuangan limbah cair ini tidak diimbangi dengan kualitas dan kuantitas pengolahan air limbah, hal ini di buktikan dengan kasus-kasus pencemaran air yang terjadi di Indonesia. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut diatas dibuat suatu rancangan pengolahan air limbah rumah tangga menggunakan sistem Elektrokoagulasi. Elektrokoagulasi adalah proses penggumpalan dan pengendapan pertikel halus yang terkandung pada air dengan menggunakan energi listrik. Proses ini dapat mengurangi kandungan supaya limbah air rumah tangga jika dibuang tidak mencemari lingkungan dan output dari hasil ini sesuai standarisasi limbah cair. Dari hasil pengujian Proses Elektrokoagulasi ini diper...
The study was conducted at a branch of Bank Mestika lord Tambusai Pekanbaru and aims to determine... more The study was conducted at a branch of Bank Mestika lord Tambusai Pekanbaru and aims to determine the effect of motivation and organizational culture on employee performance Mestika Bank branch lord Tambusai Pekanbaru. The study population was all employees totaling 45 people. Sampling transactions are carried out with models census. The variables used in this study is motivation and organizational culture as an independent variable, and performance as the dependent variable. Data analysis method used is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS tools 17 for windows. The research concludes that the motivation and organizational culture have a significant effect on the performance simultaneously. Partially, the motivation has no significant effect on performance. While organizational culture positive and significant effect on employee performance. Cultural organizations provide a stronger influence on performance than the influence of motuivas...
International Journal of Applied Business and International Management, 2017
International Marketing is a kind of activity business which can improve relationship between eac... more International Marketing is a kind of activity business which can improve relationship between each country. Besides, international marketing also useful to fulfill of needed in each country by exporting or importing typical goods from each country and expand the market for Indonesia. CV Cahaya Mustika is a company which is trying to export a local product from Indonesia which is a Sofa made from used drum. According to company condition right now, CV Cahaya Mustika isn’t readiness to enter the international marketing because of the financial burden. So, with Nusantara Project that give a solution and idea for joining the international marketing, CV Cahaya Mustika have a potential to joining the International Marketing. Nusantara Project also selection a country that which country have a high demand of goods sold from Company based on the data and Nusantara project gave an information of which fright forwarder that have a low prices and high trust for exporting goods. So, with the co...
This work describes an innovative application of Integrated Asset Model (IAM) implemented for Mex... more This work describes an innovative application of Integrated Asset Model (IAM) implemented for Mexico Area-1, aiming to simulate the whole asset development. The context of application is strongly complex, since the asset is composed of five reservoirs, connected to the same Floating Production Storage and Offloading unit (FPSO). The reservoirs are separated and different in terms of structure, initial pressure regimes and characteristics of oil. A cross-platform model of the whole Area-1, has been developed in order to implement simulation constraints from asset to well level in a unique tool. Moreover, an innovative process was defined to increase the accuracy of the IAM, improving the control of the wells equipped with electrical submersible pumps (ESP), through the honouring of the ESP working conditions. Reservoir models include actually dedicated instructions to monitor and handle wells production according to gas-liquid ratio (GLR) at the ESP intake. This allows to operate the...
Diskominfo Jatim merupakan instansi pemerintahan yang memiliki tugas untuk meningkatkan layanan i... more Diskominfo Jatim merupakan instansi pemerintahan yang memiliki tugas untuk meningkatkan layanan informasi dan teknologi bagi masyarakat Jawa Timur. Dalam pelaksanaan tugas tersebut, Diskominfo Jatim mempunyai beberapa unit kerja, salah satunya adalah Bidang Aplikasi dan Informatika (Aptika). Unit kerja Aptika memiliki tugas untuk merencanakan, menyiapkan bahan pelaksanaan dan mengkoordinasikan e-Government dan pemberdayaan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK), Pengembangan Aplikasi serta Persandian dan Keamanan Informasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun perencanaan strategis sistem informasi agar penggunaan sistem informasi dapat mendukung pencapaain visi, misi, dan tujuan Diskokinfo Jatim. Perencanaan strategis sistem informasi menggunakan model Ward & Peppard yang didukung dengan analisis SWOT dan matriks McFarlan. Hasil penelitian akan memberikan rekomendasi strategi bisnis SI, strategi manajemen SI, dan roadmap pengembangan sistem informasi sebagai salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan kepada masyarakat sesuai visi, misi dan tujuan organisasi. DOI : https://doi.org/10.33005/sibc.v12i1.1585
The objective of this work is the prediction of water salinity evolution trend for Mexico Area-1 ... more The objective of this work is the prediction of water salinity evolution trend for Mexico Area-1 development that foresees the injection of a mixture of seawater and produced water from the six different reservoirs connected to the same FPSO. Prediction of salinity trend evolution is crucial for forecasting possible biogenic hydrogen sulphide (H2S) formation and foreseeing the relating impacts over completion and facility material selection and on health, safety and environment (HSE) management. Traditional numerical simulations through stand-alone models do not consider the effects of the reciprocal interaction among the fields on production profiles and are not able to simulate salinity evolution of produced and injected water mixture, variable over time. To overcome this limit, a new tool was developed. It consists in a python script that, introduced into the Area-1 Integrated Asset Model, allowed to generate forecasts of the water salinity along the project lifetime. These simul...
This article develops a theory of European power as ‘governmentality’, with a particular referenc... more This article develops a theory of European power as ‘governmentality’, with a particular reference to European Union (EU)’s engagement of civil society in Indonesia through a package of “civil society strengthening programs”. In contrast to some arguments of ‘normative power’ or ‘civilian power’ in the European Union, that put emphasis on EU’s normative framework in explaining EU’s diplomatic engagements in world politics, this article argues that European Union’s global outreach is best seen as the politics of governmentality, which comprises the spread of norms to the “global south” through various developmental strategies in order to form particular subjectivities based on European Union’s “normative framework”. This argument will be applied to empirically explain the role of EU’s engagement of civil society in Indonesia. To substantiate the argument, this article will analyse (1) the debate on recent theorisation of “European power” in EU and International Relations studies, wit...
Reduction of nickel laterite to form Nickel Pig Iron has turned into one of a breakthrough in fac... more Reduction of nickel laterite to form Nickel Pig Iron has turned into one of a breakthrough in facing the scarcity of sulfide ore. In this study, the effect of using different reducing agent and different type of nickel laterite to produce Nickel Pig Iron was investigated.The nickel laterite, saprolite and limonite were reduced by antrachite coal, lamtoro charcoal, coconout shell charcoal, and carbon riser, under the temperature ranged from 800to 1000⁰C. The higher the temperature, and the longer it was kept at high temperature, the more complete the reduction process. According to some analysis, the saprolite gives more Ni content than limonite. The X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRD) analysis has indicated that the type of carbon used in the process greatly influences the nickel laterite rate of reduction. Also, biomass as reducing agent gives an almost similar reactivity as coal-based reducing agent. It means biomass reducing agent can be classified as a good reducing agent in the reduction process.
Akuntabilita pengelolaan keuangan desa merupakan hal yang sangat penting yang harus dilakukan ole... more Akuntabilita pengelolaan keuangan desa merupakan hal yang sangat penting yang harus dilakukan oleh pemerintah Desa Alam Panjang. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui transparansi pengelolaan keuangan Desa di Desa Alam panajang Kabupaten Kampar dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana akuntabilitas pengelolaan alokasi dana desa di Desa Alam Panjang Kecamatn Rumbio Jaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori konsep Good Governance, Reformasi Birokrasi, Keuangan Desa, Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa, Transparansi serta konsep Islam tentang Transparansi Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa, Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Desa Alam panjang telah mekaksanakan akuntabilitas pengelolaan alokasi Dana Desa serta melaporkan kepada masyarakat mengenai laporan pertanggungjawaban pengelolaan keuangan desa tersebut, adapun faktor penghambat transparansi pengelolaan keuangan desa di desa Alam pan...
Papers by Ahmad Rizky