Papers by Ahcene Ghandriche
Journal of the London Mathematical Society

Cornell University - arXiv, Sep 6, 2022
We estimate the electromagnetic fields generated by a cluster of dielectric nanoparticles embedde... more We estimate the electromagnetic fields generated by a cluster of dielectric nanoparticles embedded into a background made of a vacuum. The dielectric nanoparticles are small scaled but enjoy high contrast of their relative permittivity. Such scales/contrasts can be ensured using the Lorentz model with incident frequencies chosen appropriately close to the undamped resonance (appearing in the Lorentz model). Under certain ratio between their size and contrast, these nanoparticles generate resonances, called dielectric resonances. These resonances are characterized and computed via the spectrum of the electric Newtonian operator, stated on the support of nanoparticles, projected on the space of divergence-free fields with vanishing boundary normal components. We characterize the dominant field generated by a cluster of such dielectric-resonating nanoparticles. In this point-interaction approximation, the nanoparticles can be distributed to occupy volume-like domains or low dimensional hypersurfaces where periodicity is not required. The form of these approximations suggests that the effective electromagnetic medium, equivalent to the cluster of such nanoparticles, is a perturbation of the magnetic permeability and not the electric permittivity. The cluster can be tuned such that the equivalent permeability has positive or negative values (while the permittivity stays unchanged).

Cornell University - arXiv, Sep 18, 2022
We propose an approach for the simultaneous reconstruction of the electromagnetic and acoustic ma... more We propose an approach for the simultaneous reconstruction of the electromagnetic and acoustic material parameters, in the given medium Ω where to image, using the photo-acoustic pressure, measured on a single point of the boundary of Ω, generated by plasmonic nanoparticles. We prove that the generated pressure, that we denote by p (x, s, ω), depending on only one fixed point x ∈ ∂Ω, the time variable s, in a large enough interval, and the incidence frequency ω, in a large enough band, is enough to reconstruct both the sound speed, the mass density and the permittivity inside Ω. Indeed, from the behavior of the measured pressure in terms of time, we can estimate the travel time of the pressure, for arriving points inside Ω, then using the eikonal equation we reconstruct the acoustic speed of propagation. In addition, we reconstruct the internal values of the acoustic Green's function. From the singularity analysis of this Green's function, we extract the integrals along the geodesics, for internal arriving points, of the logarithmic-gradient of the mass density. Solving this (internal) integral geometric problem provides us with the values of the mass density function inside Ω. Finally, from the behavior of p (x, s, ω) with respect to the frequency ω, we detect the generated plasmonic resonances from which we reconstruct the permittivity inside Ω.

Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
The waves (including acoustic, electromagnetic and elastic ones) propagating in the presence of a... more The waves (including acoustic, electromagnetic and elastic ones) propagating in the presence of a cluster of inhomogeneities undergo multiple interactions between them. When these inhomogeneities have sub-wavelength sizes, the dominating field due to the these multiple interactions is the Foldy-Lax field. This field models the interaction between the equivalent point-like scatterers, located at the centers of the small inhomogeneities, with scattering coefficients related to geometrical/material properties of each inhomogeneities, as polarization coefficients. One of the related questions left open for a long time is whether we can reconstruct this Foldy-Lax field from the scattered field measured far away from the cluster of the small inhomogeneities. This is the Foldy-Lax approximation (or Foldy-Lax paradigm). In this work, we show that this approximation is indeed valid as soon as the inhomogeneities enjoy critical scales between their sizes and contrasts. These critical scales allow them to generate resonances which can be characterized and computed. The main result here is that exciting the cluster by incident frequencies which are close to the real parts of these resonances allow us to reconstruct the Fold-Lax field from the scattered waves collected far away from the cluster itself (as the farfields). In short, we show that the Foldy-Lax approximation is valid using nearly resonating incident frequencies. This results is demonstrated by using, as small inhomogeneities, dielectric nanoparticles for the 2D TM model of electromagnetic waves and bubbles for the 3D acoustic waves. m−1 2 , |x| → ∞.
We analyze the inversion of the photo-acoustic imaging modality using electromagnetic plasmonic n... more We analyze the inversion of the photo-acoustic imaging modality using electromagnetic plasmonic nano-particles as contrast agents. We prove that the generated pressure, before and after injecting the plasmonic nano-particles, measured at a single point, located away from the targeted inhomogeneity to image, and at a given band of incident frequencies is enough to reconstruct the (eventually complex valued) permittivity. Indeed, from these measurements, we define an indicator function which depends on the used incident frequency and the time of measurement. This indicator function has differentiating behaviors in terms of both time and frequency. First, from the behavior in terms of time, we can estimate the arrival time of the pressure from which we can localize the injected nano-particle. Second, we show that this indicator function has maximum picks at incident frequencies close to the plasmonic resonances. This allows us to estimate these resonances from which we construct the pe...

We analyze the inversion of the photo-acoustic imaging modality using electromagnetic plasmonic n... more We analyze the inversion of the photo-acoustic imaging modality using electromagnetic plasmonic nano-particles as contrast agents. We prove that the generated pressure, before and after injecting the plasmonic nano-particles, measured at a single point, located away from the targeted inhomogeneity to image, and at a given band of incident frequencies is enough to reconstruct the (eventually complex valued) permittivity. Indeed, from these measurements, we define an indicator function which depends on the used incident frequency and the time of measurement. This indicator function has differentiating behaviors in terms of both time and frequency. First, from the behavior in terms of time, we can estimate the arrival time of the pressure from which we can localize the injected nano-particle. Second, we show that this indicator function has maximum picks at incident frequencies close to the plasmonic resonances. This allows us to estimate these resonances from which we construct the pe...

arXiv: Optics, 2020
In the recent years, we witness a great interest in imaging, in a wide sense, using contrast agen... more In the recent years, we witness a great interest in imaging, in a wide sense, using contrast agents. One of the reasons is that many imaging modalities, as the ones related to medical sciences, suffer from several shortcomings. The most serious one is the issue of instability. Indeed, it is, nowadays, a common certainty that classical inverse problems of recovering objects from remote measurements are, mostly, highly unstable. To recover the stability, it is advised to create, whenever possible, the missing contrasts in the targets to image. In this survey paper, we follow this direction and propose an approach how to analyze mathematically the effect of the injected agents on the different fields under consideration. These contrast agents are small-sized particles modeled with materials that enjoy high contrasts as compared to the ones of the background. These two properties allow them, under critical scales of size/contrast, to create local spots when excited from far. These local...

We analyze mathematically the acoustic imaging modality using bubbles as contrast agents. These b... more We analyze mathematically the acoustic imaging modality using bubbles as contrast agents. These bubbles are modeled by mass densities and bulk moduli enjoying contrasting scales. These contrasting scales allow them to resonate at certain incident frequencies. We consider two types of such contrasts. In the first one, the bubbles are light with small bulk modulus, as compared to the ones of the background, so that they generate the Minnaert resonance (corresponding to a local surface wave). In the second one, the bubbles have moderate mass density but still with small bulk modulus so that they generate a sequence of resonances (corresponding to local body waves). We propose to use as measurements the far-fields collected before and after injecting a bubble, set at a given location point in the target domain, generated at a band of incident frequencies and at a fixed single backscattering direction. Then, we scan the target domain with such bubbles and collect the corresponding far-fi...
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Papers by Ahcene Ghandriche