Papers by Ahadiati Rohmatiah
Jurnal Manajerial
Background – Companies that pay attention to the work-life balance of employees will improve perf... more Background – Companies that pay attention to the work-life balance of employees will improve performance and cause organizational citizenship behavior. Work-life balance and organizational citizenship behavior of employee can one of factors to impact their performance. So, its can impact to corporate image in society. Aim – This study aims to determine the influence of work - life balance and organizational citizenship behavior on employee performance, the influence of organizational citizenship behavior on employee performance, and the influence of work-life balance on employee performance of Bank Jatim Madiun Branch Office through organizational citizenship behavior as a mediating variable Design / methodology / approach – The research population is all employees of the Bank Jatim Madiun Branch Office in 2022, totaling 141 people. Sample of 59 people was obtained which was determined by simple random sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire. The data analy...
Coopetition : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Oct 31, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi pemasaran pupuk kascing pada peternak cacing... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi pemasaran pupuk kascing pada peternak cacing tanah di kecamatan Kebonsari kabupaten Madiun. Penelitian ini berjenis kualitatif dengan metode Grounded Research. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah peternak cacing tanah di kecamatan Kebonsari kabupaten Madiun yang berjumlah 5 orang. Pengambilan sampel melalui teknik wawancara. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis matriks SWOT, matriks IE, dan matriks QSPM. Hasil analisis IFAS didapat bahwa usaha ini tergolong kuat dan mampu memanfaatkan kekuatan-kekuatan usahanya dan mengatasi kelemahannya. Analisis EFAS menunjukkan bahwa pemasaran pupuk kascing dibawah rata-rata dalam usahanya untuk menjalankan strategi yang memanfaatkan peluang eksternal dan menghindari ancaman. Hasil dari matriks IE menunjukkan pupuk kascing berada pada sel 5 (Growth Strategy/Stability Strategy) dengan konsentrasi melalui integrasi horizontal. Hasil analisis SWOT didapatkan alternatif strategi SO sebanyak 5 strategi, WO sebanyak 6 strategi, ST sebanyak 2 strategi dan WT sebanyak 4 strategi. Hasil analisis matriks QSPM adalah peternak cacing tanah sebaiknya menggunakan strategi penetrasi pasar untuk memasarkan pupuk kascingnya.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
In Indonesia, soybean cultivation is generally planted in paddy fields after the rice harvest. Ho... more In Indonesia, soybean cultivation is generally planted in paddy fields after the rice harvest. However, expanding soybean cultivation is needed to make optimal dry land in the future. This study aims to obtain F7 soybean lines resistant to Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) adaptive in the dry land. In the dry land planted eleven soybean breeding lines resistant to SMV and two varieties as control. Ten days after planting (DAP), soybean plants were inoculated with SMV. The experiment was conducted in the randomized complete block design with four replicates within each area. These results showed that the GK/PI200.485-7-17 line was the most superior soybean line and the potency to develop in the dryland area because it had the highest number of branches per plant, number of filled pods per plant, and 100-seed weight. The tested line showed the highest seed yields of 2.40 t/ha, and 2.72 t/ha, in Girisubo and Sidowayah Districts, respectively. This line did not indicate any serological relatio...
JURNAL AGRI-TEK, Jan 3, 2017
Ekomaks, Oct 10, 2022
This study aims to find out (1) Is there an influence between promotion and customer satisfaction... more This study aims to find out (1) Is there an influence between promotion and customer satisfaction of rail transportation services at Madiun Besar Station (2) Is there an effect of price on customer satisfaction of rail transportation services at Madiun Besar Station (3) Is there an influence between service quality and customer satisfaction of rail transportation services at Madiu Besar Station. The sample in this study were customers of rail transportation services at the Madiun station with 100 respondents. The sample method used was purposive sampling of primary data using a questionnaire measured using a Likert scale and distributed to 100 respondents. The data analysis technique used classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination analysis, and hypothesis testing using t test and F test. The results showed that (1) promotion, price, and service quality simultaneously had a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction. on rail transportation services at the Madiun big station (2) promotion, price, and service quality simultaneously have a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction on rail transportation services at the Madiun big station
JURNAL EKOMAKS Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Manajemen dan Akuntansi
he Covid-19 pandemic in various countries around the world, including Indonesia, has encouraged a... more he Covid-19 pandemic in various countries around the world, including Indonesia, has encouraged an increase in financial and banking transactions carried out by the public through internet banking services. This study aims to determine the effect of Financial literacy, digital marketing and word of mouth on the interest in using internet banking for customers of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. KC Ponorogo during the Covid-19 pandemic. Population in this study were customers of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. KC Ponorogo from November 2020 to November 2021, totaling 1552 customers. The research sample amounted to 100 people whose size was determined by the Slovins formula. Sampling using purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used the Partial Least Square (PLS) method with SmartPLS version 3.0 software. The results showed that; 1) Hypothesis 1 was rejected. This means that Financial literacy had no signi...
Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara, 2021
Desa Simbatan di Magetan memiliki wisata alam, wisata sejarah dan budaya, serta situs cagar buday... more Desa Simbatan di Magetan memiliki wisata alam, wisata sejarah dan budaya, serta situs cagar budaya petilasan Dewi Sri disebut Candi Simbatan, namun belum dikelola secara optimal. Desa ini juga memiliki penyandang disabilitas cukup banyak dengan kondisi sosial ekonomi miskin. Dalam mewujudkan desa wisata, Simbatan terbentur masalah, yakni belum adanya: masterplan, foodcourt, pedestrian di lokasi wisata masih berwujud tanah, tempat beraktivitas penyandang disabilitas belum ada dan hasil produksi mereka berupa batik ciprat terbentur pemasaran. Solusi dilakukan secara bertahap yakni: pembuatan masterplan; memerbaiki infrastruktur di lokasi wisata. Sejalan dengan upaya tersebut, solusi bagi penyandang disabilitas adalah: pembenahan shelter workshop; pelatihan keterampilan dan produksi barang serta membantu pemasaran. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memadukan potensi wisata yang sudah ada dengan aktivitas dan hasil karya penyandang disabilitas agar kesejahteraan dan kemandirian mereka me...
JURNAL EKOMAKS Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 2021
— The existence of PT Abadi Putera Wirajaya Karesidenan Madiun as a distributor must be used as... more — The existence of PT Abadi Putera Wirajaya Karesidenan Madiun as a distributor must be used as the spearhead of the marketing of Semen Gresik products by increasing consumer buying interest. This study aims to determine the partially and simultaneously influence of price, promotion and distribution channels on consumer buying interest in Semen Gresik products at distributor of PT Abadi Putera Wirajaya Karesidenan Madiun and the variables that have a dominant influence on consumer buying interest in this products at distributor of PT Abadi Putera Wirajaya Karesidenan Madiun. The population in this study were all distributor channels in PT Abadi Putera Wirajaya Karesidenan Madiun in 2020, totaling 137 distributors. The sample in this study was 102 distributors whose size was determined by the Slovin formula. Sampling using random sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used validity and reliability test, classical assumption tes...
The purpose of this study were (1) To test / analyze the influence in partial leadership, work di... more The purpose of this study were (1) To test / analyze the influence in partial leadership, work discipline and supervision of the State Civil Apparatus performance Mojokerto; (2) To examine / analyze the influence of variables simultaneously leadership, work discipline and supervision of the State Civil Apparatus performance Mojokerto; and (3) To examine / analyze the dominant influence on the performance of the State Civil Administrative Personnel Board Mojokerto.Respondents in this study is the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) Employment Board Mojokerto totaling 89 people. Data collection techniques in this study using questionnaires and documentation. While the data analysis technique using multiple linear regression analysis.The findings showed that (1) partially no effect Significant variables of leadership, work discipline and supervision of the Administrative Performance at the State Civil Personnel Board Mojokerto; (2) simultaneously was no significant effect of leadership variabl...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Profesionalisme, Kompetensi, Komitmen Organi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Profesionalisme, Kompetensi, Komitmen Organisasi, Independensi dan Integritas Auditor Terhadap Kualitas Hasil Audit Pada Inspektorat Kabupaten Ngawi. Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) pada Inspektorat Kabupaten Ngawi yang bertugas sebagai auditor. Data populasi sebanyak 22 orang dipakai untuk obyek penelitian, data yang akan didapat, dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala likert berbentuk checklist dengan pernyataan pernyataan yang berkaitan dengan variabel-variabel penelitian bersamaan dengan 5 alternatif jawaban untuk mengukur setiap variabel penelitian. Variabel variabel yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini meliputi profesionalisme (X1), kompetensi (X2), komitmen organisasi (X3), independensi (X4), integritas auditor (X5) dan kualitas hasil audit (Y). Teknik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data diantaranya adalah uji pengaruh moderasi yakni Uji selisih mutlak quasi moderated dari Multiple Linear Regression (regresi l...
Simbatan Village-Nguntoronadi at Magetan Regency has natural, historical and cultural tourism, bu... more Simbatan Village-Nguntoronadi at Magetan Regency has natural, historical and cultural tourism, but it has not been managed optimally and needs to be organized. Simbatan also has a cultural heritage site Petilasan Dewi Sri, called Simbatan Temple. The village also has people with disabilities, with poor socio-economic conditions. They need help to improve their economy. In realizing the tourism village, Simbatan was hit by a problem that did not yet exist: master plan, food seller, souvenirs, food court and pedestrian at the ground-bottom tourist sites. Pokdarwis was formed in 2018 and Karang Taruna in 2015, but it has not been able to carry out activities that support tourism. The solution is carried out in stages, including: 1) making a master plan; 2) repair infrastructure at tourist sites; 3) empowerment of women and others. In line with these efforts, solutions for persons with disabilities are: 1) Improving the shelter workshop; 2) Facilitating the availability of materials, eq...
The purpose of this study is untuk know and analyze implementation of administrative sanctions ag... more The purpose of this study is untuk know and analyze implementation of administrative sanctions against the Civil Servant who commit disciplinary offenses; and to identify obstacles in administrative disciplinary sanctions on the Government of the State Civil Apparatus Mojokerto.This research was conducted in Mojokerto. As for the object of research is the Regional Employment Board Mojokerto. This research was conducted by direct interviews dengannarasumber research sites and relevant competent dengantopik proposed. The second approach is to memaparkansecara deskriprif various interviews and then do analisisterhadap data.The results of this study showed that the general implementation of sanctions in Mojokerto city government has not sepenuhnyamengikuti Government Regulation No. 53 of 2010. The administrative disciplinary sanctions in the State Civil Apparatus in Mojokerto still often get kendaladan barriers such as the length of the process to be followed in the provision of such sa...
Berdasarkan pendataan yang dilakukan Pemerintah Desa Simbatan Kecamatan Nguntoronadi Kabupaten Ma... more Berdasarkan pendataan yang dilakukan Pemerintah Desa Simbatan Kecamatan Nguntoronadi Kabupaten Magetan pada tahun 2017, jumlah penyandang disabilitas sebanyak 39 orang dan yang potensial produktif sebanyak 32 orang, didominasi penyandang intelektual yang berlatar belakang kondisi sosial ekonomi miskin. Mereka membutuhkan bantuan dari pihak lain untuk meningkatkan kondisi kehidupannya. Di sisi lain program pemberdayaan pemerintah daerah belum mampu menjangkau seluruh penyandang disabilitas yang ada, sehingga mereka semakin kesulitan untuk mengakses berbagai program dan sumberdaya. Sebagai wadah partisipasi dan kepedulian masyarakat terhadap penyandang disabilitas, pada tahun 2015 dibentuk Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat dengan nama “SAMBUNGROSO”. Dalam perkembangannya, KSM Sambungroso secara bertahap merintis dan mengembangkan kegiatan ekonomi produktif bagi penyandang disabilitas dengan berbagai kegiatan usaha seperti produksi batik ciprat, pembuatan keset, dan aneka kerajinan tangan. ...
Background – Supervision of employees needs to be done optimally in order to achieve company goal... more Background – Supervision of employees needs to be done optimally in order to achieve company goals. Supervision of employee attendance due to frequent absenteeism requires company action to be able to discipline employees. For example, the use of a fingerprint attendance machine in the Madiun City Regional Secretariat. Purpose – To know about the effect of effectiveness of fingerprint attendance application on employee discipline as measured using practical dimensions, accurate dimensions, and security dimensions. Design/ Methodology/ Approach – This research is quantitative research. The samples in this research are all of Madiun City Regional Secretariat employee. Their fingerprints have been recorded by the company. They numbered 159 people. Sampling technique use saturated sample. Data analysis in this research use multiple linier regression analysis. Result and discussion – This research result show that practical dimension, accurate dimension, and security dimension effect to ...
E-Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gender, Sourcing Channels, dan placement terha... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gender, Sourcing Channels, dan placement terhadap kinerja karyawan PT BPR Ekadharma Bhinaraharja. Jumlah responden sebanyak 69 karyawan PT BPR Ekadharma Bhinaraharja di Kawedanan Magetan. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara jenuh. Metode analisis yang digunakan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan bantuan program SmartPLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gender tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan, Sourcing Channels berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan, dan placement berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Model yang terbentuk dari penelitian ini yaitu sebesar 59,5%, sisanya sebesar 40,5% dibentuk oleh variabel-variabel yang lain.
Rose (Rosa hybrida L.) is classified as the genus Rosa and is an ornamental flower plant in the f... more Rose (Rosa hybrida L.) is classified as the genus Rosa and is an ornamental flower plant in the form of herbs with thorny stems. Roses have many types, one of which is a type of sowing roses that are widely grown in Tapak Village, Panekan Subdistrict. Sowing roses can be used as a support for daily economic needs by residents in Tapak Village. In addition, rose plants can be used as conservation plants, if planted on a bench terrace on sloping land. The Panekan area is an area declared by the Magetan Regency Government as an area prone to landslides. Until now the terraces of sloping land in Tapak Village are often not utilized with terrace reinforcing plants, so land degradation is increasing and expanding, mainly due to the high level of soil erosion, especially in sloping areas. Utilization of conservation techniques with rose plants on sloping lands prone to erosion can reduce degradation of soil fertility. Therefore it is necessary to provide assistance for: 1) planting a terra...
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis peran kepemimpinan Inspektur Kabupaten Magetan dalam memode... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis peran kepemimpinan Inspektur Kabupaten Magetan dalam memoderasi pengaruh Profesionalisme Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Aparatur Sipil Negara Inspektorat Kabupaten Magetan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) pada Inspektorat Kabupaten Magetan. Data populasi sebanyak 47 orang. Untuk menjaring data, dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Kuesioner dengan skala likert berbentuk checklist yang berisi mengenai pernyataan yang berhubungan dengan variabel-variabel penelitian dengan 5 alternatif jawaban untuk mengukur setiap variabel penelitian. Variabel yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini meliputi: Profesionalisme Kerja (X1), Motivasi Kerja (X2), Kepemimpinan Inspektur (Z), dan Kinerja ASN (Y). Teknik analisa data menggunakan uji pengaruh moderasi yakni Uji selisih mutlak quasi moderated dari Multiple Linear Regression dengan menggunakan program statistic SPSS for windows 16. Hasil penelitian :- Profesionalism...
Jurnal Terapan Abdimas, 2019
Based on data collected by the Government of Simbatan Village, Nguntoronadi Subdistrict, Magetan ... more Based on data collected by the Government of Simbatan Village, Nguntoronadi Subdistrict, Magetan Regency in 2017, there are 39 people with disabilities in the village and 32 productive potential people were dominated by persons with intellectual disabilities. The purpose of this community service's activity is to help people with intellectual disabilities and other disabilities in improving their skills and welfare. The steps of the activities are: 1. Facilitating the availability of materials, equipment and facilities needed for business capital of persons with disabilities; 2. Provide skills training and production of goods that can be made by persons with disabilities; 3. Ensure the sustainability of the business that has been initiated and developed; 4. Creating employment and data collection for persons with disabilities; and 5. Increasing business welfare and independence for persons with disabilities.The development of service activities is carried out by pioneering and making various types of skills / businesses that are artistic, economical and market oriented that can help provide employment opportunities for persons with disabilities through various business / production of goods, thus gaining income to meet their daily needs. Productive economic activities carried out by persons with disabilities are: 1. Making batik spattered (batik ciprat); 2. Making various handicrafts from various used plastic containers and patchworks; 3. Training in skills and other businesses according to market needs that can be done by persons with disabilities.
JURNAL AGRI-TEK, Feb 17, 2017
Engineering and technology journal, Oct 18, 2022
Community forests provide real benefits, especially the economic value of communities around the ... more Community forests provide real benefits, especially the economic value of communities around the forest, and a real contribution to environmental services. One of the benefits of forests is vital for the survival of living things because it has a role in regulating the micro and macro climate. On the other hand, forest destruction can cause climate instability. Sustainable management of community forests has become a necessity due to global economic and political changes. Sustainable Forest Management is a manifestation of the concept of sustainable forestry development. The research aims to calculate the standing potential of Sidomulyo Village FMU Lawu Manunggal, Magetan Regency, the ability of the forest to produce biomass, carbon content, and the ability to absorb C02 content including allometric estimation models through inventory activities for potential by using the method Destructive sampling of the sample of tree species to be measured biomass, stored carbon and carbon dioxide uptake. The results showed the average stand potential was 10,340 m3/ha, or a total volume of 1,046,402 m 3 , the highest for the Melia azedarach species, at 4,468 m 3 /Ha. The average forest biomass content per ha is 28,379 tons or a total of 1,773,259 tons. The average carbon content is 13,338 tons C/ha or the total available carbon is 199.85 tons. The ability to absorb carbon dioxide (C02) is 44,789 tons C/Ha, with a community forest management area capable of absorbing 3,058,695 tons of C02 content.
Papers by Ahadiati Rohmatiah