Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important cereals worldwide and is being gr... more Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important cereals worldwide and is being grown in many areas of the world. However, there is a lack of information about using the proper stress index to determine the tolerance of wheat cultivars to water stress. A two-year field study was conducted with the objective of determining the effect of different rates of nitrogen (N) (control, 80 kg N/ha, and 160 kg N/ha) and two irrigation treatments (non stressed and post anthesis water stressed) on three bread wheat cultivars. Water deficit markedly affected grain yield, straw yield, and harvest index. Under water deficit grain yield was reduced by 58%, showing that wheat cultivars were sensitive to drought stress. Tolerance (TOL) index was lower under water deficit than well watered (WW) conditions in both years. Stress Tolerance Index (STI), Mean Productivity (MP), and TOL indices were efficient in evaluating the sensitivity to drought stress. Grain yield under stress condition showed positive correlation with STI, MP and TOL indices. Water use efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency increased with increasing the N rates in WW treatment but decreased in WD treatment. In general, for the most efficient use on both N and water, the supply of one should be adjusted to that of the other. If irrigation is for maximum yields, fertilization should be too; but if irrigation is limited, the fertilizer supply should be adjusted accordingly to prevent N loss and pollution of the environment.
Integrated nutrient management strategies involving chemical and biologic fertilizer is a real ch... more Integrated nutrient management strategies involving chemical and biologic fertilizer is a real challenge to stop using the high rates of agrochemicals and to enhance sustainability of crop production. In order to study the effects of livestock manure, chemical nitrogen, and biologic (Azotobacter) fertilizers on yield and yield components of wheat, an agricultural experiment in the form of split factorial design with three replications was conducted in Elam region, Iran. The aim of this research was assessment of the effects of these fertilizers separately and in integrated forms; and setting out the best fertilizer mixture. The results showed that treatment with livestock manure, Azotobacter and chemical nitrogen increased plant height, biological and grain yield. Using livestock manure and Azotobacter increased biologic yield through increase in plant height which cause to increase in grain yield without any significant changes in harvest index and other yield components, but the use of chemical nitrogen caused an increase in plant height, No. of spikelete/spike, No. of grain/spike, one thousand grain weight and harvest index, biologic and grain yield. In the light of the results achieved, we may conclude that using livestock manure and chemical nitrogen fertilizer together with the Azotobacter had the maximum impact on yield; and that we can decrease use of chemical fertilizers through using livestock manure and biologic fertilizers and to reach to the same yield when we use only chemical fertilizers.
Crop production is seriously threatened by drought. Greater availability of nitrogen and phosphorus through intercropping with grain legumes and inoculationwith Phosphate Solubilizing Bactaeria (PSB) can alleviate the negative effect of water stress on some crops. However, row crop-grain legume intercropping and using PSB bacteria is not welcomed or widely accepted by smallholder farmers in arid regions. The problem is that N-fixation by grain legumes cannot completely satisfy nitrogen demand of intercropped non-legume row crop especially in low phosphorus soils of these regions under restricted irrigation. The efficiency of PSB bacteria also is very low in the alkaline soil of this region. It suggests that some amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be used in this intercropping system. Nitrogen consumption also improves the efficiency of PSB bacteria. So, consumption of some mineral nitrogen, and incubation with PSB bacteria meet entirely the need for phosphorus fertilizer. Significant water saving by restricting irrigation without significant yield loss in row crop and grain legumes can be regarded as an advantage of this method. So, farmers can cultivate more land with the same amount of water. In such a situation, even small foliage of the grain legumes, as green manure, can convince the farmers to use the row crop-grain legumes intercropping system even under restricted irrigation conditions. Futures studies must focus on a better understanding of competition and facilitation of two crops for water and nutrients. They also must pay attention to nitrogen × PSB bacteria, and Phosphorus × rhizobacteria synergic interactions on yield and resources use efficiency of both crops. These studies may help to better water and plant nutrition management in a way that it is environmentally safe and economical for farmers.
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with p... more The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.
To model light interception and distribution in the mixed canopy of redroot pigweed (Amaranthus r... more To model light interception and distribution in the mixed canopy of redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) with corn, an experiment was carried out in randomized complete blocks design with factorial arrangement in Gonabad during 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 growing seasons. The factors used in this experiment was consisted of three corn densities (7.5, 8.5 and 9.5 plants per meter of row) and three densities of redroot pigweed (zero, 2, 4, 6 and 8 plants per meter of row). INTERCOM model was used through replacing parabolic function with triangular function of leaf area density. Vertical distribution of the species' leaf area showed that corn had concentrated the most leaf area in layer of 50 to 150 cm, while redroot pigweed has concentrated in 40-60 cm of canopy height. Model sensitivity analysis showed that leaf area index, species' height, height where maximum leaf area is seen (hm), and extinction coefficient had influenced on light interception rate of any species. In both species, the distribution density of leaf area at the canopy length fit a triangular function, and the height in which maximum leaf area was observed change by increasing the density. There was a correlation between percentage of the radiation absorbed by the weed and percentage of corn seed yield loss (r 2 = 0.89; P<0.01). Ideal type of corn was determined until the stage of tasseling in competition with weed. This determination indicates that the corn needs more height and leaf area, as well as less extinction coefficient to successfully fight against the weed.
In order to study the effect of irrigation (I 0 : optimum irrigation, I V and I R : water stress ... more In order to study the effect of irrigation (I 0 : optimum irrigation, I V and I R : water stress during vegetative and reproductive stages, respectively) and nitrogen (N 1 : 25% at planting, 50% at eight-leaf stage and 25% at head appearance; N 2 : 50% at eight leaf stage and 50% at head appearance; N 3 : 50% planting and 50% head appearance) on yield and growth of sunflower, a split-plot experiment was conducted in 2011 and 2012. Average cross years, I V and I R caused a significant reduction of final dry leaf (20.4 and 34.5%), stem (40.5 and 45.7%) and total weight (25.9 and 28.0%) and also a significant reduction of the grain yield as much as 14.8% and 13.3% in comparison to I 0. N 1 caused a significant 25 and 14% reduction of the leaf area index in comparison to N 3 and N 2 ; however, the grain yield was not significantly different in N 3 and N 2 in both years. In I 0 , N 3 caused a significant 34.8% increase of final dry weight of the leaf and an insignificant increase of dry weight of stem and the total weight as much as 30.9% and 16.3%, respectively and also a significant 16.4% reduction of the grain yield in comparison to N 2. On the whole, N 2 treatment in different irrigation regime caused a higher grain yield in comparison to N 1 and N 3 , but N 3 treatment in I 0 , and N 1 in I V and I R reduced the grain yield.
Weeds are enemies to the crop plants and have harmful effects on agricultural crops due to severa... more Weeds are enemies to the crop plants and have harmful effects on agricultural crops due to several factors such as competition for space, light and nutrients. Allelopathic effects of weed extracts were studied on grain yield and yield components of rice. The experiment was carried out in the Rice Research Institute of Chaparsar, in 2006-2007, in Tonekabon, Iran (latitude 36°54' N, longitude 50° 40'E, level-20 m altitude), split plot on basis of randomized completely block design (RCBD) with 4 replications. Results showed highly significant differences suggesting substantial to moderate phenotypic variability in most parameters evaluated except number of empty grain and 1000-grain weight. Also, most yield of single plant obtained from umbrella sedge extract (28.5 g). It seems that umbrella sedge had least minerals in water; it could be affected positively on important factors such as yield of single plant compared to other treatments. Correlation coefficient analysis revealed significant and negative correlation between number of empty grain and yield of single plant (r=-0.42 ***). It's implies that grain yield magnitude of Nemat cultivar exhibiting the least number of empty grain. Although yield of single plant was not affected neither by plant height nor number of tiller. In addition, irrigation water due to existence of high mineral and chemical pesticides in upstream of station farms severely was reduced yield. Also, results of this research showed that weed extracts haven't very allelopathic effect on rice and in end of growing season, that's better, plant leftover return and remain in field.
To evaluate the effects of deferred harvesting, sowing density and harvest intensity on hard seed... more To evaluate the effects of deferred harvesting, sowing density and harvest intensity on hard seed and breakdown trend of an annual medic (Medicago scutellata var. Robinson), an experiment was conducted in the Research Farm of Agriculture Faculty, Tehran University in Karaj, Iran during the 2005 growing season. The experimental factors were arranged in split-split plots based on a complete randomized block design with four replications. The method of harvesting (continues or deferred), the sowing density (25, 75 and 225 plants/m 2) and the harvest intensity (cutting from ground level of 2, 4 and 8 cm) were allotted to the main, split and split-split plots, respectively. The results showed that present hard seedness followed a decreasing trend when sowing density decreased and harvest intensity increased. Present hard seedness was 83.3% in August during harvest of pods which was decreased to 52.7% in March. After harvesting, present hard seedness decreased in all treatments. These results suggest that when low sowing rate and severe defoliation decrease the seed production (data not shown), plants increase hard seed breakdown for fast regeneration and survive in next years which can be noted as a pasture management strategy.
Chicory is considered one of the alternatives crops that can be used in crop rotation and contain... more Chicory is considered one of the alternatives crops that can be used in crop rotation and contains many phytochemicals that can be used in medicine. In addition, lengthening the growing season by early sowing may increase root chicory yield potential, and thus increase its competitiveness with traditional crops. The objectives of the present study were to determine whether early sowing date risks can be decreased by higher sowing density and also to study the effect of sowing date and sowing density on dry matter accumulation and partitioning of chicory. Growing season did not affect any of the characteristics that were studied. Also plant density affected the flowers biomass, root biomass per plant and the respective yield together with the plant height and essence yield and total yield. The sowing date affected the leaf, flower and stem biomass on a plant basis. However, the interaction between plant density and sowing date affected the total biomass per plant, the flower biomass per plant, the root biomass per plant, the flower yield, the root yield and the essence yield. These results indicate that for higher production it is important to determine the right plant density and sowing date which can affect growth, dry matter accumulation and essence yield.
Innovations for saving water in irrigated agriculture and thereby improving water use efficiency ... more Innovations for saving water in irrigated agriculture and thereby improving water use efficiency are of paramount importance in water-scarce regions. Therefore, to see how restricted irrigation systems and different potassium fertilizer affect water use efficiency and yield of corn, an experiment was conducted in an arid area in Khuzestan, Iran in 2011. A split-plot experimental design was used, based on a complete randomized block design with three replications. The main plots consisted of three irrigation methods: FI (full irrigation), variable and fixed partial root zoon drying (PRD-V and PRD-F). Each subplot received three rates of K fertilizer application: 0, 150 or 300 kg ha-1. The results showed that the plots receiving the full irrigation resulted in significantly higher grain yields, 1000-kernel weight and grain number per cob than both PRD treatments. However, the highest WUE and IWUE were obtained in PRD-V and 300 kg K ha-1 and the lowest one was found in the FI treatment and 0 kg K ha-1. Potassium application increased RWC and grain protein percent in PRD-V and PRD-V than FI treatment. Full irrigation and PRD-F treatments produced the lowest and the highest ABA concentration at any potassium levels.
To compare the wheat genotypes in terms of seed germination and growth of seedling under osmotic ... more To compare the wheat genotypes in terms of seed germination and growth of seedling under osmotic stress conditions, a laboratory experiment was conducted using a completely random design with factorial arrangement. The wheat genotype (G) consisted of eight genotypes numbered as (G1) 9103, (G2) 9116, (G3) 9203, (G4) 9205, (G5) 9207, (G6) 9212, (G7) C-81-10 and (G8) cross-shahi. The osmotic potential factor (Ψs) consisted of five levels (-1.2,-0.9,-0.6,-0.3 and 0 MPa). Genotypes G2, G6 and G7 prevailed in terms of germination percentage (GP) up to Ψs = -1.2, while genotype G8 and genotype G6 were only prevalent at Ψs = 0 and up to Ψs = -0.9, respectively. The two genotypes of G1 and G4 had lower GPs at Ψs = 0 compared to other genotypes but these two genotypes had no significant difference with resistant genotype G7 in terms of GP at Ψs = -0.3. This trend continued in case of genotype G1 up to Ψs = -1.2, while genotype G4 had the lowest GP value next to G8 cultivar from Ψs = -0.6 to Ψs = -1.2. Interaction effect of Ψs x genotype was significant for Coleoptile Length (CL), Radicle Length (RL), Plumule Length (SL). G7 prevailed in terms of CL with a significant difference at Ψs = -1.2 while G1 lost its dominance. The same trend was observed in interaction effect of Ψs x genotype for SL. According to GP and CL and SL values, modern genotype G7 was the most resistant genotype to osmotic stress while old genotype G8 was the most sensitive one.
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of solution titanium dioxide and titanium oxide o... more This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of solution titanium dioxide and titanium oxide on antioxidant enzyme activity and some biochemical attributes of corn during 2010 growing season in the research farm of Islamic Azad University of Shahryar –Shahr-e Qhods. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks arranged in factorial with four replications. The factors were included two growing stages i.e. four leafy stage and stem elongation for titanium application and five titanium concentration and sources including control (water), titanium oxide (Bulk) and three concentrations of 0.01%, 0.02%, and 0.03% of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Antioxidant enzymes activity, malondialdehyde and 8-hydroxyguanosine, dityrosine, protein and membrane sta- bility were assayed. The results showed that there was significant difference between growing stages regarding catalase, glutathione peroxidase, malondialdehyde, dityrosine and protein content. In addition, titanium caused an increase in antioxidant enzyme activity and decrease in malondialdehyde accumulation. In general titanium dioxide nanoparticle (0.03%) application improved antioxidant enzymatic system and prevent lipid peroxidation in corn plants. So it can be recommended to use this material on stressed plants.
Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important cereals worldwide and is being gr... more Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important cereals worldwide and is being grown in many areas of the world. However, there is a lack of information about using the proper stress index to determine the tolerance of wheat cultivars to water stress. A two-year field study was conducted with the objective of determining the effect of different rates of nitrogen (N) (control, 80 kg N/ha, and 160 kg N/ha) and two irrigation treatments (non stressed and post anthesis water stressed) on three bread wheat cultivars. Water deficit markedly affected grain yield, straw yield, and harvest index. Under water deficit grain yield was reduced by 58%, showing that wheat cultivars were sensitive to drought stress. Tolerance (TOL) index was lower under water deficit than well watered (WW) conditions in both years. Stress Tolerance Index (STI), Mean Productivity (MP), and TOL indices were efficient in evaluating the sensitivity to drought stress. Grain yield under stress condition showed positive correlation with STI, MP and TOL indices. Water use efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency increased with increasing the N rates in WW treatment but decreased in WD treatment. In general, for the most efficient use on both N and water, the supply of one should be adjusted to that of the other. If irrigation is for maximum yields, fertilization should be too; but if irrigation is limited, the fertilizer supply should be adjusted accordingly to prevent N loss and pollution of the environment.
Integrated nutrient management strategies involving chemical and biologic fertilizer is a real ch... more Integrated nutrient management strategies involving chemical and biologic fertilizer is a real challenge to stop using the high rates of agrochemicals and to enhance sustainability of crop production. In order to study the effects of livestock manure, chemical nitrogen, and biologic (Azotobacter) fertilizers on yield and yield components of wheat, an agricultural experiment in the form of split factorial design with three replications was conducted in Elam region, Iran. The aim of this research was assessment of the effects of these fertilizers separately and in integrated forms; and setting out the best fertilizer mixture. The results showed that treatment with livestock manure, Azotobacter and chemical nitrogen increased plant height, biological and grain yield. Using livestock manure and Azotobacter increased biologic yield through increase in plant height which cause to increase in grain yield without any significant changes in harvest index and other yield components, but the use of chemical nitrogen caused an increase in plant height, No. of spikelete/spike, No. of grain/spike, one thousand grain weight and harvest index, biologic and grain yield. In the light of the results achieved, we may conclude that using livestock manure and chemical nitrogen fertilizer together with the Azotobacter had the maximum impact on yield; and that we can decrease use of chemical fertilizers through using livestock manure and biologic fertilizers and to reach to the same yield when we use only chemical fertilizers.
Crop production is seriously threatened by drought. Greater availability of nitrogen and phosphorus through intercropping with grain legumes and inoculationwith Phosphate Solubilizing Bactaeria (PSB) can alleviate the negative effect of water stress on some crops. However, row crop-grain legume intercropping and using PSB bacteria is not welcomed or widely accepted by smallholder farmers in arid regions. The problem is that N-fixation by grain legumes cannot completely satisfy nitrogen demand of intercropped non-legume row crop especially in low phosphorus soils of these regions under restricted irrigation. The efficiency of PSB bacteria also is very low in the alkaline soil of this region. It suggests that some amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be used in this intercropping system. Nitrogen consumption also improves the efficiency of PSB bacteria. So, consumption of some mineral nitrogen, and incubation with PSB bacteria meet entirely the need for phosphorus fertilizer. Significant water saving by restricting irrigation without significant yield loss in row crop and grain legumes can be regarded as an advantage of this method. So, farmers can cultivate more land with the same amount of water. In such a situation, even small foliage of the grain legumes, as green manure, can convince the farmers to use the row crop-grain legumes intercropping system even under restricted irrigation conditions. Futures studies must focus on a better understanding of competition and facilitation of two crops for water and nutrients. They also must pay attention to nitrogen × PSB bacteria, and Phosphorus × rhizobacteria synergic interactions on yield and resources use efficiency of both crops. These studies may help to better water and plant nutrition management in a way that it is environmentally safe and economical for farmers.
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with p... more The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.
To model light interception and distribution in the mixed canopy of redroot pigweed (Amaranthus r... more To model light interception and distribution in the mixed canopy of redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) with corn, an experiment was carried out in randomized complete blocks design with factorial arrangement in Gonabad during 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 growing seasons. The factors used in this experiment was consisted of three corn densities (7.5, 8.5 and 9.5 plants per meter of row) and three densities of redroot pigweed (zero, 2, 4, 6 and 8 plants per meter of row). INTERCOM model was used through replacing parabolic function with triangular function of leaf area density. Vertical distribution of the species' leaf area showed that corn had concentrated the most leaf area in layer of 50 to 150 cm, while redroot pigweed has concentrated in 40-60 cm of canopy height. Model sensitivity analysis showed that leaf area index, species' height, height where maximum leaf area is seen (hm), and extinction coefficient had influenced on light interception rate of any species. In both species, the distribution density of leaf area at the canopy length fit a triangular function, and the height in which maximum leaf area was observed change by increasing the density. There was a correlation between percentage of the radiation absorbed by the weed and percentage of corn seed yield loss (r 2 = 0.89; P<0.01). Ideal type of corn was determined until the stage of tasseling in competition with weed. This determination indicates that the corn needs more height and leaf area, as well as less extinction coefficient to successfully fight against the weed.
In order to study the effect of irrigation (I 0 : optimum irrigation, I V and I R : water stress ... more In order to study the effect of irrigation (I 0 : optimum irrigation, I V and I R : water stress during vegetative and reproductive stages, respectively) and nitrogen (N 1 : 25% at planting, 50% at eight-leaf stage and 25% at head appearance; N 2 : 50% at eight leaf stage and 50% at head appearance; N 3 : 50% planting and 50% head appearance) on yield and growth of sunflower, a split-plot experiment was conducted in 2011 and 2012. Average cross years, I V and I R caused a significant reduction of final dry leaf (20.4 and 34.5%), stem (40.5 and 45.7%) and total weight (25.9 and 28.0%) and also a significant reduction of the grain yield as much as 14.8% and 13.3% in comparison to I 0. N 1 caused a significant 25 and 14% reduction of the leaf area index in comparison to N 3 and N 2 ; however, the grain yield was not significantly different in N 3 and N 2 in both years. In I 0 , N 3 caused a significant 34.8% increase of final dry weight of the leaf and an insignificant increase of dry weight of stem and the total weight as much as 30.9% and 16.3%, respectively and also a significant 16.4% reduction of the grain yield in comparison to N 2. On the whole, N 2 treatment in different irrigation regime caused a higher grain yield in comparison to N 1 and N 3 , but N 3 treatment in I 0 , and N 1 in I V and I R reduced the grain yield.
Weeds are enemies to the crop plants and have harmful effects on agricultural crops due to severa... more Weeds are enemies to the crop plants and have harmful effects on agricultural crops due to several factors such as competition for space, light and nutrients. Allelopathic effects of weed extracts were studied on grain yield and yield components of rice. The experiment was carried out in the Rice Research Institute of Chaparsar, in 2006-2007, in Tonekabon, Iran (latitude 36°54' N, longitude 50° 40'E, level-20 m altitude), split plot on basis of randomized completely block design (RCBD) with 4 replications. Results showed highly significant differences suggesting substantial to moderate phenotypic variability in most parameters evaluated except number of empty grain and 1000-grain weight. Also, most yield of single plant obtained from umbrella sedge extract (28.5 g). It seems that umbrella sedge had least minerals in water; it could be affected positively on important factors such as yield of single plant compared to other treatments. Correlation coefficient analysis revealed significant and negative correlation between number of empty grain and yield of single plant (r=-0.42 ***). It's implies that grain yield magnitude of Nemat cultivar exhibiting the least number of empty grain. Although yield of single plant was not affected neither by plant height nor number of tiller. In addition, irrigation water due to existence of high mineral and chemical pesticides in upstream of station farms severely was reduced yield. Also, results of this research showed that weed extracts haven't very allelopathic effect on rice and in end of growing season, that's better, plant leftover return and remain in field.
To evaluate the effects of deferred harvesting, sowing density and harvest intensity on hard seed... more To evaluate the effects of deferred harvesting, sowing density and harvest intensity on hard seed and breakdown trend of an annual medic (Medicago scutellata var. Robinson), an experiment was conducted in the Research Farm of Agriculture Faculty, Tehran University in Karaj, Iran during the 2005 growing season. The experimental factors were arranged in split-split plots based on a complete randomized block design with four replications. The method of harvesting (continues or deferred), the sowing density (25, 75 and 225 plants/m 2) and the harvest intensity (cutting from ground level of 2, 4 and 8 cm) were allotted to the main, split and split-split plots, respectively. The results showed that present hard seedness followed a decreasing trend when sowing density decreased and harvest intensity increased. Present hard seedness was 83.3% in August during harvest of pods which was decreased to 52.7% in March. After harvesting, present hard seedness decreased in all treatments. These results suggest that when low sowing rate and severe defoliation decrease the seed production (data not shown), plants increase hard seed breakdown for fast regeneration and survive in next years which can be noted as a pasture management strategy.
Chicory is considered one of the alternatives crops that can be used in crop rotation and contain... more Chicory is considered one of the alternatives crops that can be used in crop rotation and contains many phytochemicals that can be used in medicine. In addition, lengthening the growing season by early sowing may increase root chicory yield potential, and thus increase its competitiveness with traditional crops. The objectives of the present study were to determine whether early sowing date risks can be decreased by higher sowing density and also to study the effect of sowing date and sowing density on dry matter accumulation and partitioning of chicory. Growing season did not affect any of the characteristics that were studied. Also plant density affected the flowers biomass, root biomass per plant and the respective yield together with the plant height and essence yield and total yield. The sowing date affected the leaf, flower and stem biomass on a plant basis. However, the interaction between plant density and sowing date affected the total biomass per plant, the flower biomass per plant, the root biomass per plant, the flower yield, the root yield and the essence yield. These results indicate that for higher production it is important to determine the right plant density and sowing date which can affect growth, dry matter accumulation and essence yield.
Innovations for saving water in irrigated agriculture and thereby improving water use efficiency ... more Innovations for saving water in irrigated agriculture and thereby improving water use efficiency are of paramount importance in water-scarce regions. Therefore, to see how restricted irrigation systems and different potassium fertilizer affect water use efficiency and yield of corn, an experiment was conducted in an arid area in Khuzestan, Iran in 2011. A split-plot experimental design was used, based on a complete randomized block design with three replications. The main plots consisted of three irrigation methods: FI (full irrigation), variable and fixed partial root zoon drying (PRD-V and PRD-F). Each subplot received three rates of K fertilizer application: 0, 150 or 300 kg ha-1. The results showed that the plots receiving the full irrigation resulted in significantly higher grain yields, 1000-kernel weight and grain number per cob than both PRD treatments. However, the highest WUE and IWUE were obtained in PRD-V and 300 kg K ha-1 and the lowest one was found in the FI treatment and 0 kg K ha-1. Potassium application increased RWC and grain protein percent in PRD-V and PRD-V than FI treatment. Full irrigation and PRD-F treatments produced the lowest and the highest ABA concentration at any potassium levels.
To compare the wheat genotypes in terms of seed germination and growth of seedling under osmotic ... more To compare the wheat genotypes in terms of seed germination and growth of seedling under osmotic stress conditions, a laboratory experiment was conducted using a completely random design with factorial arrangement. The wheat genotype (G) consisted of eight genotypes numbered as (G1) 9103, (G2) 9116, (G3) 9203, (G4) 9205, (G5) 9207, (G6) 9212, (G7) C-81-10 and (G8) cross-shahi. The osmotic potential factor (Ψs) consisted of five levels (-1.2,-0.9,-0.6,-0.3 and 0 MPa). Genotypes G2, G6 and G7 prevailed in terms of germination percentage (GP) up to Ψs = -1.2, while genotype G8 and genotype G6 were only prevalent at Ψs = 0 and up to Ψs = -0.9, respectively. The two genotypes of G1 and G4 had lower GPs at Ψs = 0 compared to other genotypes but these two genotypes had no significant difference with resistant genotype G7 in terms of GP at Ψs = -0.3. This trend continued in case of genotype G1 up to Ψs = -1.2, while genotype G4 had the lowest GP value next to G8 cultivar from Ψs = -0.6 to Ψs = -1.2. Interaction effect of Ψs x genotype was significant for Coleoptile Length (CL), Radicle Length (RL), Plumule Length (SL). G7 prevailed in terms of CL with a significant difference at Ψs = -1.2 while G1 lost its dominance. The same trend was observed in interaction effect of Ψs x genotype for SL. According to GP and CL and SL values, modern genotype G7 was the most resistant genotype to osmotic stress while old genotype G8 was the most sensitive one.
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of solution titanium dioxide and titanium oxide o... more This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of solution titanium dioxide and titanium oxide on antioxidant enzyme activity and some biochemical attributes of corn during 2010 growing season in the research farm of Islamic Azad University of Shahryar –Shahr-e Qhods. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks arranged in factorial with four replications. The factors were included two growing stages i.e. four leafy stage and stem elongation for titanium application and five titanium concentration and sources including control (water), titanium oxide (Bulk) and three concentrations of 0.01%, 0.02%, and 0.03% of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Antioxidant enzymes activity, malondialdehyde and 8-hydroxyguanosine, dityrosine, protein and membrane sta- bility were assayed. The results showed that there was significant difference between growing stages regarding catalase, glutathione peroxidase, malondialdehyde, dityrosine and protein content. In addition, titanium caused an increase in antioxidant enzyme activity and decrease in malondialdehyde accumulation. In general titanium dioxide nanoparticle (0.03%) application improved antioxidant enzymatic system and prevent lipid peroxidation in corn plants. So it can be recommended to use this material on stressed plants.
Videos by Ahad Madani
Papers by Ahad Madani
Crop production is seriously threatened by drought. Greater availability of nitrogen and phosphorus through intercropping with grain legumes and inoculationwith Phosphate Solubilizing Bactaeria (PSB) can alleviate the negative effect of water stress on some crops. However, row crop-grain legume intercropping and using PSB bacteria is not welcomed or widely accepted by smallholder farmers in arid regions. The problem is that N-fixation by grain legumes cannot completely satisfy nitrogen demand of intercropped non-legume row crop especially in low phosphorus soils of these regions under restricted irrigation. The efficiency of PSB bacteria also is very low in the alkaline soil of this region. It suggests that some amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be used in this intercropping system. Nitrogen consumption also improves the efficiency of PSB bacteria. So, consumption of some mineral nitrogen, and incubation with PSB bacteria meet entirely the need for phosphorus fertilizer. Significant water saving by restricting irrigation without significant yield loss in row crop and grain legumes can be regarded as an advantage of this method. So, farmers can cultivate more land with the same amount of water. In such a situation, even small foliage of the grain legumes, as green manure, can convince the farmers to use the row crop-grain legumes intercropping system even under restricted irrigation conditions. Futures studies must focus on a better understanding of competition and facilitation of two crops for water and nutrients. They also must pay attention to nitrogen × PSB bacteria, and Phosphorus × rhizobacteria synergic interactions on yield and resources use efficiency of both crops. These studies may help to better water and plant nutrition management in a way that it is environmentally safe and economical for farmers.
Crop production is seriously threatened by drought. Greater availability of nitrogen and phosphorus through intercropping with grain legumes and inoculationwith Phosphate Solubilizing Bactaeria (PSB) can alleviate the negative effect of water stress on some crops. However, row crop-grain legume intercropping and using PSB bacteria is not welcomed or widely accepted by smallholder farmers in arid regions. The problem is that N-fixation by grain legumes cannot completely satisfy nitrogen demand of intercropped non-legume row crop especially in low phosphorus soils of these regions under restricted irrigation. The efficiency of PSB bacteria also is very low in the alkaline soil of this region. It suggests that some amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be used in this intercropping system. Nitrogen consumption also improves the efficiency of PSB bacteria. So, consumption of some mineral nitrogen, and incubation with PSB bacteria meet entirely the need for phosphorus fertilizer. Significant water saving by restricting irrigation without significant yield loss in row crop and grain legumes can be regarded as an advantage of this method. So, farmers can cultivate more land with the same amount of water. In such a situation, even small foliage of the grain legumes, as green manure, can convince the farmers to use the row crop-grain legumes intercropping system even under restricted irrigation conditions. Futures studies must focus on a better understanding of competition and facilitation of two crops for water and nutrients. They also must pay attention to nitrogen × PSB bacteria, and Phosphorus × rhizobacteria synergic interactions on yield and resources use efficiency of both crops. These studies may help to better water and plant nutrition management in a way that it is environmentally safe and economical for farmers.