Indonesian government has regulated that the basic age of readiness of a child to attend elementa... more Indonesian government has regulated that the basic age of readiness of a child to attend elementary schools is 7 years old. In fact, some children are not exactly 7 years old when they first go to school because they develop more rapidly. This study is aimed at investigating some aspects of child development which affect their readiness to attend elementary school. The subjects were 101 grade 1, 2, and 3 teachers of elementary schools in Yogyakarta, a special Region in Indonesia. The data were collected through interviews. The results of the data collection were analyzed using both descriptive quantitative and qualitative techniques. The results of the study show some aspects of child development affecting their readiness to attend elementary schools, including cognitive and language ability, social emotional skills, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, arts, religion and moral values, and some others. Beside these aspects, some problems in grades 1, 2, and 3 are also found. This ...
This research aims to explore children's career interests and knowledge based on Holland's Theory... more This research aims to explore children's career interests and knowledge based on Holland's Theory, and to test the fit of the model of lower-grade primary school students' career knowledge using the same theory. The research sample was 576 lower-grade primary school students in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Quantitative descriptive technique was employed to describe children's career interests and knowledge, while Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to test the model fit of the data. The results show that the social dimension of Holland's theory becomes the students' highest orientation in career interests and knowledge. The five careers most preferred by the children are teacher, principal, doctor, singer, and police officer while the five careers least preferred by the children are administration employee, salesperson, counselor, sculptor, and model. Moreover, the careers whose knowledge is mostly learnt by the students are teacher, principal, driver, police, and doctor. On the other hand, the five careers whose knowledge is the least learnt by the students are administration employee, counselor, salesperson, sculptor and agriculture engineer. Finally, the research reveals that the career knowledge of the children fits to Holland's concept. It implied that Holland's theory is suitable used for improving children's career interests and knowledge in guidance and counseling program.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tipe-tipe kepribadian individu denganMyers-Briggs T... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tipe-tipe kepribadian individu denganMyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) pada mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling diFakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Di samping tipe kepribadian,penelitian akan mengukur kompetensi konselor yang dimiliki oleh para subjek. Tujuanberikutnya adalah mengetahui perbedaan kompetensi konselor berdasar berbagai tipekepribadian. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik survey dengan menggunakan duainstrumen yaitu MBTI dan kompetensi konselor yang sudah diadaptasi dari AmericanSchool Counselor Association (ASCA) tahun 1992. Hasil menunjukkan subyek dengantipe ekstrovert berjumlah lebih banyak daripada yang introvert, cenderung memperolehinformasi dengan sensing daripada intuisi, membuat keputusan dengan feeling daripadathinking, dan orientasi terhadap dunia luar yang relatif sama antar subyek penelitian. Padakompetensi konselor, ada perbedaan rerata kompetensi pribadi pada subyek ekstrovertdan introvert (...
Agus Triyanto. 2009. Survei Persepsi Guru Non Penjasorkes Terhadap Kinerja Guru Penjasorkes SMA N... more Agus Triyanto. 2009. Survei Persepsi Guru Non Penjasorkes Terhadap Kinerja Guru Penjasorkes SMA Negeri Se-Kecamatan Temanggung Kabupaten Temanggung Tahun 2009. Skripsi. Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi, Fakultas ...
Indonesian government has regulated that the basic age of readiness of a child to attend elementa... more Indonesian government has regulated that the basic age of readiness of a child to attend elementary schools is 7 years old. In fact, some children are not exactly 7 years old when they first go to school because they develop more rapidly. This study is aimed at investigating some aspects of child development which affect their readiness to attend elementary school. The subjects were 101 grade 1, 2, and 3 teachers of elementary schools in Yogyakarta, a special Region in Indonesia. The data were collected through interviews. The results of the data collection were analyzed using both descriptive quantitative and qualitative techniques. The results of the study show some aspects of child development affecting their readiness to attend elementary schools, including cognitive and language ability, social emotional skills, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, arts, religion and moral values, and some others. Beside these aspects, some problems in grades 1, 2, and 3 are also found. This ...
This research aims to explore children's career interests and knowledge based on Holland's Theory... more This research aims to explore children's career interests and knowledge based on Holland's Theory, and to test the fit of the model of lower-grade primary school students' career knowledge using the same theory. The research sample was 576 lower-grade primary school students in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Quantitative descriptive technique was employed to describe children's career interests and knowledge, while Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to test the model fit of the data. The results show that the social dimension of Holland's theory becomes the students' highest orientation in career interests and knowledge. The five careers most preferred by the children are teacher, principal, doctor, singer, and police officer while the five careers least preferred by the children are administration employee, salesperson, counselor, sculptor, and model. Moreover, the careers whose knowledge is mostly learnt by the students are teacher, principal, driver, police, and doctor. On the other hand, the five careers whose knowledge is the least learnt by the students are administration employee, counselor, salesperson, sculptor and agriculture engineer. Finally, the research reveals that the career knowledge of the children fits to Holland's concept. It implied that Holland's theory is suitable used for improving children's career interests and knowledge in guidance and counseling program.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tipe-tipe kepribadian individu denganMyers-Briggs T... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tipe-tipe kepribadian individu denganMyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) pada mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling diFakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Di samping tipe kepribadian,penelitian akan mengukur kompetensi konselor yang dimiliki oleh para subjek. Tujuanberikutnya adalah mengetahui perbedaan kompetensi konselor berdasar berbagai tipekepribadian. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik survey dengan menggunakan duainstrumen yaitu MBTI dan kompetensi konselor yang sudah diadaptasi dari AmericanSchool Counselor Association (ASCA) tahun 1992. Hasil menunjukkan subyek dengantipe ekstrovert berjumlah lebih banyak daripada yang introvert, cenderung memperolehinformasi dengan sensing daripada intuisi, membuat keputusan dengan feeling daripadathinking, dan orientasi terhadap dunia luar yang relatif sama antar subyek penelitian. Padakompetensi konselor, ada perbedaan rerata kompetensi pribadi pada subyek ekstrovertdan introvert (...
Agus Triyanto. 2009. Survei Persepsi Guru Non Penjasorkes Terhadap Kinerja Guru Penjasorkes SMA N... more Agus Triyanto. 2009. Survei Persepsi Guru Non Penjasorkes Terhadap Kinerja Guru Penjasorkes SMA Negeri Se-Kecamatan Temanggung Kabupaten Temanggung Tahun 2009. Skripsi. Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi, Fakultas ...
Papers by Agus Triyanto