Papers by Agostino Carbone

Frontiers in Psychiatry
BackgroundDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, studies report that in the first few months of the lockdo... more BackgroundDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, studies report that in the first few months of the lockdown there was a decrease in requests for mandatory psychiatric treatment, while, in contrast, following the second wave, the number of cases increased. This study investigates the use of compulsory psychiatric treatments internationally in the first and subsequent phases of the pandemic.MethodsSixteen key people were interviewed: eight mental health care professionals and eight scholars in Italy, Greece, China and Chile. Participants were asked to discuss their experience of the motivations, diagnoses and management of patients undergoing an involuntary psychiatric hospitalization.ResultsThe analysis through Grounded Theory highlighted four themes: (a) the culture of psychiatric care services, (b) the effect of the pandemic on involuntary hospitalizations, (c) exceptional management of hospitalization, and (d) policies and suggestions for more inclusive mental health treatments.Conclusion...

Education Sciences
This study analyzes the critical aspects of the professional life of primary school teachers in a... more This study analyzes the critical aspects of the professional life of primary school teachers in a southern European context. The social changes of the last two decades have profoundly impacted teachers’ well-being, putting a strain on their ability to adapt to sometimes unfair working conditions. For this purpose, we interviewed twenty teachers (M = 38.85; DS = 9.17) from different areas of Italy and analyzed data using the grounded theory method. Through a data analysis, we summarized and emphasized eight core themes. The results show the effects of the gradual impoverishment of the recognition for the role of the teacher, highlighting the difficulty for teachers in renegotiating more flexible workload assessments and reinforcing psycho-emotional skills for developing a teaching methodology that is attentive to the psycho-emotional needs of their pupils. Schools emerge as a rigid working context where a competent organizational function is often absent. The practical psychological ...

Education Sciences
The school context, following an overall complexification of society, presents several situations... more The school context, following an overall complexification of society, presents several situations in which it is necessary to build a transformative setting based on the suspension of educational action and the use of in-depth interpretations of divergent behaviors. Method: Two teachers with psychological training present and discuss cases studies of psychological intervention based on the analysis of demand methodology. Results: The two case studies presented concern, respectively, a difficult inclusion of a foreign pupil in the classroom and a school phobia of a student before graduating. In both cases, the classes are reconceived as clinical settings thereby giving new meaning to the psycho-social relationships of the students. The teachers promoted an overcoming of critical events: in the first case the pupil reaches school inclusion in a short time; in the second case the pupil reaches the diploma. Conclusion: The method of psychological intervention is proposed as an innovativ...

Behavioral Sciences
Down syndrome (DS), due the presence of an intellectual disability and a precarious health condit... more Down syndrome (DS), due the presence of an intellectual disability and a precarious health condition, involves important challenges for developing skills at school. The study explores the relational dynamics between teachers and students with DS and how the latter influence the processes of socialization and learning at school. The study involved 15 (n = 15) special education teachers (M age = 40.4; SD = 9.3) from primary schools in Italy who were or had previously been in charge of a pupil with DS. The teachers were interviewed through a semi-structured interview, built ad hoc. The data were analyzed through the grounded theory method supported by ATLAS.ti software. Data analysis produced 20 (n = 20) categories grouped into 6 (n = 6) macro-categories: (1) psychophysical characteristics; (2) learnings; (3) relational aspects; (4) collaborations; (5) extracurricular activities; and (6) teacher training. The research shows that students with DS have good relationships with their peers...

Journal of Youth Studies
For decades, scientific literature has highlighted the discomfort and delay of the transition to ... more For decades, scientific literature has highlighted the discomfort and delay of the transition to adulthood of the young generations of southern Italy. This article examines the experience of the current young generation, strongly disadvantaged by structural factors of their environment, like crime and unemployment, and by a familistic culture. This study involved 160 young people (age range = 18-34; sd = 4.242) living in the metropolitan area of Naples. They were asked to describe their emotional relations with their community of belonging, their family bonds and their aspirations for the future. Data were collected qualitatively and analyzed through a psychological textual analysis (Emotional Textual Analysis) aimed at capturing the emotionality through which these youths attribute meaning to their reality and make decisions. Results show a generation left alone with its goals; in fact, the presence of crime inhibits the ability to plan the future, while the family of origin is mostly focused on keeping the younger generations inside to defend themselves against the instability of the outside world. In these circumstances, relations with peers and higher education function exclusively as a condition of pervasive presentification, in which to continue living within the role of eternal young people and students.
Methodological analysis of Narrative Teexts, 2010
Quaderni della Rivista di Psicologia Clinica, Jul 30, 2021

Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
The study investigates how the territorial community can influence the individual and social well... more The study investigates how the territorial community can influence the individual and social well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB) youth and especially the recognition of their feelings and the construction of their own identity as well as their needs to be socially recognized. This research focuses on the experiences of 30 LGB individuals (23 males and 7 females), with a mean age of 25.07 years (SD = 4,578), living in urban and rural areas of Southern Italy. Focalized open interviews were conducted, and the Grounded Theory Methodology, supported by the Atlas.ti 8.0 software, was used for data analysis. The textual material was first coded, and then codes were grouped into five macro-categories: Freedom of identity expression in the urban and rural context, identity construction and acceptance process, need of aggregation and identification with the LGB community, role of the interpersonal relationship in the process of identity acceptance, socio-cultural context, and LGB psych...

La ricerca ha voluto applicare il modello ecologico di Prilleltensky allo studio di una realtŕ lo... more La ricerca ha voluto applicare il modello ecologico di Prilleltensky allo studio di una realtŕ locale. Lo scopo č stato individuare i fattori che caratterizzano la vita della comunitŕ di immigrati dell'agro aversano. La realtŕ presa in esame č San Marcellino, piccolo paese della periferia Casertana, terra di criminalitŕ, ingiustizia e immigrazione. Č in questo territorio che a trovare la propria dimora č la comunitŕ di musulmani maghrebini, che da anni risiede stabilmente in questi luoghi. Lo studio ha considerato molteplici livelli d'analisi, a partire da quello individuale a quello socio-ambientale, rintracciando i fattori promotori di benessere e all'opposto quelli di rischio. A tal fine, abbiamo utilizzato la Grounded Theory grazie alla quale siamo giunti a costruire teorie di riferimento a partire dalle interviste fornite dai partecipanti. Abbiamo poi considerato il ruolo del potere e della politica nell'informare il benessere di questa comunitŕ, rintracciando i...
This paper describes the process and results of a complex action research conducted in southern I... more This paper describes the process and results of a complex action research conducted in southern Italy regarding the modalities of interaction between an Arab community centered around a local mosque and the residents of the surrounding area. The research was ...

Sexuality Research and Social Policy
Introduction The study focuses on the issue of same-sex parenting in Italy, one of the few Wester... more Introduction The study focuses on the issue of same-sex parenting in Italy, one of the few Western countries where it is not legally permitted. The aim of the research is to collect the experience of parents who have had a child abroad through reproduction and/or gestation procedures not ratified and recognized by the national legal system. Methods The research involved 32 same-sex parents, specifically 22 mothers (Mage = 41.3; SD = 6.5) and 10 fathers (Mage = 43.8; SD = 7.4) of at least one child. Data were collected in the first part of 2022, using a narrative interview designed to collect parents’ representation of same-sex parenting in Italy. The interviews were analyzed using Emotional Textual Analysis, a text mining methodology for tracing the emotional dimensions of text. Results The factorial analysis generated four thematic clusters (1—loneliness; 2—denied rights; 3—starting a family; and 4—future of LGBTQ+ liberation process) and two factors (1—minority stress; 2—conservat...

Journal of Homosexuality, 2022
The coming out (CO) is a family process that involves the LGB+ person and all family members. The... more The coming out (CO) is a family process that involves the LGB+ person and all family members. The present study aimed to analyze the CO process from parents' perspective and examine if and how the emotional states of mothers and fathers changed in the years following the disclosure. The study involved 25 Italian parents (16 mothers, 9 fathers; Mage = 67, SD = 7.8) of 17 gay men and 8 lesbian women. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview designed to explore parents' reactions to their child's CO and the evolution of their CO experiences over the medium to long term (M = 13.9; SD = 8.3). Interviews were analyzed using emotional text analysis, representing a mixed methodology for tracing the emotional dimensions that organize linguistic productions. The factorial analysis generated four thematic clusters: (1) the un-doing of family bonds; (2) perceived gender typicality in childhood; (3) the freedom to be oneself and transgression; and (4) family generativity. Parents experience CO as challenging, especially in the initial phase. However, some parents develop CO narratives characterized by openness, pride, and generativity. The findings have implications for practice.
Handbook of Methodological Approaches to Community-Based Research, 2015
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 2021
Rivista Di Psicologia Clinica, Apr 3, 2013
Quaderni Della Rivista Di Psicologia Clinica, Dec 18, 2014
Papers by Agostino Carbone