Papers by Andrew Agostino
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie, 2009
The purpose of this study was to explore an approach to group instructlon whereby alterable varia... more The purpose of this study was to explore an approach to group instructlon whereby alterable variables or instructional strategies are combined, in an attempt to achieve the effects associated with one-to-one tutoring (two standard deviations better than group instruction). The design of the project followed principles of instructional systems technology, and incorporated three Instructional strategies with known effect sizes: cooperative learning (Effect size = 80). enhanced student classroom participation (ES = 1.0), and advance organrzers (ES = .20). Cognitive, affective and sociometric measures were used to assess the outcomes of the combined treatments, compared to a control group which received conventional lecture-based instruction. Analysis of the data revealed that the approach of combining the three instructional strategies did not result in an effect size of two sigmas. The approach did, however, improve the cognitive achievement of lowaptitude learners, and did not adversely affect the cognitive achievement of middle-and high-aptitude learners. The combined instructional strategies were also found to positively influence students' attitudes toward cooperative learning, and heightened social interaction within the classroom.
The debate about whether or not media influence learning has been non-relenting for the last deca... more The debate about whether or not media influence learning has been non-relenting for the last decade. According to one researcher, media are mere vehicles, which deliver instruction, but have no direct authority or relevance on cognitive processes. Over the years, media research has been unable to provide convincing evidence to support causal links between the media and student achievement. What effects have been reported in the literature could be attributed to a conceptual confounding of media and method constructs. As such, all media studies should cease. Accordingly, proponents of media research have been quick to respond to this challenge but in most cases, these protests have been met with potent rebuttal and the debate has forged on. It is argued that it is time to put an end to this controversy. What is needed is a paradigm shift from cognitive theory and traditional research designs to situated cognition theory and designs that explore media as artifacts situated in context ...
The debate about whether or not media influence learning has been non-relenting for the last deca... more The debate about whether or not media influence learning has been non-relenting for the last decade. According to one researcher, media are mere vehicles, which deliver instruction, but have no direct authority or relevance on cognitive processes. Over the years, media research has been unable to provide convincing evidence to support causal links between the media and student achievement. What effects have been reported in the literature could be attributed to a conceptual confounding of media and method constructs. As such, all media studies should cease. Accordingly, proponents of media research have been quick to respond to this challenge but in most cases, these protests have been met with potent rebuttal and the debate has forged on. It is argued that it is time to put an end to this controversy. What is needed is a paradigm shift from cognitive theory and traditional research designs to situated cognition theory and designs that explore media as artifacts situated in context ...
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie, 2009
Academic exchange quarterly, 2003
For the most part, the focus of distributed learning has steered away from pre-tertiary education... more For the most part, the focus of distributed learning has steered away from pre-tertiary education; however, there is a growing demand today to consider alternative methods of delivering instruction at this level of education. While this is not a new concept, and distance education has been used in the past to service high school students residing in remote areas, falling enrollments, financial cut-backs and escalating drop out rates now make it conceivable to provide correspondence courses to schools located in major urban centers. These "schools within schools" can function only if effective organizational structures are applied at the host institution. Furthermore, support systems must be employed in order to ensure that adolescents learning at a distance are successful. These strategies may need to sacrifice some of the student's autonomy and as such, fall beyond traditional notions of distributed learning designed for adults. On the whole, distance education has te...
J. Educ. Technol. Soc., 1999
... suggested), a new way of understanding learning and the role that media play in ... Recent et... more ... suggested), a new way of understanding learning and the role that media play in ... Recent ethnographic research suggests that thinking can be described as an interaction between ... Prawat (1995) refers to this shared experience as 'idea-based, social constructivism', learners are ...
While many researchers have advanced constructivism as the dominant learning theory and have pres... more While many researchers have advanced constructivism as the dominant learning theory and have presented compelling arguments for curriculum reform, which include such notions as cognitive apprenticeship models, and the need for agent-environment interaction, little has been said about the type or level of interaction needed to produce potent learning effects. Practical work in pre-tertiary, media education sets up an engaging model descriptive of the learner-media relationship and offers possibilities to measure such occurrences. This qualitative analysis is an attempt to describe and classify classroom exchanges and their residual effects. During a 15-week period, an independent observer followed the progress of 25 media education students from a local high school. The students were grouped to form five production teams and were assigned a variety of media production tasks. An equal number of students not attending a media studies course were assigned to a control group. Interaction...
Educational Technology & Society, 1999
... suggested), a new way of understanding learning and the role that media play in ... Recent et... more ... suggested), a new way of understanding learning and the role that media play in ... Recent ethnographic research suggests that thinking can be described as an interaction between ... Prawat (1995) refers to this shared experience as 'idea-based, social constructivism', learners are ...
Philosophical Magazine Part B, 2000
Full terms and conditions of use: ... more Full terms and conditions of use: This article maybe used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 1989
Academic Exchange Quarterly, Mar 22, 2003
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology La Revue Canadienne De L Apprentissage Et De La Technologie, Feb 7, 2009
Papers by Andrew Agostino