Papers by Affan M Andalan

Dalam era yang sangat dinamis sekarang ini, dunia industri dituntut berjalan lebih adaptif agar s... more Dalam era yang sangat dinamis sekarang ini, dunia industri dituntut berjalan lebih adaptif agar semakin maju dan tidak malah mendatangkan kerugian. Adapun salah satu hal yang menjadi tantangannya ialah bagaimana perselisihan hubungan industrial dapat diselesaikan semudah mungkin dengan tetap memberi rasa keadilan bagi para pihak. UU No. 2 Tahun 2004 tentang Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial dirasa belum mampu sepenuhnya menjadi solusi atas hal tersebut. Oleh karenanya, melalui karya tulis ini penulis mencoba menguraikan tentang perselisihan hubungan industrial beserta cara penyelesaiannya serta urgensi dari dilakukannya reformasi hukum di bidang penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial demi terciptanya hubungan industrial yang rukun dan produktif sehingga dapat memajukan perekonomian.
In this very dynamic era, the industrial world must be more adaptive in order to be survived. One of the challenge is to create a proper resolution for industrial relation dispute so that it promotes justice to the parties. Law No. 2 Year 2004 considered not perfect yet to be the solution. Therefore, the legal reform in industrial relation dispute resolution must be done
Papers by Affan M Andalan
In this very dynamic era, the industrial world must be more adaptive in order to be survived. One of the challenge is to create a proper resolution for industrial relation dispute so that it promotes justice to the parties. Law No. 2 Year 2004 considered not perfect yet to be the solution. Therefore, the legal reform in industrial relation dispute resolution must be done
In this very dynamic era, the industrial world must be more adaptive in order to be survived. One of the challenge is to create a proper resolution for industrial relation dispute so that it promotes justice to the parties. Law No. 2 Year 2004 considered not perfect yet to be the solution. Therefore, the legal reform in industrial relation dispute resolution must be done