Papers by Rachmat Adi Purnama
Jurnal Akrab Juara, Feb 5, 2021
Computer Science (CO-SCIENCE), 2021
Reading the Al-Qur'an has always been a culture of Indonesian society, however recently the A... more Reading the Al-Qur'an has always been a culture of Indonesian society, however recently the Al-Qur'an has begun to be abandoned. Muslims are more engrossed in following games and social media with fun playing than opening the Al-Quran mushaf. In order not to have hijaiyah illiterate young people, they must carry out learning that follows the present era, such as learning applications that are not inferior to applications that make young Muslims lazy, the main target in the learning method of reading the Al-Quran application is children at an early age to learn it because children at an early age have quite good comprehension and memory. Based on the background that the authors convey above, the authors are interested in conducting further research on learning methods based on reading the Al-Quran application. The system development method used in this study uses the RAD (Rapid Application Development) Model. Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a software development proce...
2019 Fourth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 2019
Anna Sakowicz-dr, literaturoznawca, adiunkt w Katedrze Filologii Białoruskiej w Instytucie Filolo... more Anna Sakowicz-dr, literaturoznawca, adiunkt w Katedrze Filologii Białoruskiej w Instytucie Filologii Wschodniosłowiańskiej Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku. Zainteresowania badawcze: literatura pogranicza polsko-białoruskiego, literatura Białoruskiego Stowarzyszenia Literackiego w Białymstoku "Białowieża", literatura białoruska XX wieku. Autorka monografii: Belaruskaâ lìtaratura Polʹščy. Stylìstyčna-žanravyâ asablìvascì prozy"belavežcaǔ (Białystok 2012).
Documenting the process of the new dentists in Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia (PDGI) Jakarta Sel... more Documenting the process of the new dentists in Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia (PDGI) Jakarta Selatan during this label done conventionally operates as such participant registration Data Stored on archival paper only , the calculation of value Satuan Kredit Partisipasi (SKP) performed operating users. Expected with a system based building sites will facilitate the calculation of Satuan Kredit Partisipasi (SKP) To facilitate hearts get regulatory specialist dentist in Jakarta Selatan. Applications built using waterfall SDLC method that works used hearts Application Development. There are several phase hearts application development, phase analysis, design, coding, testing, and implementation. Application System design using ER Diagram. At phase coding, application built use with PHP programming language MySQL Database. Intisari-Proses pendataan dokter gigi baru di Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia (PDGI) Jakarta Selatan selama ini dilakukan secara konvensional seperti seperti data pendaftaran peserta hanya disimpan di arsip kertas, penghitungan nilai Satuan Kredit Partisipasi (SKP) dilakukan secara manual. Diharapkan dengan membangun suatu sitem yang berbasis website akan mempermudah dan mempercepat perhitungan Satuan Kredit Partisipasi (SKP) hingga memudahkan dalam hal mendapatkan regulasi spesialis dokter gigi di Jakarta Selatan. Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan menggunakan SDLC metode waterfall yang umum digunakan dalam pembuatan aplikasi. Ada beberapa tahap dalam pengembangan aplikasi ini, yaitu tahap analisis, desain, koding, pengujian, dan implementasi. Aplikasi ini menggunakan desain sistem dengan menggunakan ER Diagram. Sedangkan pada tahap koding, aplikasi ini dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan database MySQL.
— Seiring berkembangnya teknologi dalam pembuatan website, sebuah aplikasi yang dapat menjalankan... more — Seiring berkembangnya teknologi dalam pembuatan website, sebuah aplikasi yang dapat menjalankan suatu Web Server . Aplikasi itu harus mudah digunakan dan dapat digunakan di hampir semua peralatan. Tidak menggunakan memory yang cukup besar adalah suatu fitur yang harus dimiliki aplikasi Web Server agar memory yang tersedia tidak digunakan sia sia oleh server nya sendiri. Karena memori adalah salah satu hal penting yang berada di dalam sebuah server, jika memory penuh karena digunakan oleh sistem nya dengan sia sia, maka kebutuhan klien akan menjadi terhambat. Masalah yang biasanya muncul yaitu Web Server tidak dapat merespon permintaan klien karena sumber daya komputer server terlalu berat atau Overload. maka dibutuhkan aplikasi yang sangat ringan agar tidak membuat server berat. Aplikasi yang dibuat menggunakan bahasa c Sharp ini akan digunakan untuk menjalankan Web Server secara sederhana dan untuk mencoba sebuah web dapat berjalan secara bagus atau tidak, tanpa harus menginsta...
Conventional ballot is the voting process and to make important decisions for several parties inv... more Conventional ballot is the voting process and to make important decisions for several parties involved. But voting is very time consuming and very tiring to wait for the results of voting. evoting is an alternative voting process which can make easier and faster and can reduce the error rate. But the application of e-voting remains a matter of information security-related issues, namely the integrity of the data, confidentiality and availability of information. Encryption can be used to answer questions related to information security in the form of confidentiality, integrity of data, nonrepudiation, and authentication. In this study, it is described how a algorithm ASCII Code is used to improve the security of information in the e-voting. The results of this study is an e-voting system using a web-based programming language PHP and Oracle database.It is shown whether the ASCII Code algorithm used is safe enough for security of information on e-voting.
Sebuah jaringan berbasis redundancy adalah sistem jaringan yang digunakan untuk melakukan backup ... more Sebuah jaringan berbasis redundancy adalah sistem jaringan yang digunakan untuk melakukan backup jaringan jika terjadi sebuah permasalahan pada jaringan serta untuk mengantisipasi gangguan dalam kasus kegagalan perangkat jaringan khususnya permasalahan pada jaringan lokal yang terkoneksi langsung menggunakan alamat gateway. Dengan menggunakan redundancy¸client akan terkoneksi menggunakan alamat IP virtual. Adapun hasil pengukuran dari parameter packet loss terhadap jaringan VRRP jika terjadi permasalahan pada router master dan berpindah akses ke router backup lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan jaringan HSRP yaitu VRRP 0,8% sedangkan HSRP 2%. Namun, perpindahan router backup to master jaringan HSRP lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan jaringan VRRP yaitu VRRP 1,2% sedangkan 0,7%. Sedangkan untuk analisis fail over master to backup pada jaringan VRRP dan HSRP memiliki nilai delay yang sama sebesar 03Ms. Sedangkan fail over backup to master jaringan HSRP lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan jari...
ne"> Abstract—PT Smart Technologies company engaged in the particular payment PGN. Freque... more ne"> Abstract—PT Smart Technologies company engaged in the particular payment PGN. Frequent occurrence of electrical interference, signal unstable internet, hardware damage at several locations counter, resulting transaction services level, which impact on the quality of service that has been designated counters. Based on complaints from users iZone, the authors have a desire to build applications that are more easily used in a state that is often complained users iZone based SMS Gateway that is expected to overcome the above problems. The design of this application is supported by the tools program UML ( Unified Modeling Languange) for smooth understansing I ntisari — PT Smart Technologies perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pembayaran PGN. Sering terjadinya ganguan listrik, sinyal internet yang tidak stabil, kerusakan pada perangkat keras pada beberapa lokasi loket, mengakibatkan terkendalanya pelayanan transaksi, yang berimbas pada mutu pelayanan loket yang telah ditunjuk. ...
Pengalokasi IP Address versi 4 (IPv4) yang mulai menipis berjalan secara beriringan dengan semaki... more Pengalokasi IP Address versi 4 (IPv4) yang mulai menipis berjalan secara beriringan dengan semakin meningkatnya kebu-tuhan dunia teknologi informasi. Untuk memenuhi permintaan dari penggunaan IP Address, maka diterapkanlah Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). Hadirnya IPv6 diharapkan menjadi sebuah solusi dari permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh IPv4 seperti permasalahan terbatasnya alokasi IP Address dan keamanan jaringan komputer. Pengimplementasian IP Address didalam jaringan komputer tidak lepas dari adanya protokol routing. Routing protocol Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) pun ikut berkembang dengan adanya penggunaan IPv6 menjadi EIGRP for IPv6 (EIGRPv6). Perkem-bangan jaringan haruslah mempertimbangkan faktor Quality of Service (QoS) di dalamnya. Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) IPv6 hadir untuk memastikan layanan jaringan dapat berjalan dengan maximal dan stabil saat terjadinya link failure pada layanan jaringan. HSRP IPv6 mampu mengoptimalkan packet loss saa...
Lighting conditions of a house abandoned by the owner of a business for a long time to get home t... more Lighting conditions of a house abandoned by the owner of a business for a long time to get home tonight. This makes the owner let the condition of the house in the dark at night when the weather starts. Therefore, to overcome it needed an integrated system with various devices in the home. This system also needs to be controlled by the homeowner from a distance. An SMS (Short Message Service) can be a solution, because almost every homeowner has a cell phone that supports SMS. Home lighting system is controlled by a microcontroller Atmega 328P as a control center connected to the device to turn on the house lights. Besides the microcontroller is connected with wavecome modem that serves as a device that receives short messages to be sent by the owner of the house. Key Words: SMS, Mikrokontroler Atmega328P, Modem Wavecome
Level of crime has had with the empirical branching directly or through cyber space or virtual wo... more Level of crime has had with the empirical branching directly or through cyber space or virtual world. Based on the data showed that a variety of behavioral changes and the more crime increase with the virtual world of crime. Meanwhile the government and the device has not been able to become legal issues existing controllers. ITE legislation which was passed in last March 2008 full debate is considered not healthy and in conflict with the Constitution, especially on the freedom of UUD 45. By using qualitative methods, the author tried to analyze and give a solution that may become a concern for the government and the public how to maintain ethics in the virtual world interacting with the moral awareness of how to build each individual IT users themselves. Keywords: crime, ethics, the moral awareness
2018 Third International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 2018
The design of the street should be applied the knowledge of the engineer principles for the densi... more The design of the street should be applied the knowledge of the engineer principles for the density of traffic flow and rapidity in order to reduce the accident. A dilapidated mix-aggregate estimation will cause the reducing the street's quality. Marshall test is technique to test and discover out the level aggregate in mixconstruction of asphalt. Both Marshall Stability and Marshall Flow are resulting of the tested to discover how maximum of load will be used by the asphalt. However, it needs a guarantee by the accuracy of the values test of marshall with computing method such as Neural Network. This means to solve the issue of accuracy toward some various data's and it is not linear. An optimization Artificial Neural Network tested to produce the exact values, to apply the Genetic Algorithm. It purposes to rise the exact being generated by Artificial Neural Network. This experiment has been done to get the optimization of the architecture and to produce the exact more high. The best model can be standardized as initialization stages of design software application based mobile application system.
IJNS - Indonesian Journal on Networking and Security, 2019
Abstrak – Penggunaan layanan jaringan nirkabel 802.11 semakin meningkat, hal ini akan berbanding ... more Abstrak – Penggunaan layanan jaringan nirkabel 802.11 semakin meningkat, hal ini akan berbanding lurus dengan celah keamanan yang digunakan. Marak terjadinya pencurian dan kebobolan hak akses didalam wireless dikarenakan banyaknya tools yang mudah didapat didalam jaringan internet. Dengan menggunakan keamanan jaringan wireless model WEP/WPA2 yang hanya menerapkan single login untuk melakukan akses kini sudah mudah dibobol, penggunaan keamanan jaringan wireless model Hotspot Login yang melakukan verifikasi terhadap user dan password pun sudah rentan dengan kebobolan hak aksesnya. Untuk meminimalisir terjadinya kebobolan hak akses, penulis menerapkan optimalisasi keamanan jaringan wireless menggunakan metode firewall rule. Metode ini akan melakukan filtering hak akses berdasarkan MAC Address perangkat yang akan terhubung kedalam jaringan. Jadi jika terdapat user yang mencoba melakukan akses kedalam jaringan namun MAC Address dari perangkat tersebut tidak didaftarkan maka perangkat ter...
At the time a development project application systems are often responsible for the project const... more At the time a development project application systems are often responsible for the project constraints of time needed to complete the project itself, where the time is set based on the approximate duration of each activity that must be done according to the plan changes from manejement. Based on the problems, then a solution is required to determine the activities which can be complete. The purpose of writing this journal is to provide a solution in overcoming the problems associated with the acceleration time of a project application development system, while the purpose of writing this journal is to apply methods of PERT and CPM in the age of speed or time required in completing a project according to the age plan (UREN). Research methods that do the authors use the method of study literature, and descriptive method by using the table-table operational variables. At the end of the discussion of the results will be described how the age estimates (UPER) can be adjusted to the age ...
— Gateway Load Balancing Protocol (GLBP) Message-Digest algorithm 5 (MD5) is a Cisco's propri... more — Gateway Load Balancing Protocol (GLBP) Message-Digest algorithm 5 (MD5) is a Cisco's proprietary protocol. GLBP used to enhance the Quality of Service(QoS) on a network. It applies the IP Address Gateway Virtual that redundancy on the local network. GLBP run all used routers in time because of load balancing itself, there is no router used as a standby/backup only. Using the GLBP protocol, all network loads are shared equally to all connected routers. The way the GLBP network works is different from how the HSRP and VRRP networks work, which will run the standby/backup router if the active / master router experiences a problem (failover). The average time needed to redundancy the master to router backup router is 7.6 ms. While the average time needed to change from standby router redundancy to master router redundancy or the master router reused is 33.4 Ms. The average packet loss obtained when the redundancy of the active router change to standby router is 1.7 packet, and T...
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Bidang Teknik Informatika
The use 802.11 wireless-based network services have become one of the most widely used network se... more The use 802.11 wireless-based network services have become one of the most widely used network services, this will be directly proportional to the security holes that are in the wireless network. The rise of access rights theft in wireless networks is due to the large number of software and tools available on the internet to read encryption in wireless security. To minimize the occurrence of theft of access rights in wireless networks can use a layered security system by implementing security Hotspot login and MAC Address Filtering. This layered wireless network security is able to block users who try to access the network. This is because the wireless network security system has verified access rights 2 (two) times by matching the username and password in the hotspot login with the physical address or MAC address of the client. From the research results obtained by clients who use a username and password with different devices can not access the computer network. So every client wh...
Indonesian Journal of Computer Science
Failure to transfer data packets on a network becomes a big threat, both caused by link failures ... more Failure to transfer data packets on a network becomes a big threat, both caused by link failures and heavy traffic loads. To maintain stability in the network, the VRRP gateway redundancy protocol is applied. From the results of the research conducted, it takes an average time to failover for 3.75ms from the master router to the backup router and an average packet loss that occurs as many as 3 packets and the average time needed to failover from the backup router back to master router for 1.37ms and 1.5 packet loss occurred. The results of load sharing research are able to make 1 router device as a master router in 2 VRID at once. Implementing both Failover and Load Sharing methods can improve connectivity in the network by ensuring connectivity can run stably and equally. Failover is used as a backup gateway redundancy and load sharing is used to divide the gateway load equally.
IAIC Transactions on Sustainable Digital Innovation (ITSDI)
Quality of Service in a network is a big thing that must be resolved and dealt with as best as po... more Quality of Service in a network is a big thing that must be resolved and dealt with as best as possible. The limitation of the maximum transfer rate in network devices creates an obstacle in the process of transferring data packets. To maximize the transfer rate in network devices, you can use Virtual Link Aggregation which can offer bandwidth optimization and failover in the network. Link aggregation is a solution in combining several physical links into one logical link. The method used in this research is to consider the allocation of bandwidth, load balancing and failover in the link aggregation. From the results of the link aggregation test using two (2) interface bonding, the results of the bandwidth averages when there is a UPD data packet transfer to 0 bps / 184.9 Mbps, which was previously around 0 bps / 91.6 Mbps. While the result of the bandwidth averages when the TCP data packet transfer occurs is 0 bps / 105.5 Mbps, which was previously around 0 bps / 93.8 Mbps. Link Ag...
JUITA : Jurnal Informatika
Maraknya penggunaan akses internet belakangan ini khususya pada remaja, membuat kekhawatiran ters... more Maraknya penggunaan akses internet belakangan ini khususya pada remaja, membuat kekhawatiran tersendiri bagi orang tua. Dengan menggunakan jasa internet, pengguna layanan internet dengan sangat mudahnya melakukan pencarian dan mengakses kedalam website berkonten negatif dan pornografi. Dari data yang didapatkan akses terhadap website dengan konten negatif masih sangat tinggi dengan peringkat 17 dari Top Website Rangking. Hal ini merupakan sebuah alasan mengapa penulis melakukan penelitian menggunakan DNS filtering dengan tujuan untuk membatasi akses terhadap situs berkonten negatif dan barbau pornografi. Sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah yang menginginkan Indonesia menjadi pengguna dan penyedia Internet Sehat bagi semua kalangan. Untuk mewujudkan penerapan Internet Sehat, penulis mencoba melakukan penelitian menggunakan RouterBoard Mikrotik untuk melakukan implementasi DNS Filtering untuk membangun Internet sehat menggunakan router mikrotik. Jika nantinya terdapat pengguna layanan internet yang mencoba melakukan akses kedalam jaringan internet dengan cara melakukan perubahan DNS secara manual dan menggunakan Open DNS maka akses internetnya akan terputus ataupun terblokir. Semua pengguna layanan internet pada jaringan ditekankan untuk menggunakan layanan DNS yang telah ditentukan.
Papers by Rachmat Adi Purnama