Papers by Adakatia Armenta Solís
Las enfermedades que aquejan al ser humano, dependiendo de que les dan origen; son infecciosas y ... more Las enfermedades que aquejan al ser humano, dependiendo de que les dan origen; son infecciosas y no infecciosas, entendiendose por origen infeccioso si es un microbio que se introduce en una persona susceptible y a quien causa la enfermedad.
OBJETIVO. Valorar la utilidad de la medicion de la esterasa leucocitaria y la Interleucina 1 beta... more OBJETIVO. Valorar la utilidad de la medicion de la esterasa leucocitaria y la Interleucina 1 beta en fluido crevicular gingival como marcadores biologicos de la progresion de periodontitis. MATERIAL Y METODOS. Se efectuo un estudio con un diseno de casos y controles entre Agosto 2005 a Febrero 2006, definiendo como casos a pacientes con diagnostico de periodontitis confirmada y controles a pacientes sin periodontitis. Se recolectaron muestras de 290 pacientes colocando puntas de papel estandarizadas dentro del surco gingival. Se midieron niveles de esterasa leucocitaria de forma cuantitativa y semicuantitativa ,tambien IL-1 por ELISA en fluido crevicular gingival. Para la medicion semicuantitativa de esterasa leucocitaria se utilizaron tiras reactivas Multistix-10SG. Para la cuantificacion de la misma se midio espectrofotometricamente a 400 nm. Se calculo un factor de absorcion y se reporto en numero de leucocitos/l. Se cuantifico la IL-1 a traves de una prueba de ELISA por medio de...
Non-coding RNA Research, 2020
Archives of endocrinology and metabolism, 2018
Objective Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) has been suggested to be involved in the pat... more Objective Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) has been suggested to be involved in the pathophysiology of insulin resistance (IR); therefore, variants in the MCP-1 gene may contribute to the development of this disease. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship of the -2518 A>G MCP-1 (rs1024611) gene polymorphism with insulin resistance in Mexican children. Subjects and methods A cross-sectional study was performed in 174 children, including 117 children without insulin resistance and 57 children with IR, with an age range of 6-11 years. Levels for serum insulin and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein were determined. The -2518 A>G MCP-1 polymorphism was identified by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method. Insulin resistance was defined as a HOMA-IR in the upper 75th percentile, which was ≥ 2.4 for all children. Results Genotype frequencies of the rs1024611 polymorphism for the insulin-sensitive group were 17% AA, 48% ...
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 2000
The decline in the number of CD4+ T cells in HIV-1-infected patients is known to be related to th... more The decline in the number of CD4+ T cells in HIV-1-infected patients is known to be related to the increased number of CD8+CD28- T cells. In this paper, we show that CD8+CD28- T cells from HIV-positive patients have an impaired capability to interact with human endothelial cells. This is due to the dramatic expansion, within this subset, of rare CD11b- cells lacking cell-cell adhesion functions. In 50 HIV-positive patients, 19.5% +/- 6.5% of all T cells were CD8+CD28-CD11b-, whereas only 0.8% +/- 0.4% of all T cells from healthy donors showed this uncommon phenotype. The percentage of circulating CD8+CD28-CD11b- T cells was strongly related to the percentage of CD4+ T cells (r = -0.82). This population is peculiar in terms of HIV infection and was found to possess some characteristics associated with effector functions but its cytotoxic properties were impaired. The percentage of target cells lysed by CD8+CD28-CD11b- was significantly lower than that of cells lysed by its CD11b- counterpart (p <.05) both at low (5:1) or at relatively high (20:1) effector/target ratios. CD8+CD28-CD11b- T cells, which lack the ability to interact with endothelial cells, are likely to accumulate and persist in circulation. The biologic properties of CD8+CD28-CD11b- T cells suggest that these cells might be endstage or aberrant differentiated effector cells. Lack of cell-cell adhesion and impaired cytolytic functions favor the hypothesis of a role for CD8+CD28-CD11b- T cells in the development of immunodeficiency.
Papers by Adakatia Armenta Solís