This study performed a correlation analysis between groundwater quality parameters with organic a... more This study performed a correlation analysis between groundwater quality parameters with organic and inorganic pollutants using the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) map in Kano Metropolis, North-western Nigeria. The aim is to present the spatial relationship between groundwater pollutants and the existing vulnerability condition of the groundwater resources with a view to developing a vulnerability risk map. Eight water quality parameters (Ca, Al, Cl, NO3, TH, Mg, TDS which include potassium and sodium) and pH were used to develop the water quality index to represent the general overview of the groundwater pollutants. Vulnerability parameters (depth of water, net recharge, aquifer media and groundwater conferment on sensitivity analysis) were used as reference points for preparing ROC. Inorganic pollutants and hydrocarbons representing organic pollutants were integrated into the analysis process with a view to identifying their influence on t...
This paper developed an optimization technique for groundwater vulnerability in Kano Metropolis, ... more This paper developed an optimization technique for groundwater vulnerability in Kano Metropolis, NorthWestern Nigeria. A combination of DRASTIC is taken from initial letters of seven parameters namely depth to water table (D), net recharge (R), aquifer media (A), soil media (S), topography (T), impact of vadose zone (V) and hydraulic conductivity (C), while GOD also represents groundwater confinement (G), overlaying strata (O), depth of water (D) and multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) techniques were used in the optimization method by integrating other important and sensitive parameters for groundwater pollution, principally the anthropogenic point source pollution parameters (dump site, petroleum stations, automobile shops and under storage tanks). Geographic Information System was used to perform the sensitivity analysis (SA) using the single parameter and map removal sensitivity methods. Result of sensitivity optimization revealed the depth to groundwater (D), net recharge (N), impact of vadose zone (V) from DRASTIC model, and groundwater conferment (G) from GOD model having significant impact on the groundwater vulnerability, respectively. A combination of these four parameters was used to generate DNVG groundwater vulnerability for the area. This suggests that an integration of other point source pollution parameters can enhance the influence of DRASTIC and GOD model parameters on groundwater vulnerability condition. The paper recommends for the application of the optimization method used in this study in another area with similar geological and anthropogenic point source of pollution with a view to validating or improving on it. In this study, several input data, such as anthropogenic point sources of contamination, are added to the existing DRASTIC and GOD model parameters as part of a sensitivity analysis aiming to opti
Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, 2019
Washoff is an important process that describes the transportation of pollutants into water ways d... more Washoff is an important process that describes the transportation of pollutants into water ways during the wet weather event. Washoff is a multifarious phenomenon that encapsulated other varied processes ranging from the pollutants deposition during the dry weather period (buildup), to the higher load transport at the beginning of the storm (first flush). Most of the washoff studies were localised to non-tropical regions, where the laxity to wait for dry weather period exist. However, in the tropical regions, the assurance for prolonged dry weather period is near absent, due to frequency of rainfall. This research experimented two new approaches to washoff sampling suitable for tropical regions, alongside with the traditional washoff sampling method. To obtain highly accurate data, the rainfall parameters were confined to selection by employing a very efficient rainfall simulator to gain the washoff data. The washoff of Total suspended solids (TSS) as an indicator of pollution under...
Detecting and predicting the impact of land use/land cover (LULC) changes on streamflow are cruci... more Detecting and predicting the impact of land use/land cover (LULC) changes on streamflow are crucial sources of information for the effective management and protection of land and water resources in Sahelian ecosystems such as the Hadejia river basin. In this study, LULC change detection was performed using ENVI, while the LULC modeling was conducted using the cellular automata (CA)βMarkov in the IDRISI environment. However, the streamflow trend and variation were assessed using the MannβKendall (MK) trend test and the inverse distance weightage (IDW). Before the LULC modeling and projection (2030), the LULC was classified for 1990, 2000, and 2010 using supervised classification. Model output revealed a strong relationship between LULC and streamflow trend, thus, the decade 1990β2000 was the decade with high forest clearance and streamflow output, and consequently severe floods. However, the decade 2000β2010 witnessed land use expansion mainly via construction (3.4%). Meanwhile, the ...
This review investigates the level of water pollution caused by industrial effluents in Nigeria w... more This review investigates the level of water pollution caused by industrial effluents in Nigeria with a view to provide useful information to the authorities on the management, control and investigation of pollution cases, water quality surveillance and forecasting water quality in the country. Literature on the subject matter was accessed through published and unpublished materials on the subject as well as browsing of related issues on the internet. The results show that industrial effluents account for several point sources of water pollution. While developed nations adopt stringent water quality requirements to control river pollution from point and non-point sources, the situation is different in most developing countries like Nigeria. Waste water treatment in Nigeria is not given the necessary priority it deserves and therefore, industrial wastes are discharged into receiving water bodies without treatment and the consequences of this include, among others, river pollution, los...
This study examined the rate of sedimentation in the conveyance canals of Kano River Irrigation P... more This study examined the rate of sedimentation in the conveyance canals of Kano River Irrigation Project (Phase I). Five canals were sampled from the total number of canals using systematic sampling technique. The base lines of the canals were taken to be the transect line, and all the samples were taken with reference to the transect line using simple random sampling. The method adopted was a combination of volumetric analysis and filtration method for field and laboratory work respectively. Variables investigated include canal discharge at pre and post siltation period, sediment texture, and sedimentation of the canals. Descriptive statistics with the use of tables (as means total and percentages) was used for the analysis and presentation of data collected on canals discharge, sediment texture and suspended and dissolved sediments. The deposit consists of a fine sand fraction (76.3%) with a small amount of clay and silt of about 12.04% and 11.66% respectively. The average canal co...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS), 2019
Modelling of a river involves protracted engagement with uncertainty, thus making developing a re... more Modelling of a river involves protracted engagement with uncertainty, thus making developing a reliable model becomes quite cumbersome and often impossible. This paper presents a comparison of a non-linear models based on Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN) and Hammerstein-Weiner Model (HW) and a conventional linear models, Auto regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and Generalized Linear Regression (GLR) models for Kinta River, in Malaysia and Agra station of Yamuna river in India. Experimental data from the rivers were used in validating the models. Simulation results demonstrated that the nonlinear models (RBFNN and HW) averagely increased the performance accuracy of the linear models (ARIMA and GLR) by 20% and 15% at Kinta and Agra station of Yamuna River in the verification phase respectively. Considering the overall results the RBFNN model outperformed the other models with the average increase up to 21% in the verification phase. The model could serves as reliable and useful tool for forecasting the rivers.
This paper proposed a model explaining variation of shallow groundwater yield and dynamic level w... more This paper proposed a model explaining variation of shallow groundwater yield and dynamic level with respect to river location in the floodplain of Hadejia, along Hadejia River Basin of Jigawa State, Northwestern Nigeria. To achieve the aim, six transects were established within one km2 of floodplain and were oriented perpendicular to the river channel. Three tube wells were sampled and positioned along each transect at regular intervals making a total of 18 wells. Pumping test, which was repeated four times at 15 minutes interval in both morning and evening hours was used to measure groundwater yield. Multivariate statistical tools such as analysis of variance, Pearson product moment correlation, and cluster analysis were used, respectively, to test the research hypothesis and to classify sampling points into similar groups based on groundwater yield. Results show that the average yield of wells for evening hours recorded a higher yield of 3.3 L/s (55.93%) than the yield in the mor...
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI), 2020
Water quality index is a measure of water quality at a certain location and over a period of time... more Water quality index is a measure of water quality at a certain location and over a period of time. High value indicates that the water is unsafe for drinking and inadequate in quality to meet the designated uses. Most of the classical models are unreliable producing unpromising forecasting results. This study presents Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and a Multi Linear Regression (MLR) as the classical linear model for estimating the Water Quality Index (WQI) of Palla station of Yamuna river, India. Full-scale data of the river were used in validating the models. Performance measures such as Mean Square Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Determination Coefficient (DC) were utilized in evaluating the accuracy and performance of the models. The obtained result depicted the superiority of AI models over the MLR model. The results also indicated that, the best model of both ANN and ANFIS proved high improvement in performance accuracy over MLR up to 10% in the verifi...
This study investigated shallow groundwater quality and yield for irrigation along Hadejia River ... more This study investigated shallow groundwater quality and yield for irrigation along Hadejia River Basin of Jigawa State in both the dry and rainy seasons of one year. Sites in the floodplain with a history of irrigation where the use of tube wells is dominant were selected covering a transect of about 135 km. Six transects, oriented perpendicular to the river channel were established within 1 km2 in each site. Three tube wells were sampled and positioned along each transect at regular intervals, making a total of 18 wells in each site. To ensure quality control and quality assurance, the sampling standard methods prescribed by APHA (2005) were followed carefully for the collection of groundwater samples. Pumping test, which was repeated four times at 15 min interval in both morning and evening hours was used to measure groundwater yield. Multivariate statistical tools such as analysis of variance, Pearson product moment correlation, and cluster analysis were used respectively, to test the research hypothesis and to classify sampling points into similar groups based on groundwater quality. Results showed that the suitability of the water is lower in the dry season than in the rainy season. Average yield of wells for evening hours recorded a higher yield of 3.3 l/s (56%) than yield in the morning hours of 2.6 l/s (44%). Although groundwater average yield was found to be within the standard (2.5 l/s) for irrigation, it is realized that any extraction of the resource more than the prevailing rate can induce a decline in groundwater yield. A decision support system is recommended among the strategies to improve groundwater resources management in the area.
Paleosols play a great role in the study of sedimentary rocks especially those that formed in all... more Paleosols play a great role in the study of sedimentary rocks especially those that formed in alluvial settings. Two lithologic sections of the Lower Bima member of the early Cretaceous Bima Sandstone have been logged and the result shows occurrence of calcrete Paleosols in the Bima Hill section and ferruginous soil in the Wuyo section. The calcrete occurs in two forms: immature white calcrete peds and crystalline mature calcrete nodules with associated slickenslides. Both the peds and the nodules were formed under semi- arid to arid climatic conditions and are interpreted as representing diastem surfaces within the Lower Bima member. The slickensides is inferred to be of tectonic origin. The ferruginous soil of the Wuyo section also represents semi-arid climatic conditions and marks an interval of sub aerial exposure at the upper boundary of the Lower Bima member.
Some biomarkers and other compounds in the aliphatic and aromatic fractions of the Lamza and the ... more Some biomarkers and other compounds in the aliphatic and aromatic fractions of the Lamza and the Chikila coals were characterized and used in assessing the source input, maturity, hence the hydrocarbon generative potentials of the coals. The samples exhibit a slight n-alkanes odd carbon preference (CPI 1), high pristane/phytane ratios and a dominance of 20S epimer of C 29 sterane. The ratio of C 30 ab/(ab + ba) sterane and 22S/(22S + 22R) C 31-homohopane gave values of 0.77-0.83 and 0.58-0.60, respectively. The low Ts/Tm ratios are in agreement with the calculated vitrinite reflectance, R c (0.60-0.70%). The methylphananthrenes maturity derived parameters (1-MP/9-MP; MPR; MPI-1; R c) revealed a very slight variation and a consistent order of samples maturity with the exception of the R c values. All these together with some other hopanoid ratios, show that the organic matter is terrestrially derived, deposited in an oxic environment and at marginal maturity for hydrocarbon generation.
Malaria is currently affecting more people in the World than any other disease and no single meas... more Malaria is currently affecting more people in the World than any other disease and no single measure of control through the use of drugs seems effective. This study examined the temporal variation in the occurrence of malaria infection in Kano Municipal L.G.A. Secondary sources were used to generate data for the study. Relevant information was extracted from the bed head ticket (case files) of all in-patients of the health institutions in the study area. And information relating to socio demographic characteristics of patients and temporal pattern (i.e. annual, seasonal, and monthly variation) of malaria in the study area were extracted and analyzed, including 16,601 recorded hospital malaria cases of in patients between 2001 and 2005. The disease was found to affect females (54%) more than males (46%) and children in age 0-5 and 6-10 years accounted for 18.6% and 15.1% respectively. Seasonally, the disease was found to be more rampant in dry seasons (mid-September to mid-May) than in the wet season (mid-May to mid-September) accounting for 63.58% and 36.42 % respectively. The result of statistical test shows that there is no significance difference in the occurrence of the disease between dry season and wet season at 5% level of significance (Pβ€ 0.05). The trend of the occurrence was found to be increasing annually with the highest incidence in the year 2005 constituting 34% followed by the year 2004 and 2002 accounting for 25% and 16% respectively. Casual observation in the study area revealed that, many factors are believed to have contributed to the increasing trend which includes the presence of open gutters, stagnant water in the ponds, improper waste disposal and the congested settlement pattern that facilitates the malaria occurrence and related diseases. It is recommended that keeping the environment clean by maintaining proper sanitation is the best solution, and government should provide mosquito nets and drugs at an affordable price to the general public in order to prevent the disease.
This paper proposed a model explaining variation of shallow groundwater yield and dynamic level w... more This paper proposed a model explaining variation of shallow groundwater yield and dynamic level with respect to river location in the floodplain of Hadejia, along Hadejia River Basin of Jigawa State, Northwestern Nigeria. To achieve the aim, six transects were established within one km2 of floodplain and were oriented perpendicular to the river channel. Three tube wells were sampled and positioned along each transect at regular intervals making a total of 18 wells. Pumping test, which was repeated four times at 15 minutes interval in both morning and evening hours was used to measure groundwater yield. Multivariate statistical tools such as analysis of variance, Pearson product moment correlation, and cluster analysis were used, respectively, to test the research hypothesis and to classify sampling points into similar groups based on groundwater yield. Results show that the average yield of wells for evening hours recorded a higher yield of 3.3 L/s (55.93%) than the yield in the mor...
Water quality index is a measure of water quality at a certain location and over a period of time... more Water quality index is a measure of water quality at a certain location and over a period of time. High value indicates that the water is unsafe for drinking and inadequate in quality to meet the designated uses. Most of the classical models are unreliable producing unpromising forecasting results. This study presents Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and a Multi Linear Regression (MLR) as the classical linear model for estimating the Water Quality Index (WQI) of Palla station of Yamuna river, India. Full-scale data of the river were used in validating the models. Performance measures such as Mean Square Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Determination Coefficient (DC) were utilized in evaluating the accuracy and performance of the models. The obtained result depicted the superiority of AI models over the MLR model. The results also indicated that, the best model of both ANN and ANFIS proved high improvement in performance accuracy over MLR up to 10% in the verification phase. The difference between ANN and ANFIS accuracy is negligible due to a slight increment in performance accuracy indicating that both ANN and ANFIS could serve as reliable models for the estimation of WQI.
The current review has unveiled the spatial disparity of the surface water resources availability... more The current review has unveiled the spatial disparity of the surface water resources availability between the upstream and downstream of the Hadejia River Basin (HRB). The surface water resources are more abundant in the upstream areas of the basin. Although rainfall and temperature dynamics are identified as the major reason for these spatial variations, other important factors includethe differences in the geological formation and the land use changes. Furthermore, the differences in the geological formations between the upstream and downstream areas have further widened the disparities in the surface water resources available across the basin which are motivated by the differences in the rate of infiltration. The combined effects of these factors affect both spatial availability and the quality variation of the surface water resources. However, as per this review, there is no single integrated study reported to have aimed at addressing the problems of water resource excesses, deficiencies and/or pollution throughout the basin. To address the problem of water pollution, floods, and droughts, the current review recommends the use of riverbank filtration (RBF), aquifer recharge and recovery (ARR) and rainwater harvesting.
This study investigates the prevalence of drug resistance and mutations in rpoB gene among Mycoba... more This study investigates the prevalence of drug resistance and mutations in rpoB gene among Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from Kassala State, Sudan. In a cross-sectional study during 2011, sputum specimens (n ΒΌ 90) were examined microscopically and grown cultures were identified by analysing IS6110 insertion sequence. Antimicrobial sensitivity and mutations in the rpoB gene were determined. Of the 90 specimens found which were positive for acid-fast bacilli (AFB), 65 (72.2%) showed growth of mycobacteria. Sixty (66.7%) of these were M. tuberculosis, 5 (5.6%) were rapidly growing mycobacteria and 10 (11.1%) revealed no growth. Of the 60 M. tuberculosis, 31 (51.7%) were drug resistant, including 18 multidrug resistant TB (30%), and 15 (83.3%) demonstrated mutations in the rpoB gene. Isoniazid and rifampicin revealed the highest resistance rates (64.5%, 61.3%, respectively). In conclusion, drug resistance M. tuberculosis in Kassala State was high (30%) and was found to be mainly (83.3%) due to mutations in the rpoB gene.
This paper provides a broad overview of issues on groundwater condition and management in the Kan... more This paper provides a broad overview of issues on groundwater condition and management in the Kano region of northwestern Nigeria. The aim is to recommend new management strategies that can ensure sustainable groundwater resource management in the region. To achieve the aim of the study, various studies on groundwater conducted in the region were reviewed and key issues were identified. The review revealed that groundwater availability varied between the Basement Complex and Chad Formation areas of the region, with the latter having more of the resource than the former region as a result of the migration of groundwater from the Basement complex to the Chad Formation region. The review also revealed a steady annual decrease of groundwater level during the period 2010 to 2013 and the groundwater beneath the floodplains dropped from 9000 Million Cubic Meter (MCM) in 1964 to 5000 MCM in 1987 in the Chad Formation area of the region. The review further revealed that there is poor knowledge regarding the impact of historical and projected climate variability and change on groundwater availability in the region. This is as a result of the lack of sustained time series data on groundwater resource. Thus, there has been little or no integrated management between groundwater excess and deficiency on one hand, and groundwater pollution management on the other hand. Rainwater harvesting, among other approaches, is recommended for sustainable groundwater management in the region.
This study performed a correlation analysis between groundwater quality parameters with organic a... more This study performed a correlation analysis between groundwater quality parameters with organic and inorganic pollutants using the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) map in Kano Metropolis, North-western Nigeria. The aim is to present the spatial relationship between groundwater pollutants and the existing vulnerability condition of the groundwater resources with a view to developing a vulnerability risk map. Eight water quality parameters (Ca, Al, Cl, NO3, TH, Mg, TDS which include potassium and sodium) and pH were used to develop the water quality index to represent the general overview of the groundwater pollutants. Vulnerability parameters (depth of water, net recharge, aquifer media and groundwater conferment on sensitivity analysis) were used as reference points for preparing ROC. Inorganic pollutants and hydrocarbons representing organic pollutants were integrated into the analysis process with a view to identifying their influence on t...
This paper developed an optimization technique for groundwater vulnerability in Kano Metropolis, ... more This paper developed an optimization technique for groundwater vulnerability in Kano Metropolis, NorthWestern Nigeria. A combination of DRASTIC is taken from initial letters of seven parameters namely depth to water table (D), net recharge (R), aquifer media (A), soil media (S), topography (T), impact of vadose zone (V) and hydraulic conductivity (C), while GOD also represents groundwater confinement (G), overlaying strata (O), depth of water (D) and multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) techniques were used in the optimization method by integrating other important and sensitive parameters for groundwater pollution, principally the anthropogenic point source pollution parameters (dump site, petroleum stations, automobile shops and under storage tanks). Geographic Information System was used to perform the sensitivity analysis (SA) using the single parameter and map removal sensitivity methods. Result of sensitivity optimization revealed the depth to groundwater (D), net recharge (N), impact of vadose zone (V) from DRASTIC model, and groundwater conferment (G) from GOD model having significant impact on the groundwater vulnerability, respectively. A combination of these four parameters was used to generate DNVG groundwater vulnerability for the area. This suggests that an integration of other point source pollution parameters can enhance the influence of DRASTIC and GOD model parameters on groundwater vulnerability condition. The paper recommends for the application of the optimization method used in this study in another area with similar geological and anthropogenic point source of pollution with a view to validating or improving on it. In this study, several input data, such as anthropogenic point sources of contamination, are added to the existing DRASTIC and GOD model parameters as part of a sensitivity analysis aiming to opti
Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, 2019
Washoff is an important process that describes the transportation of pollutants into water ways d... more Washoff is an important process that describes the transportation of pollutants into water ways during the wet weather event. Washoff is a multifarious phenomenon that encapsulated other varied processes ranging from the pollutants deposition during the dry weather period (buildup), to the higher load transport at the beginning of the storm (first flush). Most of the washoff studies were localised to non-tropical regions, where the laxity to wait for dry weather period exist. However, in the tropical regions, the assurance for prolonged dry weather period is near absent, due to frequency of rainfall. This research experimented two new approaches to washoff sampling suitable for tropical regions, alongside with the traditional washoff sampling method. To obtain highly accurate data, the rainfall parameters were confined to selection by employing a very efficient rainfall simulator to gain the washoff data. The washoff of Total suspended solids (TSS) as an indicator of pollution under...
Detecting and predicting the impact of land use/land cover (LULC) changes on streamflow are cruci... more Detecting and predicting the impact of land use/land cover (LULC) changes on streamflow are crucial sources of information for the effective management and protection of land and water resources in Sahelian ecosystems such as the Hadejia river basin. In this study, LULC change detection was performed using ENVI, while the LULC modeling was conducted using the cellular automata (CA)βMarkov in the IDRISI environment. However, the streamflow trend and variation were assessed using the MannβKendall (MK) trend test and the inverse distance weightage (IDW). Before the LULC modeling and projection (2030), the LULC was classified for 1990, 2000, and 2010 using supervised classification. Model output revealed a strong relationship between LULC and streamflow trend, thus, the decade 1990β2000 was the decade with high forest clearance and streamflow output, and consequently severe floods. However, the decade 2000β2010 witnessed land use expansion mainly via construction (3.4%). Meanwhile, the ...
This review investigates the level of water pollution caused by industrial effluents in Nigeria w... more This review investigates the level of water pollution caused by industrial effluents in Nigeria with a view to provide useful information to the authorities on the management, control and investigation of pollution cases, water quality surveillance and forecasting water quality in the country. Literature on the subject matter was accessed through published and unpublished materials on the subject as well as browsing of related issues on the internet. The results show that industrial effluents account for several point sources of water pollution. While developed nations adopt stringent water quality requirements to control river pollution from point and non-point sources, the situation is different in most developing countries like Nigeria. Waste water treatment in Nigeria is not given the necessary priority it deserves and therefore, industrial wastes are discharged into receiving water bodies without treatment and the consequences of this include, among others, river pollution, los...
This study examined the rate of sedimentation in the conveyance canals of Kano River Irrigation P... more This study examined the rate of sedimentation in the conveyance canals of Kano River Irrigation Project (Phase I). Five canals were sampled from the total number of canals using systematic sampling technique. The base lines of the canals were taken to be the transect line, and all the samples were taken with reference to the transect line using simple random sampling. The method adopted was a combination of volumetric analysis and filtration method for field and laboratory work respectively. Variables investigated include canal discharge at pre and post siltation period, sediment texture, and sedimentation of the canals. Descriptive statistics with the use of tables (as means total and percentages) was used for the analysis and presentation of data collected on canals discharge, sediment texture and suspended and dissolved sediments. The deposit consists of a fine sand fraction (76.3%) with a small amount of clay and silt of about 12.04% and 11.66% respectively. The average canal co...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS), 2019
Modelling of a river involves protracted engagement with uncertainty, thus making developing a re... more Modelling of a river involves protracted engagement with uncertainty, thus making developing a reliable model becomes quite cumbersome and often impossible. This paper presents a comparison of a non-linear models based on Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN) and Hammerstein-Weiner Model (HW) and a conventional linear models, Auto regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and Generalized Linear Regression (GLR) models for Kinta River, in Malaysia and Agra station of Yamuna river in India. Experimental data from the rivers were used in validating the models. Simulation results demonstrated that the nonlinear models (RBFNN and HW) averagely increased the performance accuracy of the linear models (ARIMA and GLR) by 20% and 15% at Kinta and Agra station of Yamuna River in the verification phase respectively. Considering the overall results the RBFNN model outperformed the other models with the average increase up to 21% in the verification phase. The model could serves as reliable and useful tool for forecasting the rivers.
This paper proposed a model explaining variation of shallow groundwater yield and dynamic level w... more This paper proposed a model explaining variation of shallow groundwater yield and dynamic level with respect to river location in the floodplain of Hadejia, along Hadejia River Basin of Jigawa State, Northwestern Nigeria. To achieve the aim, six transects were established within one km2 of floodplain and were oriented perpendicular to the river channel. Three tube wells were sampled and positioned along each transect at regular intervals making a total of 18 wells. Pumping test, which was repeated four times at 15 minutes interval in both morning and evening hours was used to measure groundwater yield. Multivariate statistical tools such as analysis of variance, Pearson product moment correlation, and cluster analysis were used, respectively, to test the research hypothesis and to classify sampling points into similar groups based on groundwater yield. Results show that the average yield of wells for evening hours recorded a higher yield of 3.3 L/s (55.93%) than the yield in the mor...
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI), 2020
Water quality index is a measure of water quality at a certain location and over a period of time... more Water quality index is a measure of water quality at a certain location and over a period of time. High value indicates that the water is unsafe for drinking and inadequate in quality to meet the designated uses. Most of the classical models are unreliable producing unpromising forecasting results. This study presents Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and a Multi Linear Regression (MLR) as the classical linear model for estimating the Water Quality Index (WQI) of Palla station of Yamuna river, India. Full-scale data of the river were used in validating the models. Performance measures such as Mean Square Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Determination Coefficient (DC) were utilized in evaluating the accuracy and performance of the models. The obtained result depicted the superiority of AI models over the MLR model. The results also indicated that, the best model of both ANN and ANFIS proved high improvement in performance accuracy over MLR up to 10% in the verifi...
This study investigated shallow groundwater quality and yield for irrigation along Hadejia River ... more This study investigated shallow groundwater quality and yield for irrigation along Hadejia River Basin of Jigawa State in both the dry and rainy seasons of one year. Sites in the floodplain with a history of irrigation where the use of tube wells is dominant were selected covering a transect of about 135 km. Six transects, oriented perpendicular to the river channel were established within 1 km2 in each site. Three tube wells were sampled and positioned along each transect at regular intervals, making a total of 18 wells in each site. To ensure quality control and quality assurance, the sampling standard methods prescribed by APHA (2005) were followed carefully for the collection of groundwater samples. Pumping test, which was repeated four times at 15 min interval in both morning and evening hours was used to measure groundwater yield. Multivariate statistical tools such as analysis of variance, Pearson product moment correlation, and cluster analysis were used respectively, to test the research hypothesis and to classify sampling points into similar groups based on groundwater quality. Results showed that the suitability of the water is lower in the dry season than in the rainy season. Average yield of wells for evening hours recorded a higher yield of 3.3 l/s (56%) than yield in the morning hours of 2.6 l/s (44%). Although groundwater average yield was found to be within the standard (2.5 l/s) for irrigation, it is realized that any extraction of the resource more than the prevailing rate can induce a decline in groundwater yield. A decision support system is recommended among the strategies to improve groundwater resources management in the area.
Paleosols play a great role in the study of sedimentary rocks especially those that formed in all... more Paleosols play a great role in the study of sedimentary rocks especially those that formed in alluvial settings. Two lithologic sections of the Lower Bima member of the early Cretaceous Bima Sandstone have been logged and the result shows occurrence of calcrete Paleosols in the Bima Hill section and ferruginous soil in the Wuyo section. The calcrete occurs in two forms: immature white calcrete peds and crystalline mature calcrete nodules with associated slickenslides. Both the peds and the nodules were formed under semi- arid to arid climatic conditions and are interpreted as representing diastem surfaces within the Lower Bima member. The slickensides is inferred to be of tectonic origin. The ferruginous soil of the Wuyo section also represents semi-arid climatic conditions and marks an interval of sub aerial exposure at the upper boundary of the Lower Bima member.
Some biomarkers and other compounds in the aliphatic and aromatic fractions of the Lamza and the ... more Some biomarkers and other compounds in the aliphatic and aromatic fractions of the Lamza and the Chikila coals were characterized and used in assessing the source input, maturity, hence the hydrocarbon generative potentials of the coals. The samples exhibit a slight n-alkanes odd carbon preference (CPI 1), high pristane/phytane ratios and a dominance of 20S epimer of C 29 sterane. The ratio of C 30 ab/(ab + ba) sterane and 22S/(22S + 22R) C 31-homohopane gave values of 0.77-0.83 and 0.58-0.60, respectively. The low Ts/Tm ratios are in agreement with the calculated vitrinite reflectance, R c (0.60-0.70%). The methylphananthrenes maturity derived parameters (1-MP/9-MP; MPR; MPI-1; R c) revealed a very slight variation and a consistent order of samples maturity with the exception of the R c values. All these together with some other hopanoid ratios, show that the organic matter is terrestrially derived, deposited in an oxic environment and at marginal maturity for hydrocarbon generation.
Malaria is currently affecting more people in the World than any other disease and no single meas... more Malaria is currently affecting more people in the World than any other disease and no single measure of control through the use of drugs seems effective. This study examined the temporal variation in the occurrence of malaria infection in Kano Municipal L.G.A. Secondary sources were used to generate data for the study. Relevant information was extracted from the bed head ticket (case files) of all in-patients of the health institutions in the study area. And information relating to socio demographic characteristics of patients and temporal pattern (i.e. annual, seasonal, and monthly variation) of malaria in the study area were extracted and analyzed, including 16,601 recorded hospital malaria cases of in patients between 2001 and 2005. The disease was found to affect females (54%) more than males (46%) and children in age 0-5 and 6-10 years accounted for 18.6% and 15.1% respectively. Seasonally, the disease was found to be more rampant in dry seasons (mid-September to mid-May) than in the wet season (mid-May to mid-September) accounting for 63.58% and 36.42 % respectively. The result of statistical test shows that there is no significance difference in the occurrence of the disease between dry season and wet season at 5% level of significance (Pβ€ 0.05). The trend of the occurrence was found to be increasing annually with the highest incidence in the year 2005 constituting 34% followed by the year 2004 and 2002 accounting for 25% and 16% respectively. Casual observation in the study area revealed that, many factors are believed to have contributed to the increasing trend which includes the presence of open gutters, stagnant water in the ponds, improper waste disposal and the congested settlement pattern that facilitates the malaria occurrence and related diseases. It is recommended that keeping the environment clean by maintaining proper sanitation is the best solution, and government should provide mosquito nets and drugs at an affordable price to the general public in order to prevent the disease.
This paper proposed a model explaining variation of shallow groundwater yield and dynamic level w... more This paper proposed a model explaining variation of shallow groundwater yield and dynamic level with respect to river location in the floodplain of Hadejia, along Hadejia River Basin of Jigawa State, Northwestern Nigeria. To achieve the aim, six transects were established within one km2 of floodplain and were oriented perpendicular to the river channel. Three tube wells were sampled and positioned along each transect at regular intervals making a total of 18 wells. Pumping test, which was repeated four times at 15 minutes interval in both morning and evening hours was used to measure groundwater yield. Multivariate statistical tools such as analysis of variance, Pearson product moment correlation, and cluster analysis were used, respectively, to test the research hypothesis and to classify sampling points into similar groups based on groundwater yield. Results show that the average yield of wells for evening hours recorded a higher yield of 3.3 L/s (55.93%) than the yield in the mor...
Water quality index is a measure of water quality at a certain location and over a period of time... more Water quality index is a measure of water quality at a certain location and over a period of time. High value indicates that the water is unsafe for drinking and inadequate in quality to meet the designated uses. Most of the classical models are unreliable producing unpromising forecasting results. This study presents Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and a Multi Linear Regression (MLR) as the classical linear model for estimating the Water Quality Index (WQI) of Palla station of Yamuna river, India. Full-scale data of the river were used in validating the models. Performance measures such as Mean Square Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Determination Coefficient (DC) were utilized in evaluating the accuracy and performance of the models. The obtained result depicted the superiority of AI models over the MLR model. The results also indicated that, the best model of both ANN and ANFIS proved high improvement in performance accuracy over MLR up to 10% in the verification phase. The difference between ANN and ANFIS accuracy is negligible due to a slight increment in performance accuracy indicating that both ANN and ANFIS could serve as reliable models for the estimation of WQI.
The current review has unveiled the spatial disparity of the surface water resources availability... more The current review has unveiled the spatial disparity of the surface water resources availability between the upstream and downstream of the Hadejia River Basin (HRB). The surface water resources are more abundant in the upstream areas of the basin. Although rainfall and temperature dynamics are identified as the major reason for these spatial variations, other important factors includethe differences in the geological formation and the land use changes. Furthermore, the differences in the geological formations between the upstream and downstream areas have further widened the disparities in the surface water resources available across the basin which are motivated by the differences in the rate of infiltration. The combined effects of these factors affect both spatial availability and the quality variation of the surface water resources. However, as per this review, there is no single integrated study reported to have aimed at addressing the problems of water resource excesses, deficiencies and/or pollution throughout the basin. To address the problem of water pollution, floods, and droughts, the current review recommends the use of riverbank filtration (RBF), aquifer recharge and recovery (ARR) and rainwater harvesting.
This study investigates the prevalence of drug resistance and mutations in rpoB gene among Mycoba... more This study investigates the prevalence of drug resistance and mutations in rpoB gene among Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from Kassala State, Sudan. In a cross-sectional study during 2011, sputum specimens (n ΒΌ 90) were examined microscopically and grown cultures were identified by analysing IS6110 insertion sequence. Antimicrobial sensitivity and mutations in the rpoB gene were determined. Of the 90 specimens found which were positive for acid-fast bacilli (AFB), 65 (72.2%) showed growth of mycobacteria. Sixty (66.7%) of these were M. tuberculosis, 5 (5.6%) were rapidly growing mycobacteria and 10 (11.1%) revealed no growth. Of the 60 M. tuberculosis, 31 (51.7%) were drug resistant, including 18 multidrug resistant TB (30%), and 15 (83.3%) demonstrated mutations in the rpoB gene. Isoniazid and rifampicin revealed the highest resistance rates (64.5%, 61.3%, respectively). In conclusion, drug resistance M. tuberculosis in Kassala State was high (30%) and was found to be mainly (83.3%) due to mutations in the rpoB gene.
This paper provides a broad overview of issues on groundwater condition and management in the Kan... more This paper provides a broad overview of issues on groundwater condition and management in the Kano region of northwestern Nigeria. The aim is to recommend new management strategies that can ensure sustainable groundwater resource management in the region. To achieve the aim of the study, various studies on groundwater conducted in the region were reviewed and key issues were identified. The review revealed that groundwater availability varied between the Basement Complex and Chad Formation areas of the region, with the latter having more of the resource than the former region as a result of the migration of groundwater from the Basement complex to the Chad Formation region. The review also revealed a steady annual decrease of groundwater level during the period 2010 to 2013 and the groundwater beneath the floodplains dropped from 9000 Million Cubic Meter (MCM) in 1964 to 5000 MCM in 1987 in the Chad Formation area of the region. The review further revealed that there is poor knowledge regarding the impact of historical and projected climate variability and change on groundwater availability in the region. This is as a result of the lack of sustained time series data on groundwater resource. Thus, there has been little or no integrated management between groundwater excess and deficiency on one hand, and groundwater pollution management on the other hand. Rainwater harvesting, among other approaches, is recommended for sustainable groundwater management in the region.
Papers by Abubakar Tukur