Papers by Abdoulay Mfewou
Applied Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
This article presents the territorial origins of ethnic groups in different regions and their cus... more This article presents the territorial origins of ethnic groups in different regions and their customary land tenure in Cameroon. Between laws and realities, the social and cultural analysis of each group shows the connection between customary land allocation mechanisms to rural development stakeholders’ activities and, the injustice during land allocation which results in discrimination always towards women. These modes of allocation, that is, referred to as ancient ethno-social norms are evolving in each group in Cameroon. With the current demographic context which is increasing (at a rate of 3% per annum), land has become rents by notabilities. This land discrimination against women practiced by the co-heirs of land is part of a strategy to challenge public authorities on their mission to ensure the promotion of social equality in collaboration with traditional leaders in order to reduce this injustice. Agricultural spatial justice is about economic efficiency and productivity, of...
Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science
This article shows the process of transition from the unitary state to decentralisation, which is... more This article shows the process of transition from the unitary state to decentralisation, which is the transfer of administrative competences from the central state to the communities (municipalities). This law is derived from the Constitution of 18 January 1996, which was re-enacted by Law No. 2019/024 of 24 December 2019 on the General Code of Decentralised Territorial Authorities, with the creation of regions and elected regional councillors and traditional chiefs appointed as regional councillors by the central government. The particularity of decentralisation in Cameroon is the maintenance of governors, prefects and sub-prefects as representatives of the central state in the missions of the centralised power. Another peculiarity is the weak donation of the sovereignty of the delegations of the various ministers placed under the management of decentralised communities (Mairie). This donation remains weak in all areas. In the new model defined by the law n°2019/024 of 24 December ...
International Journal of Social Science and Economics Invention
In the West Cameroon region, agri-food establishments: bakeries, fishmongers and restaurants cont... more In the West Cameroon region, agri-food establishments: bakeries, fishmongers and restaurants contribute to three quarters (3/4) of employment in the towns, turnover and added value of regional businesses. These are also the sectors that consume the most electrical energy; between them, these establishments account for more than 50% of the electrical energy consumption in the entire Western region of the country. For six months, we conducted the study in (5the) major towns of West Cameroon chosen at random (Mifi, Menoua, Bamboutos, Nde and Haut-Nkam). Field observations of recurrent power cuts and surveys of local policy makers were also conducted on the supply of electricity, which remains problematic throughout the country. Our results show that the average electricity consumption per establishment is particularly high in bakeries, at around 1441.67 KWh, compared to 1295.45 KWh for fishmongers and 371.21 KWh for restaurants. Electricity is mainly used as a driving force for thermod...
A field trial was conducted in order to evaluate the efficacy of Deltamethrin-impregnated screens... more A field trial was conducted in order to evaluate the efficacy of Deltamethrin-impregnated screens in a tsetse endemic zone in Cameroon over a period of 26 months (September 2011 to October 2013). Tsetse barriers consisted of Deltamethrin-treated odor-baited targets (n = 376), deployed on Bini pasture. Similarly, biconical traps were also installed (100-200 m apart in each site) for 48 h during sampling (the beginning and the end of the dry and the rainy seasons), and screen density was 1 screen per 100 m 2. Parasitological and hematological analyses were carried out using standard protocols, namely, the Buffy Coat Examination (BCE) and hematocrit evaluation. Trypanosomes identified included: Trypanosoma congolense, T. vivax, and T. brucei brucei. Overall fly catch was 1491 flies (Glossina m. submorsitans and G. tachinoides). The overall mean apparent density of flies before deployment of traps was 28.9 flies/trap/day (F/T/D)±12.48 SD, which was significantly higher (P > 0.05) tha...
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal
With its Sahelian climate, Chad presents climatic parameters which have a very negative impact on... more With its Sahelian climate, Chad presents climatic parameters which have a very negative impact on its agricultural productivity. Faced with this natural problem for peasant society, political decision-makers do little to support local adaptation mechanisms. The study in Kélo, southern Chad, (606.9 mm; 28.9 ° C) was carried out for five months. The survey was conducted with 140 heads of households randomly chosen from this area to collect information relating to the damage caused by climatic vagaries on the yields of cultivated plants and the analysis of meteorological data collected at the Kélo station by l 'Chad Institute of Agronomic Research for Development (ITRAD) on climate variability which shows the irregularities of the rains at their beginnings and / or at their ends, the shortening of the rainy season and, a slight rise in temperature. These rainfall irregularities, the main crops are experiencing yield reductions of the order of 70¨% of the average, approximately: 20-...
A partir des annees 1970, des courants migratoires venus de l'Extreme-Nord, d'abord organ... more A partir des annees 1970, des courants migratoires venus de l'Extreme-Nord, d'abord organises et encadres par l'administration, puis libres, ont fait tripler la population dans certaines zones de la region du Nord-Cameroun. La densite de peuplement depasse aujourd'hui les 20 hab. /km2. Les migrants devaient combler un vide demographique et faire progresser la speculation cotonniere et les cultures de cereales. Toutefois, le vide n'etait qu'apparent, car ces espaces appartenaient economiquement aux eleveurs et politiquement aux lamidats Peuls qui les avaient conquis au debut du XIXe siecle. Les migrants, par leur arrivee massive, remettaient en cause l'usage premier de ces espaces, consacres a l'elevages, ainsi que les aires protegees de la region du Nord. La region de Lagdo, en aval d'un barrage realise de 1977 a 1982, resume toute l'histoire de ces migrants et des enjeux que pose le phenomene migratoire, tant sur le plan technique que foncier...
Le present document est le resultat des travaux de terrain menes pendant 08 mois a la frontiere d... more Le present document est le resultat des travaux de terrain menes pendant 08 mois a la frontiere de la ville de Yaounde (Cameroun) sur les migrations maraicheres et les enjeux fonciers. La premiere etape a consiste a realiser une revue de la litterature scientifique traitant de l'agriculture dans la zone de forets denses humides a pluviometrie bimodale du Cameroun, des migrations internes, d'occupation fonciere, et de la gestion des produits agricoles dans son grand ensemble. Les donnees ont ete collectees dans la zone periurbaine de Yaounde (Obala, Bafia, Bantoum), aupres de 116 chefs de menage : des autochtones et des migrants venus de la region de l'Ouest et du Nord-Ouest Cameroun, soit 278 membres de familles selectionnes de maniere aleatoire. Ces differents acteurs specialises dans a culture maraichere pour seule activite ont repondu a un questionnaire lie a la problematique de leur activite principale. Il ressort de leur differentes declarations que l'accompagne...
This article examines the problems of pig-breeding in the human environment. It highlights the ec... more This article examines the problems of pig-breeding in the human environment. It highlights the economic importance of pig-breeding in income generation in the urban and suburbs of the city of Yaounde. The study was carried out in six months on 201 farms in the urban and sub-urban areas of Yaounde and revealed that stakeholders in this activity focused on the economic importance while ignoring environmental problems. Pig-breeders originated from different geographic origin and men (75.0%) were highly involved. Pig breeding was common in suburbs than in urban settings with a statistical significant difference (P<0.05). It was found in the urban site that most pig breeders were from Nkoabang (12.93%) with 9.38% animals per farm, while in the suburbs, most of them were from Obala (31.34%) with 43.72% animals per farm. This activity is particularly criticized by the media and the Cameroonian public for many drawbacks. Some of the major pitfalls included pollution i.e. sound and waste....
International Journal of Social Science and Economics Invention
This article shows that Cameroon remains the second hydroelectric potential of Africa after the D... more This article shows that Cameroon remains the second hydroelectric potential of Africa after the Democratic Republic of Congo. Started in the 1950s and developed in 2001 by the national policy, strategy and action plan for energy efficiency in the electricity sector in Cameroon with the construction of hydroelectric dams and thermal power plants, the result of this policy Slow is the persistence of difficulties in supplying electrical energy, which leads to continuous load shedding on the one hand, and the limits linked to supplies in a context of increasing urbanization (2.5%) on the other. Although the correlation between population growth and energy consumption remains present for economic growth in cities, the rate of GDP is 5.77% and remains constant among other things, from the energy crisis in all cities of the country.
European Scientific Journal, ESJ
This article focuses on the openness and socio-economic dynamics associated with the meeting of d... more This article focuses on the openness and socio-economic dynamics associated with the meeting of different communities from many inland territories of Africa: on the borders of South Cameroon, northern Equatorial Guinea and North of Gabon, attracted by the oil windfall. The study illustrates the effectiveness of "living together" in this vast sub-region. It shows how development is based on the organization of trade that is not simply based on the differences between national systems, but on the establishment of South- South relations. While the challenges based on planning on these cross-border spaces is indispensable, local elected representatives are trying to set-up networking arrangements for cross-border communities. Border management makes it possible to ensure security, counter-threats to people and economic prosperity. The construction of a motorable high-way and the implementation of treaties on the opening of borders signed between the States since the 16th of Ma...
European Scientific Journal ESJ
La sédentarisation, le Cameroun, que ce soit avant ou après l'indépendance, s'est donné comme obj... more La sédentarisation, le Cameroun, que ce soit avant ou après l'indépendance, s'est donné comme objectif de sédentariser ces éleveurs nomades pour mieux les contrôler. Cet article montre qu'après leur ancrage réussir à Bamenda dans la région du Nord-Ouest Cameroun, la nouvelle génération des éleveurs Mbororo peine à se stabiliser dans le département du Ndé (Banganté-Ouest-Cameroun) face au contrôle foncier coutumier des autorités traditionnelles (autochtones). Ici, les notables fonciers contrôlent l'espace et ne souhaitent qu'accorder qu'une hospitalité d'installation nsurveillée et limitée aux éleveurs par rapport à la région du Nord-Ouest Cameroun, où, les Mbororo avaient bénéficié d'hospitalité et d'un accord verbal d'installation et même sont devenus aujourd'hui des propriétés foncières dans cette partie du pays. A Banganté, l'implication politique de l'Etat est presque faible dans l'encadrement et la délimitation d'espaces réservés à l'élevage. Des couloirs de circulation des animaux et d'autres espaces attribués à l'agriculture entrent faiblement dans les politiques agricoles. Il manque jusqu'ici une véritable politique d'aménagement de l'espace et de prévision pour se doter d'une politique d'accompagnement des déplacements des éleveurs vers les savanes vierges.
International Journal of Agricultural Economics
This article analyzes the functioning of the Yaoundé market through an analysis of the role of th... more This article analyzes the functioning of the Yaoundé market through an analysis of the role of the public authorities in the functioning of the Yaoundé market, the types of economic actors involved in the commercial exchanges, the sources and the supply routes of the different marketed cattle breeds, The financial analysis of the actors involved and constraints to the development of this market through a survey of the various actors was carried out. Data was collected using a questionnaire administered to 121 respondents who were selected by the multi-stage random sampling technique. The analysis of the collected data revealed that the lifting of the health barrier established between the Far North and the Great South of Cameroon against the diseases of plague, trypanosomiasis and foot-and-mouth disease plays an essential role in the development of the Yaoundé markets. Lately, it has assumed a regional economic importance since it hosts not only the animals of North Cameroon but also those of the Central African Republic. Not according to their race or their geographical origin, the commercial value of the animals is appreciated according to their life weight, or their morphology. The financial analysis of the actors shows that this activity is profitable. However, the gross margin generated by the big butchers (52,700 CFA francs / beef) and the small butchers (43,500 CFA / leg of 64 kg) were the most interesting. Although the market has become a supply hub for some major cities of Cameroon (Douala) and the Central African Sub Region (Libreville and Malabo), it suffers from infrastructural difficulties and a lack of transfer of competence through decentralization.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences
International Journal of Research in Geography
The peripheral area of Bafoussam is part of the production basin of the region of West Cameroon w... more The peripheral area of Bafoussam is part of the production basin of the region of West Cameroon which is under the influence of climate change. The last decades have been characterized by climatic disturbances whose effects remain visible on the agricultural production. This study intends to show the impact of climate variability on crops production as well as the producers' adaptation strategies in the peri-urban area of Bafoussam. Statistical analysis has been applied to the climatological data (precipitation and temperature) of the period 1999-2015 as well as those of agricultural especially some specific crops. The annual change in rainfall over the study period shows a deficit trend during seven years while four years have a rainfall totals approaching the inter-annual average (1725 mm) and six years exceeding the rainfall mean value. In addition, the temperature growth rate is -0.05 ℃ while the precipitation rate is 10.29 mm from 1999 to 2015. All these climatic modificati...
Papers by Abdoulay Mfewou