Papers by Antonio Rodrigues Neto
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2011
Abstract In contemporary control and data acquisition systems for Nuclear Fusion devices, the gal... more Abstract In contemporary control and data acquisition systems for Nuclear Fusion devices, the galloping need for high channel density and real-time multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) controller support gave rise to a new generation of hardware architecture based on the ...
Fusion Engineering and Design, 2011
Fusion plasma devices require highly complex Control, Data Acquisition and Communications (CODAC)... more Fusion plasma devices require highly complex Control, Data Acquisition and Communications (CODAC) systems due to ever-increasing demands on loop-cycle time, data bandwidth, channel density and failure prevention. The Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA) specification has already proven to be a successful solution for real-time multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) architectures, and provides important non-functional features such as hardware management, fail-safe and redundancy. xTCA builds up from ATCA, standardizing timing signaling and port assignment on the Rear Transition Module (RTM), which are important features for instrumentation. Continuing the development efforts on ATCA instrumentation for CODAC systems for fusion devices, the authors designed an improved, xTCA-compliant, PCI Express-based, switch/AMC (Advanced Mezzanine Card) carrier module. Switching is carried out by a PCIe Gen 2 Switch and links to all existing nodes within an xTCA shelf, in a redundant dual-star topology. Timing distribution for the AMC modules, RTM and xTCA backplane is implemented on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Each module can carry up to four AMC and one RTM, up to 70 cards interconnected through a PCIe network. Therefore, the hardware will be able to perform a vast range of functionalities, such as data acquisition, processing, storage or signal generation, by inserting appropriate RTM and commercially available AMC modules, making them suitable for MIMO control of fusion devices. This paper presents the detailed hardware implementation, technology and layout of the module, and exemplifies its potential applications in a fusion control environment.
Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 2003
O óxido nítrico atua como neurotransmissor não adrenérgico e não colinérgico na bexiga e na uretr... more O óxido nítrico atua como neurotransmissor não adrenérgico e não colinérgico na bexiga e na uretra. Sua forma de ação se faz pela ativação da guanilatociclase responsável pela transformação de GMP em GMPc que promove o relaxamento da fibra muscular lisa. O citrato de sildenafil causa aumento do GMPc, através da inibição de fosfodiesterases, que hidrolisam o GMPc. Assim, o objetivo do experimento foi verificar sua ação na uretra. MÉTODOS: Estudou-se 6 ratas com peso aproximado de 200g. A anestesia foi com uretana na dose de 1,25 mg/kg. As cistometrias, em número de 3, foram realizadas através de cistostomia com cateter P50. A primeira logo após a cistostomia; a segunda depois da desnervação cirúrgica da bexiga e a terceira uma hora após a infusão gástrica do citrato de sildenafil. O sistema de registro das pressões constou de uma bomba de infusão contínua regulada para 0,3ml/minuto conectada em Y com o cateter P50 e a um polígrafo Narco-Bioystem. Nas cistometrias avaliou-se as pressõ...
Papers by Antonio Rodrigues Neto