Papers by Antonis Papanikolaou
, except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection w... more , except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights.
Proceedings, 2019
Residential and tertiary buildings are responsible for 44% of final energy consumption in Europe.... more Residential and tertiary buildings are responsible for 44% of final energy consumption in Europe. However, they are currently not engaged in Demand Response (DR) activities due to technology-related and consumer-related roadblocks. One of the main technological roadblocks is the extreme fragmentation of protocols, data models and standards for Building Energy Management (BEM) systems and Building to Grid (B2G) communications. DRIMPAC is an EU-funded Innovation Action that aims to address the interoperability gaps and standards fragmentation in the residential and commercial buildings Demand Response domain aiming to reduce costs for all involved actors and make DR more attractive for the end prosumer.

Energies, 2020
The increasing resort to renewable energy distributed generation, which is needed to mitigate ant... more The increasing resort to renewable energy distributed generation, which is needed to mitigate anthropogenic CO2 emissions, leads to challenges concerning the proper operation of electric distribution systems. As a result of the intrinsic nature of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs), this generation shows a high volatility and a low predictability that make the balancing of energy production and consumption difficult. At the same time, the electrification of new energy-intensive sectors (such as heating) is expected. This complex scenario paves the way for new sources of flexibility that will have more and more relevance in the coming years. This paper analyses how the electrification of the heating system, combined with an electric flexibility utilisation module, can be used to mitigate the problems related to the fluctuating production of RES. By using Power-to-Heat (P2H) technologies, buildings are able to store the overproduction of RES in the form of thermal energy for end-use acco...
Proceedings of the Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2008
Process variability is introducing uncertainty in all the system level parametric specifications.... more Process variability is introducing uncertainty in all the system level parametric specifications. Existing variability aware techniques can only capture and model the variations on system timing and leakage power. This paper proposes a framework that can capture variability in the dynamic energy consumption as well. It percolates variability information from semiconductor process to the Register Transfer Level. This enables to

Smart Microgrids, Jul 11, 2018
Renewable energy sources offer unprecedented opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Bu... more Renewable energy sources offer unprecedented opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But some challenges remain to be solved before their full benefits can be reaped. The main one relates to the intermittency of their electricity supply which can lead to grid problems such as congestion and imbalance between generation and demand. Energy conversion and storage has been touted as a very promising solution to all aforementioned issues. PLANET will develop a holistic decision support system for the optimal orchestration of the different energy networks for aggregators and balance responsible parties, policy makers and network operators. It will aid them to leverage innovative energy conversion in alternative carriers and storage technologies in order to explore, identify, evaluate and quantitatively assess optimal grid planning and management strategies for future energy scenarios targetting full energy system decarbonization. Moreover, an analysis of the possible synergies between electricity, gas and heat networks will be carried out by creating simulation models for the integration between energy networks and conversion/storage technologies, for example power-togas , powerto-heat and virtual thermal energy storage. Application of the developed tools in two different test cases in Italy and France will showcase their benefits and reveal potential grid stability issues and effective countermeasures.

— The increasing gap between design productivity and chip complexity and the emerging Systems-On-... more — The increasing gap between design productivity and chip complexity and the emerging Systems-On-Chip (SOC) architectural template have led to the wide utilization of reusable hard Intellectual Property (IP) cores. Macro block-based physical design implementation needs to find a well balanced solution among chip area, on-chip communication energy and critical communication path delay. We present in this paper an automated way to implement an energy optimal netlist interconnecting the hard macro blocks using a heavily segmented communication architecture. We explore the entire trade-off curve among the network energy, chip area and critical communication path delay at the floorplanning stage based on two real-life application drivers. Large energy gains with small area overheads are illustrated during the floorplanning stage. This trade-off profile is a good guideline for the SOC designers to choose the optimal solution for their specific systems. Index Terms — Segmented bus, macro b...

In this paper we present a design methodology and associated tool chain for efficient design of c... more In this paper we present a design methodology and associated tool chain for efficient design of complex MPSoC architectures implemented using 3D-Stacked Integrated Circuits (3D-SIC). The proposed framework is based on a three step methodology that combines relatively accurate high-level, and two more accurate low-level prototyping tools. The highlevel exploration tool, Nessie, developped at the ULB, allows designers to quickly simulate several system architecture and application scenarios. Using Nessie, the designer can easily explore many different system level options before deciding on the design space points he would like to explore in more details. In this paper, the high-level estimations are subsequently validated using an existing C++, transaction-level, 3D-SIC aware NoC simulator. Then, floorplaning and global routing of the system are performed using a novel tool for 3D physical prototyping. The low-level performance metrics of the system are derived from the resulting phy...

2015 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2015
The Smart Grid is a paradigm shift towards a bidirectional energy and communication system relyin... more The Smart Grid is a paradigm shift towards a bidirectional energy and communication system relying on rich information exchange among all involved actors. Based on the experience of the participation in the CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Smart Grid Coordination Group (SG-CG) report creation1 for the EU-Mandate 490 "European Smart Grid Standardization" [1], the EU-funded research project "Open System for Energy Services (OS4ES)" was initiated. It will develop and prototype a generic, non-discriminatory, multivendor-capability ICT-platform for easy cross-linking of smart grid entities. It perceives no active market role, but supports market role owners with an easy to use middleware for bi-directional energy communication. This paper gives an overview about the methodology, architecture and functionality of the OS4ES research project.
… Symopsium on Quality …, 2007
... In face of these nano-scale challenges, the entire design flow should be re-considered to bui... more ... In face of these nano-scale challenges, the entire design flow should be re-considered to build energy-efficient systems with performance/throughput ... We will discuss the issues in building such uncertainty-resilient systems from both a circuit and architectural viewpoint. ...
Renewable Energy Sources are a viable solution to reduction carbon footprint and pollution. To fr... more Renewable Energy Sources are a viable solution to reduction carbon footprint and pollution. To front the high variability of the energy demand storage system must be added to RES to avoid energy curtailment.To coordinate the energy production with the demand and the storage an ICT platform operating over several levels is necessary to optimize the system behaviour.In this paper the implementation of a possible control system is described with specific reference of the PLANET project for two pilot sites located in France and Italy
2016 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 2016
Asp Dac, 2004
This paper presents a methodology which can substantially reduce the bus power consumption in mem... more This paper presents a methodology which can substantially reduce the bus power consumption in memory dominated systems. It systematically combines an activity driven placement of the memories and a bus segmentation approach for the interconnect to localize the wire switching activity and minimize the associated wire capacitive load of the memory bus. A factor of 2.8 in bus power reduction is achieved for a real life design while maintaining the same performance.
Process variability and its impact on the yield, energy consumption, and performance of systems i... more Process variability and its impact on the yield, energy consumption, and performance of systems is a research topic of relatively recent interest. Techniques to mitigate the problematic effects of process variability have been proposed. Those techniques include the usage of configurable memories and dynamic frequency scaling. As a means of quantifying the system-level gains that can be achieved by using those techniques, a simulation tool has been developed which is presented in this paper. Using a statistical characterization of the system's memories and application profiling information it can provide information about the resulting parametric yield, energy consumption, and performance. That way, different methodologies can be compared to each other as well as to results based on nominal or worst-case assumptions.
Proceedings of the first conference on computing frontiers on Computing frontiers - CF'04, 2004
Data transfer and storage issues "take the centre stage" in information and communication systems... more Data transfer and storage issues "take the centre stage" in information and communication systems because of the increasing complexity and data dominance typically associated to them. In this paper, we summarise a systematic methodology for the power critical storage modules such as local SRAMs. We focus on their memory organisation (access schedule and data assignment) together with an exploration of the effect that the interconnect technology may have on the energy consumed by these local memory organisations in deep sub-micron technologies.
Papers by Antonis Papanikolaou