One of the skills used to obtain information is reading skills. Reading is the first step and ver... more One of the skills used to obtain information is reading skills. Reading is the first step and very important if you want to get a knowledge or information. Reading culture or literacy habits in Indonesia have a very low percentage compared to other countries. It will be more difficult if the student is learning a new language and has no interest whatsoever in reading. To overcome this, a technique is known to improve students' reading skills, especially in learning English. This study aims to determine the perception of EYL students in the use of reading aloud techniques for their reading skills in terms of cognitive and affective aspects. In addition, this study used narrative inquiry as a research design and data collection is carried out through interviews. The data were analyzed by categorizing and interpreting the data using Braun and Clarke’s theory. The results indicated that the students had positive responses based on their experiences using reading aloud technique in r...
World Health Organization (WHO) di seluruh dunia, pada tahun 2017 AKI di dunia mencapai angka 295... more World Health Organization (WHO) di seluruh dunia, pada tahun 2017 AKI di dunia mencapai angka 295.000 jiwa. Di Indonesia AKI 305/100.000 kelahiran hidup dan AKB 21,12/1000 kelahiran hidup. Infeksi tetanus adalah salah satu penyebab kematian ibu yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Clostriduim tetani karena persalinan yang tidak steril atau akibat luka yang diperoleh ibu hamil sebelum melahirkan. Salah satu rencana penurunan AKI dan AKB adalah rencana Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan ibu dan bayi dengan menghilangkan tetanus (ETMN) antara ibu dan bayi di Indonesia. Program ini dapat dicapai salah satunya dengan cakupan imunisasi tetanus toxoid yang tinggi dan merata. Dalam melakukan imunisasi tetanus toxoid ibu harus mendapatkan sedikitnya dua kali suntikan selama kehamilan, guna melindungi bayi agar tidak terkena infeksi tetanus neonatorum. Tujuan dari penatalaksanaan kasus ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran peran ibu hamil untuk meningkatka...
Anais do XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Tecnologia da Informação e da Linguagem Humana (STIL 2021)
Neste artigo apresentamos a proposta de descrição e análise de dados verbais do português brasile... more Neste artigo apresentamos a proposta de descrição e análise de dados verbais do português brasileiro presente no banco de dados VerboWeb. Os verbos foram agrupados e classificados de acordo com o arcabouço teórico-metodológico da Semântica Lexical, que assume que certas propriedades semânticas dos verbos determinam seu comportamento sintático. Mostramos como o banco de dados é estruturado e as generalizações que podemos fazer sobre o léxico verbal de nossa língua.
Dengan semakin berkembangnya perekonomian mengakibatkan timbulnya perusahaan-perusahaan baru, yan... more Dengan semakin berkembangnya perekonomian mengakibatkan timbulnya perusahaan-perusahaan baru, yang pada akhirnya meningkatkan persaingan antar perusahaan sehingga menjadi tantangan bagi perusahaan untuk menjadi unggul dalam persaingan tersebut termasuk juga pada perusahaan-perusahaan cepat saji yang masuk ke Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi public relations dalam meningkatkan citra perusahaan studi kasus PT. Fast Food Indonesia Tbk. Konsep strategi public relations yang digunakan adalah bauran public relations yaitu Publications (publikasi), Event (acara), News (pesan/berita), Corporate Identity (citra perusahaan), Community Involvement (hubungan dengan khalayak), Lobbying and Negotiation (teknik lobi dan negosiasi) dan Social Responsibility/Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Teori yang digunakan adalah Teori Citra (Image Theory) menurut Frank Jefkins menyatakan bahwa kesan, gambaran, atau impresi yang tepat (sesuai dengan kenyataan) at...
The purpose of this research was to know how the adaption pattern or self adaption of students wh... more The purpose of this research was to know how the adaption pattern or self adaption of students who perforce entering islamic boarding school because of their parents’ choice in Al Amanah Modern Islamic boarding school. Besides, this research was also purposed to know what factors which hampered and supported the adaption process in that school. The research used qualitative methode with case-study approach. The informen were three 7th grade-girl students who perforce entering the boarding school by their parents in Al Amanah Modern Islamic boarding school. Data collecting used Deeply Interview methode. According to the research result, showed that students who perforce entering boarding school needed more time to adapt and should have ability or skill to handle stressor to increase their achievement. Many rules in boarding school made them get difficulty to adapt. Meanwhile, by making more friends who had same problem and motivating each other can support the adaption process.
The Purpose of this study was to analyze the role of traditional leaders, the participation, of t... more The Purpose of this study was to analyze the role of traditional leaders, the participation, of tribal members and abstacles in preserving the heritage building of the Godang House and analyze the educational values of the heritage building of the Godang House. Building local wisdom with traditional cultural values cannot be separated from people’s lives.This research was conducted in Gunung Village, in Toar Village, and Koto Gunung Village located in Gunung Toar District. This type of research is qualitative research. The object of research is the Godang House Building. Data collecion techniques in this study were observation and interviews. Sample in this study were taken randomly from all Godang House in Kenegrian Indigenous Gungung Toar. The result of this study are the Histroy of the Godang House in Kenegerian Adat Gunung Toar was customary leaders are the leaders of their respective tribes, the role of traditional leaders in preserving the Godang House is as a motivator, givin...
Considerando el aumento de la variedad de galletas con propiedades saludables, el uso de harina y... more Considerando el aumento de la variedad de galletas con propiedades saludables, el uso de harina y fibra de brotes de bambú puede satisfacer la demanda de nuevos productos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue elaborar y evaluar las características tecnológicas de galletas tipo Cookie con y sin chocolate (GC), con fibras de brotes de bambú (FBB). Fueron elaboradas cinco formulaciones: un control (C0) sin adición de FBB y GC; C1, (15% GC); C2, (10% FBB), C3, (15% GC, 10% FBB); y C4, (15% GC, 10% FBB y 25% reducción de grasa). Los ingredientes fueron mezclados, la masa laminada, cortada (h=5 mm y ø=5 cm), y horneada a 160ºC durante 8 minutos. La adición de FBB con GC, así como la reducción del contenido de grasa, disminuyeron la difusión de la masa durante el horneado. Las galletas con fibras (C1 y C4) presentaron una coloración más clara (L=60.31±1.99) y mayor dureza en comparación al control (27.00±2.29). Las fibras de brotes de bambú demostraron tener potencial para ser utilizadas en for...
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh anak belum bisa menunjukkan bentuk geometri, saat menyebutka... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh anak belum bisa menunjukkan bentuk geometri, saat menyebutkan nama-nama bentuk geometri masih terbolak balik, anak juga belum bisa mengidentifikasi benda-benda di sekitar dengan bentuk geometri.Selain itu kurangnya media atau APE yang digunakan sebagai bahan pembelajaran dalam mengembangkan kemampuan mengenal bentuk geometri pada anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1. untuk mengetahui kemampuan mengenal bentuk geometri anak usia 4-5 tahun di PAUD Al-Hidayah Kecamatan Tanah Merahsebelum bermain puzzle geometri; 2. ntuk mengetahui kemampuan mengenal bentuk geometri anak usia 4-5 tahun di PAUD Al-Hidayah Kecamatan Tanah Merah setelah bermain puzzle geometri; 3. untuk mengetahui pengaruh bermain puzzle geometri terhadap kemampuan mengenal bentuk geometri anak usia 4-5 tahun di PAUD Al Hidayah Kecamatan Tanah Merah Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimenguna mencari pengaruh perlakuan tertentu...
Garcinia xanthochymus (Guttiferae) commonly known as gamboge, is a perennial medicinal plant nati... more Garcinia xanthochymus (Guttiferae) commonly known as gamboge, is a perennial medicinal plant native to the north of Thailand and Myanmar. Gamboge is used in watercolors, as a yellow fabric dye and traditional medicine for treating diarrhea and dysentery, dispelling worms clearing away fire and removing food toxin. Phytochemical investigations on the methanol extract of the stem bark of Garcinia xanthochymus resulted in isolation of one biflavonoid compound (+)-morelloflavon. The structure of this compound was deduced on basis of spectroscopic data including 1H NMR, 13C NMR, HMQC and HMBC and comparison with the reported data. This compound has been reported from others species of Garcinia.
In 1981, a 37-year-old Japanese employee of a motorcycle factory was killed by an artificial-inte... more In 1981, a 37-year-old Japanese employee of a motorcycle factory was killed by an artificial-intelligence robot working near him. The robot erroneously identified the employee as a threat to its mission, and calculated that the most efficient way to eliminate this threat was by pushing him into an adjacent operating machine. Using its very powerful hydraulic arm, the robot smashed the surprised worker into the operating machine, killing him instantly, and then resumed its duties with no one to interfere with its mission. Unfortunately, this is not science fiction, and the legal question is: Who is to be held liable for this killing?
One hundred and six dogs (61 males and 45 females) were examined for Echinococcus granulosus infe... more One hundred and six dogs (61 males and 45 females) were examined for Echinococcus granulosus infection in a farming cooperative in the central highlands of Peru during November 1998. Canine echinococcosis was diagnosed using direct microscopic examinations of purged feces following arecoline purging and a coproantigen-detection enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for E. granulosus. Mean age was 2 years with a range of 3 months to 9 years. The overall prevalence of canine echinococcosis using the ELISA test was 79% (84/106). Seventy-four dogs were successfully purged with arecoline. The frequency of canine echinococcosis was 82 (61/74) and 34% (25/74) by the coproantigen ELISA test and arecoline purging, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of the coproantigen ELISA test was 88 and 95%, respectively. We found this assay to be especially advantageous in remote geographical areas. In future control programs against echinococcosis in Peru and other areas where E. granulosus is endemic the coproantigen ELISA should be used for the surveillance of the dog population.
One of the skills used to obtain information is reading skills. Reading is the first step and ver... more One of the skills used to obtain information is reading skills. Reading is the first step and very important if you want to get a knowledge or information. Reading culture or literacy habits in Indonesia have a very low percentage compared to other countries. It will be more difficult if the student is learning a new language and has no interest whatsoever in reading. To overcome this, a technique is known to improve students' reading skills, especially in learning English. This study aims to determine the perception of EYL students in the use of reading aloud techniques for their reading skills in terms of cognitive and affective aspects. In addition, this study used narrative inquiry as a research design and data collection is carried out through interviews. The data were analyzed by categorizing and interpreting the data using Braun and Clarke’s theory. The results indicated that the students had positive responses based on their experiences using reading aloud technique in r...
World Health Organization (WHO) di seluruh dunia, pada tahun 2017 AKI di dunia mencapai angka 295... more World Health Organization (WHO) di seluruh dunia, pada tahun 2017 AKI di dunia mencapai angka 295.000 jiwa. Di Indonesia AKI 305/100.000 kelahiran hidup dan AKB 21,12/1000 kelahiran hidup. Infeksi tetanus adalah salah satu penyebab kematian ibu yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Clostriduim tetani karena persalinan yang tidak steril atau akibat luka yang diperoleh ibu hamil sebelum melahirkan. Salah satu rencana penurunan AKI dan AKB adalah rencana Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan ibu dan bayi dengan menghilangkan tetanus (ETMN) antara ibu dan bayi di Indonesia. Program ini dapat dicapai salah satunya dengan cakupan imunisasi tetanus toxoid yang tinggi dan merata. Dalam melakukan imunisasi tetanus toxoid ibu harus mendapatkan sedikitnya dua kali suntikan selama kehamilan, guna melindungi bayi agar tidak terkena infeksi tetanus neonatorum. Tujuan dari penatalaksanaan kasus ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran peran ibu hamil untuk meningkatka...
Anais do XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Tecnologia da Informação e da Linguagem Humana (STIL 2021)
Neste artigo apresentamos a proposta de descrição e análise de dados verbais do português brasile... more Neste artigo apresentamos a proposta de descrição e análise de dados verbais do português brasileiro presente no banco de dados VerboWeb. Os verbos foram agrupados e classificados de acordo com o arcabouço teórico-metodológico da Semântica Lexical, que assume que certas propriedades semânticas dos verbos determinam seu comportamento sintático. Mostramos como o banco de dados é estruturado e as generalizações que podemos fazer sobre o léxico verbal de nossa língua.
Dengan semakin berkembangnya perekonomian mengakibatkan timbulnya perusahaan-perusahaan baru, yan... more Dengan semakin berkembangnya perekonomian mengakibatkan timbulnya perusahaan-perusahaan baru, yang pada akhirnya meningkatkan persaingan antar perusahaan sehingga menjadi tantangan bagi perusahaan untuk menjadi unggul dalam persaingan tersebut termasuk juga pada perusahaan-perusahaan cepat saji yang masuk ke Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi public relations dalam meningkatkan citra perusahaan studi kasus PT. Fast Food Indonesia Tbk. Konsep strategi public relations yang digunakan adalah bauran public relations yaitu Publications (publikasi), Event (acara), News (pesan/berita), Corporate Identity (citra perusahaan), Community Involvement (hubungan dengan khalayak), Lobbying and Negotiation (teknik lobi dan negosiasi) dan Social Responsibility/Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Teori yang digunakan adalah Teori Citra (Image Theory) menurut Frank Jefkins menyatakan bahwa kesan, gambaran, atau impresi yang tepat (sesuai dengan kenyataan) at...
The purpose of this research was to know how the adaption pattern or self adaption of students wh... more The purpose of this research was to know how the adaption pattern or self adaption of students who perforce entering islamic boarding school because of their parents’ choice in Al Amanah Modern Islamic boarding school. Besides, this research was also purposed to know what factors which hampered and supported the adaption process in that school. The research used qualitative methode with case-study approach. The informen were three 7th grade-girl students who perforce entering the boarding school by their parents in Al Amanah Modern Islamic boarding school. Data collecting used Deeply Interview methode. According to the research result, showed that students who perforce entering boarding school needed more time to adapt and should have ability or skill to handle stressor to increase their achievement. Many rules in boarding school made them get difficulty to adapt. Meanwhile, by making more friends who had same problem and motivating each other can support the adaption process.
The Purpose of this study was to analyze the role of traditional leaders, the participation, of t... more The Purpose of this study was to analyze the role of traditional leaders, the participation, of tribal members and abstacles in preserving the heritage building of the Godang House and analyze the educational values of the heritage building of the Godang House. Building local wisdom with traditional cultural values cannot be separated from people’s lives.This research was conducted in Gunung Village, in Toar Village, and Koto Gunung Village located in Gunung Toar District. This type of research is qualitative research. The object of research is the Godang House Building. Data collecion techniques in this study were observation and interviews. Sample in this study were taken randomly from all Godang House in Kenegrian Indigenous Gungung Toar. The result of this study are the Histroy of the Godang House in Kenegerian Adat Gunung Toar was customary leaders are the leaders of their respective tribes, the role of traditional leaders in preserving the Godang House is as a motivator, givin...
Considerando el aumento de la variedad de galletas con propiedades saludables, el uso de harina y... more Considerando el aumento de la variedad de galletas con propiedades saludables, el uso de harina y fibra de brotes de bambú puede satisfacer la demanda de nuevos productos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue elaborar y evaluar las características tecnológicas de galletas tipo Cookie con y sin chocolate (GC), con fibras de brotes de bambú (FBB). Fueron elaboradas cinco formulaciones: un control (C0) sin adición de FBB y GC; C1, (15% GC); C2, (10% FBB), C3, (15% GC, 10% FBB); y C4, (15% GC, 10% FBB y 25% reducción de grasa). Los ingredientes fueron mezclados, la masa laminada, cortada (h=5 mm y ø=5 cm), y horneada a 160ºC durante 8 minutos. La adición de FBB con GC, así como la reducción del contenido de grasa, disminuyeron la difusión de la masa durante el horneado. Las galletas con fibras (C1 y C4) presentaron una coloración más clara (L=60.31±1.99) y mayor dureza en comparación al control (27.00±2.29). Las fibras de brotes de bambú demostraron tener potencial para ser utilizadas en for...
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh anak belum bisa menunjukkan bentuk geometri, saat menyebutka... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh anak belum bisa menunjukkan bentuk geometri, saat menyebutkan nama-nama bentuk geometri masih terbolak balik, anak juga belum bisa mengidentifikasi benda-benda di sekitar dengan bentuk geometri.Selain itu kurangnya media atau APE yang digunakan sebagai bahan pembelajaran dalam mengembangkan kemampuan mengenal bentuk geometri pada anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1. untuk mengetahui kemampuan mengenal bentuk geometri anak usia 4-5 tahun di PAUD Al-Hidayah Kecamatan Tanah Merahsebelum bermain puzzle geometri; 2. ntuk mengetahui kemampuan mengenal bentuk geometri anak usia 4-5 tahun di PAUD Al-Hidayah Kecamatan Tanah Merah setelah bermain puzzle geometri; 3. untuk mengetahui pengaruh bermain puzzle geometri terhadap kemampuan mengenal bentuk geometri anak usia 4-5 tahun di PAUD Al Hidayah Kecamatan Tanah Merah Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimenguna mencari pengaruh perlakuan tertentu...
Garcinia xanthochymus (Guttiferae) commonly known as gamboge, is a perennial medicinal plant nati... more Garcinia xanthochymus (Guttiferae) commonly known as gamboge, is a perennial medicinal plant native to the north of Thailand and Myanmar. Gamboge is used in watercolors, as a yellow fabric dye and traditional medicine for treating diarrhea and dysentery, dispelling worms clearing away fire and removing food toxin. Phytochemical investigations on the methanol extract of the stem bark of Garcinia xanthochymus resulted in isolation of one biflavonoid compound (+)-morelloflavon. The structure of this compound was deduced on basis of spectroscopic data including 1H NMR, 13C NMR, HMQC and HMBC and comparison with the reported data. This compound has been reported from others species of Garcinia.
In 1981, a 37-year-old Japanese employee of a motorcycle factory was killed by an artificial-inte... more In 1981, a 37-year-old Japanese employee of a motorcycle factory was killed by an artificial-intelligence robot working near him. The robot erroneously identified the employee as a threat to its mission, and calculated that the most efficient way to eliminate this threat was by pushing him into an adjacent operating machine. Using its very powerful hydraulic arm, the robot smashed the surprised worker into the operating machine, killing him instantly, and then resumed its duties with no one to interfere with its mission. Unfortunately, this is not science fiction, and the legal question is: Who is to be held liable for this killing?
One hundred and six dogs (61 males and 45 females) were examined for Echinococcus granulosus infe... more One hundred and six dogs (61 males and 45 females) were examined for Echinococcus granulosus infection in a farming cooperative in the central highlands of Peru during November 1998. Canine echinococcosis was diagnosed using direct microscopic examinations of purged feces following arecoline purging and a coproantigen-detection enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for E. granulosus. Mean age was 2 years with a range of 3 months to 9 years. The overall prevalence of canine echinococcosis using the ELISA test was 79% (84/106). Seventy-four dogs were successfully purged with arecoline. The frequency of canine echinococcosis was 82 (61/74) and 34% (25/74) by the coproantigen ELISA test and arecoline purging, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of the coproantigen ELISA test was 88 and 95%, respectively. We found this assay to be especially advantageous in remote geographical areas. In future control programs against echinococcosis in Peru and other areas where E. granulosus is endemic the coproantigen ELISA should be used for the surveillance of the dog population.