A pot experiment was carried out to study the effect of lead and chromium on growth, chlorophyll ... more A pot experiment was carried out to study the effect of lead and chromium on growth, chlorophyll contents and yield components in two mash bean [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] cultivars i.e. Fs-1 and Mash-97. Fourteen-day old plants were exposed to 20 or 40 mg L -1 lead or chromium whereas control plants were treated with distilled water only. Application of both lead and chromium caused a significant reduction in all growth parameters as compared with that of control. The extent of decrease in growth due to chromium compared with lead. Although high concentration of both metals in the rooting media drastically reduced all photosynthetic pigments, chromium application caused more reducing effect as compared to chromium. In addition, all yield attributes of both cultivars of mash bean reduced due to both metals in rooting medium. The sensitivity of mash bean to chromium was greater as compared to lead. In conclusion, mash bean cultivar FS-1 proved to be tolerant as it showed less reduction in growth, photosynthetic pigments and yield as compared to Mash-97.
ِ يم ِ ح َّ الر ِ ن َ ْ ْح َّ الر ِ ه َّ الل ِ م ْ س ِ ب محمد أن أشٍد... more ِ يم ِ ح َّ الر ِ ن َ ْ ْح َّ الر ِ ه َّ الل ِ م ْ س ِ ب محمد أن أشٍد َ هللا اال انً ال أن أشٍد هللا رسُل Segala puji bagi Allah SWT tuhan semesta alam yang senantiasa memberikan kenikmatan dan kemudahan bagi kita dalam menjalankan kehidupan di dunia selaku hamba-Nya. Sholawat serta salam kita haturkan keharibaan junjungan kita Nabi Besar Muhammad Rasulullah SAW. : َسهم عهيً هللا صهّ هللا رسُل قال : قال عىً هللا رضي ٌزيزة ابّ عه أمتّ مه يىشع شيء اَل ٌَُ يىسّ ٌَُ انعهم وصف فإوٍا َعهمٌُا انفزائض تعهمُا (رَاي قطىي) َاندار ماجً إبه Paper dengan judul "Warisan Anak Kandung dan Anak Zina" ini diharapkan dapat berguna untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan dibidang ilmu Fiqh Mawarits bagi pembaca dan terlebih bagi kami selaku penulis.
A pot experiment was carried out to study the effect of lead and chromium on growth, chlorophyll ... more A pot experiment was carried out to study the effect of lead and chromium on growth, chlorophyll contents and yield components in two mash bean [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] cultivars i.e. Fs-1 and Mash-97. Fourteen-day old plants were exposed to 20 or 40 mg L -1 lead or chromium whereas control plants were treated with distilled water only. Application of both lead and chromium caused a significant reduction in all growth parameters as compared with that of control. The extent of decrease in growth due to chromium compared with lead. Although high concentration of both metals in the rooting media drastically reduced all photosynthetic pigments, chromium application caused more reducing effect as compared to chromium. In addition, all yield attributes of both cultivars of mash bean reduced due to both metals in rooting medium. The sensitivity of mash bean to chromium was greater as compared to lead. In conclusion, mash bean cultivar FS-1 proved to be tolerant as it showed less reduction in growth, photosynthetic pigments and yield as compared to Mash-97.
ِ يم ِ ح َّ الر ِ ن َ ْ ْح َّ الر ِ ه َّ الل ِ م ْ س ِ ب محمد أن أشٍد... more ِ يم ِ ح َّ الر ِ ن َ ْ ْح َّ الر ِ ه َّ الل ِ م ْ س ِ ب محمد أن أشٍد َ هللا اال انً ال أن أشٍد هللا رسُل Segala puji bagi Allah SWT tuhan semesta alam yang senantiasa memberikan kenikmatan dan kemudahan bagi kita dalam menjalankan kehidupan di dunia selaku hamba-Nya. Sholawat serta salam kita haturkan keharibaan junjungan kita Nabi Besar Muhammad Rasulullah SAW. : َسهم عهيً هللا صهّ هللا رسُل قال : قال عىً هللا رضي ٌزيزة ابّ عه أمتّ مه يىشع شيء اَل ٌَُ يىسّ ٌَُ انعهم وصف فإوٍا َعهمٌُا انفزائض تعهمُا (رَاي قطىي) َاندار ماجً إبه Paper dengan judul "Warisan Anak Kandung dan Anak Zina" ini diharapkan dapat berguna untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan dibidang ilmu Fiqh Mawarits bagi pembaca dan terlebih bagi kami selaku penulis.
Papers by AL Kausar