Revista Clínica Española, 2004
La presencia de anticuerpos antifosfolipidicos (anticuerpos anticardiolipina y anticoagulante lup... more La presencia de anticuerpos antifosfolipidicos (anticuerpos anticardiolipina y anticoagulante lupico) asociada a fenomenos tromboticos venosos y/o arteriales y perdidas fetales conforman el sindrome antifosfolipidico. En raras ocasiones se ha descrito hipoprotrombinemia severa asociada a esta enfermedad como causa de manifestaciones hemorragicas. Por otro lado se han descrito muy pocos casos de hemorragia alveolar en el sindrome antifosfolipidico, relacionandose habitualmente esta complicacion con microtrombosis y/o capilaritis de los vasos pulmonares. Describimos dos pacientes sin datos clinicos previos de sindrome antifosfolipidico (SAF) que debutan con hemorragia pulmonar con anticuerpos anticardiolipina positivos. El primero de ellos, un varon de 33 anos debuto con un tiempo de protrombina bajo y presencia de anticuerpos antiprotrombina. En la biopsia por toracoscopia se demostro la presencia de hemorragia pulmonar sin capilaritis ni fenomenos tromboticos, evidenciandose cierta mejoria clinica y normalizacion del tiempo de protrombina tras recibir tratamiento inmunosupresor, pero persistencia de la hemorragia pulmonar 5 anos mas tarde. El segundo caso, un varon de 89 anos, debuto con infiltrados pulmonares bilaterales y hemoptisis, anticuerpos anticardiolipina positivos y trombopenia, presentando un ano mas tarde recidiva del proceso. Descartadas otras posibilidades etiologicas, y a pesar de la tendencia a la hemorragia en ambos pacientes, consideramos que deben estar en el contexto clinico del sindrome antifosfolipidico, aunque en este momento no cumplan con los criterios reconocidos para diagnosticar esta enfermedad. Dentro del ampliable espectro clinico del sindrome antifosfolipidico debemos tener presente la hemorragia pulmonar.
2008 Eighth International Conference on Web Engineering, 2008
Promptness, efficiency and stickiness are among the advantages exhibited by the new crop of Rich ... more Promptness, efficiency and stickiness are among the advantages exhibited by the new crop of Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). These advantages came at the cost of increasing the complexity of development. Additionally, the plethora of RIA frameworks can lock this code into a specific platform. This scenario advises for using model-driven development (MDD). This paper focuses on interactionrich RIAs by addressing two issues: (1) interaction dependencies among widgets, and (2) grouping of widgets into Ajax pages. These concerns are captured in the Orchestration Model. MDD wise, OO-H metamodels accounts for the PIMs whereas Google Web Toolkit is the selected PSM. During transformation, a "message broker" pattern is introduced to decouple widgets from their dependencies. When Ajax pages are generated, heuristics are introduced to find a balance between communication overhead, presentation readiness and maintainability. A running example is used throughout.
2008 Eighth International Conference on Web Engineering, 2008
Traditionally, Web applications have had great limitations in the usability and interactivity of ... more Traditionally, Web applications have had great limitations in the usability and interactivity of their user interfaces. To overcome these limitations, a new type of Web applications called Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) has recently appeared providing richer and more efficient graphical components similar to desktop applications. However, RIAs are rather complex and their development requires the designing and implementation tasks which are time-consuming and error-prone. Moreover, RIA development is a new challenge for the Web engineering methodologies requiring their modification and the introduction of other concerns. In this context, we propose a new approach called OOH4RIA which proposes a modeldriven development process that extends OOH methodology. It introduces new structural and behavioural models in order to represent a complete RIA and to apply transformations that reduce the effort and accelerate its development. This RIA will be implemented on the promising Google Web Toolkit (GWT) framework.