Papers by Amela Hercegovac

Background : As antibiotic resistance in microorganisms is increasing and becoming a global pro... more Background : As antibiotic resistance in microorganisms is increasing and becoming a global problem, essential oils should be considered as new chemical substances with potenial therapeutic effects. Aim of the study : Determine the susceptibility of beta-lactamase clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to antibiotics and essential oils, define the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) for tested oils. Material and Methods : This study included 120 P. aeruginosa isolates from clinical material. A disc diffusion method was used to for determination of antibiotic and essential oil susceptibility profile. For the phenotypic detection of beta-lactamase isolates, a disk diffusion method was used according to the CLSI guidelines with clavulanic acid. MIC was determined by microdilution test in broth. MBC was recorded after determination of MIC, it was corresponded to the lowest concentration of the essential oil yielding negative subcultures after incubation at appropriate temperature for 24 h. Results : Of the three tested oils, Origanum compactum had the strongest antimicrobial effect (MIC 6.4 mg/ml - 9.3 mg / ml) on P. aeruginosa isolates followed by Thymus serpylum (MIC 13 mg / ml to 78 mg / ml) and Origanum majorana ( MIC 21,5 mg/ml do 43 mg/ml ). Conclusion : Beta-lactamase producing P. aeruginosa isolates resistant to third and forth genetration of cephalosporin antibiotics, showed susceptibility against tested essential oils.
Glasnik Antropološkog Društva Srbije, 2013

IFMBE proceedings, 2017
The ABO and Rh blood group are the most important systems with various distributions reported for... more The ABO and Rh blood group are the most important systems with various distributions reported for different populations. The ABO and Rh are known also to be associated with various diseases. Obesity is a complex chronic disease involving environmental, genetics, physiologic, metabolic, behavioral, and psychological components. The present study is aimed to explore the association and distribution of the ABO/Rh blood type and the risk of hypertension and obesity among students population. The study group consisted of 100 examinees, 14 males and 86 females, students aged 18 - 23. The blood group A was found to be the most prevalent (46 %), while the blood group AB was found to be the least prevalent (6%). The highest average value of the BMI was found in subjects with the blood group AB/Rh+ 22.36 ± 2.49 kg/m2 where the lowest value was in the blood group B/Rh+ 20.13 ± 2.64 kg/m2. The highest average value of systolic blood pressure was measured in subjects with A/Rh- 138.88 ± 16.63 mm Hg, while the lowest was in the blood group B/Rh- 118.50 ±7.55 mm Hg.
Journal of advances in microbiology, Dec 16, 2021
Aims: The aims of this study was to investigate the susceptibility of extended-spectrum betalacta... more Aims: The aims of this study was to investigate the susceptibility of extended-spectrum betalactamase (ESBL) producing Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates to antibiotics and essential oils-Origanum compactum, Origanum majorana and Thymus serpyllum. Study Design: Study included 30 isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae obtained from clinical material provided from the University Clinical Center Tuzla.

Glasnik Antropološkog Društva Srbije, 2013
Cilj ovog rada je prikazati preliminarne rezultate studije praćenja učestalosti kongenitalnih srč... more Cilj ovog rada je prikazati preliminarne rezultate studije praćenja učestalosti kongenitalnih srčanih anomalija u populaciji novorođenčadi Tuzlanskog kantona (Bosna i Hercegovina) i njihovu distribuciju prema spolu novorođenčadi i životnoj dobi majke. Za istraživanje su korišteni podaci iz knjige protokola i historija bolesti Klinike za ginekologiju i akušerstvo Univerzitetsko kliničkog centra u Tuzli. Analizom 8521 novorođenčeta u periodu od 01.01.2007. do 31.12.2008. godine, utvrđena je učestalost od 1,76% odnosno za donesenu novorođenčad od 1,31% i nedonesenu novorođenčad od 0,45%. Od ukupnog broja registrovanihanomalija 10% je bilo udruženo sa kongenitalnim anomalijama drugih sistema. U poduzorcima donesene i nedonesene novorođenčadi nisu uočene statistički značajne razlike u distribuciji kongenitalnih srčanih anomalija prema spolu novorođenčadi i životnoj dobi majke. Registrovana učestalost u analiziranom periodu ukazuje na potrebu skrininga i monitoringa kongenitalnih srčanih anomalija u posmatranoj populaciji. Ključne riječi: učestalost, kongenitalne srčane anomalije, novorođenčad UVOD Pod kongenitalnim anomalijama se podrazumijevaju morfološke, strukturne i funkcionalne abnormalnosti organa, organskih sistema i tkiva, nastale tokom morfogeneze a prisutne su i vidljive na rođenju (Božinović i sar. 2006). Kongenitalne srčane anomalije (KSA) smatraju se vodećim uzrokom smrti u perinatalnom i ranom neonatalnom razdoblju, te anomalijama koje se kao hronične bolesti iz dječje prenose u odraslu dob. Bez obzira na brojne napretke u dijagnostici i liječenju KSA, kao i boljem razumijevanju embrionalnog i fetalnog razvoja, saznanja o uzroku nastanka KSA, s izuzetkom od 5% do 10% slučajeva koji se pripisuju hromosomskim abnormalnostima i oštećenjima jednog gena, ostaju ograničena. Pretpostavlja se da su KSA multifaktorijalne prirode tj. rezultat kompleksne interakcije između genetskih i okolišnih faktora (Wendy i sar. 2010). Cilj ovog rada je prikazati preliminarne rezultate studije praćenja učestalosti kongenitalnih srčanih anomalija u populaciji novorođenčadi Tuzlanskog kantona-Bosna i Hercegovina (BiH) i njihovu distribuciju prema spolu novorođenčadi i starosnoj dobi majke.
Genetics in Medicine Open

The study aims to determine the frequency and diversity of clinical isolates of nontuberculous my... more The study aims to determine the frequency and diversity of clinical isolates of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). Of the 306 samples, the presence of NTM was confirmed in 65 (21.20%). The most frequently isolated species were M. fortuitum (30.3%), M. gordonae (24.2%), M. chelonae (15.2%), M. xenopi (7.6%), M. kansasii (4.5%), M. avium ssp. (3%), M. celatum (3%), M. mucogenicum (1.5%), M. peregrinum (1.5%), M. goodii (1.5%) and Mycobacterium sp. (7.6%). The determination of the local spectrum NTM is important because of the significant geographical variation. Although molecular testing is relatively expensive, they provide a rapid and accurate identification of different types of NTM.Istraživanje ima za cilj utvrditi učestalost i raznolikost kliničkih izolata netuberkuloznih mikobakterija (NTM). Od 306 uzoraka primjenom molekularnog testa prisustvo NTM je potvrđeno kod 65 (21,20%). Najčešće izolovane vrste su M. fortuitum (30,3%), M. gordonae (24,2%), M. chelonae (15,2%), M. xenopi ...

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of MnSO4, Pb (NO3)2, CdCl2, CuSO4 and FeSO4 on ce... more The aim of this study was to examine the effect of MnSO4, Pb (NO3)2, CdCl2, CuSO4 and FeSO4 on cell division Allium cepa roots, and to determine whether they have applied chemicals cytotoxic effect and encourage chromosome abnormalities. All tested solutions of metal, in all concentrations, have a significant negative effect on the growth of roots, mitotic activity and the occurrence of chromosomal aberrations, compared to a negative control group of cells. Increasing concentrations of metals, reduces the growth of roots, reduces the mitotic index of meristematic cells, and increases the number of chromosomal aberrations.Cilj istraživanja je ispitivanje učinka različitih koncentracija Pb(NO3)2, FeSO4 i CuSO4, radi utvrđivanja one koncentracije koja dovodi do inhibicije ćelijske diobe, i abnormalnosti u ponašanju hromosoma, odnosno koja je toksična za biljni organizam. Svi testirani rastvori metala imaju negativan učinak na rast korjenčića Allium cepa, mitotsku aktivnost i pojavljiva...

The aim of the research was to analyze the cytogenotoxic effects of water samples taken from the ... more The aim of the research was to analyze the cytogenotoxic effects of water samples taken from the biological wastewater treatment. Samples were taken from different stages of of wastewater treatment from the town of Odžak, and from the river Bosna and Sava. As a bioindicator, Allium cepa were used. The lowest value of the mitotic index was recorded at the entry into the purification system (1.9), and the largest on the fertilizer that represents the purification product (16.85). The number of chromosomal aberrations in the purification process decreased by 52.7%. The results indicate that biological wastewater treatment reduces its genotoxic and cytotoxic effects.Cilj istraživanja je bio analizirati citogenotoksični efekat uzoraka vode uzetih sa postrojenja za biološko prečišćavanje komunalnih otpadnih voda. Uzorci su uzeti iz različitih faza obrade sa prečistača vode grada Odžak, te iz rijeka Bosne i Save. Kao bioindikator korištene su lukovice Allium cepa. Najmanja vrijednost mitot...

In the Tuzla Canton there is no precisely defined number and location of all public fountains and... more In the Tuzla Canton there is no precisely defined number and location of all public fountains and sources with detailed descriptions of their characteristics, sanitary arrangements, determining ownership, possible controls carried out, and estimating the number of inhabitants who use these sources for drinking. Therefore, the aim of this research is to examine the microbiological quality of water from public fountains in the Tuzla Canton area from June to October 2015 and from January to April 2016 and to compare the results obtained.. The research included 40 public fountains from 13 municipalities of Tuzla: 8 public fountains from the municipality Živinice, 5 from Banovići, 6 from Lukavac, 7 from Tuzla, 3 from Kalesija, 2 from municipalities Kladanj, Gračanica and Srebrenik and the 1 public fountain from the municipalities of Sapna, Teočak, Čelić, Gradačac and Doboj Istok. The analysis of 40 public fountains in the Tuzla Canton, we found that 67.5% samples in the summer and 75% sa...
Biotechnology journal international, Oct 10, 2022

The aim of this study is to determine the degree of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of the water ... more The aim of this study is to determine the degree of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of the water from Vidara lake. Water samples were taken at five different sites. The highest mean length of roots was in the sample of water from the North side of the lake and it is 22,53 mm. The same water sample also had the highest median value of the mitotic index i 27.5%. The biggest difference in the value of the mitotic index was observed between the values obtained at the West side and the control sample, but this difference was not statistically significant at the level p <0,05 (T = 1,45589; p = 0,141351). The results suggest that water from the lake Vidara has no significant genocitotoxic effect.Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje stepena citotoksičnog i genotoksičnog efekta vode iz jezera Vidara (Bosna i Hercegovina). Uzorci vode uzeti su na pet različitih lokaliteta. Najveća srednja vrijednost dužine korjenčića luka (Allium cepa) je utvrđena pri tretmanu uzorkom vode sa sjeverne strane jeze...

Struktura i dinamika ekosistema Dinarida / Structure and Dynamics of Ecosystem Dinarides, 2012
Molecular-genetic methods allow direct assessment of genetic diversity at the level of diversity ... more Molecular-genetic methods allow direct assessment of genetic diversity at the level of diversity of DNA structures between individuals of the same type. Factors that may influence the association of alleles with disease, such as ethnic or gender effect, can't be determined without allelic frequencies in populations. The aim of our study was to determine the frequency of gene alleles for the hemochromatosis and the gene for angiotensin converting enzyme in the Bosnian-Herzegovinian population. The goal of study of gene copy number of DAZ was to determine the frequency of partial DAZ gene deletions and to analyse the existence of duplications in the general Bosnian population. Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine Aкадемија наука и умјетности босне и Xерцеговине Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina Međunarodni naučni skup "Struktura i dinamika ekoSiStema dinarida-Stanje, mogućnoSti i perSpektive" International Conference "StruCture and dYnamiCS oF eCoSYStemS dinarideS-StatuS, poSSiBiLitieS and proSpeCtS"

We evaluated possible roles of interleukin-8 gene polymorphisms (1633T/C-rs2227543, 251A/T-rs4073... more We evaluated possible roles of interleukin-8 gene polymorphisms (1633T/C-rs2227543, 251A/T-rs4073) and interleukin-18 gene polymorphisms (-607C/A-rs1946518,-137G/C-rs187238) in the development of diabetic retinopathy (DR) in Caucasians with type 2 diabetes. 271 patients with DR and 113 without diabetic retinopathy were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. We did not observe an association between either interleukin-8 gene polymorphisms (1633T/C, 251A/T) or interleukin-18 gene polymorphisms (-607C/A,-137G/C) and diabetic retinopathy in Caucasians with type 2 diabetes. We did not find statistically significant differences in interleukin-8 serum levels between diabetics with the TT and AA genotype and those with other genotypes. The interleukin-18 serum levels between diabetics with the CC genotype of the-607C/A polymorphism and those with other genotypes (AA, AC) were not significantly different. Moreover, we did not observe a statistically significant effect of the tested polymorphisms of either interleukin-8 or interleukin-18 genes on serum levels in diabetics. In conclusion, our study indicates that the examined polymorphisms of interleukin-8 (1633T/C, 251A/T) and interleukin-18 (-607C/A or the-137G/C) genes are not genetic risk factors for diabetic retinopathy. Therefore, they may not be used as genetic markers for diabetic retinopathy in Caucasians with type 2 diabetes. © Versita Sp. z o.o.

Biotechnology Journal International, 2021
Aims: The basic precondition for apple breeding is the genetic diversity of varieties, which impl... more Aims: The basic precondition for apple breeding is the genetic diversity of varieties, which implies a large number of different, positive genes that enable adaptation to different weather conditions, resistance to new diseases and pests. One of the reliable sources of genetic diversity are indigenous varieties of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Their genetic identification is the first step in a process that has as its ultimate goal the collection of genetic material. The main goal of this research is to analyze the genetic variability of five indigenous varieties of apple in Tuzla Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina in terms of contributing to the management of conservation and expansion of existing genetic resources, spreading this material through registered nurseries. Study Design: The research included fiveautochthonous apple varieties: "Ovčji nos“ “Dobrić“, "Šarenika“, "Rančica“ and "Petrovača“. Place and Duration of Study: Samples of young leaves were collected at the...

Background : As antibiotic resistance in microorganisms is increasing and becoming a global pro... more Background : As antibiotic resistance in microorganisms is increasing and becoming a global problem, essential oils should be considered as new chemical substances with potenial therapeutic effects. Aim of the study : Determine the susceptibility of beta-lactamase clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to antibiotics and essential oils, define the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) for tested oils. Material and Methods : This study included 120 P. aeruginosa isolates from clinical material. A disc diffusion method was used to for determination of antibiotic and essential oil susceptibility profile. For the phenotypic detection of beta-lactamase isolates, a disk diffusion method was used according to the CLSI guidelines with clavulanic acid. MIC was determined by microdilution test in broth. MBC was recorded after determination of MIC, it was corresponded to the lowest concentration of the essential oil yielding negative subcult...

Les allers et retours entre l'univers de l'imaginaire et l'univers du réel sont un thème ancien d... more Les allers et retours entre l'univers de l'imaginaire et l'univers du réel sont un thème ancien de la fiction, que le chemin se fasse dans le sens du réel vers imaginaire, comme dans Peter Pan de James Matthew Barrie ou de l'imaginaire vers le réel, comme l'illustre La rose pourpre du Caire de Woody Allen (1985). Les lieux jouent un rôle important dans ce passage car ils permettent d'ancrer les univers de fiction dans le réel. En retour les lieux et les paysages créés par les écrivains, les cinéastes, les peintres ou les créateurs de jeu vidéo transforment la manière dont sont perçus les espaces réels en ajoutant de nouvelles dimensions à leur image. A une époque où ces images des lieux sont un facteur important de leur développement, cette connexion entre espaces imaginaires et espaces réels devient un phénomène important qu'il faut prendre en compte aussi bien dans les politiques d'aménagement que pour comprendre les pratiques spatiales des lieux. Nous faisons l'hypothèse que les techniques géonumériques vont jouer un rôle majeur dans le renouvèlement de la manière dont cette connexion peut se faire. Dans la première partie de l'article, nous revenons sur l'expérience spécifique du set-jetting qui transforme les lieux de tournage en objets touristiques. C'est un phénomène ancien mais qui connaît une intensité inédite depuis la sortie des films Da Vinci Code (Howard 2006) et Harry Potter (Columbus 2001-2002, Cuarón 2004, Newell 2005). Nous tentons d'abord de replacer le set-jetting dans une perspective générale puis nous analysons l'impact que produit sur les lieux réels la demande nouvelle pour une connexion des espaces imaginaires et des espaces réels. Nous tentons ensuite un premier aperçu des différentes approches théoriques de cette connexion entre espace réel et espace fictionnel. Enfin, nous analysons le bouleversement que les technologies de l'information géonumérique ont commencé à jouer sur ces connexions au niveau du géoréférencement des lieux auxquels renvoient les oeuvres, de la construction de bases de données, des interfaces de navigation et d'interrogation de ces bases et des dispositifs de consultation.
Papers by Amela Hercegovac