Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, Mar 1, 2018
Konjunktiva ile iliĢkili lenfoid doku (CALT), gözün en önemli aksesuar bileĢenlerinden biridir. B... more Konjunktiva ile iliĢkili lenfoid doku (CALT), gözün en önemli aksesuar bileĢenlerinden biridir. Bu çalıĢma, sağlıklı develerde konjunktiva ile iliĢkili lenfoid dokunun histolojik dağılımını ve karakteristik özelliklerini ıĢık mikroskobu tekniğiyle ortaya koymak amacıyla yapıldı. ÇalıĢmada toplam 5 adet (13-19 yaĢ aralığında) deveye ait alt ve üst göz kapağı kullanıldı. CALT'a ait genel makroskobik görünüm asetik asit uygulamasıyla ortaya konuldu. Tüm develerde CALT'ın en önemli elemanları olan ve soliter ve agregat lenf foliküllerinin varlığı tespit edildi. Foliküllerin üzerlerinin folikülle iliĢkili epitel (FAE) olarak bilinen ve intra epiteliyal lenfositleri barındıran, kadeh hücrelerinin görülmediği ince, yassılaĢmıĢ epitel ile örtülü olduğu görüldü. Buna ek olarak, lenf foliküllerinin germinal merkez, korona, dom bölgesi ve inter foliküler alanlardan meydana geldiği fark edildi. Ġnterfoliküler alanlarda CALT en önemli karakteristik özelliklerinden bir olan, yüksek endotelli venüllerin varlığı ortaya konuldu. Sonuç olarak, deve CALT'ının sahip olduğu belirleyici özellikleriyle diğer mukozal lenfoid dokularla oldukça yüksek benzelikler göterdiği ve oküler savunma mekanizması içerisinde önemli bir rol oynadığı kanısına varıldı.
In this study the resistance of 158 Enterococcus faecalis isolates recovered from Mediterranean S... more In this study the resistance of 158 Enterococcus faecalis isolates recovered from Mediterranean Sea to 15 different antibiotics and four heavy metals was investigated by agar diffusion and agar dilution methods respectively. A high incidence of resistance to gentamicine (98.7%), ciprofloxacin (77.8%), imipenem (77.2%) and levofloxacin (72.8%), as well as almost an absence of resistance to vancomycin (3.2%), minocycline (13.3 %) and quinupristin-dalfopristin (13.3%) was found among the isolates. Multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) index ranging from 0.2 to 0.93. Most isolates were showed tolerance to different concentrations of heavy metals. These results suggest that Eastern Mediterranean Sea has important proportion of antibiotic and heavy metal resistant Enterococcus faecalis and these bacteria can be responsible a potential risk for public health.
Veteriner Hekimler Derneği Dergisi, 2020
The Caucasian honey bee (Apis mellifera caucasia subspecies of Apis mellifera L.) is one of the m... more The Caucasian honey bee (Apis mellifera caucasia subspecies of Apis mellifera L.) is one of the most common and prominent honey bee breeds in Turkey. The morphometry of endemic honey bee breeds has been extensively studied, but little attention has been given to the microscopic morphology of these bees. The aim of the current study was to describe for the first time the histomorphology of the midgut and hindgut of the Caucasian honey bee in Turkey. A total of 20 local Caucasian adult honey bee workers were sampled for histomorphological and histochemical analysis. The midgut epithelium consisted of epithelial cells with different morphologies. Acidic, neutral, and mixed mucosubstances were found in the luminal surfaces of the cells and peritrophic membranes. The ileum mostly consisted of an epithelium containing columnar cells that usually had basal nuclei. The rectum of adult workers had a single-layered epithelium externally, involving a layer of inner circular and outer longitudinal muscles. There were 6 long hollow rectal pads in the median-anterior area of the rectum. These results contribute in detail to our understanding of the histomorphology of the Caucasian (A. m. caucasia) honey bee.
Introduction Due to physiological, anatomical, and developmental similarities to humans, research... more Introduction Due to physiological, anatomical, and developmental similarities to humans, researchers have been increasingly using the pig as a model of choice for research designed to develop new treatments (1). In particular, the immune system of pigs is very similar to its human counterpart in terms of anatomy, organization, and response (2). This makes the pig more advantageous than other experimental animals for various purposes such as studying specific disease models, xenotransplantation, and usage as a large animal model for educational and research purposes. Moreover, it is clear that results obtained from pig-oriented studies have higher applicability and reliability for humans compared with other animal models (3). The thymus of the pig is a highly specialized primary lymphoid organ for T lymphocyte maturation. During the first third of gestation, this organ is colonized by T lymphocyte precursors, originating from the hematopoietic stem cells within the bone marrow (4). T lymphocytes are highly specific cells that contribute to the management and regulation of the immune system in mammals for functions such as resistance against diseases and cellular immunity (5). Thymic epithelial cells (TECs) form a stromal network to essentially shape the T lymphocyte repertoire in the thymus. Based on their location, these cells are divided into cortical and medullary TECs, which are phenotypically and functionally different. TECs play a crucial role in thymocyte positive and negative selections. Mutual interactions between T lymphocytes and TECs are needed for the development of a fully functioning parenchyma in thymus (6). Apoptosis is a type of cell death that plays a role in several physiological and pathological processes. It is a key regulator in achieving tissue homeostasis by providing a balance between cell proliferation and cell death (7). In the primary lymphoid organs, and especially in the thymus, apoptosis is required for lymphocyte development and homeostasis. T lymphocytes are removed by apoptosis during their developmental processes (8). In other words, approximately 95% of ineffective T lymphocytes or those that have the potential of reacting against their own tissues are eliminated by apoptosis before they enter the blood circulation. In this context, apoptosis has an important role in controlling the lymphocyte population in both the thymus and peripheral circulation, and in achieving central and peripheral tolerance (9).
Introduction Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are self-renewing and multipotent cells, which have th... more Introduction Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are self-renewing and multipotent cells, which have the potential to differentiate into various tissue cells, including osteoblasts (1,2), adipocytes, chondrocytes (3), neurons, glia cells (4), and cardiomyocytes (5), under favorable conditions. Owing to this potential, MSCs are being increasingly investigated for their use in cell-based regenerative medicine and tissue engineering (6). In recent years, MSCs have been reported to be isolated from various tissues, including adipose tissue, cartilaginous tissue, muscles, tendons, the periodontal ligament, synovial membranes, trabecular bone and bone marrow, umbilical cords, placentas, the nervous system, skin, the periosteum, fetal liver, and dental pulp (7-9). The umbilical cord (UC), which is of varying length in different species, is a transparent flexible tissue externally surrounded by the amniotic membrane and composed of three blood vessels, including two arteries and one vein, which are encapsulated by a mucous connective tissue referred to as Wharton's jelly (10). Although the umbilical cord appears to be homogeneous at macroscopic level, it has been shown to comprise three compartments on the basis of the proliferation and differentiation characteristics determined for expanded stromal cells. These compartments are the subamniotic stroma, intervascular stroma, and perivascular stroma (11). UC-derived MSCs can be isolated from Wharton's jelly, the perivascular stroma, and the subamniotic membrane (10,12). Human UC-derived MSCs offer several advantages, including their isolation being easier, noninvasive, and less contentious when compared to that of MSCs isolated from the bone marrow and adipose tissue, as well as their contamination risk being lower and their differentiation and immunomodulatory capacity being higher (13). Although several studies have been carried out to demonstrate various features of these cells, including their phenotypic characteristics and plasticity, the number of studies available on the ultrastructure of MSCs is rather limited. This study was aimed at determining the plasticity of UC-derived MSCs isolated from the rat and also at demonstrating, for the first time, the ultrastructural characteristics of these cells in detail. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Isolation and expansion of umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells UC samples were collected from the fetuses of pregnant Wistar albino rats under general anesthesia. Immediately
Molecular reproduction and development, Mar 3, 2017
Derivation and stable maintenance of porcine induced pluripotent stem cells (piPSCs) is challengi... more Derivation and stable maintenance of porcine induced pluripotent stem cells (piPSCs) is challenging. We herein systematically analyzed two piPSC lines, derived by lentiviral transduction and cultured under either leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) or fibroblast growth factor (FGF) conditions, to shed more light on the underlying biological mechanisms of porcine pluripotency. LIF-derived piPSCs were more successful than their FGF-derived counterparts in the generation of in vitro chimeras and in teratoma formation. When LIF piPSCs chimeras were transferred into surrogate sows and allowed to develop, only their prescence within the embryonic membranes could be detected. Whole transcriptome analysis of the piPSCs and porcine neonatal fibroblasts showed that they clustered together, but apart from the two pluripotent cell populations of early porcine embryos, indicating incomplete reprogramming. Indeed, bioinformatic analysis of the pluripotency-related gene network of the LIF- versus FGF...
Poultry Science, 2016
This study evaluated the effect of intra-amniotic synbiotic inclusion and continued synbiotic sup... more This study evaluated the effect of intra-amniotic synbiotic inclusion and continued synbiotic supplementation in the diet on the performance, intestinal epithelium integrity, and cecal microflora of broiler chickens. In Experiment 1, 510 eggs containing viable embryos were divided into 3 groups of 170 eggs each. The first group was not injected and served as a negative control ( NC: ). The next group was injected with 0.9% NaCl and was the positive control ( PC: ). The synbiotic-injected group ( S: ) was injected with a 0.5% inulin and 1 × 10(6) Enterococcus faecium solution. The non-injected and synbiotic injected groups were further divided into 2 sets for Experiment 2 and the birds were offered either a basal or synbiotic supplemented diet (1% inulin and 2 × 10(9) E. faecium cfu/kg feed). One hundred ninety-six broiler hatchlings were randomly allocated in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement that included an intra-amniotic treatment (non-injected or synbiotic injected) and a dietary treatment (basal or synbiotic supplemented diet). The results showed that the administration of an intra-amniotic synbiotic to embryonated eggs on d 17 of incubation did not affect the hatchability or hatching weight of the birds. However, intra-amniotic synbiotic inclusion had a positive effect on FCR at d 0 to 42 (P = 0.041) and d 22 to 42 (P = 0.036). There was no significant interaction effect on the growth performance of the birds between the intra-amniotic and dietary synbiotic treatment during different or entire experimental periods. Villus height and goblet and proliferating cell nuclear antigen ( PCNA: ) positive cell counts were positively influenced by intra-amniotic and dietary synbiotic treatments. Our results also indicated that intra-amniotic synbiotic injection followed by dietary supplementation with a synbiotic significantly increased Lactobacillus colonization and decreased coliform population in the broiler cecum. Cecal butyric acid concentration increased proportionally to the cecal Lactobacillus count with dietary synbiotic supplementation on d 42. In summary, combined intra-amniotic and dietary synbiotic treatments improved broiler intestinal integrity and increased cecal beneficial bacteria populations.
Krom (Cr), endüstrideki yaygın kullanımı nedeniyle ciddi bir kirletici durumuna gelmiştir. Özelli... more Krom (Cr), endüstrideki yaygın kullanımı nedeniyle ciddi bir kirletici durumuna gelmiştir. Özellikle Cr+6 formunun Cr+3 formundan daha toksik olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, sucul bir bitki olan Ceratophyllum demersum L.’nin Cr+6’ ya karşı oluşturduğu biyolojik cevabın incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. C. demersum örnekleri 6 gün boyunca 1, 5 ve 10 mM Cr (K2Cr2O7)’a maruz bırakılmıştır. Cr akümülasyonu, bitki büyümesi, lipit peroksidasyonu, iyon kaçışı, fotosentetik pigmentasyon, protein ve prolin içeriğinin konsantrasyona bağlı değişimleri incelenmiştir. C. demersum’un önemli miktarda Cr’u akümüle edebildiği belirlenmiştir. En yüksek Cr konsantrasyonu, 10 mM Cr uygulamasında 19.6 mmol g-1 (kuru ağırlık) olarak bulunmuştur. Genel olarak, Cr akümülasyonuna karşı C. demersum büyüme oranı ve fotosentetik pigmentasyonda azalma; iyon kaçışı, lipit peroksidasyonunda ise artış ile cevap vermiştir. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular, sucul bitkiler kullanılarak kirletilmiş suların arıt...
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, 2010
Previous studies have shown that salicylates can change the ion permeability of root cells. There... more Previous studies have shown that salicylates can change the ion permeability of root cells. Therefore the possible effects of exogenous salicylate application on lead (Pb) and copper (Cu) accumulation and its protective role against DNA damage due to metal exposure in Lemna gibba were studied. L. gibba was exposed to 5, 10, and 25 μM Pb and Cu for six days in the presence and absence of sodium salicylate (SA) (0.1, 0.5, and 1 mM). At all concentrations tested, SA application decreased Pb accumulation. On the other hand, application of 0.5 mM SA increased Cu accumulation. SA did not reduce DNA damage resulting from Pb and Cu toxicity. In summary, SA may be useful for reducing Pb accumulation, and application of SA at 0.5 mM may be useful for the phytoextraction of Cu
OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology, 2011
Clarification of relationships among ploidy series of Cynodon accessions could be beneficial to b... more Clarification of relationships among ploidy series of Cynodon accessions could be beneficial to bermudagrass breeding programs, and would enhance our understanding of the evolutionary biology of this warm season grass species. This study was initiated to elucidate polyploidization among Cynodon accessions with different ploidy series collected from Turkey based on chloroplast and nuclear DNA. Forty Cynodon accessions including 7 diploids, 3 triploids, 10 tetraploids, 11 pentaploids, and 9 hexaploids were analyzed using chloroplast DNA restriction fragment-length polymorphism (cpDNA RFLP), chloroplast DNA simple sequence repeat (cpDNA SSR), and nuclear DNA markers based on neighbor-joining (NJ) and principle component analyses (PCA). All three-marker systems with two statistical algorithms clustered the diploids apart from the other ploidy levels. Assuming autopolyploidy, spontaneous polyploidization followed by rapid diversification among the higher ploidy levels than the diploids is likely in Cynodon's evolution. Few tetraploid and hexaploid accessions were clustered with or closely to the group of diploids, supporting the hypothesis above. Eleven haplotypes as estimated by cpDNA RFLP and SSR markers were detected. This study indicated that the diploids had different organelle genome from the rest of the ploidy series and provided valuable insight into relationships among ploidy series of Cynodon accessions based on cp and nuclear DNAs.
Nova Hedwigia, 2014
Calogaya arnoldii, "Caloplaca" fuscoatroides, Caloplaca aff. monacensis, "Caloplaca" xerica, Flav... more Calogaya arnoldii, "Caloplaca" fuscoatroides, Caloplaca aff. monacensis, "Caloplaca" xerica, Flavoplaca cf. havaasii, Rufoplaca arenaria, Variospora australis, V. glomerata and Xanthocarpia lactea (Teloschistaceae) were identified from the samples collected by the authors in Turkey. Identifications of all the listed lichens are supported by their ITS nrDNA sequences. Calogaya arnoldii, Flavoplaca cf. havaasii Variospora australis and V. glomerata are new to Turkey.
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 2014
Sperm capacitation with subsequent acrosome reaction is an indispensable event for oocyte fertili... more Sperm capacitation with subsequent acrosome reaction is an indispensable event for oocyte fertilization. To trigger such events, cholesterol efflux from the membrane is necessary. Although cholesterol-loaded cyclodextrin (CLC) incorporation to the membrane increases sperm resistance to cooling, it might also delay or inhibit sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction. The goal of this study was to assess CLC addition on the acrosome reaction of cooled equine spermatozoa after challenge with calcium ionophore. For this purpose, two ejaculates from five stallions were collected. Each ejaculate was diluted to 50 x 10 6 sperm/mL with skim milk-based extender and divided into two 5-mL aliquots. For each ejaculate, one aliquot was not treated 1 Mean (SD). 2 Paired differences mean (95% confidence interval). 3 Paired t-test p-value.
Indian Veterinary Journal, 2008
The prevalence of persistently infected animals due to bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and the... more The prevalence of persistently infected animals due to bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and the effect of persistent bovine viral diarrhea virus infection on some reproductive parameters of 228 cows in four herds in Aydin province were studied. The overall prevalence of ...