Indonesian Journal of Sociology, Education, and Development
The paper examined the rise of virtual sports betting among football bettors in Northern Nigeria.... more The paper examined the rise of virtual sports betting among football bettors in Northern Nigeria. The study aims to examine the level of penetration of virtual betting and identify the reasons for the development. The researcher adopted Instant Gratification Model to explain the shift from betting on real-time sports betting to virtual betting in the areas selected for the study. The study has adopted a cross-sectional study design, and data were elicited through mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative). Thirteen interviews were conducted: Six Key Informant Interviews (KII) and seven In-Depth Interviews (IDI) with the sports bettors & operators of sports betting outlets. For the quantitative data, 927 structured questionnaires were administered, while 685 were retrieved from the respondents, indicating a 74% response rate. Qualitative data are presented in a prose style, while quantitative data are presented in a tabular form, of frequency tables and cross-tabulation based on th...

Indonesian Journal of Sociology, Education, and Development
A qualitative study examined children's educational and health well-being in areas affected b... more A qualitative study examined children's educational and health well-being in areas affected by armed violence. Coordinated attacks on some villages and communities in Katsina State had rendered thousands of people homeless while some infants became orphans. The study was carried out in some designated Internally Displaced Camps in the seven most affected Local Government Areas in Katsina State. The researchers explored three qualitative data collection techniques in the study and elicited data from the field. Key Informant Interviews were conducted with camp officials, In-Depth Interviews were conducted with parents of the children aged 0-8 years taking refuge in the camps, and a non-participant observation method was used to observe the behaviour of the targeted children. The study revealed that children uprooted from their various villages were in dire need of assistance, particularly food, shelter, and medical attention. Also, there was no provision for temporary early childh...

Biology, 2021
Changes in global temperature are impacting the spread/intensity of vector-borne diseases, includ... more Changes in global temperature are impacting the spread/intensity of vector-borne diseases, including malaria, and accelerating evolutionary/adaptive changes in vector species. These changes, including chromosomal inversions and overexpression and/or changes in allele frequencies of thermotolerance-associated genes, may facilitate insecticide resistance through pleiotropy. This study investigated the impact of thermotolerance on pyrethroid resistance in four populations of the malaria vector An. gambiae s.l., from the savanna/sub-Sahel of northern Nigeria. Anopheles coluzzii and An. gambiae s.s. were the only malaria vectors found, sympatric in all the sites, with the former species predominant. High thermotolerance was observed, with no mortality at 38 °C, and LT50 of ~44 °C. Significantly high permethrin resistance was observed (mortality < 50%) in 44 °C heat-hardened (exposure to an intermediately high temperature provides protection to a more severe temperature or insecticide)...

Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics, 2022
The Boolean Satisfiability Problem (BSAT) is one of the most important decision problems in mathe... more The Boolean Satisfiability Problem (BSAT) is one of the most important decision problems in mathematical logic and computational sciences for determining whether or not a solution to a Boolean formula.. Hopfield neural network (HNN) is one of the major type artificial neural network (NN) popularly known for it used in solving various optimization and decision problems based on its energy minimization machinism. The existing models that incorporate standalone network projected non-versatile framework as fundamental Hopfield type of neural network (HNN) employs random search in its training stages and sometimes get trapped at local optimal solution. In this study, Ants Colony Optimzation Algorithm (ACO) as a novel variant of probabilistic metaheuristic algorithm (MA) inspired by the behavior of real Ants, has been incorporated in the training phase of Hopfield types of the neural network (HNN) to accelerate the training process for Random Boolean kSatisfiability reverse analysis (RANk...

Diseases, 2021
Suspicion of failure in the effectiveness of artemisinin-based combination therapies (currently t... more Suspicion of failure in the effectiveness of artemisinin-based combination therapies (currently the first-line treatment of malaria, worldwide) is leading to the unofficial use of alternative antimalarials, including chloroquine and sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine, across northern Nigeria. To facilitate evidence-based resistance management, antimalarial resistance mutations were investigated in Plasmodium falciparum multidrug resistance-1 (pfmdr1) and chloroquine resistance transporter (pfcrt), in isolates from Kano, northwestern Nigeria. Out of the 88 samples genotyped for pfmdr1 N86Y mutation using PCR/restriction fragment length polymorphism, one sample contained the 86Y mutation (86Yfrequency = 1.14%). The analysis of 610 bp fragments of pfmdr1 from 16 isolates revealed two polymorphic sites and low haplotype diversity (Hd = 0.492), with only 86 Y mutations in one isolate, and 184 F replacements in five isolates (184Ffrequency = 31.25%). The analysis of 267 bp fragments of pfcrt isola...

Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation, 2018
The paper examines how globalization induces tensions and prejudices in the federal state of Nige... more The paper examines how globalization induces tensions and prejudices in the federal state of Nigeria, which lead to separatist and secessionist movements. The methodological issues are based on documentary and content analyses and adopt a sociological approach as the framework of analysis. The approach argues that a federal structure permeated by forces of globalization, primordial sentiments and pretensions, agitations for self-determination are presented as separatist or secessionist movements. Research finding argues that the onset of globalization in Third World nations was perpetuated through colonial domination which created a divide and rule policy in the federal state of Nigeria. The policy of domination and marginalization by European colonialist and continued by the first republic politicians and military dictators have triggered agitations and counter agitations for secessionism in Nigeria. It is also argued from the research finding that deregulation of the downstream se...

PLOS ONE, 2021
Entomological surveillance of local malaria vector populations is an important component of vecto... more Entomological surveillance of local malaria vector populations is an important component of vector control and resistance management. In this study, the resistance profile and its possible mechanisms was characterised in a field population of the major malaria vector Anopheles coluzzii from Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers state, in the Niger-Delta Region of Nigeria. Larvae collected in Port-Harcourt, were reared to adulthood and used for WHO bioassays. The population exhibited high resistance to permethrin, deltamethrin and DDT with mortalities of 6.7% ± 2.4, 37.5% ± 3.2 and 6.3% ± 4.1, respectively, but were fully susceptible to bendiocarb and malathion. Synergist bioassays with piperonylbutoxide (PBO) partially recovered susceptibility, with mortalities increasing to 53% ± 4, indicating probable role of CYP450s in permethrin resistance (χ2 = 29.48, P < 0.0001). Transcriptional profiling revealed five major resistance-associated genes overexpressed in the field samples comp...

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread across the globe with its consequent human and eco... more Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread across the globe with its consequent human and economic challenges. To achieve effective control of the pandemic, efforts need to be holistic and global. Understanding patients’ demographics and clinical characteristics will assist in the control of the infection. However, there is a paucity of studies on the clinical presentation of COVID-19 patients from Nigeria and indeed Africa. Thus, this retrospective case series evaluated the medical records of COVID-19 patients admitted in a tertiary hospital in Nigeria. Patients’ demographics, and other clinical variables were assessed and presented. Data of 14 patients with complete records were included in the study. Most of the patients (78.6%) were males and the mean age of the study participants is 63.5 years (SD; 11.5). The commonest presenting symptoms were fever (93%), cough (71.4%), and dyspnoea (57.1%). At presentation, 13 patients had coexisting diseases while 8 (57.0%) patients had ...
This paper presents a decentralised model predictive control (DMPC) for two-input and two-output ... more This paper presents a decentralised model predictive control (DMPC) for two-input and two-output (TITO) processes. To reduce the computational load, shifted input sequence is used to cater for loop interactions. The proposed scheme is applied to a coupled system to demonstrate the performance the DMPC. Model predictive control (MPC) and decentralised PID (PI) were also applied for comparison purposes.

Biodiesel is produced from edible/non-edible plants oil. However, alkaline transesterification of... more Biodiesel is produced from edible/non-edible plants oil. However, alkaline transesterification of these oils makes the process challenging due to the presence of large amount of free fatty acids (FFA), which forms soap on reaction with alkali. Hence, it is necessary to reduce FFA present so that alkaline catalyzed transesterification can be carried out. In this work, biodiesel fuel was produced using diphenylamine functionalized magnetic mesoporous silica SBA-15 as catalyst for the esterification of free fatty acid (FFA) present in neem oil (NO) and its effect on esterification reaction was studied. Optimum catalyzed esterification was achieved using 1 g diphenylamine functionalized magnetic mesoporous silica SBA-15 as a solid base catalyst with a methanol to oil ratio of 9:1, at 60°C and reaction time of 1.25 h. During this process, FFA was converted into fatty acid methyl esters. The acid value of NO oil was reduced to 7.34 mg KOH/g from 52.45 mg KOH/g, accounting for 86% conversi...
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2021

Industrial effluents discharged into the river poses a serious threat to our environment; the res... more Industrial effluents discharged into the river poses a serious threat to our environment; the research examines the impact of some heavy metals of Kaduna refinery effluent into the Romi River. It asserts the nature of effluent released into the water body and also the impact of effluent on water quality. However the important water quality became relatively slowly as early human could only judge water quality through the physical senses of sight, taste and smell, now a days there is an increase of contamination of natural water bodies by industrial effluents in developing and densely populated countries like Nigeria, because rivers are major means of waste disposal and especially effluents from industries nearby. The data used in this research were generated from direct field measurement of pH, Conductivity, and Turbidity, heavy metal profiles (Chromium & Nickel) from Kaduna Refinery Effluent. The mean concentrations of the metals; chromium, iron, nickel, and zinc with the standard ...

An experiment to remove lead (II) ions through adsorption from its aqueous solution using Sugar... more An experiment to remove lead (II) ions through adsorption from its aqueous solution using Sugarcane Bagasse Activated carbon (SBAC) was carried out. As one of the ways employ to reduce the high cost of treatment of industrial effluents. Agricultural wastes could be considered as suitable material for the production of Activated Carbon due it high carbon contents, environmentally friendly and low cost of production. In this work, activated carbon was produced by chemical activation with sulphuric acid (H2SO4) of sugarcane bagasse materials. It was then coated with magnetic nanoparticle (Fe3O4) prepared by chemical precipitation of Fe2+ and Fe3+ salt from aqueous solution and tested for its efficiency as an adsorbent for the removal of Lead(II) ion from aqueous solution .The surface morphology, structural and functional groups present were investigated using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Shift and disappearance of some adso...
Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2018
A 25-year-old male became entrapped in an industrial fence coiler (Fig. 1). He was extricated by ... more A 25-year-old male became entrapped in an industrial fence coiler (Fig. 1). He was extricated by coworkers after ten minutes. Upon EMS arrival, he was unconscious with decerebrate posturing and fixed, dilated pupils. He had multiple contusions. The patient was normotensive but tachycardic. Due to his altered mental status and suspected crush injuries, he underwent field drug assisted intubation with ketamine and succinylcholine. He received a saline bolus while en-route to the trauma center. The ED continued providing supportive care. CT scans revealed left rib fractures, an occult left pneumothorax, and a fracture of the left ulnar styloid process (Figs. 2 and 3). 1 He was admitted to the Trauma ICU, but he made an unexpectedly rapid recovery, being discharged 36 h later at his baseline with only PCP follow-up.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2019
Science Forum (Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences), 2019
The problems associated with a case of asymptotic expansion for eigenvalues of delay type are out... more The problems associated with a case of asymptotic expansion for eigenvalues of delay type are outlined in this work. A multi-delay case is considered and a new approach to determine the roots of the eigenvalues is obtained. The extension to include multiple lags is an improvement on the already existing ones that are at most two or less. It is found that the new extended results can be used to obtain series expansion for the determination of roots of the characteristics equations under consideration.
Science Forum (Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences), 2019
An existing problem using integral technique to solve second order linear differential equations ... more An existing problem using integral technique to solve second order linear differential equations has been identified in this work. It is however; found that certain restrictions are placed hence making it impossible to use the existing criteria to solve problems for second order equations. A new set of oscillatory criteria is established to generalize all forms of solutions to second order linear ordinary differential equations using integral technique. It is also discovered that certain existing restrictions are removed. It is also found that the solutions to the second order ordinary differential equations are oscillatory under the new set of conditions. An example is constructed to test the applicability of the set conditions.

IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2017
In this work, activated carbon prepared from groundnut shells (GSAC) by sulphuric acid treatment ... more In this work, activated carbon prepared from groundnut shells (GSAC) by sulphuric acid treatment was coated with Fe 3 O 4 (GSAC-Fe 3 O 4) and tested for its efficiency as an adsorbentfor the removal of methylene blue (MB) dye from aqueous solution. The structural morphology and functional groups present were investigated using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Various sorption parameters such as effect of pH, contact time, initial dye concentration and adsorbent dosage were studied. The percentage removal of methylene blue increased with decrease in initial methylene blue concentration and increased with increase in contact time and dose of the adsorbent. Equilibrium data were analysed using Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. Kinetic data were studied using pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order kinetic models.