This book poses the problem of the spiral of underdevelopment in African countries and the "pover... more This book poses the problem of the spiral of underdevelopment in African countries and the "poverty" of Africans over the last six centuries, which have their source in the open veins of Africa and Africans. In the current context of the opening-up of all regions of the world to each other, the growing rejection of this situation by the younger African generations and the re-emergence of China as a pole of development and power open up the possibility of a world where cohabitation and cooperation between independent and sovereign nations respectful of each other will be the norm. There is one key, as yet missing, to turning this possibility into reality. The missing key is the reconquest by Africans of the independence and sovereignty of the African Peoples. This is the meaning of the "Negro-African Hypothesis". This poses three challenges to Africans. These are the reconfiguration of the political map of Africa into a handful of political entities worthy of the name (turning the page on Berlin 1884-1885), the united-front reflex in the face of notoriously common threats, and the initiative to organize world summits on two subjects: refounding the UN and extinguishing the IMF-World Bank system by building a universal monetary and financial system.
This book poses the problem of the spiral of underdevelopment in African countries and the "pover... more This book poses the problem of the spiral of underdevelopment in African countries and the "poverty" of Africans over the last six centuries, which have their source in the open veins of Africa and Africans. In the current context of the opening-up of all regions of the world to each other, the growing rejection of this situation by the younger African generations and the re-emergence of China as a pole of development and power open up the possibility of a world where cohabitation and cooperation between independent and sovereign nations respectful of each other will be the norm. There is one key, as yet missing, to turning this possibility into reality. The missing key is the reconquest by Africans of the independence and sovereignty of the African Peoples. This is the meaning of the "Negro-African Hypothesis". This poses three challenges to Africans. These are the reconfiguration of the political map of Africa into a handful of political entities worthy of the name (turning the page on Berlin 1884-1885), the united-front reflex in the face of notoriously common threats, and the initiative to organize world summits on two subjects: refounding the UN and extinguishing the IMF-World Bank system by building a universal monetary and financial system.