在郭店楚簡〈五行〉中,「德」作為呈現出通篇義理的重要概念,而被許多學者所關心。在過去研究中,學者的關注主要在於「天道、人道」之間關係的探討以及所謂的道德價值或是範疇的「內化」。然而,關於「內化」... more 在郭店楚簡〈五行〉中,「德」作為呈現出通篇義理的重要概念,而被許多學者所關心。在過去研究中,學者的關注主要在於「天道、人道」之間關係的探討以及所謂的道德價值或是範疇的「內化」。然而,關於「內化」此一面向的說明卻較為不足。再者,在過去對於「德」概念的原始意義與相關演變研究中,呈現出「德」原本具有政治意義與其逐漸往道德範疇「抽象、內在化」的發展。而過去的〈五行〉研究中,大多僅強調道德範疇的一面,而缺乏政治方面的探討。上述兩點就是本文探討中所將關注的焦點。 本文全面地整理郭店楚簡〈五行〉中「德」的使用情況,進一步的展開探討。「德」作為「仁、義、禮、智、聖」五行內化而和諧共存的狀態,經過本文整理可以知道「內化」的具體說明是五種德行在抽象「思想」層面上經過修養而達成「安樂、和諧」實現「德」的狀態。同時,實現「德」的狀態在〈五行〉中被稱為「天道」,在相關說明中表示實現「德」的人就是「君子」,更精確的說應該是理想統治者意義的君子或是賢人。賢人會根據「君子道」實現理想的統治,一方面重視自身五行內化的「德」,而另外一方面也會實踐四行的「善」於統治中。「德」作為實現思想上五行的內化以及具體政治理想上四行的實踐狀態,貫通「天道」與「人道」,而此一內外在兼容的理想狀態則具有道德範疇上的「境界意義」。
By clarifying the evolution of the concept of junzi (君子; usually translated as gentleman or noble... more By clarifying the evolution of the concept of junzi (君子; usually translated as gentleman or nobleman) in pre-Qin Confucian classics and excavated texts, this study explains the Confucian philosophical system with the concept of junzi as its theoretical core. Among these texts, the concept of junzi is used as a means of integrating different conflicting passages from various classic documents into a holistic norm, thereby contributing to the eventual “canonization of Confucian philosophy” following the Qin and Han Dynasties. In other words, the concept of junzi was a necessary condition for the “canonization of Confucian philosophy.” This study uses the research method of begriffsgeschichte and history of ideas to analyze and organize all the uses of junzi in the so-called Confucian classics and excavated texts from the pre-Qin period. By understanding the interconnectedness of the junzi theory between different documents and the evolution of this idea, it is shown that Confucian political theory in the late Warring States period developed its conception of ideal rule with the junzi as its agent of enacting morality. By clarifying the theoretical dimensions of this idea, a coherent classical theoretical system is constructed with the concept of junzi as its main axis. By paying attention to the theoretical function played by the concept of junzi, the pre-Qin classical theoretical system that has been ignored in past research can be presented afresh. Through this research, we can understand anew pre-Qin Confucianism as the foundation of various Confucian theories in later generations, which will further contribute to the overall development of Confucian philosophical research.
This thesis focuses on the connotation of the concept of junzi(君子). The term junzi , which ha... more This thesis focuses on the connotation of the concept of junzi(君子). The term junzi , which has been translated into such words as “gentleman”, ”noble man”, “superior man” etc. , is an important and common term in the ancient Chinese classics, including the Chu(楚) bamboo texts discovered in the twentieth century. Previous studies have emphasized the moral meaning of junzi more than the political. In contrast, this thesis shows that the concept of junzi in the Chu bamboo texts of the Goudian and the Shanghai museum contains both political and moral meanings. The concept of junzi in the Chu bamboo texts of the Goudian and the Shanghai museum contains many ideas. Based on the context of all the paragraphs including junzi, these ideas are different kind of virtue(德) and rituals(禮). The concept of Junzi contains these ideas to make the self into a good person and, at the same time, to create a good environment for other people. Virtue, such as benevolence(仁), justice(義), and loyalty(忠), can make a person have a good personality. Rituals, such as living custom, life standard, and ceremony, can create an ideal order for people. The point is, more importantly, to realize the ideas of virtue and rituals. Junzi, to have virtuous self, is to live consistently in one’s mind, speech and action, which can be observed and judged by others. After having virtue, Junzi will cause others to learn and enact rituals, since the person who has good personality can persuade others to believe and accept that rituals can create a good environment for others to have a good life. The human who can make the ideal order—in the Chu bamboo texts of the Goudian and the Shanghai museum—is a ruler who retains the status of the ruling class by the realization of virtue and rituals. Junzi, as rulers, realize virtue and rituals for others and the self, evincing that morality is a political requirement. The concept of junzi in the Chu bamboo texts of the Goudian and the Shanghai museum, therefore, in contrast to previous studies, emphasizes the political ideal.
就中國哲學思想研究來說,經典文獻之探討是最為根本的研究,理解文獻內容意義是研究哲學意涵的基礎。西方哲學從黑格爾哲學史研究至語言論轉向及戰後高達美詮釋學,都對文獻中「意義如何獲得」問題非常重視。發... more 就中國哲學思想研究來說,經典文獻之探討是最為根本的研究,理解文獻內容意義是研究哲學意涵的基礎。西方哲學從黑格爾哲學史研究至語言論轉向及戰後高達美詮釋學,都對文獻中「意義如何獲得」問題非常重視。發展出分析所處歷史情境、概念網絡與作者意圖的「概念史研究」,作為哲學、史學領域的研究方法。然而,中文學界對於「德國概念史」卻缺少整體介紹,因此方維規撰寫《什麼是概念史》一書。 本文將理解與評論此書特色與問題,藉此掌握「概念史研究」整體,也期望能啟發中國哲學研究對於概念意義獲得之反思。
在郭店楚簡〈五行〉中,「德」作為呈現出通篇義理的重要概念,而被許多學者所關心。在過去研究中,學者的關注主要在於「天道、人道」之間關係的探討以及所謂的道德價值或是範疇的「內化」。然而,關於「內化」... more 在郭店楚簡〈五行〉中,「德」作為呈現出通篇義理的重要概念,而被許多學者所關心。在過去研究中,學者的關注主要在於「天道、人道」之間關係的探討以及所謂的道德價值或是範疇的「內化」。然而,關於「內化」此一面向的說明卻較為不足。再者,在過去對於「德」概念的原始意義與相關演變研究中,呈現出「德」原本具有政治意義與其逐漸往道德範疇「抽象、內在化」的發展。而過去的〈五行〉研究中,大多僅強調道德範疇的一面,而缺乏政治方面的探討。上述兩點就是本文探討中所將關注的焦點。 本文全面地整理郭店楚簡〈五行〉中「德」的使用情況,進一步的展開探討。「德」作為「仁、義、禮、智、聖」五行內化而和諧共存的狀態,經過本文整理可以知道「內化」的具體說明是五種德行在抽象「思想」層面上經過修養而達成「安樂、和諧」實現「德」的狀態。同時,實現「德」的狀態在〈五行〉中被稱為「天道」,在相關說明中表示實現「德」的人就是「君子」,更精確的說應該是理想統治者意義的君子或是賢人。賢人會根據「君子道」實現理想的統治,一方面重視自身五行內化的「德」,而另外一方面也會實踐四行的「善」於統治中。「德」作為實現思想上五行的內化以及具體政治理想上四行的實踐狀態,貫通「天道」與「人道」,而此一內外在兼容的理想狀態則具有道德範疇上的「境界意義」。
By clarifying the evolution of the concept of junzi (君子; usually translated as gentleman or noble... more By clarifying the evolution of the concept of junzi (君子; usually translated as gentleman or nobleman) in pre-Qin Confucian classics and excavated texts, this study explains the Confucian philosophical system with the concept of junzi as its theoretical core. Among these texts, the concept of junzi is used as a means of integrating different conflicting passages from various classic documents into a holistic norm, thereby contributing to the eventual “canonization of Confucian philosophy” following the Qin and Han Dynasties. In other words, the concept of junzi was a necessary condition for the “canonization of Confucian philosophy.” This study uses the research method of begriffsgeschichte and history of ideas to analyze and organize all the uses of junzi in the so-called Confucian classics and excavated texts from the pre-Qin period. By understanding the interconnectedness of the junzi theory between different documents and the evolution of this idea, it is shown that Confucian political theory in the late Warring States period developed its conception of ideal rule with the junzi as its agent of enacting morality. By clarifying the theoretical dimensions of this idea, a coherent classical theoretical system is constructed with the concept of junzi as its main axis. By paying attention to the theoretical function played by the concept of junzi, the pre-Qin classical theoretical system that has been ignored in past research can be presented afresh. Through this research, we can understand anew pre-Qin Confucianism as the foundation of various Confucian theories in later generations, which will further contribute to the overall development of Confucian philosophical research.
This thesis focuses on the connotation of the concept of junzi(君子). The term junzi , which ha... more This thesis focuses on the connotation of the concept of junzi(君子). The term junzi , which has been translated into such words as “gentleman”, ”noble man”, “superior man” etc. , is an important and common term in the ancient Chinese classics, including the Chu(楚) bamboo texts discovered in the twentieth century. Previous studies have emphasized the moral meaning of junzi more than the political. In contrast, this thesis shows that the concept of junzi in the Chu bamboo texts of the Goudian and the Shanghai museum contains both political and moral meanings. The concept of junzi in the Chu bamboo texts of the Goudian and the Shanghai museum contains many ideas. Based on the context of all the paragraphs including junzi, these ideas are different kind of virtue(德) and rituals(禮). The concept of Junzi contains these ideas to make the self into a good person and, at the same time, to create a good environment for other people. Virtue, such as benevolence(仁), justice(義), and loyalty(忠), can make a person have a good personality. Rituals, such as living custom, life standard, and ceremony, can create an ideal order for people. The point is, more importantly, to realize the ideas of virtue and rituals. Junzi, to have virtuous self, is to live consistently in one’s mind, speech and action, which can be observed and judged by others. After having virtue, Junzi will cause others to learn and enact rituals, since the person who has good personality can persuade others to believe and accept that rituals can create a good environment for others to have a good life. The human who can make the ideal order—in the Chu bamboo texts of the Goudian and the Shanghai museum—is a ruler who retains the status of the ruling class by the realization of virtue and rituals. Junzi, as rulers, realize virtue and rituals for others and the self, evincing that morality is a political requirement. The concept of junzi in the Chu bamboo texts of the Goudian and the Shanghai museum, therefore, in contrast to previous studies, emphasizes the political ideal.
就中國哲學思想研究來說,經典文獻之探討是最為根本的研究,理解文獻內容意義是研究哲學意涵的基礎。西方哲學從黑格爾哲學史研究至語言論轉向及戰後高達美詮釋學,都對文獻中「意義如何獲得」問題非常重視。發... more 就中國哲學思想研究來說,經典文獻之探討是最為根本的研究,理解文獻內容意義是研究哲學意涵的基礎。西方哲學從黑格爾哲學史研究至語言論轉向及戰後高達美詮釋學,都對文獻中「意義如何獲得」問題非常重視。發展出分析所處歷史情境、概念網絡與作者意圖的「概念史研究」,作為哲學、史學領域的研究方法。然而,中文學界對於「德國概念史」卻缺少整體介紹,因此方維規撰寫《什麼是概念史》一書。 本文將理解與評論此書特色與問題,藉此掌握「概念史研究」整體,也期望能啟發中國哲學研究對於概念意義獲得之反思。
Papers by 彥廷 林
This study uses the research method of begriffsgeschichte and history of ideas to analyze and organize all the uses of junzi in the so-called Confucian classics and excavated texts from the pre-Qin period. By understanding the interconnectedness of the junzi theory between different documents and the evolution of this idea, it is shown that Confucian political theory in the late Warring States period developed its conception of ideal rule with the junzi as its agent of enacting morality. By clarifying the theoretical dimensions of this idea, a coherent classical theoretical system is constructed with the concept of junzi as its main axis.
By paying attention to the theoretical function played by the concept of junzi, the pre-Qin classical theoretical system that has been ignored in past research can be presented afresh. Through this research, we can understand anew pre-Qin Confucianism as the foundation of various Confucian theories in later generations, which will further contribute to the overall development of Confucian philosophical research.
The concept of junzi in the Chu bamboo texts of the Goudian and the Shanghai museum contains many ideas. Based on the context of all the paragraphs including junzi, these ideas are different kind of virtue(德) and rituals(禮). The concept of Junzi contains these ideas to make the self into a good person and, at the same time, to create a good environment for other people.
Virtue, such as benevolence(仁), justice(義), and loyalty(忠), can make a person have a good personality. Rituals, such as living custom, life standard, and ceremony, can create an ideal order for people. The point is, more importantly, to realize the ideas of virtue and rituals. Junzi, to have virtuous self, is to live consistently in one’s mind, speech and action, which can be observed and judged by others. After having virtue, Junzi will cause others to learn and enact rituals, since the person who has good personality can persuade others to believe and accept that rituals can create a good environment for others to have a good life. The human who can make the ideal order—in the Chu bamboo texts of the Goudian and the Shanghai museum—is a ruler who retains the status of the ruling class by the realization of virtue and rituals.
Junzi, as rulers, realize virtue and rituals for others and the self, evincing that morality is a political requirement. The concept of junzi in the Chu bamboo texts of the Goudian and the Shanghai museum, therefore, in contrast to previous studies, emphasizes the political ideal.
Book Reviews by 彥廷 林
This study uses the research method of begriffsgeschichte and history of ideas to analyze and organize all the uses of junzi in the so-called Confucian classics and excavated texts from the pre-Qin period. By understanding the interconnectedness of the junzi theory between different documents and the evolution of this idea, it is shown that Confucian political theory in the late Warring States period developed its conception of ideal rule with the junzi as its agent of enacting morality. By clarifying the theoretical dimensions of this idea, a coherent classical theoretical system is constructed with the concept of junzi as its main axis.
By paying attention to the theoretical function played by the concept of junzi, the pre-Qin classical theoretical system that has been ignored in past research can be presented afresh. Through this research, we can understand anew pre-Qin Confucianism as the foundation of various Confucian theories in later generations, which will further contribute to the overall development of Confucian philosophical research.
The concept of junzi in the Chu bamboo texts of the Goudian and the Shanghai museum contains many ideas. Based on the context of all the paragraphs including junzi, these ideas are different kind of virtue(德) and rituals(禮). The concept of Junzi contains these ideas to make the self into a good person and, at the same time, to create a good environment for other people.
Virtue, such as benevolence(仁), justice(義), and loyalty(忠), can make a person have a good personality. Rituals, such as living custom, life standard, and ceremony, can create an ideal order for people. The point is, more importantly, to realize the ideas of virtue and rituals. Junzi, to have virtuous self, is to live consistently in one’s mind, speech and action, which can be observed and judged by others. After having virtue, Junzi will cause others to learn and enact rituals, since the person who has good personality can persuade others to believe and accept that rituals can create a good environment for others to have a good life. The human who can make the ideal order—in the Chu bamboo texts of the Goudian and the Shanghai museum—is a ruler who retains the status of the ruling class by the realization of virtue and rituals.
Junzi, as rulers, realize virtue and rituals for others and the self, evincing that morality is a political requirement. The concept of junzi in the Chu bamboo texts of the Goudian and the Shanghai museum, therefore, in contrast to previous studies, emphasizes the political ideal.