Agrobiodiversity for Improving Nutrition, Health and Life Quality, 2021
The publication aims to present some knowledge about the less-known but at the same time very sca... more The publication aims to present some knowledge about the less-known but at the same time very scarce bituminous rock alginite with comprehensive practical use in the form of a brief overview. Alginite is an organic-bituminous rock that was formed about six million years ago from dead fossil algae Botryococcus braunii Kütz and diatoms in the area of today's Pannonian Basin. In Europe, alginite deposits have been discovered in Hungary, Austria and Slovakia in Pinciná village. Alginite mining is mostly used in Hungary in the Gerce area. Alginite is grey to dark grey, in the wet state dark laminated, clayey with the form of disintegrating clay. Alginite has very valuable physical, mechanical and chemical properties. It is a natural bituminous rock with a favourable content of basic nutrients (P, K, Ca, Mg and S) for plants except for nitrogen content. Alginite contains a large number of microelements, which increase the agrochemical possibilities of its use. It can be applied in its natural form without chemical treatment. It is an ecological raw material that improves the soil and does not negatively affec the environment. Alginite has become the subject of research in many workplaces. The overview presents the basic physical, mechanical and chemical properties of alginite and selected knowledge and research results that have enabled the practical use of alginite in natural or technologically modified form in agriculture in the formation of growth, development and crop formation and quality of seeds and fruits of cultivated crops, forestry, remediation and improvement of soil and water properties, decomposition of herbicides, stabilization of beneficial microorganisms in animal organisms and other areas.
The aim of this experiment was to compare find out of the changes of assimilation pigments conten... more The aim of this experiment was to compare find out of the changes of assimilation pigments content of turf Festuca spp. leaves after application of different nutrition forms under non-irrigated conditions. In period April 2012-May 2015 (without June 2014 and February 2015) experiment was carried out in warm and dry conditions in area of Nitra (Slovak Republic). Concentration of assimilation pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total carotenoids) was determined spectrophotometrically. The experiment was included 10 treatments: 1. Without fertilization; 2. Saltpetre with dolomite, superphosphate, potassium salt; 3. Turf fertilizer NPK 15-3-8 (+ 3 MgO + 0.8 Fe + 18S); 4. Slow release fertilizer NPK 14-5-14 (+ 4CaO + 4MgO + 7S); 5. Controlled release fertilizer NPK (S) 13-9-18 (+ 6S); 6. Organic fertilizer NPK 5-1-1,7. Organic fertilizer NPK 3-2-1 and 3 mycorrhizal preparations. The use of inorganic and organic fertilizers resulted in an increase chlorophyll a, b content and total chlorophyll in leaves Festuca spp. More pronounced increase in chlorophyll content was found by the application of the Turf fertilizer. Application of this fertilizer has a statistically significant effect on content of chlorophyll a + b than in the other evaluated treatments without turfs fertilized by Controlled release fertilizer and Organic fertilizer NPK 5-1-1. A statistically significant increase in the total carotenoids concentration was observed after the use of Saltpetre with dolomite, superphosphate, potassium salt and Turf fertilizer as compared to the nonfertilized control.
Acta Universitatis Matthiae Belii series Environmental Management, 2017
Kvalitu trávnikov sme hodnotili v dvoch urbánnych sídlach Topoľčianky a Zlaté Moravce v troch ter... more Kvalitu trávnikov sme hodnotili v dvoch urbánnych sídlach Topoľčianky a Zlaté Moravce v troch termínoch počas vegetačnej sezóny v roku 2013 pomocou štandardnej metodiky podľa Ondřeja (1988). Na základe zaznamenaných údajov môžeme konštatovať, že podľa viditeľných znakov kritériá I. intenzifikačnej triedy spĺňali trávniky v parku v Topoľčiankach (trávnik "pred zámkom" a "pri jazierku"). Do II. intenzifikačnej triedy sa zaradila trávnatá plocha pred obytným blokom na Brezovej ulici v Zlatých Moravciach. Na základe bodového hodnotenia možno trávnik "pred zámkom" v parku v Topoľčiankach klasifikovať ako trávnik vynikajúcej kvality, zatiaľ čo trávnik "pri jazierku" v topoľčianskom parku mal v jarnom období veľmi dobrú kvalitu, v letnom a jesennom období sa kvalita zlepšila a hodnotený bol ako trávnik vynikajúcej kvality. Sídliskový trávnik pred obytným blokom na Brezovej ulici v Zlatých Moravciach mal veľmi dobrú kvalitu v letnom a jesennom období, na jar vykazoval len priemernú kvalitu.
The changes in growth rate, daily production of above-ground phytomass and lawn density of turfgr... more The changes in growth rate, daily production of above-ground phytomass and lawn density of turfgrass after application of fertilizer based on polysulfide (Sulka NKS+) were evaluated in Nitra (the Slovak Republic) climatic conditions. The polysulfide preparation was applied 2-times, 4-times and 6-times during the vegetation period in 2015–2017 and the effect was compared with a zero control. Stimulatory effect of Sulka NKS+ was shown in the average daily gain of grass height and average daily gain of aboveground phytomass weight with the most visible expression in the 2nd and 3rd year of cultivation. For the thickening lawn index was found out inhibitory effect of polysulfide fertilizer. The average values of the first two characteristics (average daily gains of grass height and weight of above-ground phytomass) have also increased with the increasing number of Sulka NKS+applications.
The aim of this experiment was to find out dynamics of the nitrogen (N) content in aboveground ph... more The aim of this experiment was to find out dynamics of the nitrogen (N) content in aboveground phytomass on the turf after fertilization of different forms of fertilizers under non-irrigated conditions. The experiment was carried out in warm and dry conditions in the area of Nitra (Slovak Republic). There were included 7 treatments: 1. Without fertilization, 2. Saltpetre with dolomite, Superphosphate, Potassium salt, 3. Turf fertilizer 15-3-8 (+ 3MgO + 0.8Fe + 18S), 4. Slow release fertilizer SRF NPK 14-5-14 (+ 4CaO + 4MgO + 7S), 5. Controlled release fertilizer Duslocote NPK (S) 13-9-18 (+ 6S), 6. Organic fertilizer Condit (5-1-1) and 7. Organic fertilizer Veget (3-2-1). In the begging of the seasons fertilizing by controlled release fertilizer Duslocote NPK (S) 13-9-18 (+ 6S) had a slow onset of action. The opposite trend had use of organic fertilizer Condit (5-1-1) on nitrogen content in aboveground turf phytomass. The nitrogen concentration was statistically higher in variants fertilized with inorganic fertilizer and organic fertilizer Condit (5-1-1) (33,727 mg*kg-1-36,737 mg*kg-1) as a non-fertilized turf (28,446 mg*kg-1). Higher nitrogen content in aboveground phytomass was after application of organic fertilizer Condit (5-1-1) into the turf in comparison with fertilization inorganic fertilizers.
The aim of this experiment was to determine the influence of mycorrhizal preparations on chosen i... more The aim of this experiment was to determine the influence of mycorrhizal preparations on chosen indicators of the growth and production process of turf. The experiment was realized in the Experimental station of the
The aim of the work was to analyse the impact of different intensities of grassland exploitation ... more The aim of the work was to analyse the impact of different intensities of grassland exploitation on the productive capacity in the context of declining livestock numbers and the need for temporary or permanent extensification. The research was carried out in 2017-2020 in the locality of Žirany in the Nitra district, located in the temperate zone at the boundary between the continental and Atlantic-continental regions. Average annual temperatures are around 9 °C. The original semi-natural vegetation has been used for sheep grazing for many years. There were 8 experimental variants of use/cutting with different intensity of exploitation: var. 1-abandoned unused, var. 2-3× per year, var. 3-2× per year, var. 4-1× per year, var. 5-4×-3×-2×-2×-1× per year, var. 6-1×-2×-3×-4× per year, var. 7-3×-1×-1×-3× and var. 8-2×-1×-1×-1×-2×. By comparing the sum of yields for the entire 4-year annual cycle, we concluded that, with the exception of the 1× annually mowed variant, all the others differentiated themselves from the abandoned stand by their increased production capacity. We also observed differentiation between fertilized and exploited variants into groups. The stand mowed 3 times annually (variant 2, 29.07 t/ha) was shown to be the most productive. The second group consisted of variants with production lower in the sum of 4 years by about 5 t/ha (3, 5, and 6). The same level of lower yield was then found on stands with temporarily reduced intensity of use (variants 7 and 8). In the effectiveness of applied nutrients on production growth, it was found that as the number of applications increased, nutrient use also increased. The average of the years in the overall assessment of the 4-year cycle showed the dynamics from the individual years and also confirmed the tendency of the highest nutrient use at a stable 3-cut use.
The aim of the work was to analyze the influence of different intensity of grassland exploitation... more The aim of the work was to analyze the influence of different intensity of grassland exploitation on the development of floristic composition. The experiment was carried out in 2017 and 2018 in the Žirany village (SW Slovakia) characterized by a mild climate with an average annual temperature of 9 °C. Before the experiment was established, the grassland was used for sheep grazing and dominated by Lollium perenne L. The monitoring period was 2017 and 2018. The experimental crops were mown 2× (variant 4), 3× (variant 3) and 4× (variant 2). We established also control variant (variant 1) which was not mowed and fertilized, as well. The floristic composition was evaluated before each cut. It follows from the results obtained at the beginning of the monitoring in 2017, grass species (Lollium perenne L., Poa trivalis L., Poa pratensis L.) predominantly prevailed and they maintained their dominant position during the whole vegetation period in 2017. Furthermore, other meadow herbs (Achillea millefolium L., Cerastium arvense L.) were found in higher proportion. Legumes were found in a lesser extent. In 2018, we reduced the proportion in the botanical groups of other meadow herbs and leguminous plants. Conversely, grasses increased their share compared to 2017. The cover has been reduced mainly in variant 3 (3× mowed) and variant 2 (2× mowed).
The aim of this paper was to determine the effect of different doses of Stockosorb® 500 Micro on ... more The aim of this paper was to determine the effect of different doses of Stockosorb® 500 Micro on the growth-production process of Festuca arundinacea Schreb. cv. Koreta. The pot experiment was realized in laboratory conditions in year 2010. There were used pots with volume 2 dm 3 and area on top 0.014 m 2 and 3 levels of the amount of Stockosorb® 500 Micro in experiment: 0 g.m-2 , 50 g.m-2 and 100 g.m-2. Quantity of seeds was 1.18 g per pot (i. e. 40,000 seeds per m 2). Each treatment had 4 replications. Irrigating of pots was with 150 ml water per pot 2 times a week. Results of observations showed a statistically significant effect of Stockosorb® 500 Micro on daily intensity of growth to the height (p = 0.040), the total harvest of aboveground phytomass (P = 0.000) and nonsignificant effect on the intensity of the production of aboveground phytomass (P = 0.084). Stimulatory effect on indicators of the growth-production process of Festuca arundinacea Schreb. cv. Koreta had only Stockosorb® 500 Micro at dose 50 g.m 2. Application of 100 g.m 2 of Stockosorb® 500 Micro inhibited growth and production of that grass species, but with lower variability of average daily gain of height (ADGh), average daily gain of weight (ADGw) and thickening lawn index (TLI) values. Lower daily intensity of growth and phytomass production and higher turf density (expressed as thickening lawn index) is positively evaluated from the viewpoint of lawn management.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License The aim of the experiment... more Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License The aim of the experiment was to find out the impact of different moisture regime on selected indicators of the growth and production process of Medicago sativa L. cv. Zuzana and Trifolium pratense L. cv. Poľana. The pot experiment was carried out at the Department of Grassland Ecosystems and Forage Crops, FAFR SUA in Nitra in 2015. There were evaluated two treatments of irrigation: 1 st-irrigation once a week and 2 nd-irrigation twice a week with a single dose of 300 ml of water per pot. The results of the experiment showed a positive effect on the height of Medicago sativa L. and Trifolium pratense L. plants (p = 0.006 and p = 0.316), the number of stems (p = 0.001 and p = 0.002), dry phytomass production (p = 0.016 and p = 0.154) and the quantity of harvest residues of evaluated legume forages (p = 0.100 and p = 0.146) with a general more visible effect under irrigation twice a week. By comparison of both species, irrigation twice a week was more effective for Medicago sativa L. on plant height, number of stems and weight of above-ground phytomass, whereas for Trifolium pratense L. only on the weight of harvest residues compared to irrigation once a week.
in Nitra (Slovak Republic) with controlled moisture conditions (shelter) in 2017. Content of nitr... more in Nitra (Slovak Republic) with controlled moisture conditions (shelter) in 2017. Content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, crude fibre and water soluble carbohydrates were determined from dry above-ground phytomass of grasses. The significantly highest (P <0.05) nitrogen content in average of cuts was in above-ground phytomass of Felina (30.3 g kg-1) compared to Hykor (25.4 g kg-1) and new intergeneric hybrid Lenor (25.0 g kg-1). The lowest phosphorus content was found out in hybrid Lenor (3.4 g kg-1). In average of three cuts, the lowest concentration of potassium was in new intergeneric hybrid Lenor (5.8 g kg-1). The lowest content of calcium was found out in hybrid Lenor (7.0 g kg-1). Magnesium concentration ranged from 5.0 g kg-1 (Hykor) to 6.1 g kg-1 (Felina). Higher (P <0.05) fiber content in average of cuts was in above-ground phytomass of Lenor (27.0%) and Hykor (26.5%) than Felina (24.0%). The highest concentration of water soluble carbohydrates was found in Hykor and Lenor (3.5%).
Acta Universitatis Mattiae Belii series Environmental Management
Cieľom pokusu bolo vyhodnotiť účinok aplikácie mykoríznych prípravkov na trávnik, a tým potenciál... more Cieľom pokusu bolo vyhodnotiť účinok aplikácie mykoríznych prípravkov na trávnik, a tým potenciál ich využitia v urbánnej krajine. Experiment sa realizoval v teplých a suchých podmienkach lokality Nitra (Slovenská republika) v rokoch 2012-2014. Hodnotili sa 4 varianty (1. bez mykorízneho prípravku, 2. mykorízny prípravok Turfcomp, 3. mykorízny prípravok Symbivit, 4. mykorízny prípravok Conavit). V príspevku sme vyhodnocovali priemernú produkcia suchej nadzemnej fytomasy v kosbe, celkovú produkcia suchej nadzemnej fytomasy a celoročný priemer denných prírastkov suchej nadzemnej fytomasy trávnika. Vo všetkých troch ukazovateľov dosiahol variant po aplikácii Turfcompu vyššie hodnoty produkcie ako kontrola. Trávniky ošetrené Symbivitom a Conavitom zaznamenali nižšiu produkciu ako kontrolný variant. Rozdiely medzi variantmi boli štatisticky nepreukazné.
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2016
The aim of this experiment was to compare the influence of fertilizers with different speed of nu... more The aim of this experiment was to compare the influence of fertilizers with different speed of nutrients release on growth–production indicators of turf under non–irrigated conditions. The experiment was carried in warm and dry conditions in area Nitra (Slovak Republic). In the experiment were followed 5 treatments (1. without fertilization, 2. Nitre with dolomite, Superphosphate, Potassium salt, 3. Turf fertilizer Travcerit®, 4. Slow release fertilizer SRF NPK 14–5–14 (+ 4CaO + 4MgO + 7S), 5. Controlled release fertilizer Duslocote® NPK (S) 13–9–18 (+6S)). The highest gain of height reached variant fertilized by fertilizer SRF NPK 14–5–14 (+ 4CaO + 4MgO + 7S). Comparison of the individual treatments for the whole period showed significantly lower average daily gains of height on control treatment compared to fertilizing treatments Nitre with dolomite, Superphosphate, Potassium salt, SRF NPK 14–5–14 (+ 4CaO + 4MgO + 7S) and Duslocote® NPK (S) 13–9–18 (+6S). During the reported perio...
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2013
Aim of the work was to determine the effect of different doses of mineral fertilization on belowg... more Aim of the work was to determine the effect of different doses of mineral fertilization on belowground and aboveground plant biomass production of three different types of grasslands, to state R:S ratio (root:shoot) and turnover period of belowground plant biomass of grasslands. In the contribution, we assess production of underground biomass, tillering zone and aboveground biomass on three types of grasslands – permanent grassland (PG), over-sown grassland (OSG) and temporary grassland (TG) in sub-mountain area of central Slovakia. There were applied four levels of mineral nutrition in each grassland (non-fertilized variant, var. 30 kg.ha−1P and 60 kg.ha−1 K. var. 90 kg.ha−1 N + P30K60, var. 180 kg.ha−1 N + P30K60). The root biomass has the most significant share in the total biomass of grasslands (49.9–54.2 %), followed by tillering zone (33.3–36.0 %) and with the lowest share of aboveground biomass (11.9–16.8 %). A dominant share of root biomass and tillering zone ensure signific...
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2012
The development of botanical composition (in % dominance) in the period 2005–2011 and growth-prod... more The development of botanical composition (in % dominance) in the period 2005–2011 and growth-production process in the years 2007–2011 were evaluated in small-plots experiment with selected Slovak varieties of species of the genusFestuca. The experiment was realized under the conditions without irrigation of south-western Slovakia (locality Nitra). The data of botanical composition of turfs showed that fescue varieties were able to create well-covered vegetation (coverage 87–99 %) as early as next year after sowing in conditions without irrigation. In the next period, the differences in turf coverage between varieties were minimized. The total height of turf and average daily gain of height were the highest inF. arundinaceaSchreb. varieties throughout the observed period with significant differences in year 2008 (p = 0.0239), 2009 (p = 0.0462) and 2011 (p = 0.0036). The most intensive growth hadF. arundinaceaSchreb. cv. Koreta (1.81 to 3.44 mm.d−1; i.e. very low to moderate intensit...
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2013
The effect of Lolium perenne L., Festuca rubra L., Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Poa pratensis L. ... more The effect of Lolium perenne L., Festuca rubra L., Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Poa pratensis L. and Poa annua L. aqueous extracts on germination rate and total germinability of Poa annua L. seeds and length of Poa annua L. leaves and roots was studied in a laboratory experiment. Germination of seeds was conducted in the growth chamber at the light and temperature regime – day/night – 12/12 hours, 23/15˚C, rh 70 %, for 42 days. Extracts significantly affected the total germinability and germination rate of Poa annua L. seeds (p = 0.000). The lowest germinability (27.3 ± 7. 1 %) and germination rate (0.7 ± 0.2 seeds per day) had Poa annua L. seeds germinated in Poa pratensis L. aqueous extract. Used extracts (except for Festuca rubra L. extract) had significantly inhibitory effect on length of Poa annua L. roots in comparison with control variant. The positive effect of extract from Lolium perenne L. and Festuca rubra L. (not– significant) and the negative effect of extract from Poa ...
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis
The aim of this experiment was to compare growth and production parameters of the first Slovak cu... more The aim of this experiment was to compare growth and production parameters of the first Slovak cultivar of xFestulolium with Felina and Hykor. The experiment was conducted at the Demonstrating and research base of Department of Grassland Ecosystems and Forage Crops, Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra (Slovak Republic) with controlled moisture conditions (glass house) in 2017 (one year pot experiment). We compared new intergeneric hybrid Lenor with Felina and Hykor. In the experiment were evaluated average height (mm) and dry matter (DM) yields (g). New intergeneric hybrid Lenor was in every cut highest (P…
Agrobiodiversity for Improving Nutrition, Health and Life Quality, 2021
The publication aims to present some knowledge about the less-known but at the same time very sca... more The publication aims to present some knowledge about the less-known but at the same time very scarce bituminous rock alginite with comprehensive practical use in the form of a brief overview. Alginite is an organic-bituminous rock that was formed about six million years ago from dead fossil algae Botryococcus braunii Kütz and diatoms in the area of today's Pannonian Basin. In Europe, alginite deposits have been discovered in Hungary, Austria and Slovakia in Pinciná village. Alginite mining is mostly used in Hungary in the Gerce area. Alginite is grey to dark grey, in the wet state dark laminated, clayey with the form of disintegrating clay. Alginite has very valuable physical, mechanical and chemical properties. It is a natural bituminous rock with a favourable content of basic nutrients (P, K, Ca, Mg and S) for plants except for nitrogen content. Alginite contains a large number of microelements, which increase the agrochemical possibilities of its use. It can be applied in its natural form without chemical treatment. It is an ecological raw material that improves the soil and does not negatively affec the environment. Alginite has become the subject of research in many workplaces. The overview presents the basic physical, mechanical and chemical properties of alginite and selected knowledge and research results that have enabled the practical use of alginite in natural or technologically modified form in agriculture in the formation of growth, development and crop formation and quality of seeds and fruits of cultivated crops, forestry, remediation and improvement of soil and water properties, decomposition of herbicides, stabilization of beneficial microorganisms in animal organisms and other areas.
The aim of this experiment was to compare find out of the changes of assimilation pigments conten... more The aim of this experiment was to compare find out of the changes of assimilation pigments content of turf Festuca spp. leaves after application of different nutrition forms under non-irrigated conditions. In period April 2012-May 2015 (without June 2014 and February 2015) experiment was carried out in warm and dry conditions in area of Nitra (Slovak Republic). Concentration of assimilation pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total carotenoids) was determined spectrophotometrically. The experiment was included 10 treatments: 1. Without fertilization; 2. Saltpetre with dolomite, superphosphate, potassium salt; 3. Turf fertilizer NPK 15-3-8 (+ 3 MgO + 0.8 Fe + 18S); 4. Slow release fertilizer NPK 14-5-14 (+ 4CaO + 4MgO + 7S); 5. Controlled release fertilizer NPK (S) 13-9-18 (+ 6S); 6. Organic fertilizer NPK 5-1-1,7. Organic fertilizer NPK 3-2-1 and 3 mycorrhizal preparations. The use of inorganic and organic fertilizers resulted in an increase chlorophyll a, b content and total chlorophyll in leaves Festuca spp. More pronounced increase in chlorophyll content was found by the application of the Turf fertilizer. Application of this fertilizer has a statistically significant effect on content of chlorophyll a + b than in the other evaluated treatments without turfs fertilized by Controlled release fertilizer and Organic fertilizer NPK 5-1-1. A statistically significant increase in the total carotenoids concentration was observed after the use of Saltpetre with dolomite, superphosphate, potassium salt and Turf fertilizer as compared to the nonfertilized control.
Acta Universitatis Matthiae Belii series Environmental Management, 2017
Kvalitu trávnikov sme hodnotili v dvoch urbánnych sídlach Topoľčianky a Zlaté Moravce v troch ter... more Kvalitu trávnikov sme hodnotili v dvoch urbánnych sídlach Topoľčianky a Zlaté Moravce v troch termínoch počas vegetačnej sezóny v roku 2013 pomocou štandardnej metodiky podľa Ondřeja (1988). Na základe zaznamenaných údajov môžeme konštatovať, že podľa viditeľných znakov kritériá I. intenzifikačnej triedy spĺňali trávniky v parku v Topoľčiankach (trávnik "pred zámkom" a "pri jazierku"). Do II. intenzifikačnej triedy sa zaradila trávnatá plocha pred obytným blokom na Brezovej ulici v Zlatých Moravciach. Na základe bodového hodnotenia možno trávnik "pred zámkom" v parku v Topoľčiankach klasifikovať ako trávnik vynikajúcej kvality, zatiaľ čo trávnik "pri jazierku" v topoľčianskom parku mal v jarnom období veľmi dobrú kvalitu, v letnom a jesennom období sa kvalita zlepšila a hodnotený bol ako trávnik vynikajúcej kvality. Sídliskový trávnik pred obytným blokom na Brezovej ulici v Zlatých Moravciach mal veľmi dobrú kvalitu v letnom a jesennom období, na jar vykazoval len priemernú kvalitu.
The changes in growth rate, daily production of above-ground phytomass and lawn density of turfgr... more The changes in growth rate, daily production of above-ground phytomass and lawn density of turfgrass after application of fertilizer based on polysulfide (Sulka NKS+) were evaluated in Nitra (the Slovak Republic) climatic conditions. The polysulfide preparation was applied 2-times, 4-times and 6-times during the vegetation period in 2015–2017 and the effect was compared with a zero control. Stimulatory effect of Sulka NKS+ was shown in the average daily gain of grass height and average daily gain of aboveground phytomass weight with the most visible expression in the 2nd and 3rd year of cultivation. For the thickening lawn index was found out inhibitory effect of polysulfide fertilizer. The average values of the first two characteristics (average daily gains of grass height and weight of above-ground phytomass) have also increased with the increasing number of Sulka NKS+applications.
The aim of this experiment was to find out dynamics of the nitrogen (N) content in aboveground ph... more The aim of this experiment was to find out dynamics of the nitrogen (N) content in aboveground phytomass on the turf after fertilization of different forms of fertilizers under non-irrigated conditions. The experiment was carried out in warm and dry conditions in the area of Nitra (Slovak Republic). There were included 7 treatments: 1. Without fertilization, 2. Saltpetre with dolomite, Superphosphate, Potassium salt, 3. Turf fertilizer 15-3-8 (+ 3MgO + 0.8Fe + 18S), 4. Slow release fertilizer SRF NPK 14-5-14 (+ 4CaO + 4MgO + 7S), 5. Controlled release fertilizer Duslocote NPK (S) 13-9-18 (+ 6S), 6. Organic fertilizer Condit (5-1-1) and 7. Organic fertilizer Veget (3-2-1). In the begging of the seasons fertilizing by controlled release fertilizer Duslocote NPK (S) 13-9-18 (+ 6S) had a slow onset of action. The opposite trend had use of organic fertilizer Condit (5-1-1) on nitrogen content in aboveground turf phytomass. The nitrogen concentration was statistically higher in variants fertilized with inorganic fertilizer and organic fertilizer Condit (5-1-1) (33,727 mg*kg-1-36,737 mg*kg-1) as a non-fertilized turf (28,446 mg*kg-1). Higher nitrogen content in aboveground phytomass was after application of organic fertilizer Condit (5-1-1) into the turf in comparison with fertilization inorganic fertilizers.
The aim of this experiment was to determine the influence of mycorrhizal preparations on chosen i... more The aim of this experiment was to determine the influence of mycorrhizal preparations on chosen indicators of the growth and production process of turf. The experiment was realized in the Experimental station of the
The aim of the work was to analyse the impact of different intensities of grassland exploitation ... more The aim of the work was to analyse the impact of different intensities of grassland exploitation on the productive capacity in the context of declining livestock numbers and the need for temporary or permanent extensification. The research was carried out in 2017-2020 in the locality of Žirany in the Nitra district, located in the temperate zone at the boundary between the continental and Atlantic-continental regions. Average annual temperatures are around 9 °C. The original semi-natural vegetation has been used for sheep grazing for many years. There were 8 experimental variants of use/cutting with different intensity of exploitation: var. 1-abandoned unused, var. 2-3× per year, var. 3-2× per year, var. 4-1× per year, var. 5-4×-3×-2×-2×-1× per year, var. 6-1×-2×-3×-4× per year, var. 7-3×-1×-1×-3× and var. 8-2×-1×-1×-1×-2×. By comparing the sum of yields for the entire 4-year annual cycle, we concluded that, with the exception of the 1× annually mowed variant, all the others differentiated themselves from the abandoned stand by their increased production capacity. We also observed differentiation between fertilized and exploited variants into groups. The stand mowed 3 times annually (variant 2, 29.07 t/ha) was shown to be the most productive. The second group consisted of variants with production lower in the sum of 4 years by about 5 t/ha (3, 5, and 6). The same level of lower yield was then found on stands with temporarily reduced intensity of use (variants 7 and 8). In the effectiveness of applied nutrients on production growth, it was found that as the number of applications increased, nutrient use also increased. The average of the years in the overall assessment of the 4-year cycle showed the dynamics from the individual years and also confirmed the tendency of the highest nutrient use at a stable 3-cut use.
The aim of the work was to analyze the influence of different intensity of grassland exploitation... more The aim of the work was to analyze the influence of different intensity of grassland exploitation on the development of floristic composition. The experiment was carried out in 2017 and 2018 in the Žirany village (SW Slovakia) characterized by a mild climate with an average annual temperature of 9 °C. Before the experiment was established, the grassland was used for sheep grazing and dominated by Lollium perenne L. The monitoring period was 2017 and 2018. The experimental crops were mown 2× (variant 4), 3× (variant 3) and 4× (variant 2). We established also control variant (variant 1) which was not mowed and fertilized, as well. The floristic composition was evaluated before each cut. It follows from the results obtained at the beginning of the monitoring in 2017, grass species (Lollium perenne L., Poa trivalis L., Poa pratensis L.) predominantly prevailed and they maintained their dominant position during the whole vegetation period in 2017. Furthermore, other meadow herbs (Achillea millefolium L., Cerastium arvense L.) were found in higher proportion. Legumes were found in a lesser extent. In 2018, we reduced the proportion in the botanical groups of other meadow herbs and leguminous plants. Conversely, grasses increased their share compared to 2017. The cover has been reduced mainly in variant 3 (3× mowed) and variant 2 (2× mowed).
The aim of this paper was to determine the effect of different doses of Stockosorb® 500 Micro on ... more The aim of this paper was to determine the effect of different doses of Stockosorb® 500 Micro on the growth-production process of Festuca arundinacea Schreb. cv. Koreta. The pot experiment was realized in laboratory conditions in year 2010. There were used pots with volume 2 dm 3 and area on top 0.014 m 2 and 3 levels of the amount of Stockosorb® 500 Micro in experiment: 0 g.m-2 , 50 g.m-2 and 100 g.m-2. Quantity of seeds was 1.18 g per pot (i. e. 40,000 seeds per m 2). Each treatment had 4 replications. Irrigating of pots was with 150 ml water per pot 2 times a week. Results of observations showed a statistically significant effect of Stockosorb® 500 Micro on daily intensity of growth to the height (p = 0.040), the total harvest of aboveground phytomass (P = 0.000) and nonsignificant effect on the intensity of the production of aboveground phytomass (P = 0.084). Stimulatory effect on indicators of the growth-production process of Festuca arundinacea Schreb. cv. Koreta had only Stockosorb® 500 Micro at dose 50 g.m 2. Application of 100 g.m 2 of Stockosorb® 500 Micro inhibited growth and production of that grass species, but with lower variability of average daily gain of height (ADGh), average daily gain of weight (ADGw) and thickening lawn index (TLI) values. Lower daily intensity of growth and phytomass production and higher turf density (expressed as thickening lawn index) is positively evaluated from the viewpoint of lawn management.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License The aim of the experiment... more Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License The aim of the experiment was to find out the impact of different moisture regime on selected indicators of the growth and production process of Medicago sativa L. cv. Zuzana and Trifolium pratense L. cv. Poľana. The pot experiment was carried out at the Department of Grassland Ecosystems and Forage Crops, FAFR SUA in Nitra in 2015. There were evaluated two treatments of irrigation: 1 st-irrigation once a week and 2 nd-irrigation twice a week with a single dose of 300 ml of water per pot. The results of the experiment showed a positive effect on the height of Medicago sativa L. and Trifolium pratense L. plants (p = 0.006 and p = 0.316), the number of stems (p = 0.001 and p = 0.002), dry phytomass production (p = 0.016 and p = 0.154) and the quantity of harvest residues of evaluated legume forages (p = 0.100 and p = 0.146) with a general more visible effect under irrigation twice a week. By comparison of both species, irrigation twice a week was more effective for Medicago sativa L. on plant height, number of stems and weight of above-ground phytomass, whereas for Trifolium pratense L. only on the weight of harvest residues compared to irrigation once a week.
in Nitra (Slovak Republic) with controlled moisture conditions (shelter) in 2017. Content of nitr... more in Nitra (Slovak Republic) with controlled moisture conditions (shelter) in 2017. Content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, crude fibre and water soluble carbohydrates were determined from dry above-ground phytomass of grasses. The significantly highest (P <0.05) nitrogen content in average of cuts was in above-ground phytomass of Felina (30.3 g kg-1) compared to Hykor (25.4 g kg-1) and new intergeneric hybrid Lenor (25.0 g kg-1). The lowest phosphorus content was found out in hybrid Lenor (3.4 g kg-1). In average of three cuts, the lowest concentration of potassium was in new intergeneric hybrid Lenor (5.8 g kg-1). The lowest content of calcium was found out in hybrid Lenor (7.0 g kg-1). Magnesium concentration ranged from 5.0 g kg-1 (Hykor) to 6.1 g kg-1 (Felina). Higher (P <0.05) fiber content in average of cuts was in above-ground phytomass of Lenor (27.0%) and Hykor (26.5%) than Felina (24.0%). The highest concentration of water soluble carbohydrates was found in Hykor and Lenor (3.5%).
Acta Universitatis Mattiae Belii series Environmental Management
Cieľom pokusu bolo vyhodnotiť účinok aplikácie mykoríznych prípravkov na trávnik, a tým potenciál... more Cieľom pokusu bolo vyhodnotiť účinok aplikácie mykoríznych prípravkov na trávnik, a tým potenciál ich využitia v urbánnej krajine. Experiment sa realizoval v teplých a suchých podmienkach lokality Nitra (Slovenská republika) v rokoch 2012-2014. Hodnotili sa 4 varianty (1. bez mykorízneho prípravku, 2. mykorízny prípravok Turfcomp, 3. mykorízny prípravok Symbivit, 4. mykorízny prípravok Conavit). V príspevku sme vyhodnocovali priemernú produkcia suchej nadzemnej fytomasy v kosbe, celkovú produkcia suchej nadzemnej fytomasy a celoročný priemer denných prírastkov suchej nadzemnej fytomasy trávnika. Vo všetkých troch ukazovateľov dosiahol variant po aplikácii Turfcompu vyššie hodnoty produkcie ako kontrola. Trávniky ošetrené Symbivitom a Conavitom zaznamenali nižšiu produkciu ako kontrolný variant. Rozdiely medzi variantmi boli štatisticky nepreukazné.
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2016
The aim of this experiment was to compare the influence of fertilizers with different speed of nu... more The aim of this experiment was to compare the influence of fertilizers with different speed of nutrients release on growth–production indicators of turf under non–irrigated conditions. The experiment was carried in warm and dry conditions in area Nitra (Slovak Republic). In the experiment were followed 5 treatments (1. without fertilization, 2. Nitre with dolomite, Superphosphate, Potassium salt, 3. Turf fertilizer Travcerit®, 4. Slow release fertilizer SRF NPK 14–5–14 (+ 4CaO + 4MgO + 7S), 5. Controlled release fertilizer Duslocote® NPK (S) 13–9–18 (+6S)). The highest gain of height reached variant fertilized by fertilizer SRF NPK 14–5–14 (+ 4CaO + 4MgO + 7S). Comparison of the individual treatments for the whole period showed significantly lower average daily gains of height on control treatment compared to fertilizing treatments Nitre with dolomite, Superphosphate, Potassium salt, SRF NPK 14–5–14 (+ 4CaO + 4MgO + 7S) and Duslocote® NPK (S) 13–9–18 (+6S). During the reported perio...
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2013
Aim of the work was to determine the effect of different doses of mineral fertilization on belowg... more Aim of the work was to determine the effect of different doses of mineral fertilization on belowground and aboveground plant biomass production of three different types of grasslands, to state R:S ratio (root:shoot) and turnover period of belowground plant biomass of grasslands. In the contribution, we assess production of underground biomass, tillering zone and aboveground biomass on three types of grasslands – permanent grassland (PG), over-sown grassland (OSG) and temporary grassland (TG) in sub-mountain area of central Slovakia. There were applied four levels of mineral nutrition in each grassland (non-fertilized variant, var. 30 kg.ha−1P and 60 kg.ha−1 K. var. 90 kg.ha−1 N + P30K60, var. 180 kg.ha−1 N + P30K60). The root biomass has the most significant share in the total biomass of grasslands (49.9–54.2 %), followed by tillering zone (33.3–36.0 %) and with the lowest share of aboveground biomass (11.9–16.8 %). A dominant share of root biomass and tillering zone ensure signific...
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2012
The development of botanical composition (in % dominance) in the period 2005–2011 and growth-prod... more The development of botanical composition (in % dominance) in the period 2005–2011 and growth-production process in the years 2007–2011 were evaluated in small-plots experiment with selected Slovak varieties of species of the genusFestuca. The experiment was realized under the conditions without irrigation of south-western Slovakia (locality Nitra). The data of botanical composition of turfs showed that fescue varieties were able to create well-covered vegetation (coverage 87–99 %) as early as next year after sowing in conditions without irrigation. In the next period, the differences in turf coverage between varieties were minimized. The total height of turf and average daily gain of height were the highest inF. arundinaceaSchreb. varieties throughout the observed period with significant differences in year 2008 (p = 0.0239), 2009 (p = 0.0462) and 2011 (p = 0.0036). The most intensive growth hadF. arundinaceaSchreb. cv. Koreta (1.81 to 3.44 mm.d−1; i.e. very low to moderate intensit...
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2013
The effect of Lolium perenne L., Festuca rubra L., Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Poa pratensis L. ... more The effect of Lolium perenne L., Festuca rubra L., Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Poa pratensis L. and Poa annua L. aqueous extracts on germination rate and total germinability of Poa annua L. seeds and length of Poa annua L. leaves and roots was studied in a laboratory experiment. Germination of seeds was conducted in the growth chamber at the light and temperature regime – day/night – 12/12 hours, 23/15˚C, rh 70 %, for 42 days. Extracts significantly affected the total germinability and germination rate of Poa annua L. seeds (p = 0.000). The lowest germinability (27.3 ± 7. 1 %) and germination rate (0.7 ± 0.2 seeds per day) had Poa annua L. seeds germinated in Poa pratensis L. aqueous extract. Used extracts (except for Festuca rubra L. extract) had significantly inhibitory effect on length of Poa annua L. roots in comparison with control variant. The positive effect of extract from Lolium perenne L. and Festuca rubra L. (not– significant) and the negative effect of extract from Poa ...
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis
The aim of this experiment was to compare growth and production parameters of the first Slovak cu... more The aim of this experiment was to compare growth and production parameters of the first Slovak cultivar of xFestulolium with Felina and Hykor. The experiment was conducted at the Demonstrating and research base of Department of Grassland Ecosystems and Forage Crops, Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra (Slovak Republic) with controlled moisture conditions (glass house) in 2017 (one year pot experiment). We compared new intergeneric hybrid Lenor with Felina and Hykor. In the experiment were evaluated average height (mm) and dry matter (DM) yields (g). New intergeneric hybrid Lenor was in every cut highest (P…
Papers by Ľuboš Vozár