Journal of anatolian environmental and animal sciences, Oct 1, 2020
Öz: Bu çalışmanın amacı; Mega Şehir İstanbul için 01 Mart 2013 ile 01 Mart 2019 tarihleri arasınd... more Öz: Bu çalışmanın amacı; Mega Şehir İstanbul için 01 Mart 2013 ile 01 Mart 2019 tarihleri arasındaki 6 yıllık periyodda Atatürk Uluslararası Havalimanı'nda ölçülen ekstrem basınç değerlerinin ölçüldüğü gündeki basınç değerleri ile, bu havalimanına en yakın konumdaki hava kalitesi ölçüm istasyonu olan Yenibosna Hava Kalitesi İzleme İstasyonu'ndan elde edilen PM10 değerleri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktır. Meteorolojik veriler, Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü (MGM)'den, PM10 değerleri de Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı'ndan temin edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre bu periyodda en yüksek basınç değeri 1040 hPa olarak 08 Aralık 2016 tarihinde, en düşük basınç değeri de 990 hPa olarak 18 Ocak 2018 tarihinde ölçülmüştür. Bu iki ekstrem gün için meteorolojik analiz (yer kartı, 850 hPa, İstanbul'a ait sounding verisi, uydu görüntüleri) yapılarak, PM10 değerlerinin değişimi bu iki gün için analiz edilmiştir. En yüksek basıncın ölçüldüğü 08 Aralık 2016 için korelasyon katsayısı-0,74 ve en düşük basıncın ölçüldüğü gün olan 18 Ocak 2018 için korelasyon katsayısı 0,29'dur. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, en yüksek ve en düşük basınç değerlerinin ölçüldüğü günlerdeki saatlik basınç değişimleri ile saatlik ortalama PM10 değerleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki görülmemiştir. Bu PM10'deki değişimin doğrudan basınca bağlı olmadığını, diğer meteorolojik parametr elerin de etkili olabileceği durumların mevcut olduğunu göstermektedir.
An integrated approach to understanding all measured pollutants with multi-discipline in differen... more An integrated approach to understanding all measured pollutants with multi-discipline in different time scales and understanding the mechanisms hidden under low Air Quality conditions are essential for tackling potential air pollution issues. Sivas is a province located in the Eastern region of Türkiye with a developing industry and a growing population, and its climate is known as arid and cold. Since the end of 2016, the province has started to replace the habit of using coal for domestic heating and industry with natural gas. Despite this development, especially in Fine Particulate Matter (PM 2.5), the province reaches very high pollution values every winter, threatening public health. In this study, the air pollution of Sivas province was analysed with meteorological and PM 2.5 data over six years. It was found that the winter period (January-February-November-December) of every year except 2019-which has missing data-is the period with the highest air pollution in the province. In addition, the fact that the days exceeding the daily PM 2.5 limit values in 2016, 2017, 2020 and 2021 were also seen in the spring and summer months caused the study to focus on additional emission sources such as long-range dust transport and road vehicles. The year 2017, which has the highest values, was analysed in detail. Pollution periods with the highest episodes in 2018 were analysed with the HYSPLIT and DREAM models. As a result of the study, the average PM 2.5 values in 2017 were found to be 31.66 ± 19.2 µg/m 3 and a correlation of-0.49 between temperature and PM 2.5. As a result of model outputs, it was observed that the inversion is intensely observed in the province, which is associated with an increase of PM 2.5 during the episodes. Especially on days with daily average PM 2.5 values above 100 µg/m 3 , dust transport from the Arabian Peninsula is observed. Additionally, analysis of Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) data and PM pollution revealed a signi cant negative correlation (r=-0.61). It was noted that pollution persisted over the province during low PBL hours, particularly during high PM 2.5 concentration periods.
We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and hospital admissio... more We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and hospital admissions for respiratory diseases in İstanbul, the largest city of Turkey. A time series analysis of counts of daily hospital admissions and outdoor air pollutants was performed using single-pollutant Poisson generalized linear model (GLM) while controlling for time trends and meteorological factors over a 3-year period (2013-2015) at different time lags (0-9 days). Effects of the pollutants (Excess Risk, ER) on current-day (lag 0) hospital admissions to the first ten days (lag 9) were determined. Data on hospital admissions, daily mean concentrations of air pollutants of PM 10 , PM 2.5 and NO 2 and daily mean concentrations of temperature and humidity of İstanbul were used in the study. The analysis was conducted among people of all ages, but also focused on different sexes and different age groups including children (0-14 years), adults (35-44 years) and elderly (≥65 years). We found significant associations between air pollution and respiratory related hospital admissions in the city. Our findings showed that the relative magnitude of risks for an association of the pollutants with the total respiratory hospital admissions was in the order of: PM 2.5 , NO 2 , and PM 10. The highest association of each pollutant with total hospital admission was observed with PM 2.5 at lag 4 (ER = 1.50; 95% CI =1.09 − 1.99), NO 2 at lag 4 (ER = 1.27; 95% CI = 1.02−1.53) and PM 10 at lag 0 (ER = 0.61; 95% CI =0.33 − 0.89) for an increase of 10 µg/m 3 in concentrations of the pollutants. In
Abstract There is increasing concern about the air quality of Istanbul because of increasing emis... more Abstract There is increasing concern about the air quality of Istanbul because of increasing emission sources and their possible health effects. This study aims to assess the effects of air pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, and NO2) on hospital admissions for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and acute bronchitis to better understand the association between air pollution and respiratory diseases in the city. In order to investigate the health effects of air pollutants (Excess Relative Risk, ERR), a time-series analysis of daily respiratory hospital admissions and outdoor air pollutants was performed using single-pollutant Poisson generalized linear model (GLM) over a 5-year period (2013–2017) at different time lags (0–9). Our results show that air pollutants have significant immediate and delayed effects on hospital admissions depending on different diseases. NO2 and PM2.5 have the highest risk effects on the hospital admissions. An increase in the PM2.5 level by 10 μg/m3 increased admission rates for acute bronchitis by 8.06 % (95 % CI: 3.36–19.4 %) at lag 9 according to our results. This study showed that air pollution is associated with increased hospital admissions for some of the most common and serious respiratory diseases in Turkey.
Abstract We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and mortalit... more Abstract We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and mortality in the population of Istanbul, Turkey, using generalized linear models while controlling for time trends and meteorological factors over a 6-year period (2007–2012) at different time lags (0–10 days). Effects of the pollutants (Relative Risk (RR) on current-day (lag 0) mortality to the first ten days (lag 10) were determined. Data on daily mortality, daily mean concentrations of air pollutants of PM 10 , SO 2 and NO 2 and daily mean concentrations of temperature and humidity for Istanbul were used in the study. We found significant associations between air pollution and daily mortality from cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, and total non-accidental causes in Istanbul. An increase of 10 μg/m 3 in concentrations of PM 10 , SO 2 and NO 2 over 10 days of lag corresponds to RR = 1.0222 (95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 0.9957–1.0494), RR = 1.1639 (95% CI = 1.0279–1.3177) and RR = 1.0327 (95% CI = 1.0105–1.0554) increase of cardiovascular mortality, respectively. The associations for total non-accidental and respiratory mortality were also positive. Among the three air pollutants, SO 2 was associated with the largest RR for deaths from cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and total mortality. In conclusion, our study showed that short-term exposure to air pollution was associated with increased cardiovascular, respiratory and total non-accidental mortality in the city during 2007–2012. These findings may have implications for local environmental and social policies.
Saharan dust events have an important effect on the air quality of Turkey due to their significan... more Saharan dust events have an important effect on the air quality of Turkey due to their significant contribution to particulate matter concentrations. These events likely impact public health in urban areas. However, there is no available information on the health effects of Saharan dust in Turkey. On Sunday 1 February 2015, İstanbul experienced an episode of extreme Sahara dust event, which increased the particulate matter concentrations greatly compared to the average values of the city. In this study, we examined the relationship between particulate matter (PM 10 , PM 2.5) concentrations and emergency attendances for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and acute bronchitis on the episode day to better understand the association between an extreme dust event and emergency attendances for respiratory health in the city. Analyses showed that there was no significant effect of the Saharan dust event on emergency attendances for asthma and COPD in İstanbul compared to average emergency attendance numbers of the city. However, emergency attendances for acute bronchitis significantly increased on the episode day. This study revealed, extreme Saharan dust events can considerably increase the risk of visiting hospital for acute bronchitis in İstanbul during a severe dust episode.
Çizelge 3.4 :İstanbul'da yıllık antropojenik (insan kaynaklı) emisyonların sektörlere göre dağılı... more Çizelge 3.4 :İstanbul'da yıllık antropojenik (insan kaynaklı) emisyonların sektörlere göre dağılımı (%), Markaksis ve diğ.
An integrated approach to understanding all measured pollutants with multi-discipline in differen... more An integrated approach to understanding all measured pollutants with multi-discipline in different time scales and understanding the mechanisms hidden under low Air Quality conditions are essential for tackling potential air pollution issues. Sivas is a province located in the Eastern region of Türkiye with a developing industry and a growing population, and its climate is known as arid and cold. Since the end of 2016, the province has started to replace the habit of using coal for domestic heating and industry with natural gas. Despite this development, especially in Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5), the province reaches very high pollution values every winter, threatening public health. In this study, the air pollution of Sivas province was analysed with meteorological and PM2.5 data over six years. It was found that the winter period (January-February-November-December) of every year except 2019 -which has missing data- is the period with the highest air pollution in the province....
Volatile Organic Compound Analysis in Istanbul Ö. Çapraz1, A. Deniz1,3, A. Ozturk2, S. Incecik1, ... more Volatile Organic Compound Analysis in Istanbul Ö. Çapraz1, A. Deniz1,3, A. Ozturk2, S. Incecik1, H. Toros1 and, M. Coskun1 (1) Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Department of Meteorology, 34469, Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey. (2) Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical, Chemical Engineering, 34469, Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey. (3) Marmara Clean Air Center, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Nişantaşı, 34365, İstanbul, Turkey. One of the major problems of megacities is air pollution. Therefore, investigations of air quality are increasing and supported by many institutions in recent years. Air pollution in Istanbul contains many components that originate from a wide range of industrial, heating, motor vehicle, and natural emissions sources. VOC, originating mainly from automobile exhaust, secondhand smoke and building materials, are one of these compounds containing some thousands of chemicals. In spite of the risks to...
Air pollution is a major environmental problem in the developing countries of the world with rapi... more Air pollution is a major environmental problem in the developing countries of the world with rapid growth of population, industrial activities, and traffic density. Turkey faces facing air pollution problems with all of them. This study describes analysis of particulate matter concentrations of the cities in Turkey. Hourly PM10 concentrations were used to calculate the seasonal and yearly spatial variation patterns of air pollutants in Turkey based on the data of 118 stations between the periods of 2008-2012. Spatial and seasonal variations of PM10 concentrations are fairly high over Turkey. In south eastern sites of Turkey, high concentration occurs in spring and summer, which could be attributed to long-range Saharan dust transportation and the transport of dust by southerly winds from the desert regions of Mesopotamia. A significant seasonal variation of PM10 concentrations observed in some cities in different regions is characterized by high concentrations in winter and low in s...
Air Quality and Health [Working Title], Mar 8, 2022
Saharan dust events have an important effect on the air quality of Turkey due to their significan... more Saharan dust events have an important effect on the air quality of Turkey due to their significant contribution to particulate matter concentrations. These events likely impact public health in urban areas. However, there is no available information on the health effects of Saharan dust in Turkey. On Sunday 1 February 2015, İstanbul experienced an episode of extreme Sahara dust event, which increased the particulate matter concentrations greatly compared to the average values of the city. In this study, we examined the relationship between particulate matter (PM 10 , PM 2.5) concentrations and emergency attendances for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and acute bronchitis on the episode day to better understand the association between an extreme dust event and emergency attendances for respiratory health in the city. Analyses showed that there was no significant effect of the Saharan dust event on emergency attendances for asthma and COPD in İstanbul compared to average emergency attendance numbers of the city. However, emergency attendances for acute bronchitis significantly increased on the episode day. This study revealed, extreme Saharan dust events can considerably increase the risk of visiting hospital for acute bronchitis in İstanbul during a severe dust episode.
We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and hospital admissio... more We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and hospital admissions for respiratory diseases in İstanbul, the largest city of Turkey. A time series analysis of counts of daily hospital admissions and outdoor air pollutants was performed using single-pollutant Poisson generalized linear model (GLM) while controlling for time trends and meteorological factors over a 3-year period (2013-2015) at different time lags (0-9 days). Effects of the pollutants (Excess Risk, ER) on current-day (lag 0) hospital admissions to the first ten days (lag 9) were determined. Data on hospital admissions, daily mean concentrations of air pollutants of PM 10 , PM 2.5 and NO 2 and daily mean concentrations of temperature and humidity of İstanbul were used in the study. The analysis was conducted among people of all ages, but also focused on different sexes and different age groups including children (0-14 years), adults (35-44 years) and elderly (≥65 years). We found significant associations between air pollution and respiratory related hospital admissions in the city. Our findings showed that the relative magnitude of risks for an association of the pollutants with the total respiratory hospital admissions was in the order of: PM 2.5 , NO 2 , and PM 10. The highest association of each pollutant with total hospital admission was observed with PM 2.5 at lag 4 (ER = 1.50; 95% CI =1.09 − 1.99), NO 2 at lag 4 (ER = 1.27; 95% CI = 1.02−1.53) and PM 10 at lag 0 (ER = 0.61; 95% CI =0.33 − 0.89) for an increase of 10 µg/m 3 in concentrations of the pollutants. In
Istanbul, the biggest city of Turkey, is in a common route for air parcels. Air pollutants are ca... more Istanbul, the biggest city of Turkey, is in a common route for air parcels. Air pollutants are carried over the city from Asian, African, and European continents. Sahara Desert, the largest dust source on earth, affects Turkey’s air qualities substantially due to millions of tons of mineral dust being transported from the African continent towards Turkey every year. Although the effect of Saharan dust transportation on PM 10 concentrations in Turkey was examined many times, its effect on PM 2.5 concentrations has not been studied yet sufficiently. In February 2015, Istanbul experienced a Saharan dust episode and during this event the concentrations of particulate matter rose to very high levels. This study focuses on particulate matter concentrations (PM 10 and PM 2.5 ) during this Saharan dust episode to better understand the effect of dust transportation on Istanbul’s air quality. HYSPLIT trajectory model, satellite products, and air quality monitoring data from ground observations were utilized. We show that the PM 10 concentrations increased significantly during the dust episode while PM 2.5 concentrations didn’t increase considerably. There was only a slight rise in the values of PM 2.5 . The significant increase for the PM 10 values can be explained by the higher gravitational settling velocities of coarse particles in the atmosphere.
Abstract We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and mortalit... more Abstract We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and mortality in the population of Istanbul, Turkey, using generalized linear models while controlling for time trends and meteorological factors over a 6-year period (2007–2012) at different time lags (0–10 days). Effects of the pollutants (Relative Risk (RR) on current-day (lag 0) mortality to the first ten days (lag 10) were determined. Data on daily mortality, daily mean concentrations of air pollutants of PM 10 , SO 2 and NO 2 and daily mean concentrations of temperature and humidity for Istanbul were used in the study. We found significant associations between air pollution and daily mortality from cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, and total non-accidental causes in Istanbul. An increase of 10 μg/m 3 in concentrations of PM 10 , SO 2 and NO 2 over 10 days of lag corresponds to RR = 1.0222 (95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 0.9957–1.0494), RR = 1.1639 (95% CI = 1.0279–1.3177) and RR = 1.0327 (95% CI = 1.0105–1.0554) increase of cardiovascular mortality, respectively. The associations for total non-accidental and respiratory mortality were also positive. Among the three air pollutants, SO 2 was associated with the largest RR for deaths from cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and total mortality. In conclusion, our study showed that short-term exposure to air pollution was associated with increased cardiovascular, respiratory and total non-accidental mortality in the city during 2007–2012. These findings may have implications for local environmental and social policies.
Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences
Öz: Bu çalışmanın amacı; Mega Şehir İstanbul için 01 Mart 2013 ile 01 Mart 2019 tarihleri arasınd... more Öz: Bu çalışmanın amacı; Mega Şehir İstanbul için 01 Mart 2013 ile 01 Mart 2019 tarihleri arasındaki 6 yıllık periyodda Atatürk Uluslararası Havalimanı'nda ölçülen ekstrem basınç değerlerinin ölçüldüğü gündeki basınç değerleri ile, bu havalimanına en yakın konumdaki hava kalitesi ölçüm istasyonu olan Yenibosna Hava Kalitesi İzleme İstasyonu'ndan elde edilen PM10 değerleri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktır. Meteorolojik veriler, Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü (MGM)'den, PM10 değerleri de Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı'ndan temin edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre bu periyodda en yüksek basınç değeri 1040 hPa olarak 08 Aralık 2016 tarihinde, en düşük basınç değeri de 990 hPa olarak 18 Ocak 2018 tarihinde ölçülmüştür. Bu iki ekstrem gün için meteorolojik analiz (yer kartı, 850 hPa, İstanbul'a ait sounding verisi, uydu görüntüleri) yapılarak, PM10 değerlerinin değişimi bu iki gün için analiz edilmiştir. En yüksek basıncın ölçüldüğü 08 Aralık 2016 için korelasyon katsayısı-0,74 ve en düşük basıncın ölçüldüğü gün olan 18 Ocak 2018 için korelasyon katsayısı 0,29'dur. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, en yüksek ve en düşük basınç değerlerinin ölçüldüğü günlerdeki saatlik basınç değişimleri ile saatlik ortalama PM10 değerleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki görülmemiştir. Bu PM10'deki değişimin doğrudan basınca bağlı olmadığını, diğer meteorolojik parametr elerin de etkili olabileceği durumların mevcut olduğunu göstermektedir.
Turkey has had significant improvements in her economy over the last decades. Although, Turkey... more Turkey has had significant improvements in her economy over the last decades. Although, Turkey's air quality constantly improves every year, air pollution problem still continues in Turkey. Descriptive statistics was carried out for the three years hourly average of PM10, SO2, NO2 and O3 concentrations of 16 metropolitan cities in Turkey. The frequency distribution of daily average PM10 concentration of all cities occurs within 59% at 20–60 µgm -3 range. Daily average SO 2 concentration is about 84% below 20µgm -3 . The study also indicated that 44% of NO 2 and 59% of O 3 were below the levels of 45 µgm -3 and 30 µgm -3 , respectively. The result of this study is expected to benefit the legislators, scientists and government personnel about controlling and reducing emissions by developing a long-term air quality management strategy and create more public awareness for the prevention of consumption.
Turkey has had significant improvements in her economy over the last decades. Although, Turkey... more Turkey has had significant improvements in her economy over the last decades. Although, Turkey's air quality constantly improves every year, air pollution problem still continues in Turkey. Descriptive statistics was carried out for three years hourly average of PM10, SO2, NO2 and O3 concentrations of 16 metropolitan cities in Turkey. The frequency distribution of daily average of PM10 concentration of all cities occurs within 59% at 20–60 µgm -3 range. Daily average of SO2 concentration is about 84% below 20µgm -3 . The study also indicated that 44% of NO2 and 59% of O3 were below the levels of 45 µgm -3 and 30 µgm -3 , respectively. The result of this study is expected to benefit the legislators, scientists and government personnel about controlling and reducing emissions by developing a long-term air quality management strategy and create more public awareness for the prevention of consumption.
ABSTRACT Air pollution is a major environmental problem in the developing countries of the world ... more ABSTRACT Air pollution is a major environmental problem in the developing countries of the world with rapid growth of population, industrial activities, and traffic density. Turkey faces facing air pollution problems with all of them. This study describes analysis of particulate matter concentrations of the cities in Turkey. Hourly PM10 concentrations were used to calculate the seasonal and yearly spatial variation patterns of air pollutants in Turkey based on the data of 118 stations between the periods of 2008-2012. Spatial and seasonal variations of PM10 concentrations are fairly high over Turkey. In south eastern sites of Turkey, high concentration occurs in spring and summer, which could be attributed to long-range Saharan dust transportation and the transport of dust by southerly winds from the desert regions of Mesopotamia. A significant seasonal variation of PM10 concentrations observed in some cities in different regions is characterized by high concentrations in winter and low in summer due to the emissions added by domestic heating systems in winter months. There is a significant improvement from 1990 towards 2012 and PM10 value decreases by 74% in the provinces between the average of 2011 and 2012 and between the average of 2008 and 2009.
Journal of anatolian environmental and animal sciences, Oct 1, 2020
Öz: Bu çalışmanın amacı; Mega Şehir İstanbul için 01 Mart 2013 ile 01 Mart 2019 tarihleri arasınd... more Öz: Bu çalışmanın amacı; Mega Şehir İstanbul için 01 Mart 2013 ile 01 Mart 2019 tarihleri arasındaki 6 yıllık periyodda Atatürk Uluslararası Havalimanı'nda ölçülen ekstrem basınç değerlerinin ölçüldüğü gündeki basınç değerleri ile, bu havalimanına en yakın konumdaki hava kalitesi ölçüm istasyonu olan Yenibosna Hava Kalitesi İzleme İstasyonu'ndan elde edilen PM10 değerleri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktır. Meteorolojik veriler, Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü (MGM)'den, PM10 değerleri de Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı'ndan temin edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre bu periyodda en yüksek basınç değeri 1040 hPa olarak 08 Aralık 2016 tarihinde, en düşük basınç değeri de 990 hPa olarak 18 Ocak 2018 tarihinde ölçülmüştür. Bu iki ekstrem gün için meteorolojik analiz (yer kartı, 850 hPa, İstanbul'a ait sounding verisi, uydu görüntüleri) yapılarak, PM10 değerlerinin değişimi bu iki gün için analiz edilmiştir. En yüksek basıncın ölçüldüğü 08 Aralık 2016 için korelasyon katsayısı-0,74 ve en düşük basıncın ölçüldüğü gün olan 18 Ocak 2018 için korelasyon katsayısı 0,29'dur. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, en yüksek ve en düşük basınç değerlerinin ölçüldüğü günlerdeki saatlik basınç değişimleri ile saatlik ortalama PM10 değerleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki görülmemiştir. Bu PM10'deki değişimin doğrudan basınca bağlı olmadığını, diğer meteorolojik parametr elerin de etkili olabileceği durumların mevcut olduğunu göstermektedir.
An integrated approach to understanding all measured pollutants with multi-discipline in differen... more An integrated approach to understanding all measured pollutants with multi-discipline in different time scales and understanding the mechanisms hidden under low Air Quality conditions are essential for tackling potential air pollution issues. Sivas is a province located in the Eastern region of Türkiye with a developing industry and a growing population, and its climate is known as arid and cold. Since the end of 2016, the province has started to replace the habit of using coal for domestic heating and industry with natural gas. Despite this development, especially in Fine Particulate Matter (PM 2.5), the province reaches very high pollution values every winter, threatening public health. In this study, the air pollution of Sivas province was analysed with meteorological and PM 2.5 data over six years. It was found that the winter period (January-February-November-December) of every year except 2019-which has missing data-is the period with the highest air pollution in the province. In addition, the fact that the days exceeding the daily PM 2.5 limit values in 2016, 2017, 2020 and 2021 were also seen in the spring and summer months caused the study to focus on additional emission sources such as long-range dust transport and road vehicles. The year 2017, which has the highest values, was analysed in detail. Pollution periods with the highest episodes in 2018 were analysed with the HYSPLIT and DREAM models. As a result of the study, the average PM 2.5 values in 2017 were found to be 31.66 ± 19.2 µg/m 3 and a correlation of-0.49 between temperature and PM 2.5. As a result of model outputs, it was observed that the inversion is intensely observed in the province, which is associated with an increase of PM 2.5 during the episodes. Especially on days with daily average PM 2.5 values above 100 µg/m 3 , dust transport from the Arabian Peninsula is observed. Additionally, analysis of Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) data and PM pollution revealed a signi cant negative correlation (r=-0.61). It was noted that pollution persisted over the province during low PBL hours, particularly during high PM 2.5 concentration periods.
We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and hospital admissio... more We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and hospital admissions for respiratory diseases in İstanbul, the largest city of Turkey. A time series analysis of counts of daily hospital admissions and outdoor air pollutants was performed using single-pollutant Poisson generalized linear model (GLM) while controlling for time trends and meteorological factors over a 3-year period (2013-2015) at different time lags (0-9 days). Effects of the pollutants (Excess Risk, ER) on current-day (lag 0) hospital admissions to the first ten days (lag 9) were determined. Data on hospital admissions, daily mean concentrations of air pollutants of PM 10 , PM 2.5 and NO 2 and daily mean concentrations of temperature and humidity of İstanbul were used in the study. The analysis was conducted among people of all ages, but also focused on different sexes and different age groups including children (0-14 years), adults (35-44 years) and elderly (≥65 years). We found significant associations between air pollution and respiratory related hospital admissions in the city. Our findings showed that the relative magnitude of risks for an association of the pollutants with the total respiratory hospital admissions was in the order of: PM 2.5 , NO 2 , and PM 10. The highest association of each pollutant with total hospital admission was observed with PM 2.5 at lag 4 (ER = 1.50; 95% CI =1.09 − 1.99), NO 2 at lag 4 (ER = 1.27; 95% CI = 1.02−1.53) and PM 10 at lag 0 (ER = 0.61; 95% CI =0.33 − 0.89) for an increase of 10 µg/m 3 in concentrations of the pollutants. In
Abstract There is increasing concern about the air quality of Istanbul because of increasing emis... more Abstract There is increasing concern about the air quality of Istanbul because of increasing emission sources and their possible health effects. This study aims to assess the effects of air pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, and NO2) on hospital admissions for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and acute bronchitis to better understand the association between air pollution and respiratory diseases in the city. In order to investigate the health effects of air pollutants (Excess Relative Risk, ERR), a time-series analysis of daily respiratory hospital admissions and outdoor air pollutants was performed using single-pollutant Poisson generalized linear model (GLM) over a 5-year period (2013–2017) at different time lags (0–9). Our results show that air pollutants have significant immediate and delayed effects on hospital admissions depending on different diseases. NO2 and PM2.5 have the highest risk effects on the hospital admissions. An increase in the PM2.5 level by 10 μg/m3 increased admission rates for acute bronchitis by 8.06 % (95 % CI: 3.36–19.4 %) at lag 9 according to our results. This study showed that air pollution is associated with increased hospital admissions for some of the most common and serious respiratory diseases in Turkey.
Abstract We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and mortalit... more Abstract We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and mortality in the population of Istanbul, Turkey, using generalized linear models while controlling for time trends and meteorological factors over a 6-year period (2007–2012) at different time lags (0–10 days). Effects of the pollutants (Relative Risk (RR) on current-day (lag 0) mortality to the first ten days (lag 10) were determined. Data on daily mortality, daily mean concentrations of air pollutants of PM 10 , SO 2 and NO 2 and daily mean concentrations of temperature and humidity for Istanbul were used in the study. We found significant associations between air pollution and daily mortality from cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, and total non-accidental causes in Istanbul. An increase of 10 μg/m 3 in concentrations of PM 10 , SO 2 and NO 2 over 10 days of lag corresponds to RR = 1.0222 (95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 0.9957–1.0494), RR = 1.1639 (95% CI = 1.0279–1.3177) and RR = 1.0327 (95% CI = 1.0105–1.0554) increase of cardiovascular mortality, respectively. The associations for total non-accidental and respiratory mortality were also positive. Among the three air pollutants, SO 2 was associated with the largest RR for deaths from cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and total mortality. In conclusion, our study showed that short-term exposure to air pollution was associated with increased cardiovascular, respiratory and total non-accidental mortality in the city during 2007–2012. These findings may have implications for local environmental and social policies.
Saharan dust events have an important effect on the air quality of Turkey due to their significan... more Saharan dust events have an important effect on the air quality of Turkey due to their significant contribution to particulate matter concentrations. These events likely impact public health in urban areas. However, there is no available information on the health effects of Saharan dust in Turkey. On Sunday 1 February 2015, İstanbul experienced an episode of extreme Sahara dust event, which increased the particulate matter concentrations greatly compared to the average values of the city. In this study, we examined the relationship between particulate matter (PM 10 , PM 2.5) concentrations and emergency attendances for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and acute bronchitis on the episode day to better understand the association between an extreme dust event and emergency attendances for respiratory health in the city. Analyses showed that there was no significant effect of the Saharan dust event on emergency attendances for asthma and COPD in İstanbul compared to average emergency attendance numbers of the city. However, emergency attendances for acute bronchitis significantly increased on the episode day. This study revealed, extreme Saharan dust events can considerably increase the risk of visiting hospital for acute bronchitis in İstanbul during a severe dust episode.
Çizelge 3.4 :İstanbul'da yıllık antropojenik (insan kaynaklı) emisyonların sektörlere göre dağılı... more Çizelge 3.4 :İstanbul'da yıllık antropojenik (insan kaynaklı) emisyonların sektörlere göre dağılımı (%), Markaksis ve diğ.
An integrated approach to understanding all measured pollutants with multi-discipline in differen... more An integrated approach to understanding all measured pollutants with multi-discipline in different time scales and understanding the mechanisms hidden under low Air Quality conditions are essential for tackling potential air pollution issues. Sivas is a province located in the Eastern region of Türkiye with a developing industry and a growing population, and its climate is known as arid and cold. Since the end of 2016, the province has started to replace the habit of using coal for domestic heating and industry with natural gas. Despite this development, especially in Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5), the province reaches very high pollution values every winter, threatening public health. In this study, the air pollution of Sivas province was analysed with meteorological and PM2.5 data over six years. It was found that the winter period (January-February-November-December) of every year except 2019 -which has missing data- is the period with the highest air pollution in the province....
Volatile Organic Compound Analysis in Istanbul Ö. Çapraz1, A. Deniz1,3, A. Ozturk2, S. Incecik1, ... more Volatile Organic Compound Analysis in Istanbul Ö. Çapraz1, A. Deniz1,3, A. Ozturk2, S. Incecik1, H. Toros1 and, M. Coskun1 (1) Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Department of Meteorology, 34469, Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey. (2) Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical, Chemical Engineering, 34469, Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey. (3) Marmara Clean Air Center, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Nişantaşı, 34365, İstanbul, Turkey. One of the major problems of megacities is air pollution. Therefore, investigations of air quality are increasing and supported by many institutions in recent years. Air pollution in Istanbul contains many components that originate from a wide range of industrial, heating, motor vehicle, and natural emissions sources. VOC, originating mainly from automobile exhaust, secondhand smoke and building materials, are one of these compounds containing some thousands of chemicals. In spite of the risks to...
Air pollution is a major environmental problem in the developing countries of the world with rapi... more Air pollution is a major environmental problem in the developing countries of the world with rapid growth of population, industrial activities, and traffic density. Turkey faces facing air pollution problems with all of them. This study describes analysis of particulate matter concentrations of the cities in Turkey. Hourly PM10 concentrations were used to calculate the seasonal and yearly spatial variation patterns of air pollutants in Turkey based on the data of 118 stations between the periods of 2008-2012. Spatial and seasonal variations of PM10 concentrations are fairly high over Turkey. In south eastern sites of Turkey, high concentration occurs in spring and summer, which could be attributed to long-range Saharan dust transportation and the transport of dust by southerly winds from the desert regions of Mesopotamia. A significant seasonal variation of PM10 concentrations observed in some cities in different regions is characterized by high concentrations in winter and low in s...
Air Quality and Health [Working Title], Mar 8, 2022
Saharan dust events have an important effect on the air quality of Turkey due to their significan... more Saharan dust events have an important effect on the air quality of Turkey due to their significant contribution to particulate matter concentrations. These events likely impact public health in urban areas. However, there is no available information on the health effects of Saharan dust in Turkey. On Sunday 1 February 2015, İstanbul experienced an episode of extreme Sahara dust event, which increased the particulate matter concentrations greatly compared to the average values of the city. In this study, we examined the relationship between particulate matter (PM 10 , PM 2.5) concentrations and emergency attendances for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and acute bronchitis on the episode day to better understand the association between an extreme dust event and emergency attendances for respiratory health in the city. Analyses showed that there was no significant effect of the Saharan dust event on emergency attendances for asthma and COPD in İstanbul compared to average emergency attendance numbers of the city. However, emergency attendances for acute bronchitis significantly increased on the episode day. This study revealed, extreme Saharan dust events can considerably increase the risk of visiting hospital for acute bronchitis in İstanbul during a severe dust episode.
We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and hospital admissio... more We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and hospital admissions for respiratory diseases in İstanbul, the largest city of Turkey. A time series analysis of counts of daily hospital admissions and outdoor air pollutants was performed using single-pollutant Poisson generalized linear model (GLM) while controlling for time trends and meteorological factors over a 3-year period (2013-2015) at different time lags (0-9 days). Effects of the pollutants (Excess Risk, ER) on current-day (lag 0) hospital admissions to the first ten days (lag 9) were determined. Data on hospital admissions, daily mean concentrations of air pollutants of PM 10 , PM 2.5 and NO 2 and daily mean concentrations of temperature and humidity of İstanbul were used in the study. The analysis was conducted among people of all ages, but also focused on different sexes and different age groups including children (0-14 years), adults (35-44 years) and elderly (≥65 years). We found significant associations between air pollution and respiratory related hospital admissions in the city. Our findings showed that the relative magnitude of risks for an association of the pollutants with the total respiratory hospital admissions was in the order of: PM 2.5 , NO 2 , and PM 10. The highest association of each pollutant with total hospital admission was observed with PM 2.5 at lag 4 (ER = 1.50; 95% CI =1.09 − 1.99), NO 2 at lag 4 (ER = 1.27; 95% CI = 1.02−1.53) and PM 10 at lag 0 (ER = 0.61; 95% CI =0.33 − 0.89) for an increase of 10 µg/m 3 in concentrations of the pollutants. In
Istanbul, the biggest city of Turkey, is in a common route for air parcels. Air pollutants are ca... more Istanbul, the biggest city of Turkey, is in a common route for air parcels. Air pollutants are carried over the city from Asian, African, and European continents. Sahara Desert, the largest dust source on earth, affects Turkey’s air qualities substantially due to millions of tons of mineral dust being transported from the African continent towards Turkey every year. Although the effect of Saharan dust transportation on PM 10 concentrations in Turkey was examined many times, its effect on PM 2.5 concentrations has not been studied yet sufficiently. In February 2015, Istanbul experienced a Saharan dust episode and during this event the concentrations of particulate matter rose to very high levels. This study focuses on particulate matter concentrations (PM 10 and PM 2.5 ) during this Saharan dust episode to better understand the effect of dust transportation on Istanbul’s air quality. HYSPLIT trajectory model, satellite products, and air quality monitoring data from ground observations were utilized. We show that the PM 10 concentrations increased significantly during the dust episode while PM 2.5 concentrations didn’t increase considerably. There was only a slight rise in the values of PM 2.5 . The significant increase for the PM 10 values can be explained by the higher gravitational settling velocities of coarse particles in the atmosphere.
Abstract We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and mortalit... more Abstract We examined the associations between the daily variations of air pollutants and mortality in the population of Istanbul, Turkey, using generalized linear models while controlling for time trends and meteorological factors over a 6-year period (2007–2012) at different time lags (0–10 days). Effects of the pollutants (Relative Risk (RR) on current-day (lag 0) mortality to the first ten days (lag 10) were determined. Data on daily mortality, daily mean concentrations of air pollutants of PM 10 , SO 2 and NO 2 and daily mean concentrations of temperature and humidity for Istanbul were used in the study. We found significant associations between air pollution and daily mortality from cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, and total non-accidental causes in Istanbul. An increase of 10 μg/m 3 in concentrations of PM 10 , SO 2 and NO 2 over 10 days of lag corresponds to RR = 1.0222 (95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 0.9957–1.0494), RR = 1.1639 (95% CI = 1.0279–1.3177) and RR = 1.0327 (95% CI = 1.0105–1.0554) increase of cardiovascular mortality, respectively. The associations for total non-accidental and respiratory mortality were also positive. Among the three air pollutants, SO 2 was associated with the largest RR for deaths from cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and total mortality. In conclusion, our study showed that short-term exposure to air pollution was associated with increased cardiovascular, respiratory and total non-accidental mortality in the city during 2007–2012. These findings may have implications for local environmental and social policies.
Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences
Öz: Bu çalışmanın amacı; Mega Şehir İstanbul için 01 Mart 2013 ile 01 Mart 2019 tarihleri arasınd... more Öz: Bu çalışmanın amacı; Mega Şehir İstanbul için 01 Mart 2013 ile 01 Mart 2019 tarihleri arasındaki 6 yıllık periyodda Atatürk Uluslararası Havalimanı'nda ölçülen ekstrem basınç değerlerinin ölçüldüğü gündeki basınç değerleri ile, bu havalimanına en yakın konumdaki hava kalitesi ölçüm istasyonu olan Yenibosna Hava Kalitesi İzleme İstasyonu'ndan elde edilen PM10 değerleri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktır. Meteorolojik veriler, Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü (MGM)'den, PM10 değerleri de Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı'ndan temin edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre bu periyodda en yüksek basınç değeri 1040 hPa olarak 08 Aralık 2016 tarihinde, en düşük basınç değeri de 990 hPa olarak 18 Ocak 2018 tarihinde ölçülmüştür. Bu iki ekstrem gün için meteorolojik analiz (yer kartı, 850 hPa, İstanbul'a ait sounding verisi, uydu görüntüleri) yapılarak, PM10 değerlerinin değişimi bu iki gün için analiz edilmiştir. En yüksek basıncın ölçüldüğü 08 Aralık 2016 için korelasyon katsayısı-0,74 ve en düşük basıncın ölçüldüğü gün olan 18 Ocak 2018 için korelasyon katsayısı 0,29'dur. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, en yüksek ve en düşük basınç değerlerinin ölçüldüğü günlerdeki saatlik basınç değişimleri ile saatlik ortalama PM10 değerleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki görülmemiştir. Bu PM10'deki değişimin doğrudan basınca bağlı olmadığını, diğer meteorolojik parametr elerin de etkili olabileceği durumların mevcut olduğunu göstermektedir.
Turkey has had significant improvements in her economy over the last decades. Although, Turkey... more Turkey has had significant improvements in her economy over the last decades. Although, Turkey's air quality constantly improves every year, air pollution problem still continues in Turkey. Descriptive statistics was carried out for the three years hourly average of PM10, SO2, NO2 and O3 concentrations of 16 metropolitan cities in Turkey. The frequency distribution of daily average PM10 concentration of all cities occurs within 59% at 20–60 µgm -3 range. Daily average SO 2 concentration is about 84% below 20µgm -3 . The study also indicated that 44% of NO 2 and 59% of O 3 were below the levels of 45 µgm -3 and 30 µgm -3 , respectively. The result of this study is expected to benefit the legislators, scientists and government personnel about controlling and reducing emissions by developing a long-term air quality management strategy and create more public awareness for the prevention of consumption.
Turkey has had significant improvements in her economy over the last decades. Although, Turkey... more Turkey has had significant improvements in her economy over the last decades. Although, Turkey's air quality constantly improves every year, air pollution problem still continues in Turkey. Descriptive statistics was carried out for three years hourly average of PM10, SO2, NO2 and O3 concentrations of 16 metropolitan cities in Turkey. The frequency distribution of daily average of PM10 concentration of all cities occurs within 59% at 20–60 µgm -3 range. Daily average of SO2 concentration is about 84% below 20µgm -3 . The study also indicated that 44% of NO2 and 59% of O3 were below the levels of 45 µgm -3 and 30 µgm -3 , respectively. The result of this study is expected to benefit the legislators, scientists and government personnel about controlling and reducing emissions by developing a long-term air quality management strategy and create more public awareness for the prevention of consumption.
ABSTRACT Air pollution is a major environmental problem in the developing countries of the world ... more ABSTRACT Air pollution is a major environmental problem in the developing countries of the world with rapid growth of population, industrial activities, and traffic density. Turkey faces facing air pollution problems with all of them. This study describes analysis of particulate matter concentrations of the cities in Turkey. Hourly PM10 concentrations were used to calculate the seasonal and yearly spatial variation patterns of air pollutants in Turkey based on the data of 118 stations between the periods of 2008-2012. Spatial and seasonal variations of PM10 concentrations are fairly high over Turkey. In south eastern sites of Turkey, high concentration occurs in spring and summer, which could be attributed to long-range Saharan dust transportation and the transport of dust by southerly winds from the desert regions of Mesopotamia. A significant seasonal variation of PM10 concentrations observed in some cities in different regions is characterized by high concentrations in winter and low in summer due to the emissions added by domestic heating systems in winter months. There is a significant improvement from 1990 towards 2012 and PM10 value decreases by 74% in the provinces between the average of 2011 and 2012 and between the average of 2008 and 2009.
Papers by özkan çapraz