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Things Estranged Parents Haven’t Bothered to Try | Mother Wound Project
“We tried everything!” shout the estranged parents in their echo chambers on forums like RejectedParents.Net and YouTube channels like Families Divided TV. Apparently, “trying everything” per estranged parent logic includes refusing to hold yourself accountable for your role in the estrangement, feeling inordinately sorry for yourself, playing the victim, doing everything you possibly can to discredit your adult child, and calling adults who go no-contact with parents as a result of abuse names like “brats” and “assholes.” Shall we get out the tiny violins?
Toxic Family Members Should Not Be Able To Inject You With Their Poison
Toxic is anything that lowers your vibration or values.
Some people think toxic is silence or moving-on when really its self protection from being used, abused, mocked or cruelly treated by others who have no clue how to develop healthy lifestyles, patterns or relationships without sabotaging themselves with toxic habits, unhealed wounds or environments filled with other toxicities or people. Self preservation is not toxic - Drug addicts who have friends that do drugs is toxic-Alcoholic who hang in bars is toxic, Family enviroment that instigate, have lack of boundries and immoral behaviors is toxic. A person can’t grow or heal if encouraged by others to be part of others toxicity. You must protect yourself at all costs, raise your vibration to become the best version of yourself. Self preservation is a honorable thing to value yourself.
140 Greatest Fake Family Quotes To Get Over It
This is an inspiring collection of fake family quotes to help you set boundaries with a betraying family member, relative, or friend.
Grandparents aren’t necessary for a happy, healthy childhood. Lovely when loving? Yes. Required? No. Literally zero research says otherwise. This of course is an inconvenient truth for Big Grandparent. What is necessary for a happy, healthy childhood? Interacting with kind, respectful adults. Truth: Growing up with abusive grandparents is worse than having no grandparents at all. Besides, not all that long ago in human history it wasn’t uncommon for grandparents to pass before their gran...