A Penny Saved...
Centsible money management
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How to Save 50% of Your Income with 35 Tips
Many people chose to save 50% of there income for retirement purposes. Why Do You Want to Live on Half of Your Take Home Pay? Here are 35 Saving tips to help you do the same. budgeting finances | budgeting finances for beginners | budgeting money | frugal tips
Upcycling Your Old Clothes - Zero Waste Eco Friendly Ideas
Upcycling Old Clothes ⋆ Fast Fashion is so environmentally unsound. Here are some zero waste and ecologically friendly ideas on saving fabric. Reuse, repurpose and recycle fabric with these thoughts and patterns. Upcycle your old clothing and cloth to make fabulous new things #lagom #upcycling #sustainableliving #sustainablefashion #sustainable #sustainability #upcycling #upcycleclothes #upcycleddenim #zerowaste #fastfashion #zerowastelifestyle #ecofriendlyideas