Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Life May Now Begin Again!

Whew! Work is done, (for the moment). I don't start working summer school until July 6th (prep day) and then it's July 9th thru August 6th. At least it's half a day.

My drawing class ends next Thursday, June 29th. I can't believe how HARD it was! I also can't believe how much my drawing has improved. I still have an art history research paper to write for that class (it's due next Tuesday), and I still have that Special Ed final hanging over my head! I really need to get that done.

I've decided that I'm going to start knitting some socks on July 1st. I can finally join the Six Sox Knit-A-Long for the last month. By the end of next week, I should be done with the Penelope Blouse--that's one the needles now. I really want to try those Sidewinder Socks. They look like a lot of fun. I'm seeing them every! Now I just need to find the right yarn. I really should use something I have in the stash!

On the weight front, I've joined Weight Watchers! I've lost 4.6 pounds so far! Yeah me! You'd think that was enough, but you know me. I'm going to the gold. I'm going to...


Yes, I am crazy. My first big goal is to go from the 151 that I weigh now, down to 125 which will be my pre-contest weight. That's definitely a year-long project. Don't worry, I'm doing this healthy--eating right, exercise, and a lot of water. A 1/2 pound a week is slow enough so that this is PERMANENT weight loss.

If that wasn't enough, I still have to do my writing, my music, and some type of art every day. What's the saying, 21 days makes a habit? Well day is more than half done and I've got to leave for class in an hour, but tomorrow... WATCH OUT!

Really, I'm doin' it this time. Don't look at me that way!