Papers by Dr. Muhammad Tahir Khalily Associate Professor

Journal of Medical Sciences
Objectives; Assessment methods for psychological distress are not properly established for people... more Objectives; Assessment methods for psychological distress are not properly established for people of diverse cultural background. In Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM-5) PTSD is categorized trauma related disorder, Clinician Administered PTSD Scale is golden standard to assess PTSD, and was adopted DSM-5 (CAPS-5). The study aimed to develop an Urdu translation of CAPS-5 and its psychometric properties. Although, a well-developed and established approach of translation and adaptation was used for CAPS-5 Methods; The study was conducted to translate CAPS-5 by using the steps forward translation (from English to Urdu), and back translation (Urdu to English). The psychometric properties of the scale were assessed using the bilingual sample of individuals from general population, who have the history of trauma, and injury. Total 317 individuals were participated in the study. For data collection two step approach was used. Initially, the participants respond to Urdu Version of CAPS-...

OBJECTIVE To adapt the English version of Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version into Urdu lang... more OBJECTIVE To adapt the English version of Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version into Urdu language. METHODS The cross-sectional study was conducted from October 2017 to January 2018 at the International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan. In the first stage, Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version was translated by 8 experts. In stage 2, the translated version was pilot-tested on 30 university students aged 18-19. Finally, the version was tested on the actual subjects who were students aged 11-30 years at schools, colleges and universities within Rawalpindi and Islamabad. SPSS 22 was used for data analysis. RESULTS Of the 348 subjects, 216(62%) were males. Overall, 194(55.7%) students were above the addiction cutoff value. Inter-item reliability of the translated version was good (α = 0.81); the construct validity was adequate (P<0.001); Comparative Fit Index = 0.95; Tucker Lewis Index= 0.93; Normative Fit Index= 0.92; and Root Mean Squared Error Approximation = 0.05. CO...

Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 2021
Whiplash is a soft tissue injury of the cervical spine that is generally caused by trauma from a ... more Whiplash is a soft tissue injury of the cervical spine that is generally caused by trauma from a motor vehicle accident or gunshot. It is associated with a wide range of clinical symptoms, including neck pain and stiffness, pain and restricted movement in the upper arms. We report the manifestations of this trauma within the beliefs and psychological functioning based on a comprehensive psychological assessment that include a review of hospital records, clinical examinations, a structured clinical interview, an inventory of psychosocial function, and a post-traumatic maladaptive belief scale. The results show that the patient's traumatic cervical syndrome manifested as moderate impairment in friendships and romantic relationships which reveal severe daily impairment in work, parenting, and self-care activities. The study further suggests that the injury is associated with maladaptive beliefs and significant impairment in psychosocial functioning.

Asia-Pacific psychiatry : official journal of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists, Jan 2, 2018
Ascertaining putative sociodemographic and clinical causes for death by probable suicide can pote... more Ascertaining putative sociodemographic and clinical causes for death by probable suicide can potentially help implement region-specific strategies to reduce suicide rates. In this study, we wanted to investigate methods utilized and the psychosocial and mental health characteristics of youths (aged 12-26 y) who died by probable suicide. We examined data from mental health clinical files and forensic reports and performed qualitative psychological autopsy interview from more than multiple sources for each youth who died by probable suicide between 1 May and 31 December 2015 in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. The two most common methods of probable suicide were by firearm use and self-poisoning utilizing pesticides that were significantly associated with male and female gender, respectively. The most common mental health difficulties were major depressive disorder and harmful use of psychoactive substances. Other clinical features particularly evident included thoughts of...

University Economic Bulletin, 2018
The subject of the research is a set of socio-economic relations regarding problems and perspecti... more The subject of the research is a set of socio-economic relations regarding problems and perspectives of labor resource potential of agrarian enterprises. The purpose of the work is to identify the main problems of population reproduction at the present stage of development of rural areas of Ukraine, employment in general and economically active population, in particular, assessing the scope of informal employment and justifying on this basis the prospects for improving the labor resource potential of agrarian enterprises and managing them. Methodological basis of the article became statistical and mathematical methods of research: absolute and relative values, index, statistical groupings, series of dynamics. The International Labor Organization (ILO) methodology was used to assess employment and unemployment among the main sex and age groups of the population. Results of work. An important condition for successful work of agrarian enterprises and ensuring their productive and resou...
Papers by Dr. Muhammad Tahir Khalily Associate Professor