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Historiografi Tionghoa

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(Dialihkan dari Historiografi Tiongkok)
Bagian dari seri artikel mengenai
Sejarah Tiongkok
Neolitikum ±8500 – ±2070 SM
Tiga Maharaja dan Lima Kaisar
±6000 – ±4000 SM
Dinasti Xia ±2070 – ±1600 SM
Dinasti Shang ±1600 – ±1046 SM
Dinasti Zhou ±1046 – 256 SM
 Zhou Barat ±1046 – 771 SM
 Zhou Timur 770 - 256 SM
   Zaman Musim Semi dan Gugur 770 - 476 SM
   Periode Negara Perang 476 - 221 SM
Dinasti Qin 221–206 SM
Dinasti Han 206 SM – 220 M
  Han Barat 206 SM – 8 M
  Dinasti Xin 8-23
  Han Timur 23-220
Tiga Negara 220–280
  Wei, Shu, dan Wu
Dinasti Jin (晉) 265–420
  Jin Barat (西晋)
  Jin Timur (东晋)
Enam Belas Negara
Dinasti Selatan dan Utara
Dinasti Sui 581–618
Dinasti Tang 618–907
  (Dinasti Zhou Kedua 690–705)
Lima Dinasti dan
Sepuluh Negara

Dinasti Liao
Dinasti Song
  Song Utara
Xia Barat
  Song Selatan
Jin (金)
Dinasti Yuan 1271–1368
Dinasti Ming 1368–1644
Dinasti Qing 1644–1911
Republik Tiongkok
1912–1949 di Tiongkok Daratan
Republik Rakyat

Tiongkok di Taiwan

1949–kini di Taiwan

Historiografi Tionghoa adalah kajian terhadap teknik dan sumber yang dipakai sejarawan untuk menilik sejarah Tiongkok.

Pencatatan sejarah Tiongkok dapat ditilik kembali ke zaman Dinasti Shang (sekitar 1600-1046 SM). Tulisan-tulisan tersebut masih bertahan hingga zaman modern dalam bentuk inskripsi upacara, ramalan, dan pencatatan nama keluarga yang diukir atau dilukis di tempurung kura-kura atau tulang..[1][2]

Sementara itu, teks sejarah tertua di Tiongkok yang telah ditemukan disusun dalam Shujing (書經).

Catatan kaki

[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. ^ William G. Boltz, Early Chinese Writing, World Archaeology, Vol. 17, No. 3, Early Writing Systems. (Feb., 1986), hlm. 420–436 (436).
  2. ^ David N. Keightley, "Art, Ancestors, and the Origins of Writing in China", Representations, No. 56, Special Issue: The New Erudition. (Autumn, 1996), hlm.68–95 (68).

Bacaan lanjut

[sunting | sunting sumber]
  • W. G. Beasley and Edwin G. Pulleyblank. Historians of China and Japan. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1962. Essays on the historiographical traditions in pre-modern times.
  • Paul A. Cohen. Discovering History in China: American Historical Writing on the Recent Chinese Past. New York, London: Columbia University Press, 1984.
  • Paul Cohen, "Reflections on a Watershed Date: The 1949 Divide in Chinese History," in Jeffrey Wasserstrom, ed., Twentieth-Century China: New Approaches (London; New York: Routledge, 2003), 29–36.
  • Paul A. Cohen, Rethinking China's History: Alternative Perspectives on the Chinese Past (New York London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003). Reprints of Cohen's influential reviews and essays.
  • Johanna Waley-Cohen, "The New Qing History," Radical History Review 88.1 (2004): 193–206.
  • Cotton, James (1989). Asian Frontier Nationalism: Owen Lattimore and the American Policy Debate. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press International. ISBN 978-0391036512. 
  • Pamela Kyle Crossley, "The Historiography of Modern China," in Michael Bentley, ed., Companion to Historiography (Taylor & Francis, 1997), 641-658.
  • Arif Dirlik. Revolution and History: The Origins of Marxist Historiography in China, 1919–1937. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978. ISBN 0-520-03541-0.
  • Prasenjit Duara. Rescuing History from the Nation: Questioning Narratives of Modern China. Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press, 1995.
  • Albert Feuerwerker. History in Communist China. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1968. Essays on the post-1949 treatment of particular aspects of Chinese history.
  • Judith Farquhar James Hevia, "Culture and Postwar American Historiography of China," positions 1.2 (1993): 486–525. Critique of orthodox historiography.
  • Joshua A. Fogel. Politics and Sinology: The Case of Naito Konan (1866–1934). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, Harvard East Asian Monographs, 1984. ISBN 0-674-68790-6. Naito Konan developed the influential thesis that China developed an early modern society from the 8th to the 12th century.
  • David S.G. Goodman (September 2006). "Mao and the Da Vinci Code: Conspiracy, Narrative, and History". The Pacific Review. 19 (3): 359–384. doi:10.1080/09512740600875135.  Critiques the assumptions and methodology Chang Jung and John Halliday's Mao: The Unknown Story.
  • Norman Kutcher (Winter 1993). "'The Benign Bachelor': Kenneth Scott Latourette between China and the United States". Journal of American-East Asian Relations. 2 (4): 399–424. doi:10.1163/187656193X00130.  The life and historiographical place of Kenneth Scott Latourette.
  • William Rowe, "Approaches to Modern Chinese Social History," in Olivier Zunz, ed., Reliving the Past: The Worlds of Social History (University of North Carolina Press 1985), pp. 236–296.
  • Gilbert Rozman. Soviet Studies of Premodern China: Assessments of Recent Scholarship. Ann Arbor: Center For Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, 1984. ISBN 0-89264-052-9.
  • David L. Shambaugh, American Studies of Contemporary China (Washington, Armonk, NY: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; M.E. Sharpe, 1993)
  • Laurence A. Schneider, Ku Chieh-Kang and China's New History: Nationalism and the Quest for Alternative Traditions. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. ISBN 0-520-01804-4. The first generation of Chinese historians to use Western concepts to write the history of China.
  • Stefan Tanaka. Japan's Orient: Rendering Pasts into History. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993. ISBN 0-520-07731-8.
  • Tanigawa, Michio (1985). Medieval Chinese Society and the Local "Community". Diterjemahkan oleh Joshua A. Fogel. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0520053700.  See especially Pt One, "Chinese Society And Feudalism: An Investigation Of The Past Literature," a review of Japanese historiography.
  • Endymion Wilkinson. Chinese History: A New Manual. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series New Edition, 2012). ISBN 9780674067158 ISBN 0674067150.
  • Harriet Zurndorfer, "A Guide to the 'New' Chinese History: Recent Publications Concerning Chinese Social and Economic Development before 1800," International Review of Social History 33: 148–201.
  • Wang, Q. Edward, NG, On-cho The Writing and Use of History in Imperial China