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A. Rangkuman Kasus
Insiden Apendisitis adalah peradangan akut pada apendiks vermiformis. Apendiks
vermiformis terletak di perut kanan bawah. Panjangnya bervariasi antara 7 hingga 15 cm
(Safariah et al., 2022). Ketika seseorang mengalami apendisitis, pasien mungkin akan
merasakan nyeri di bagian kanan bawah. Apendisitis harus ditangani dengan sesegera
mungkin, jika tidak akan memperluas lubang atau robekan apendiks. Appendiks yang
terinfeksi dapat membuat cairan (nanah) masuk ke rongga perut yang menyebabkan
peritonitis (Sulistiawan et al., 2022). Tindakan infasif pada pasien dengan appenditis
yaitu dengan proses pembedahan yang disebut dengan Appedictomy. Appendictomy
merupakan proses pembedahan dengan cara di sayat sehingga dapat membuka bagian
tubuh untuk mengangkat appediks yang meradang. Waktu pemulihan pasien post operasi
membutuhkan waktu rata-rata 72,45 menit, sehingga pasien akan mengalami nyeri yang
hebat pada dua jam pertama setelah operasi akut akibat pengaruh obat anastesi yang
hilang (Wati & Ernawati, 2020)

Manajeman nyeri merupakan prosedur penatalaksanaan untuk penanganan nyeri,

terdapat dua manajeman dalam penanganan nyeri yaitu secara farmakologi maupun non
farmakologi. Tindakan farmakologis biasanya diberikan dengan pemberian analgetik
untuk menghilangkan rasa nyeri yang sangat hebat yang berlangsung selama berjam-jam
bahkan sampai berhari-hari (Smeltzer & Bare, 2001). Analgetik dibagi menjadi 3
golongan yaitu non opioid (aseminofen dan NSAIDs), opioid (jenis narkotik), dan
koanalgesik atau adjuvants Sedangkan untuk terapi non farmakologis digunakan sebagai
pendamping obat untuk mempersingkat episode nyeri yang berlangsung relatife singat,
dapat dilakukan dengan cara relaksasi, teknik pernafasaan nafas dalam, distraksi,
hipnoterapi, hypnobrithing, terapi musick, massage, akupuntur, terapi kompres panas
dingin atau TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation), dan berbagai macam
teknik relaksasi yang sudah ada antara lain relaksasi otot, relaksasi meditasi, yoga atau
relaksasi hipnosa. Dari berbagai macam bentuk relaksasi diatas belum ada pengkajian
tentang teknik relaksasi genggam jari (Novita, 2019).
Teknik relaksasi genggam jari merupakan upaya tindakan non farmakologi dalam
manajeman nyeri teknik ini bisa dilakukan secara mandiri dan mudah dilakukan oleh
siapapun. Tekink genggam jari merupakan kombinasi antara relaksasi nafas dalam dan
genggam jari-jari tangan mengunakan waktu yang relative singkat. Sensasi yang
dirasakan ketika melakukan teknik ini memberikan perasaan nyaman, lebih rileks
sehingga mampu membebaskan mental dan fisik dari ketegangan stress sehingga dapat
meningkatkan toleransi terhadap nyeri (Hasaini, 2019).

Teknik relaksasi genggaman jari dapat berpengaruh terhadap penurunan skala

nyeri sehingga digunakan oleh perawat di rumah sakit,puskesmas dalam menangani nyeri
pada pasien radang usus buntu. Teknik relaksasi genggaman jari yang mudah dilakukan
oleh siapa saja dengan menggunakan jari dan aliran energi dalam tubuh kita. Hal ini
dikarenakan pada saat menggenggam jari akan terjadi reaksi yang menghangatkan titik
masuk dan keluarnya meridian energi (saluran energi) pada jari. Titik refleksi pada
tangan akan merangsang refleks (spontan) saat menggenggam. Rangsangan tersebut akan
mengalirkan listrik ke otak yang akan diterima dan disambut dengan cepat, kemudian ke
saraf pada organ yang terganggu sehingga penyumbatan pada jalur energi menjadi lancar
(Safariah et al., 2022).
Kasus An S umur 15 tahun pasien baru dari poli anak RS Margono Soekarjo
datang dengan diagnosa Apendisitis diantar oleh anggota keluarganya dengan keluhan
nyeri perut sebelah kanan sampai ke ulu hati, nyeri hilang timbul dan saat bergerak nyeri
di perut semakin terasa, nyeri terasa seperti ditusuk-tusuk. Pasien juga mengeluh mual
dan muntah, nafsu makan menurun. Dari hasil pemeriksaan didapatkan hasil TD 110/96
mmHg, Nadi 90 x/menit, RR 20 x/menit, Suhu 36,6 C, SPO2 98%.
P: nyeri terasa semakin kuat saat bergerak
Q : nyeri terasa seperti ditusuk-tusuk
R : perut sebelah kanan sampai ke ulu hati
S : skala 7
T : nyeri hilang timbul
B. Rumusan Masalah
Bagaimana pengaruh teknik relaksasi genggam jari terhadap penurunan skala nyeri pada pasien
dengan apendisitis?

C. Analisis Jurnal Metode Pico


Judul Jurnal : A Case Study of Finger Grip Relaxation Intervention on Lowering

Pain Scale in Appendicitis Patients
(Intervensi Penurunan Skala Nyeri pada Pasien Studi Kasus
Relaksasi Genggaman Jari Pasien Radang Usus Buntu)

Peneliti : Erna Safariah,Irawan Danismaya , Nadya Salsabilla, Henri Setiawan

Alamat url/Web Jurna terbit : https://ijnhs.net/index.php/ijnhs/article/view/628

Kriteria Pembenaraan &Critical Thinking (sesuai analisis kelompok)

Populasi Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien dengan diagnosa
apendisitis yang mengalami nyeri perut, khususnya nyeri perut kanan
bawah. Pada studi kasus ini, partisipan yang dipilih adalah seorang
perempuan berusia 35 tahun (Ny.C) yang mengeluhkan nyeri
tersebut. Dengan demikian, populasi penelitian ini adalah pasien
apendisitis yang mengalami nyeri akut sebagai akibat dari
peradangan pada apendiks vermiformis
Intervensi atau Issues of Intervensi dan aktivitas keperawatan perlu dilakukan untuk
Interest mengurangi, menghilangkan dan mencegah masalah keperawatan
pada klien ny C dengan nyeri akut adalah terapi genggaman jari.
Kombinasi proses relaksasi dengan genggaman jari diyakini lebih
optimal karena terdapat titik-titik akupunktur yang membantu
mengurangi rasa sakit.Genggam jari merupakan salah satu teknik
relaksasi untuk mengurangi nyeri yang dilakukan dengan cara
menggenggam masing-masing jari selama 2-3 menit sambil menarik
napas dalam-dalam. Teknik ini dapat menghangatkan titik-titik
keluar masuknya energi pada meridian (garis atau jalur energi dalam
tubuh) yang terletak pada jari-jari kita sehingga dapat memberikan
rangsangan secara refleks (spontan) saat menggenggam. Rangsangan
tersebut nantinya akan mengalirkan gelombang ke otak, kemudian
dilanjutkan ke saraf-saraf di organ tubuh yang mengalami gangguan,
dan penyumbatan di jalur energi menjadi lancar.
Comparation Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi kasus dengan pendekatan
praktik berbasis bukti yang berfokus pada intervensi keperawatan.
Pelaksanaan penelitian berlangsung di BLUD RSU Kota Banjar pada
27-31 Mei 2022, dengan proses pengkajian dan penegakan diagnosis
yang terfokus pada masalah utama klien. Data objektif dan subjektif
diambil sebagai dasar untuk evaluasi berkala terhadap pelaksanaan
asuhan keperawatan. Analisis data dilakukan secara mendalam
dengan menggali data akurat baik sebelum maupun sesudah
intervensi. Penelitian ini memiliki kesamaan dengan penelitian
sebelumnya yang dilakukan oleh Fitria Wati, yang menggunakan
desain deskriptif dan pendekatan studi kasus pada asuhan
keperawatan. Dalam penelitian ini, subjek studi kasus terdiri dari dua
pasien apendiktomi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi.
Outcomes/hasil-hasil Hasil evaluasi keperawatan menunjukkan adanya perubahan positif
yang diharapkan pada status psikologis pasien berupa nyeri akut. Pasien mengaku
mengerti cara mengatasi nyeri akut dengan terapi relaksasi genggam
jari, dan setelah dilakukan 2 kali intervensi, skala nyeri menurun dari
skala 5 menjadi skala 3 (1-10). Hasil ini sejalan dengan penelitian
lain dengan memberikan 2 kali intervensi pada pasien operasi Sectio
Caesarea, dengan penurunan 1 skala. Perbedaan intensitas nyeri yang
dirasakan responden dimungkinkan karena kemampuan setiap
individu berbeda dalam merespon dan mempersepsikan nyeri yang
dialami. Keadaan ini dapat berkaitan dengan karakteristik yang
dimiliki oleh responden.

Kesimpulan :
Intervensi Relaksasi Genggam Jari patut diduga efektif mengurangi
nyeri pada pasien apendisitis, dibuktikan dengan pengakuan
subyektif pasien akan berkurangnya nyeri setelah intervensi.
Penurunan nyeri terjadi sebagai salah satu dampak dari intervensi
berupa penurunan keluhan nyeri, meringis, penurunan sikap
protektif, penurunan kecemasan, penurunan kesulitan tidur, dan
frekuensi nadi dalam batas normal. Selain itu, peneliti tidak
menemukan kesenjangan yang signifikan antara teori dan fakta yang
menghambat hasil penelitian, sehingga penelitian ini tidak
bertentangan dengan penelitian sebelumnya.

Original Research
A Case Study of Finger Grip Relaxation Intervention
on Lowering Pain Scale in Appendicitis Patients
Erna Safariah 1, Irawan Danismaya1, Nadya Salsabilla2, Henri Setiawan2
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi1

STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis2

Article info Abstract

Background: Pain is the most common symptom that is often
Article history: found in patients with appendicitis. One of the non-
Received: July 06th , 2022 Revised: pharmacological interventions that can do to treat pain is Finger
August 07th , 2022 Accepted: Grip Relaxation. Objective: This case study is to describe the
September 07th , 2022 finger grip relaxation technique intervention to reduce pain in
appendicitis patients. Methods: This study uses a case study
design with an evidence-based practice implementation approach
Coresponden author: focusing on nursing interventions. The research was conducted at
Name: Henri Setiawan the BLUD RSU Banjar City on 27-31 May 2022. The participant
Address: Ciamis, West Java E- in this study was Mrs.C, a 35-year-old female who complained of
mail: right lower abdominal pain. The process of assessing and
[email protected] establishing a diagnosis focused on the main problem. Objective
and subjective data become a reference for periodic evaluation of
International Journal of Nursing and nursing implementation. The instrument used is a numeric rating
Health Services (IJNHS) Volume 5, scale. Results: the patient acknowledged that the pain decreased
Issue 5, October 20th , after the finger grip relaxation intervention. Conclusion: Finger
2022 grip relaxation intervention should be suspected to be effective in
DOI: 10.35654/ijnhs.v5i5.628 reducing pain in appendicitis patients, as evidenced by the
E-ISSN: 2654-6310
subjective patient. Theoretically, this research does not conflict
with previous research, so it can be a reference in future research.
Recommendation: Clinically, finger grip relaxations can be an
alternative intervention to reduce pain in patients with chronic
diseases such as appendicitis in hospitals and health centers.

Keywords: appendicitis, fingergraph, head injury, pain

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License CC BY -4.0

International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS), Volume 5, Issue 5, October 20th, 2022
INTRODUCTION finger grip relaxation intervention, most patients
Appendicitis is an acute inflammation of who experienced mild discomfort, as many as 12
the vermiform appendix. The vermiform respondents, got p value = 0.001≤α=0.05.
appendix is located in the lower right abdomen. There is an effect of finger grip relaxation on
It varies from 7 to 15 cm. Inflammation can changes in pain scale in post-op appendectomy
occur due to several factors, such as lymph patients in the Dahlia room, RSUD dr. T.C.
hyperplasia, appendix tumors, Ascaris worms Hillers Maumere (7). While various studies have
that clog, and fecalith (1). found the benefits of finger grip relaxation in
Data from the World Health Organization reducing pain, nurses rarely perform this
(WHO) states that the incidence of appendicitis intervention in clinical practice. They are more
in 2014 was the eighth leading cause of death concerned with collaborative pharmacological
worldwide, and it is estimated that in 2020 it will interventions such as analgesia. At the same
be the fifth leading cause of death worldwide. time, non- pharmacological therapy is one of the
The incidence of appendicitis in Asia and Africa independent interventions that can be done by a
in 2014 was 4.8% and 2.6% of the total nurse (8).
population, respectively. In Indonesia, Finger grip relaxation is one of the
appendicitis is about 7% of the total population, independent nursing actions that can affect a
approximately 179,000 people (2). decrease in the pain scale so that nurses can use
The problem that usually arises in it in hospitals or health centers in dealing with
patients with appendicitis is pain. Pain that does pain complaints in appendicitis patients.
not go away can affect discomfort, behavior, and Therefore, the authors are interested in taking a
daily activities. The patient characterizes pain case study titled "Case Study of Finger Grip
often grimacing, frowning, biting his lip, being Relaxation Therapy Interventions to Reduce Pain
restless, and others. Pain management has in Appendicitis Patients."
several actions or procedures, both
pharmacologically and non- pharmacologically. OBJECTIVE
Pharmacological This case study is to describe the finger
procedures are carried out by giving analgesics grip relaxation technique intervention to reduce
to reduce or eliminate pain (3,4). Meanwhile, pain in appendicitis patients.
one of the non-pharmacological pain
management is using relaxation techniques. METHODS
Relaxation techniques allow patients to This study uses a case study design with an
control themselves when there is discomfort or evidence-based practice implementation
physical and emotional stress in pain. One type approach focusing on nursing interventions. The
of relaxation used to reduce pain intensity is research was conducted at the BLUD RSU
finger grip relaxation which is easy for anyone to Banjar City on 27-31 May 2022. The
do with the fingers and the flow of energy in our participants in this study were Mrs. C, age 35,
body (5). This is because when holding the female, who complained of abdominal pain. The
finger, there will be a reaction that warms the process of assessing and establishing a diagnosis
points of entry and exit of energy meridians is focused on the main problem. Objective and
(energy channels) on the fingers. The reflex subjective data become a reference for periodic
points on the hand will stimulate the reflex evaluation of nursing implementation. Data
(spontaneous) when gripping. The stimulus will analysis was carried out by exploring accurate
flow electricity to the brain, which will be and subjective data before and after the
received and greeted quickly, then to the nerves intervention.
in the affected organs so that blockages in the
energy pathways become smooth (6).
A study by Dikson et al., conducted in RESULTS
2020, showed that before the finger grip Nursing Assessment
relaxation intervention was given, patients who Patient Mrs. C, 35 years old, came to the
experienced pain were in the moderate category emergency room at 10 am on May 27, 2022, with
13 respondents (65%). After giving the main complaint of abdominal pain
approximately 2 weeks ago, stabbing pain,

International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS), Volume 5, Issue 5, October 20th, 2022
pain in the lower right abdomen, intermittent 1x1 gr, and paracetamol 3X50 mg are given
pain with a pain scale of 5 out of 10 patients also therapy.
complained of cold sweats, nausea, and Nursing Diagnosis
vomiting. The patient said it was the first time he The study found that psychologically
had been hospitalized, and he was previously emerging nursing problems were acute pain
diagnosed with appendicitis in 2019. associated with obstruction of the lumen of the
After reviewing the main complaint and appendix with diagnostic number D.0077 on
medical history, the vital signs were assessed. page 172 (7).
The results were blood pressure 110/80 mmHg,
pulse 84 times per minute, respiration 20 times Nursing Intervention, Implementation, and
per minute, body temperature 36.7ºC, and Evaluation
oxygen saturation 98%. On physical Nursing interventions and activities need
examination, the focus was on the abdomen. The to be established to reduce, eliminate and prevent
results obtained by the inspection were the shape nursing problems for clients with acute pain
of the abdomen was symmetrical and flat, and related to obstruction of the appendix lumen, as
there were no masses or lumps. The results follows in Table 1. Relaxation therapy is an
obtained an intestinal peristalsis frequency of 8 alternative intervention that is scientifically
times per minute by auscultation. By palpation of proven to help the process of releasing
the appendix for pain when pressed and released endorphins (9,10). The endorphin hormone is a
at the McBurney point. Subsequent assessment natural analgesic in the human body to reduce
of percussion with tympanic results. physiological pain responses
On diagnostic examination, the results of (11). The combination of the relaxation process
a complete blood count were normal. X-ray with finger grips is believed to be more optimal
radiological results do not show active because there are acupuncture points that help
pulmonary tuberculosis, whole abdomen and reduce pain. In traditional Chinese medicine,
normal results, and normal ultrasound results. acupoints are areas of the skin on collateral
RL infusion, ranitidine 2x50 mg, Ceftriaxone meridians (travels for energy traffic in the body),
which are spread over the body's surface and are
concentrated at specific points or
areas (12).

Table 1. Nursing Intervention and Outcome

Nursing Outcome Nursing Intervention
After nursing Intervention was given, it Observation:
is expected that the level of pain can a) Identify the location, characteristics, duration,
decrease with the following outcome frequency, quality, and pain intensity.
b) Identify pain scale.
a) Decreased pain complaints. c) Identify non-verbal pain responses.
b) Decreased grimacing. d) Monitor the success of complementary therapies that
c) Decreased protective readiness. have been given.
d) Decreased anxiety.
e) Decreased sleep difficulties. Therapeutic:
f) Pulse frequency within normal Provide non-pharmacological techniques to reduce pain with
limits. Finger Grip Relaxation.

In the implementation, some procedures are provide non-pharmacological techniques to

carried out for acute pain patients related to reduce pain with techniques—finger grip
obstruction of the appendix lumen, identify the relaxation. According to what has been done on
location, characteristics, duration, frequency, the patient, an evaluation was obtained on the
quality, and intensity of pain, identify pain 1st
scales, identify non-verbal pain responses, and

International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS), Volume 5, Issue 5, October 20th, 2022
day on 27 May 2022 and the 2nd day on 28
May 2022. The results obtained are as follows:

Table 2. Nursing Evaluation

Nursing Evaluation
1st Day 2nd Day
Acute pain related S: The patient said the pain was S: The patient said the pain was slightly
to obstruction of slightly reduced on the scale to 4 out of reduced on the scale to 3 out of 4 (1-10).
the appendix 5 (1-10). O: the patient does not appear to be
lumen O: The patient does not appear to be grimacing.
grimacing. A: Acute pain related to obstruction of the
A: Acute pain related to obstruction of lumen of the appendix.
the lumen of the appendix. P: Continue to apply finger grip relaxation
P: Continue to apply finger grip when pain occurs.
relaxation when pain occurs. I: Finger grip relaxation.
I: Finger grip relaxation. E: The patient understands how to deal with
E: The patient understands how to deal pain using
with pain using finger grip relaxation. finger grip relaxation.
R: Finger grip intervention R: Finger grip intervention is discontinued.

Figure 1. Pain scale development

The results of the intervention carried out procedures are carried out in 5 stages,
by researchers show a decrease in the pain including assessment, determination of
scale. Before the intervention, the patient's diagnosis, intervention, implementation, and
pain scale was 5 (1-10). After the first evaluation of nursing.
intervention, the patient's scale was reduced The results of the study obtained on Mrs.
from 1 to a scale of 4 (1-10) based on the C are the patient complains of pain in the lower
patient's expression. In the second intervention, abdomen with pain like being slashed. Pain is
the patient scale decreased from 4 to 3. felt in the lower right abdominal area, with a
pain scale of 5 out of 10 using a numeric rating
DISCUSSION scale instrument, the pain comes and goes, and
Nursing care for patients with the patient looks a little grimaced. Physical
appendicitis with pain problems at the BLUD examination showed a pulse rate of 84 beats
RSU Banjar City has been carried out per minute with a blood pressure of 110/80
comprehensively by the authors based on mmHg. Meanwhile, temperature and
theories from various sources. Nursing care respiration were within normal limits.
The more a

International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS), Volume 5, Issue 5, October 20th, 2022
person's pain increases, the higher the pulse brain, then proceed to the nerves in the organs
rate. Pain can involve activation of the sensory experiencing disturbances, and blockages in
nervous system and is a physiological response the energy pathways become smooth (16).
from the body; nociceptor stimulation and pain A previous study showed a decrease in
will affect changes in pulse rate. An increased pain in appendicitis patients after being given
pulse rate is a nociceptor stimulation in the a finger grip relaxation intervention for
vascular system, increasing peripheral 3 consecutive days, a daily decrease of 1 point
resistance and pulse rate (8). (17). Most of the postoperative Sectio
One of the pieces of evidence that the Caesarea patients experienced moderate pain
patient experiences pain is the patient's before being given therapy. However, after
statement which says that the patient has pain being given the finger grip relaxation
in the lower right abdomen on a scale of technique, there was a change in the pain scale
5 out of 10. In addition to subjective, objective in postoperative Sectio Caesarea patients (15).
data can be seen from the signs and symptoms The results of the nursing evaluation
that appear in pain, which can be found in the showed positive changes to the patient's
patient's looks, grimace, protective (e.g., psychological status in the form of acute pain.
alertness, pain avoidance position), The patient claimed to understand how to deal
restlessness, increased pulse rate, and difficulty with acute pain with finger grip relaxation
sleeping. However, the assessment results on therapy, and after 2 interventions, the scale
Mrs.C only found that the pulse was within decreased from a scale of 5 down to a scale of
normal limits and looked a little grimacing. 3 (1-10). These results align with other studies
The patient's acknowledgment of his by providing 2 interventions in postoperative
physical and psychological health condition is patients with Sectio Caesarea, with a decrease
subjective data that can be considered when of 1 scale (18). The difference in the intensity
determining a nursing diagnosis (13). of pain the respondent feels is possible because
Therefore, based on the assessment results, the each individual's ability is different in
diagnosis was acute pain associated with responding to and perceiving the pain
obstruction of the appendicular lumen with the experienced. This situation can be related to
diagnostic code D.0077 on page 172 of the the characteristics possessed by the respondent.
Indonesian Nursing Diagnostic Standards
To overcome this problem, researchers CONCLUSION
conducted nursing interventions and Finger Grip Relaxation Intervention
implementations per Indonesian nursing should be suspected of effectively reducing
intervention standards number I.08238, page pain in appendicitis patients, as evidenced by
201, including assessing the patient's vital the patient's subjective acknowledgment of
signs and pain, such as location, pain relief after the intervention. Pain reduction
characteristics, duration, frequency, quality, occurs as one of the impacts of the intervention
and intensity of the pain (14). However, in the form of decreased pain complaints,
researchers need to add a non- pharmaceutical grimacing, decreased protective attitude,
in the form of a finger grip relaxation decreased anxiety, decreased sleep difficulties,
intervention. The finger grip is one of the and pulse frequency within normal limits. In
relaxation techniques to reduce pain which is addition, the researcher did not find a
done by holding each finger for 2-3 minutes significant gap between theory and facts that
while taking deep breaths (15). This technique hindered the study's results, so this research
can warm the points of entry and exit of energy does not conflict with previous research.
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A. Validity
Desain penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi kasus dengan pendekatan
implementasi praktik berbasis bukti yang berfokus pada intervensi keperawatan.
Penelitian dilakukan di BLUD RSU Kota Banjar pada tanggal 27-31 Mei 2022.
Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah Ny. C, usia 35 tahun, jenis kelamin
perempuan, yang mengeluhkan nyeri perut. Proses pengkajian dan penegakan
diagnosis difokuskan pada masalah utama. Data objektif dan subjektif menjadi acuan
untuk evaluasi pelaksanaan keperawatan secara berkala. Analisis data dilakukan
dengan menggali data akurat dan subjektif sebelum dan sesudah intervensi.
B. Importen
Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan penurunan rasa sakit pada pasien
radang usus buntu setelah diberikan intervensi relaksasi genggaman jari untuk 3 hari
berturut-turut, penurunan setiap hari sebesar 1 poin. Sebagian besar pasien post
operasi Sectio Caesarea mengalami nyeri sedang sebelum diberikan terapi. Namun,
setelah diberikan teknik relaksasi genggam jari, terjadi perubahan skala nyeri pada
pasien post operasi Sectio Caesarea.
Hasil evaluasi keperawatan menunjukkan adanya perubahan positif pada status
psikologis pasien berupa nyeri akut. Pasien mengaku mengerti cara mengatasi nyeri
akut dengan terapi relaksasi genggam jari, dan setelah dilakukan 2 kali intervensi,
skala nyeri menurun dari skala 5 menjadi skala 3 (1-10). Hasil ini sejalan dengan
penelitian lain dengan memberikan 2 kali intervensi pada pasien pasca operasi Sectio
Caesarea, dengan penurunan 1 skala. Perbedaan intensitas nyeri yang dirasakan
responden dimungkinkan karena kemampuan setiap individu berbeda dalam
merespon dan mempersepsikan nyeri yang dialami. Keadaan ini dapat berkaitan
dengan karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh responden
Intervensi Relaksasi Genggam Jari patut diduga efektif mengurangi nyeri pada
pasien apendisitis, dibuktikan dengan pengakuan subyektif pasien akan
berkurangnya nyeri setelah intervensi. Penurunan nyeri terjadi sebagai salah satu
dampak dari intervensi berupa penurunan keluhan nyeri, meringis, penurunan sikap
protektif, penurunan kecemasan, penurunan kesulitan tidur, dan frekuensi nadi
dalam batas normal. Selain itu, peneliti tidak menemukan kesenjangan yang
signifikan antara teori dan fakta yang menghambat hasil penelitian, sehingga
penelitian ini tidak bertentangan dengan penelitian sebelumnya.
C. Aplicable
Intervensi relaksasi genggam jari yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini efektif
mengurangi nyeri pada pasien apendisitis dan potensial untuk digunakan pada
berbagai kondisi klinis yang memicu nyeri akut, termasuk pasca operasi. Teknik ini
sederhana, mudah dilakukan, dan hemat biaya, sehingga dapat diterapkan baik di
fasilitas kesehatan dengan keterbatasan sumber daya maupun secara mandiri oleh
pasien di rumah setelah pelatihan. Pasien menerima terapi ini dengan baik dan
merasakan penurunan nyeri yang signifikan. Dengan adaptasi sesuai kebutuhan,
intervensi ini relevan dan aplikatif dalam praktik klinis, terutama dalam menangani
nyeri akut di berbagai konteks pelayanan kesehatan.

Hasaini, A. (2019). Efektifitas Relaksasi Genggam Jari Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Pada Pasien. Dinamika
Kesehatan Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan , Vol 10 No.1.
Novita, D. (2019). Pengaruh Terapi Musik Klasik Mozart Terhadap Perubahan Skala Nyeri Pada Pasien Post
Operasi Appendicitis Di Ruang Dahlia RSUD Kota Bogor. Jurnal Ilmiah Wijaya, Vol. 11 No.2 Hal 9-
Safariyah E, Nadya Salsabilla, Setiawan H. A Case Study of The Finger Grip Relaxation
Intervention on Lowering Pain Scale in Appendicitis Patients. International Journal of Nursing
and Health Services (IJNHS). 2022;5(5):412-417. doi:https://doi.org/10.35654/ijnhs.v5i5.628
Sulistiawan, A., Jauhari, M. F., & Nurhusna, N. (2022). Efektifitas Terapi Genggam Jari Terhadap
Intensitas Nyeri Pada Pasien Post Operasi Appendektomi. Electronic Journal Scientific of
Environmental Health And Disease, 3(1), 45–57. https://doi.org/10.22437/esehad.v3i1.20282
Wati, F., & Ernawati, E. (2020). Penurunan Skala Nyeri Pasien Post-Op Appendictomy
Mengunakan Teknik Relaksasi Genggam Jari. Ners Muda, 1(3), 200.

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