Silabus Agama Islam 2021
Silabus Agama Islam 2021
Silabus Agama Islam 2021
This Islamic Religious Education course discusses and explores materials with the substance of
human relations with Allah to create a generation that is fearful of the Qur'anic paradigm; human
relations with fellow human beings in order to integrate faith, Islam and Ihsan; as well as human
relations with the environment in order to ground Islam to achieve prosperity. Thus was born a
generation of religious, humanist, broad-minded and caring.
1. Believe in God Almighty and able to show a religious attitude (S.1);
2. Upholding human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals and ethics (S.2);
3. Internalizing values, norms, and academic attitude (S.8);
Keterampilan Umum:
1. Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan inovatif dalam konteks
pengembangan atau implementasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang memperhatikan dan
menerapkan nilai humaniora yang sesuai dengan bidang keahliannya (KU.1);
2. Mampu menunjukkan kinerja mandiri, bermutu, dan terukur (KU.2);
3. Mampu mengambil keputusan secara tepat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah di bidang
keahliannya, berdasarkan hasil analisis informasi dan data (KU.5);
4. Mampu mengimplementasikan prinsip keberlanjutan (sustainability) dalam mengembangkan
pengetahuan (KU.11).
General Skills:
1. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing
or implementing science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values
in accordance with their field of expertise (KU.1);
2. Able to show independent, quality, and measurable performance (KU.2);
3. Able to make decisions appropriately in the context of problem solving in their area of
expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis (KU.5);
4. Able to implement the principles of sustainability in developing knowledge (KU.11).
Special skill:
1. Explaining the essence of human relations with Allah, with fellow humans and with the natural
environment in the Qur'anic paradigm;
2. Presenting the results of conceptual and / or empirical studies related to the essence and
urgency of Islamic spirituality values as one of the determinants in building a nation with
3. Able to be consistent with the coherence of the principles of Islamic teachings as the
implementation of Iman, Islam and Ihsan, and to present Islam rahmatan lil alamin;
4. Skilled in presenting the results of individual or group studies regarding a case (case study)
related to the contribution of Islam to the development of world civilization;
5. Skilled in analyzing the problem of optimizing the role of the mosque as a center for the
development of Islamic culture and a place for the realization of the welfare of the people.
1. Memahami esensi Pendidikan Agama Islam sebagai komponen Mata Kuliah Wajib Umum dan
urgensinya sebagai nilai-nilai spiritualitas yang menjadi salah satu determinan dalam
pembangunan karakter bangsa.
2. Menguasai substansi agama sebagai salah satu komponen dasar persatuan dan kesatuan
bangsa dalam wadah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
3. Memahami korelasi sumber ajaran Islam dan kontekstualisasinya dalam kehidupan modern
sebagai rahmatan lil alamin.
4. Menguasai aplikasi konsep Islam tentang IPTEK, seni, sosial-budaya, politik, ekonomi, dan
masalah kesejahteraan umat.
5. Memahami kontribusi Islam dalam perkembangan peradaban dunia, dan menguasai strategi
optimalisasi peran dan fungsi masjid sebagai pusat pengembangan budaya Islam.
1. Understand the essence of Islamic Religious Education as a component of the General
Compulsory Course and its urgency as spiritual values which are one of the determinants in the
nation's character building.
2. Mastering the substance of religion as one of the basic components of national unity and
integrity within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
3. Understand the correlation of sources of Islamic teachings and their contextualization in
modern life as rahmatan lil alamin.
4. Mastering the application of Islamic concepts regarding science and technology, arts, socio-
culture, politics, economics, and issues of the welfare of the people.
5. Understand the contribution of Islam to the development of world civilization, and master the
strategy of optimizing the role and function of mosques as centers of developing Islamic
Main Subject
1. Membangun Paradigma Qur’ani
2. Bagaimana Manusia Bertuhan
3. Integrasi Iman, Islam dan Ihsan
4. Bagaimana Agama Menjamin Kebahagiaan
5. Membumikan Islam di Indonesia
6. Moderasi Beragama dalam Islam (Deradikalisasi)
7. Islam Membangun Persatuan dalam Keberagaman
8. Islam tentang Zakat dan Pajak (Filantropi Islam)
9. Peran dan Fungsi Masjid untuk Kesejarteraan Umat
10. Islam Menghadapi Tantangan Modernisasi
11. Kontribusi Islam dalam Pengembangan Peradaban Dunia
1. Wahyuddin, dkk., Pendidikan Agama Islam Membangun Karakter Mahasiswa di Perguruan
Tinggi, Surabaya, Penerbit Litera Jannata Perkasa, 2019.
2. Dirjen Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan Kemenristekdikti, Pendidikan Agama Islam untuk
Perguruan Tinggi, Jakarta, Dirjen Belmawa, 2016.
3. Muhibbin, Zainul, dkk, Pendidikan Agama Islam Membangun Karakter Madani,Surabaya, ITS
Press, 2012.
4. Razaq, Nasruddin, Dinnul Islam, Bandung, Al-Ma,arif, 2005.
5. Iberani, Jamal Syarif dkk, Mengenal Islam, Jakarta: eL-Kahfi, 2003.
6. Imarah, Muhammad, Islam dan Pluralitas Perbedaan dan Kemajemukan dalam Bingkai
Persatuan, Jakarta, Gema Insani, 1999.