Dialog Bahasa Inggris
Dialog Bahasa Inggris
Dialog Bahasa Inggris
Fase kerja
Perawat : permisi bu
Pasien : iya ners
Perawat : ibu, sesuai perjanjian yang telah disepakati taadi sekarang saya akan melakukan
Tindakan perawatan luka, apakah ibu bersedia?
Pasien : iya.
Perawat : baiklah saya akan menyipkan alat-alatnya dahulu.
1. Pasang perlak dibawah lengan
2. Cucii tangan
3. Memakai handscoon
4. Membuka balutan dengan alcohol swab
5. Buang bekas balutan dan alcohol swab ke bengkok
6. Membersihkan luka dengan cairan NACL (diulangi beberapa kali sampai luka
terlihat bersih)
7. Jika sudah bersih keringkan luka dengan kassa yyg bersih.
8. Berikan balutan baru dan fiksasi.
Fase terminasi
Perawat : ibu Ajeng saya suah melakukan Tindakan perawatan luka , dijaga kesehaannya ya
ibu, semoga cepat sembuh.
Pasien : iya terimakassih mbak.
Perawat : sama-sama, assalamualaikum
Setelah melakukan perawatan luka perawat membersihkan lat-alat dan mencuci tangan.
Preinteraction phase
1. The nurse prepares mentally and confidently.
2. The nurse has understood about the wound disease and its context.
3. The nurse has obtained the patient data data.
Nurse : okay mrs. Ajeng, how is the situation of the mother now? What do
yo feel mrs Ajeng?
Patient : my knee still hurts sus.
Nurse : yes, mrs, that's the effect of the wound that mom experienced.
Because in the mrs an inflammatory response occurs.
Okay, mrs, I'll excuse me first, please mrs Ajeng rest Back, later I will
come again to do the treatment of changing the bandage on the mrs Ajeng
Patient : yes ners.
Phases of work
Nurse: mrs Ajeng , according to the agreement that was agreed earlier now
I will do Wound care measures, is mom willing?
Patient : yes.
Termination phase
Nurse: mrs. Ajeng's I have done wound care actions, take care , I wish you
a speedy recovery.
Patient : yes, thank you.
After carrying out the treatment of wounds the nurse cleans the lat-tools and washes the