Adbi4201 - Bahasa Inggris Niaga - Ulfah Surachman
Adbi4201 - Bahasa Inggris Niaga - Ulfah Surachman
Adbi4201 - Bahasa Inggris Niaga - Ulfah Surachman
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2. Anda wajib mengisi dan menandatangani surat pernyataan kejujuran akademik.
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NIM : 042191928
Fakultas : Ekonomi
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5. Saya memahami bahwa segala tindakan kecurangan akan mendapatkan hukuman sesuai dengan aturan
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Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya. Apabila di kemudian hari terdapat pelanggaran atas
pernyataan di atas, saya bersedia bertanggung jawab dan menanggung sanksi akademik yang ditetapkan oleh
Universitas Terbuka.
Kota, 18 Juni 2022
Yang Membuat Pernyataan
Ulfah Surachman
Jawaban No. 1
The way capital flight affects exchange rates is that capital flight can be triggered by several macroeconomic
factors such as exchange rate fluctuations. The devaluation of the domestic currency lowers investors'
confidence, causing them to withdraw their capital from a country.
Capital flight involves the departure of assets or money from a country in response to some economic event
that has occurred there. This can be a consequence of an increase in taxes on capital or when a country is
unable to meet its debt obligations and therefore loses its level of trust and credibility. Hence the phenomenon
that occurs in the economy is sometimes a result of various factors, such as the revaluation of the currency
when inflation reaches a level higher than the interest rate. Usually, in countries where there is capital flight,
the exchange rate, or interest rate, is controlled by the government.
Capital flight is a bottleneck in every country, as it implies a loss of reserves in that country and a prominent
fear of currency depreciation. With this common fear, it is often assumed that the available reserves will not
be sufficient to counter the effects. Therefore, the residents of these places prefer to dump their currency into
foreign currencies and can earn an income that they can invest abroad. This type of operation is usually carried
out with the central bank.
Capital flight can even lead to a devaluation, forcing the central bank to do so at a higher rate than originally
The main effect that the flight or flight of capital has on an economy is a decrease in wealth levels and a
worsening of investment expectations. Thus, residents of that country or foreign investors are discouraged
from participating in its economy.
On the other hand, the devaluation suffers more affects the individuals of the affected country. This is because
in most cases your asset or investment will suffer a substantial loss in value.
Let's focus on capital flight: As I understand it, capital flight shifts the supply curve of a particular currency
in the exchange market, causing it to depreciate against, say, the dollar.
Jawaban No. 2
GDP does not accurately reflect the nation's welfare because economic growth has raised living standards
around the world. However, modern economics has forgotten the fact that the standard metric of economic
growth, gross domestic product (GDP), only measures the size of a country's economy and does not reflect
the welfare of a country.
GDP is not designed to assess the well-being or well-being of citizens. It is designed to measure production
capacity and economic growth. Yet policymakers and economists often treat GDP as an all-encompassing unit
to signify a country's development, combining economic prosperity and societal well-being.
Jawaban No. 3
The most significant result of the Marshall Plan on Politics is Helping the recovery of the economy of Western
Europe. The recovery of the European economy means that sales of US goods to European countries will
Jawaban No. 4
The importance of the development of production and productivity in the modern economy is that the increase
in productivity has a direct effect on employment and the economy which helps the country to develop and
earn high incomes. increasing labor productivity in the economic sector is the main driver of economic growth
(not sectoral re-allocation).
Productivity is a key aspect of economic growth. However, it is also important to choose what to produce with
the increasing importance of paying attention to ecological issues and care for the protection of the natural
environment. Higher manufacturing and service productivity can lead to better economic development.