Akhir Pencarian Strategy AO

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Sebuah Pencarian
dan mimpi jadi
Sukatan Pelajaran
 Jenis Trade (swing/Intraday)
 Jenis Candle
 Pattern (5 pattern utama)
 Rahsia AO
 Entry
 Trade News (teknikal news using fibo only)
 Trade using TL tanpa Pattern (fibo tanpa pattern )
 Rahsia TL Break/Rebounce
 Bagaimana mahu melihat div yang sedang terjadi.
Jenis Trade

 Swing Trade
Analisa Candle di Weekly, trade di H1

 Intraday Trade
Analisa Candle di Daily, trade di m30 atau m15 yang
mana jelas patennya.
Jenis Candle

 Ekor bawah (Spike Low)

Kita andaikan market akan bullish (rahsia di ekor)

 Ekor atas (Spike High)

Kita andaikan market akan bearish

 Solid candle
Kena ukur fibonya dah cukup ke belum cycle 261.8 dan
tunggu apa paten yang akan keluar
Pattern di ekor candle

 Perhatikan setiap permulaan trend di weekly

 Perhatikan juga pergerakan candle last week apakah

bull atau bear.

 Ukur pattern yang terjadi di setiap minggu untuk

mengetahui apakah minggu tersebut sudah complete
Contoh Candle

 Divergence

 Head and Shoulders

 Double Top

 Double Bottom

 Sideways – wedges/flag/pennant
 Fibonachi Retracement
Tambahan level fibo :- 78.6/127.0/200.0
Point fibo adalah pada support dan resistant

 Trendline
Support to support / Resistant to resistant

 Horizontal Line

 Alligator – setting 34,8,5 (option)

 Awesome Oscillator
Rahsia AO

 AO adalah satu indicator yang menunjukkan

 Perhatikan kedudukan puncak dan lembah sebelom
enter position.
 AO sepatutnya digunakan bersama dengan Aligator
 Mengunakan AO sebagai entry untuk momentum
yang sudah stabil
Histogram A di setiap warna, harus lebih tinggi daripada Histogram B. Pada
contoh di atas Histogram B berwarna merah. Histogram C yang merupakan
signal harus berwarna hijau
Histogram “A” dari warna apa saja harus lebih rendah daripada histogram
“B”. Dalam contoh ini Histogram “B” akan berwarna hijau. Histogram “C”
berwarna merah.
Mengunakkan AO sebagai Indicator

Divergence boleh diklafikasikan kepada 2 kategory

1.Revesal Trend

Revesal Pattern
Zone analisa berada di 261-423
Zone analisa retracement berada di
Syarat Asas Fibo Div.

 Ada setup iaitu 5 pattern asas.

 Pattern terjadi di kawasan 261/423

 Filter Div dengan mengunakan TL.

Revesal Trend Divergence

Harus ada 2 bukit dan ditengah-tengah ada lembah

Retracement Divergence
Kenapa Berlaku Div dan apa yang
hendak diberitahu

 Div berlaku disebabkan sudah cukup cycle 5 wave

 Div berlaku diantara wave 3 dan wave 5
 Div yang berlaku sebagai revesal iaitu 2 bukit dan satu lembah
 Bukit pertama adalah wave 3..bukit 2 adalah wave 5 dan
lembah yang di tengah adalah wave 4
 AO wajib berada dibawah paras 0 untuk wave 4 sekiranya
mahu menjadi revesal Div.
 Jika terjumpa Div bukit yang sama..maka bertukarlah ke tf
yang lebih kecil untuk melihat susun atur wave yang terjadi
Susunan Wave dalam Div 2 bukit
Contoh pattern
Contoh pattern
Contoh Pattern
Sideway wedges
Contoh pattern

 Divergence buy
Contoh pattern

 Divergence buy
Contoh pattern

 Sideway flag
Contoh pattern

 Head and Shoulders

Contoh pattern

 Divergence+Double bottom+Hns
Contoh pattern

 Double bottom
Contoh pattern

 Double Top
Cara letak Fibo pada Pattern

 Double Top
Pattern Double top

 Tarik fibo dari point paling rendah di antara top ke top

Double bottom

 Double Bottom
Double bottom

 Tarik fibo dari point paling tinggi di antara bottom ke


 Head and Shoulders


 Tarik fibo dari leher kiri shoulders ke head

Inverted HNS

 Head and Shoulders inverted

Inverted HNS

 Tarik fibo dari leher kiri shoulders ke head


 Divergence Sell

 Tarik fibo dari point yang paling rendah ke point

paling tertinggi pada div

 Divergence buy

 Tarik fibo dari point paling tinggi ke point paling

rendah pada div

 Sideway

 Tarik fibo dari point hi sideway ke point lo sideway

kalau price break horizontal line atas (buy mode)

 Tarik fibo dari point lo sideway ke point hi sideway

kalau price break horizontal line bawah (sell mode)

 Break trendline dan candle close melepasi trendline

 Break lips/teeth pada alligator

 AO bar merah/hijau ke 3
Entry di Trendline
Mengunakan Aligator untuk entry
Entry guna Aligator
Kawasan bahaya

 Sentiasa berhati-hati di level-level fibo

 Level retrace yang biasa adalah di:-

1) 127.0
2) 161.8
3) 200.0

 Kalau tiada pattern yang keluar di level-level fibo, price

akan pergi ke 261.8 untuk melengkapkan cycle fibonya.
Trade news
 Fundamental dan teknikal analisis biasanya tidak
 Teknikal news adalah kaitan antara news dan fibo.
 Cycle Fibo adalah 261/423 dan harus dicukupi
MELAINKAN sekiranya terjadi DOUBLE
 Caranya: harus ukur terlebih dahulu kiraan fibo
sebelom news.
 Dimana 261..kerana price akan mencukupkan 261
terlebih dahulu.
Trade menggunakan TL tanpa

 TL digunakan sebagai senjata utama.

 Trendline break harus terjadi disaat ketiadaan
 Cari 2 point dan sambungkan untuk menentukan price
telah mampu break TL.
 Tarik fibo di point terdekat dengan price.
Div dan trendline
Trendline tanpa Div
Trendline tanpa pattern
Rahsia TL break atau rebounce

 Rahsia TL break atau rebounce ini terletak di 5 pattern

utama. Check AO..apakah ada pattern di saat itu

 Saat CS menghampiri TL..maka harus ..Check

AO..apakah ada pattern di saat itu .

 Ketiadaan pattern di garis TL atau SnR akan

menyebabkan TL break.
Contoh Pattern di TL.
Contoh Pattern di TL
TL 3 Drive Pattern

 Trendlines 3 drive pattern adalah merujuk kepada

garis TL yang mempunyai 3 titik sentuhan dan telah
mencukupi cycle fibo.
 TL 3 drive pattern digunakkan untuk filter bull trap
atau bear trap
 TL 3 drive pattern juga digunakkan untuk
mendapatkan puncak div dengan kombinasi fibo.
Contoh bull trap
Contoh entry di level fibo
Contoh entry di level fibo dan revesal
pattern Div
Contoh entry di level fibo dan revesal
Bear trap
Bull trap
3D and sniper
Mengukur dan membaca Div

 Divergence boleh diukur berasaskan ia adalah wave 5

 Div terjadi diantara wave 3 dan 5

 Div tidak akan terjadi di tgh trend.

 Div diukur berasaskan breakout wave 4

Kombinasi BBMA dan FIBODIV

 Check setiap div yang berlaku terutama Div dua bukit

 Cari keadaan di mana berlaku extreem di bukit kedua
 Cari dimana berlaku MHV di bukit kedua
 Tarik fibo berasaskan fibo div
 Pastikan extreem dibukit kedua di sertai dengan garis
Kombinasi hebat BBMA dan FiboDiv
Kombinasi Hebat
FiBo Sniper
Asas Fibo Sniper

•Asas fibo sniper adalah dari pattern abc

•ABC ini terdiri dari initial move, retrace dan projection.

•ABC ini akan menjadi satu permulaan bagi setiap

pergerakkan dalam mana mana TF sekali pun.
Kombinasi Fibodiv dan sniper

 Fibo Div adalah radar pengesan perubahan trend dan

memberikan zone untuk buying dan selling

 Fibo Sniper adalah untuk mengesan dimanakah ending cycle

dalam sesuatu subwave dan permulaan wave
Kombinasi Hebat BBMA,FiboDiv dan
100% FiboDiv
100% FiboDiv
Tamat sudah!!!!!
Awesome Oscillator: 4 Day
Trading Strategies

What was Bill Williams thinking when he came up with the
name awesome oscillator?

With names floating around as complex and diverse as moving

average convergence divergence and slow stochastics, perhaps
Bill was attempting to separate himself from the fray. To
learn more about the awesome oscillator indicator from its

creator, check out Bill’s book [ 2 ] titled ‘New Trading

Dimensions: How to Profit from Chaos in Stocks, Bonds, and

In this article, we are going to attempt to better understand

why Bill felt his indicator should be considered awesome by
evaluating the three most common AO trading strategies and a
bonus strategy, which you will only find here at Tradingsim.
So, what is the Awesome Oscillator

Awesome Oscillator
Well by definition, the awesome oscillator is just that, an
oscillator. Unlike the slow stochastics, which is range bound
from +100 to -100, the awesome oscillator is boundless.

While on the surface one could think the awesome oscillator

indicator is comprised of a complicated algorithm developed by
a whiz kid from M.I.T., you may be surprised to learn the
indicator is a basic calculation of two simple moving
averages. That’s right folks, not an EMA or displaced moving
average, but yes, a simple moving average.
Awesome Oscillator Indicator
If you have a basic understanding of math, you can sort out
the awesome oscillator equation. The formula compares two
moving averages, one short-term and one long-term. Comparing
two different time periods is pretty common for a number of
technical indicators.

The one twist the awesome oscillator adds to the mix, is that
the moving averages are calculated using the mid-point of the
candlestick instead of the close.

The value of using the mid-point allows the trader to glean

into the activity of the day. If there was a ton of
volatility, the mid-point will be larger. If you were to use
the closing price and there was a major reversal, you would
have no way of capturing the volatility that occurred during
the day.

The fact Bill saw the need to go with the mid-point, well is a
bit awesome.

Fast Period = (Simple Moving Average (Highest Price + Lowest

Price)/2, x periods)

Slow Period = (Simple Moving Average (Highest Price + Lowest

Price)/2, x periods)

Awesome Oscillator = Fast Period – Slow

One point to clarify, while we listed x in the equation, the
common values used are 5 periods for the fast and 34 periods
for the slow.

Williams stated in his book, “It is, without doubt, the best
momentum indicator available in the stock and commodity
markets. It is as simple as it is elegant. Basically, it is a
34-bar simple moving average subtracted from a 5-bar simple
moving average.”

You, however, reserve the right to use whatever periods work

for you, hence the x in the above explanation.

Awesome Oscillator on the Chart

Depending on your charting platform, the awesome oscillator
indicator can appear in many different formats. Nevertheless,
the most common format of the awesome oscillator is a

The awesome oscillator indicator will fluctuate between

positive and negative territory. A positive reading means the
fast period is greater than the slow and conversely, a
negative is when the fast is less than the slow.

The one item to point out is that the color of the bars
printed represent how the awesome oscillator printed for a
period. Hence, you can have a green histogram, while the
awesome oscillator is below the 0 line.

Awesome Oscillator Histogram

Basic Awesome Oscillator Trading

Now that we are all grounded on the awesome oscillator, let’s
briefly cover the 4 most common awesome oscillator strategies
for day trading.

#1 – Cross Above or Below the Zero

If you use this strategy by itself, you will lose money. To
trust an indicator blindly without any other confirming
analysis is the quickest way to burn through your cash.

Therefore, the strategy, if you want to call it that, calls

for a long position when the awesome oscillator goes from
negative to positive territory. Conversely, when the awesome
oscillator indicator goes from positive to negative territory,
a trader should enter a short position.

Without doing a ton of research, you can only imagine the

number of false readings you would receive during a choppy

Let’s look at a chart example to see the cross of the 0 line

in action.
Awesome Oscillator 0 Cross
In the above example, there were 7 signals where the awesome
oscillator indicator crossed the 0 line. Out of the 7
signals, 2 were able to capture sizable moves.

This 5-minute chart of Twitter illustrates the main issue with

this strategy, which is that the market will whipsaw you
around like crazy. Choppy markets plus oscillators equal
fewer profits and more commissions.

For this reason, we give the cross of the 0 line an F.

#2 – Saucer Strategy
The saucer strategy received its name because it resembles
that of a saucer. The setup consists of three histograms for
both long and short entries.

Long Setup
1. Awesome Oscillator is above 0
2. There are two consecutive red histograms
3. The second red histogram is shorter than the first
4. The third histogram is green
5. A trader buys the fourth candlestick on the open

Short Setup

1. Awesome Oscillator is below 0

2. There are two consecutive green histograms
3. The second green histogram is shorter than the first
4. The third histogram is red
5. Trader shorts the fourth candlestick on the open

Without going into too much detail, this sounds like a basic 3
candlestick reversal pattern that continues in the direction
of the primary trend.
Awesome Oscillator Saucer Strategy

In the above example, AMGN experienced a saucer setup and a
long entry was executed. The stock drifted higher; however, we
have noticed from glancing at a number of charts, the buy and
sell saucer signals generally come after a little pop. If you
trade the saucer strategy, you have to realize you are not
buying the weakness, so you may get a high tick or two when
day trading.

The saucer strategy is slightly better than the 0 cross,

because it requires a specific formation across three
histograms. Naturally, this is a tougher setup to locate on
the chart.

However, you can find this pattern when day trading literally
dozens of times throughout the day.

Although we are attempting to locate a continuation in

the trend after a minor breather in the direction of the
primary trend, the setup is just too simple. It doesn’t
account for trend lines or the larger formation in play.

Due to the number of potential saucer signals and the lack of

context to the bigger trend, we give the saucer strategy a D.

#3 – Twin Peaks
Now, this is not the restaurant for all you chicken wing and
brew fans out there.

This is a basic strategy, which looks for a double bottom in

the awesome oscillator indicator.

Bullish Twin Peaks

1. The awesome oscillator is below 0
2. There are two swing lows of the awesome oscillator and
the second low is higher than the first
3. The histogram after the second low is green
Twin Peaks

Bearish Twin Peaks

1. The awesome oscillator is above 0
2. There are two swing highs of the awesome oscillator and
the second high is lower than the first
3. The histogram after the second peak is red
Bearish Twin Peaks Example
As you have probably already guessed, of the three most common
awesome oscillator strategies, we vote this one the highest.
The reason being, the twin peaks strategy accounts for the
current setup of the stock. The twin peaks are also a
contrarian strategy as you are entering short positions when
the indicator is above 0 and buying when below 0.
Therefore, the verdict is in and we give the twin peaks
strategy a solid C+.

#4 – Bonus Strategy
You will not find this strategy anywhere on the web, so don’t
waste your time looking for it.

Going back to the crossing of the 0 line, what if we could

refine that a little to allow us to filter out false signals,
as well as buy or short prior to the actual cross of the 0

This approach would keep us out of choppy markets and allow us

to reap the gains that come before waiting on confirmation
from a break of the 0 line.

We’re going to coin the setup as the Awesome Oscillator (AO)

Trendline Cross

Long Setup – AO Trendline Cross

1. Awesome Oscillator has two swing highs above the 0 line
2. Draw a trendline connecting the two swing highs down
through the 0 line
3. Buy a break of the trendline
AO Trendline Cross
As you can see in the above example, by opening a position on
the break of the trendline prior to the cross above the 0
line, you are able to eat more of the gains.

The other point to note is that the downward sloping line

requires two swing points of the AO oscillator and the second
swing point needs to be low enough to create the downward

Bearish Setup – AO Trendline Cross

1. Awesome Oscillator has two swing lows below the 0 line
2. Draw a trendline connecting the two swing lows
up through the 0 line
3. Sell Short a break of the trendline
Bearish AO Trendline Cross
In this example the cross down through the uptrend line
happened at the same time there was a cross of the 0 line by
the AO indicator. After the break, the stock quickly went
lower heading into the 11 am time frame.
Where Can the Awesome Oscillator Go
When testing strategies, we like to go through indicators and
find where things fail. Finding the blind spots of an
indicator can be just as helpful as displaying these beautiful
setups that always work out.

So, to this point, let’s walk through a few examples where the
trusted awesome oscillator indicator will have you on the
wrong side of the trade.

#1 High Awesome Oscillator Values Beget

Higher Price Values
If you are a contrarian trader, a high value in the AO may
lead you to want to take a trade in the opposite direction of
the primary trend.

It’s natural to see the extremely high reading and then say to
yourself, there is no way the stock can go any higher.

This is where things can get really messy for you as a trader.
Even if the AO keeps you on the right side of the trade with a
high winning percentage, you only need one trade to get away
from you and blow up all of your progress for the month.
Papa John’s Failed Short
Can you identify the three peaks in the AO indicator? As you
can see in the chart, we entered the trade on the open at

Any short trader would have had enough reason with the
negative news on Papa John’s founder at the time to short the
morning pop. In addition, the AO was spiking like crazy and
the rally did appear sustainable.

Well, guess what happened – Papa John’s peaked at $55.83

before consolidating. This would have represented a move
against us of 10.2%. Now if you are day trading and using a
lot of leverage, it goes without saying how much this one
trade could hurt your bottom line.

How to prevent yourself from getting caught in this situation?

First, a major expansion of the awesome oscillator indicator
in one direction can signal a really strong trend. So, do
yourself a favor and do not stand in front of the bull.

Secondly, use stops when you are trading. There is no reason

you should ever let the market go against you this much.

#2 AO Readings on Low Float Stocks Can

Get Tricky
Many of you may trade larger caps rather than low float
stocks, because you’re able to scale in with larger size with
low volatility plays. However, we know low float movers are a
big deal in the day trading community.

So, how does the AO indicator handle low float movers?

Well like most indicators – not well.

Low Float – False Signals
This is one of those charts that would have you pulling your
hair out. It’s like everything that could go wrong with the
indicator did, in fact, go wrong!

First, if you shorted the opening spike, similar to our Papa

John’s example, this would have caused you serious pain. Next,
EGY spikes lower giving the impression the stock was going to
fill the gap. Wrong again, as EGY only consolidates leaving
you with a short position that goes nowhere.

Lastly, EGY breaks the morning high all the while displaying a
divergence with the awesome oscillator and the price action.

In every instance, the indicator is giving off false signals

and leaving you on the wrong side of the trade.

Well, it’s not all the fault of the AO indicator.

You as a trader need to be prepared for the harsh reality of

trading low float stocks. These securities will move
erratically, with volume and in a very short period of time.

In a related article on Stocktwits Blog [4], see how day trader

Dave Kelly describes trading low float stocks and the level of
volatility with these securities.

We’re not saying ditch the AO indicator altogether but be

prepared to combine the AO with other indicators. Also, lower
your expectations about how accurately the oscillator can
create price boundaries which a low float will respect.

Awesome Oscillator and the Futures

Shifting gears to where the awesome oscillator is likely to
give you more consistent signals – the futures markets. More
specifically the S&P E-mini futures contracts.
The reason the awesome oscillator indicator works so well with
the e-Mini is that the security responds to technical patterns
and indicators more consistently due to its lower volatility.

Sell Signals
Notice how these AO high readings led to minor pullbacks in
price. Now, these are not going to make you rich, but you can
capitalize on these short-term trends.

There were still a few signals that did not work out, so you
will need to keep stops as a part of your trading strategy to
make sure your winners are bigger than your losers.

In Summary
So out of the trading strategies detailed in this article,
which one works best for your trading style?

You may find that you like the idea of drilling into where the
awesome oscillator indicator fails to uncover trading
No matter what strategy you lock in on, you will want to make
sure you use stops in order to protect your profits. Also, be
sure to look at different types of securities to see which one
fits you the best.

To recap these types of securities, please see the below list:

low float
low volatility
futures contracts

Here’s to good fills!

External References
1. Bill Williams. Wikipedia
2. Williams, Bill. (1998). ‘New Trading Dimensions: How to
Profit from Chaos in Stocks, Bonds, and Commodities‘.
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
3. Williams, Bill. (1998). ‘New Trading Dimensions: How to
Profit from Chaos in Stocks, Bonds, and Commodities‘.
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., pg. 85
4. A Conversation About Low Float Stocks and Why Traders
Should Understand Them [Blog Post]. Stocktwits.com

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