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25 Unit 9

9 Blood
1 Grammar
Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 If you will give / to give / give blood, you’ll help a lot of people.
Jawab : give
2 If blood stops moving, it will be / is / be a bad sign.
Jawab : will be
3 If your infection is treated, it ’ll heal / heals / ‘ll heals quickly.
Jawab : ‘ll heal
4 If / If not / Unless she takes her medication, she’ll never get better.
Jawab : unless
5 If you don’t know / won’t know / will know what to do, ask the matron.
Jawab : don’t know
6 Blood will clots / clots / clot when it is exposed to air.
Jawab : will clots
7 You will work / Work you / Will you work here when you have finished training?
Jawab : will you
8 If you don’t eat less sugar, you get / ‘ll get / getting diabetes when you are older.
Jawab : ‘ll get

1. Jika kamu akan memberi/ memberi darah, kamu akan membantu banyak orang
2. Jika darah berhenti bergerak, itu akan menjadi pertanda buruk
3. Jika infeksi anda diobati, itu akan menyembuhkan dengan cepat
4. Jika/ jikatidak/ kecuali dia minum obatnya, dia tidak akan pernah sembuh
5. Jika anda tidak tau/ tidak tahu/ akan tahu apa yang harud dilakukan, tanyakan kepada sipir
6. Darah akan menggumpal ketika terkena udara
7. Anda akan bekerja/ bekerja dengan anda/ akankah anda bekerja disini setelah anda selesai
8. Jika anda tidak mengurangi makan gula, anda akan terkena diabetes saat anda lebih tua.

2 Key words from unit

Complete the sentences with the words from the list. Arteries : arteri
1 Pulmonary arteries take blood to the lungs. Cells : Sel
2 Blood contains red and white cells . microscope : mikroskop
3 veins take blood to the heart. veins : pemb darah
4 A drop of blood can tell the police a lot. drop : penurunan
5 Platelets help blood to clot . clot : menggumpal
6 haemoglobin is a protein. haemoglobin : hemoglobin
syringe : jarum suntik
7 Use a syringe to take a blood sample.
8 Put this slide under the microscope and have a look.
26 Unit 9
1. Arteri Pulmonari membawa darah ke paru-paru
2. Darah mengandung sel merah dan putih
3. Pembuluh darah vena membawa darah ke jantung
4. Dari setetes darah dapat memberikan banyak info kepada polisi.
5. Trombosit membantu darah untuk menggumpal
6. Haemoglobin adalah sebuah protein
7. Menggunakan sebuah jarum suntik untuk mengambil sampel darah
8. Letakan slide ini dibawah Mikroskop dan lihatlah

Reading and vocabuLaRy

The prefix haem- means blood The study of blood is haematology, haemophilia is a disease of the
blood and a haemorrhage is a bruise. In humans, blood forms in the bone marrow by a process called
haemogenesis. Blood circulates around the body through the cardiovascular system of arteries, veins
and capillaries.
Blood has many functions. It distributes oxygen, keeps the body warm, and removes waste. More
than half of the blood in the body is a fluid called plasma – plasma is mostly water. The rest of the
blood is made up of red cells which carry oxygen, white cells which protect against disease, and
platelets which heal wounds.
When someone loses a lot of blood they need a transfusion. There are different types of human blood
and medics usually use the ABO system which puts blood into four main groups: A, B, AB, and O. The
donor blood must be compatible with the blood of the recipient, because a transfusion of the wrong
blood can be fatal.
Medical conditions affect blood in many ways, so a blood test is a good way to get information
about a patient’s state of health. The shape, size, behaviour and number of blood cells can provide
information about kidney and liver function, about levels of hormone, glucose and cholesterol, and
about a patient’s immune system.

Awalan haem- berarti darah. Pelajaran tentang darah adalah hematologi, hemofilia adalah penyakit darah
dan perdarahan adalah memar. Pada manusia darah terbentuk di sumsum tulang oleh proses yang
disebut hemogenesis. Darah beredar di seluruh tubuh melaui sistem kardiovaskuler arteri, vena dan

Darah memiliki banyak fungsi.Darah mendistribusikan oksigen, menjaga tubuh tetap hangat, dan
membuang limbah. Lebih dari setengan darah dalam tubuh adalah cairan yang disebut plasma-plasma
yang sebagian besar berupa air. Sisa-sisa darah terdiri dari sel-sel merah yang membawa oksigen, sel-sel
putih yang melindungi terhadap penyakit, dan trombosit yang menyembuhkan luka.

Ketika seseorang kehilangan banyak darah, mereka membutuhkan tranfusi. Ada berbagai jenis darah
manusia dan petugas medis biasanya menggunakan sistem ABO yang menempatkan darah ke dalam
empat kelompok utama : A, B,AB,O. Darah pendonor harus sesuai dengan darah penerima, karena
tranfusi darah yang salah darah bisa berakibat fatal.

Kondisi medis mempengaruhi darah dalam banyak hal, jadi tes darah adalah cara yang baik untuk
mendapatkan informasi tentang keadaan kesehatan pasien. Bentuk, ukuran,perilaku dan jumlah sel darah
dapat memberikan informasi tentang fungsi ginjal dan hati, tentang kadar hormon, glukosa dan
kolesterol,dan tentang sistem kekebalan tubuh pasien
27 Unit 9

3 Comprehension
Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)
according to the text.
1 Bone marrow is formed by haemogenesis. T
2 Blood cells are mostly water. T
3 ABO is a method of transfusion. T
4 Recipients’ blood is given in transfusions. F
5 A blood test is good for a patient’s health. T
6 Blood cells can tell us about internal organs. F

1. Sumsum tulang dibentuk oleh hemogenesis .

2. Sel darah sebagian besar berupa air / cairan.
3. ABO adalah metode untuk transfusi.
4. Penerima darah diberikan dalam transfuse.
5. Tes darah baik untuk kesehatan pasien.
6. Sel darah dapat member tahu kita tentang organ dalam.

4 Vocabulary
Put the correct word or phrase into the spaces 1–6 in the text. forensic :forensic
The detective noticed several (1) drop of blood on the floor. Then he analysis: analisis
saw more.‘That’s very interesting,’ he thought.‘It has obviously come from slide: slide
someone’s (2) wound , and there is quite a lot of it. But whose blood wound: luka
is it?’ He needed to get a (3) forensic , and he needed it test tube :tabung
quickly. He used a swab to get a sample of the blood and put it safely into a reaksi
drops of blood: setetes
(4) test tube . darah
Later, back at the laboratory, a police scientist prepared a (5) slide microscope: mikroskop
and switched on the high-powered (6) microscope . The detective would
soon know the answer to his question.

Si detektif memperhatikan beberapa tetes darah di lantai. Lalu dia melihat lebih
banyak, “ ini sangat menarik”, dia piker. “ini jelas berasal dari luka seseorang,
dan ada cukup banyak. Tapi darah siapa ini ?’ dia perlu mendapatkan forensic
dan dia membutuhkannya dengan cepat. Dia menggunakan swab untuk
mengambil sampel darah dan memasukkannya dengan aman ke tabung reaksi.

Kemudian, kembali ke laboratorium, seorang polisi ilmuwan menyiapkan slide

dan menyalakan daya tinggi mikroskop. Detektif itu akan segera tahu jawaban
untuk pertanyaan ini.

5 Further vocabulary practice

Underline the correct words in italics to complete the sentences.
The first one is done for you.
1 In healthy blood the red cells are circular / circulate. Jawab : circular
2 I just want a drop / drip of blood from you. Jawab : drop
3 The platelets cause blood to clotting / clot. Jawab : clot
4 Blood cells are microscopic / microscope. Jawab : microscopic
5 Blood flows / flies through veins and arteries. Jawab : flows
6 He is bleeding / bloody badly and needs a transfusion. Jawab : bleeding
7 We need to analyse / analysis your blood. Jawab : analyse
28 Unit 9

6 A description of healthy blood
Study the information in the table and use it to write a description
of healthy blood. The first two sentences are written for you.

Plasma Numbers of white Shape of red blood Behaviour of red

blood cells cells blood cells
Healthy blood Clear and About 1% of Even sizes and Flow freely with
colourless blood circular shape space between
Unhealthy Fat in the Low numbers Lose even size Clump together
blood plasma and shape

In healthy blood the plasma is clear and colourless. In unhealthy blood there is fat in the plasma.
28 Unit 10

10 Death and dying

1 Grammar
Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 Maybe / May / Might I should take him to hospital.
2 Do she could / She could / Could she die from this illness?
3 She couldn’t / mayn’t / mightn’t recover after her operation tomorrow.
4 A Could the accident be fatal? B Yes, it could / be / might.
5 It ’s possible / ’s possibly / ’s possible that he will not come out of the coma.
6 She may to get / get / gets worse before she gets better.
7 She can’t sleep. It’s possible that she’s sick / She’s sick it’s possible that / It’s perhaps she’s sick.
8 What treatment could to help / would help / help his condition?

1. Mungkin saya harus membawanya ke rumah sakit

2. Apakah dia bisa mati karena penyakit ini?
3. Dia tidak bisa pulih setelah operasinya besok.
4. Bisakah kecelakaan itu berakibat fatal? Ya, bisa
5. Mungkin dia tidak akan keluar dari koma
6. Dia mungkin akan menjadi lebih buruk sebelum dia menjadi lebih baik
7. Dia tidak dapat tidur. Mungkin saja dia sakit/
8. Perawatan apa yang bisa membantu kondisinya?

2 Key words from the unit

Complete the sentences with the words from the list. Dementia : demensia
1 Music can help children. Consciousness : kesadaran
2 Prepare the before the relatives come. Cremation : kremasi
3 A can be painful to organize. Carer : pengasuh
4 The patient lost at 10 a.m. Grieving : berduka
5 Some people prefer to burial. Funeral : pemakaman
6 does not affect the body. Body : tubuh
Therapy : terapi
7 A hospice will visit your home.
8 We have a quiet room for relatives.

1. Musik _______ dapat membantu anak

2. Mempersiapkan ______ sebelum kerabat datang
3. Sebuah _________ dapat menyakitkan untuk diatur
4. Pasien hilang _______ pada jam 10 pagi
5. Beberapa orang lebih suka _____ untuk dimakamkan
6. __________ tidak mempengaruhi tubuh
7. Perawatan ________ akan mengunjungi rumah anda
8. Kami mempunyai ruangan yang tenang untuk ___________ kerabat
29 Unit 10

Reading and vocabuLaRy

A We have to accept death and the dying process. This is why palliative care does not try to cure
people with terminal illnesses, but tries to relieve symptoms, alleviate pain and prepare relatives.
B Drugs are not the only way to manage pain. Hospices now use a variety of other methods.
Massage, relaxation therapy, acupuncture and music can be useful too.
C It is very hard to watch someone go through a long, painful, debilitating illness. Some grieving
relatives and other carers will help a person they love end their life, if that’s what they want.
However, in most countries this is illegal and the process of dying takes its natural course.
D It is not always easy to say exactly when someone is actually dead, especially now that mechanical
aides can keep patients alive artificially. But for most doctors, a person is dead when all brain
activity, breathing, metabolism and pulse have stopped.
E Sometimes there is an autopsy after someone dies. But in most cases, post-mortem care involves
making careful records and preparing the body for a funeral. This usually means a burial or
cremation, according to religion and belief.
F Bacteria and acids begin the process of decomposition almost immediately after death.
The body goes pale, its temperature drops, and a short time later the limbs go stiff. The rate of
decomposition varies according to climate, but a body will eventually disappear completely.

A. Kita harus menerima kematian dan proses kematian. Inilah sebabnya mengapa perawatan
paliatif tidak mencoba menyembuhkan orang dengan penyakit mematikan, tetapi mencoba
meredakan gejala, meringankan rasa sakit, dan menyiapkan kerabat.
B. Obat bukan satu-satunya cara untuk mengatasi rasa sakit. Rumah sakit sekarang
menggunakan berbagai metode lain. Pijat, terapi relaksasi, akupunktur dan musik dapat
bermanfaat juga.
C. Sangat sulit melihat seseorang mengalami penyakit yang panjang, menyakitkan dan
melemahkan.beberapa kerabat yang berduka dan pengasuh lainnya akan membantu orang
yang mereka cintai di akhir hidupnya, jika itu yang mereka inginkan.Namun di sebagian
negara ini adalah ilegal dan proses kematian berangsung secara alami.
D. Tidak selalu mudah untuk mengatakan dengan tepat kapan seseorang benar-benar mati,
terutama sekarang karena seorang mekanik dapat membuat pasien tetap hidup secara
buatan. Tetapi bagi sebagian besar dokter, seseorang meninggal ketika semua aktifitas
otak, pennafasan, metabolisme, dan denyut nadi berhenti.
E. Kadang-kadang ada autopsi setelah seseorang meninggal, tetapi dalam kebanyakan kasus,
perawatan post-mortem melibatkan pembuatan catatan yang cermat dan mempersiapkan
tubuh untuk pemakaman.ini biasanya berarti penguburan atau kremasi, menurut agama
dan kepercayaan.
F. Bakteri dan asam-asam memulai proses pembusukan segera setelah kematian. Tubuh
menjadi pucat, suhu menurun, dan beberapa saat kemudian anggota tubuh menjadi
kaku. Laju pembusukan bervariasi sesuai dengan iklim, tetapi tubuh pada akhirnya
akan hilang sepenuhnya.
30 Unit 10

3 Comprehension
In which paragraphs (A–F) in the text can you can find answers to the
following questions? Write the number of the paragraph next to each question.
1 What alternatives are there to painkillers like morphine?
2 What happens to a body after death?
3 Does palliative care mean giving up?
4 What do hospital staff do with a body?
5 How do you know when someone is dead?
6 Isn’t helping someone die the same as murder?

4 Vocabulary
Complete the crossword puzzle with words from the text.
1 Loss of a loved one

2 Treatment
3 To feel great sorrow for a dead person
4 To burn a dead person
5 Ceremony for a dead person

2 4


5 Further vocabulary practice

Write these words in the correct places in the sentences 1–7.
The first one is done for you.
1 There is no cure – the condition is fatal . post-mortem
2 He is now unconscious and in a . passed away
going downhill
3 We switched off the system. life support
4 He’s fast. fatal
5 He at four o’clock.
6 The body is kept in the until the funeral.
7 The examination is this afternoon.
31 Unit 10

6 Writing a summary of a death certificate
Read the example summary of Death Certificate 1. Use the information
in Death Certificate 2 to write a similar summary.

Death Certificate 1
Name: Fatima Aswad Age: 64
Date of death: 14th March Hour of death: 02.00
Place of death: Patient’s home
Attended by: Mrs A Sidiq (carer)
Primary cause of death: Multiple organ failure
Due to: Terminal brain tumour (2 months)
Next of kin: 1 brother and 1 sister
Post-mortem: none

Death Certificate 1 – Example Summary

Mrs Aswad was diagnosed with a terminal illness two months ago and she finally died at home
yesterday at 2.00 a.m. Her carer, Mrs Sidiq, who visited Mrs Aswad every day, was with her at her death.
Her two siblings have been contacted. There will not be a post-mortem.

Death Certificate 2

Name: Yusef Abu Yasu Age: 59

Date of death: 15th March Hour of death: 06.30
Place of death: City hospital
Attended by: Dr F. Kahn
Primary cause of death: Congestive heart failure
Due to: Heart disease (5 months)
Next of kin: none on record
Post-mortem: none

Death Certificate 2 – Summary

37 Unit 10

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