Pemanfaatan Sisa Pecahan Campuran Beton Sebagai Pengganti Agregat Kasar Pada Laston Wearing Course Gradasi Kasar
Pemanfaatan Sisa Pecahan Campuran Beton Sebagai Pengganti Agregat Kasar Pada Laston Wearing Course Gradasi Kasar
Pemanfaatan Sisa Pecahan Campuran Beton Sebagai Pengganti Agregat Kasar Pada Laston Wearing Course Gradasi Kasar
Making as asphalt mixture requires a huge amount of aggregates because its structure contains 90-
95% of aggregates. One of the many materials that are mostly used is gravel. Continuoes use of
gravel in large amounts will have an impact on the environment where the gravel is obtained. On the
other hand, the high levels of infrastuctrural construction out of concrete in Kalimantan barat
aspecially in Pontianak allows the possitility of structural failure, fire and precast concrete failures to
increase. Therefore, the use of concrete shards to substitute coarse aggregates becomes an alternative
in this research. This research uses the experiment method of comparing between the use of course
aggregates and the use of K-225 and K-300 concrete sherds with the varielies of asphalt grudes at
5,0%, 5,5%, 6,0%, 6,5%, 7,0%. We use a total of 45 sampels with each variely of course aggregates
gotting 15 samples.we tested each samples using the marshall method so we get the marshall
characteristics and optimum asphalt content of the mixture. Refrens of the bina marga 2010
specification. Based on marshall test, the parameters of marshall that meet the stability value at 5.0%
- 7.0% asphalt content for the three types of mixture of the highest stability value occurred on the
natural broken stone of 7.0% asphalt content of 2822.5kg. Flow value at 6.0% and 6.5% asphalt level
of 3.767mm and 3.733mm for natural broken stone, 6.0% for 3.73mm for concrete mixture of K225,
and for fractionation of K300 5%, 5.5% and 6.5% concrete mixture of 2.77mm, 3.73mm, and 2.80mm.
VIM values for the three mixtures at 7.0% asphalt content of 4.460% natural broken stone, 4.57% of
K225 concrete mixed fractions, and 4.31% for K300 concrete mixed fractions. The value of FVB for
natural crushed stone at 6.5% and 7.0% asphalt content of 76.116% and 81.538%, 6.0% - 7.0% by
69.92%, 79.87%, and 90.66% for concrete mixture of K225 mixture, and concrete mixture of K300
5.5% 7.0% by 65.81%, 71.17%, 74.31%, and 87.72%. the MQ values for the three mixed types meet
the standards but at 5.5% asphalt content of 223.80 kg / mm for the fractional mixture of K225
concrete does not meet. From the data analysis, the optimum bitumen content (KAO) was obtained for
the mixture of crude aggregate aggregate of 6.54%, the coarse aggregate of K225 concrete mixture
was 6.05%, and the crude aggregate of K300 concrete mixture was 6.65%.
Key words: Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course , mixed concrete mixture, Marshall Characteristic,
Coarse Gradation
Tabel.4. Persyaratan gradasi agregat tanpa terjadi perubahan bentuk tetap seperti
Ukuran Ayakan (mm) % Berat yang lolos
gelombang, alur ataupun bleeding.
4.2. Kadar Aspal Optimum agregat
kasar pecahan campuran beton K225
Dari hasil pengujian sifat-sifat Marshall
dibuat grafik hubungan antara kadar aspal
dengan tiap-tiap sifat Marshall sebagai acuan
untuk mendapatkan kadar aspal optimum
dengan mengunakan agragat kasar dari
pecahan campurn beton K225. Kemudian dari
masing-masing grafik hubungan kadar aspal
dengan sifat Marshall dibuat grafik penentuan
kadar aspal optimum. Untuk lebih jelasnya
dapat dilihat pada Gambar 3.
Gambar 4. Grafik Kadar Aspal Optimum
Laston Wearing Course Agregat Kasar Beton
yang memenuhi spesifikasi Bina Marga selanjutnya bisa menguji menguanakan
Divisi VI 2010 beton K300 dengan kadar aspal 6.5%.
e. Nilai marshall quotient pada campuran d. Karena nilai VIM pada penelitian ini
laston Wearing Course pecahan campuran banyak yang tidak memenuhi spesifikasi
beton K225 dan K300 lebih besar dari diharapkan untuk penelitian selanjutnya
pada batu pecah alami pada kadar aspal 5 mengununakan kadar aspal lebih beser >
% sehingga campurannya bersifat kaku 6.5%
dan fleksibilitasnya rendah. e. Adanya penelitian mengunakan beton
f. Penggunaan pecahan campuran beton mutu tinggi diatas K300 untuk agregat
K300 yang bersifat poros mengakibatkan kasar dan apakah bisa menyamai batu
penyerapan terhadap aspal menjadi besar, pecah alami dari kekuatan dan kadar aspal
sehingga kadar aspal optimum (KAO) optimumnya.
yang didapatkan sebesar 6.65% lebih
tinggi dibandingkan agregat kasar dari
batu pecah alami sebesar 6.54%. Daftar Pustaka
g. Kadar aspal optimum agregat kasar batu
pecah dan beton K300 terjadi pada kadar Andhikatama, Arys .2013.”Studi pengunaan
aspal 6.5%. limbah beton sebagai pengganti agregat
kasar campuran AC-WC”.Skripsi .
Universitas Muhammadiyah, Surakarta.