** Teaching with Digital Technology **

Information Communication Technology teaching ideas for the Primary classroom including QR Codes, lesson plans, websites and apps. Lots of free resources, hints and ideas for teachers in Primary schools looking to implement digital technology within their curriculum.
363 Pins
Kindergarten and First Grade Patterning Math
These patterning activities are perfect for Kindergarten or First Grade Math Centers and provide hands-on opportunities for your students to practice algebraic concepts. Print and laminate to provide quick and easy lesson ideas for years in your classroom.
How to use Boom Cards in your classroom
Have you heard of Boom Cards but you're not sure what they are? Do you want to know how to capture student data on what they know and can do? Boom Cards make this easy. Click the link to find out how to implement Boom Cards in your classroom today and download a free sample!
Animal Features QR Code Scavenger Hunt
This fun activity will help your students identify and name the features of animals in a fun scavenger hunt activity. Students use the QR codes on each task card they find and look at the photograph of the animal. They can then record the features the animal has. This activity works perfectly in a science lesson for Kindergarten or First Grade.
The best digital technology for your Kindergarten and First Grade classroom
Kindergarten and First Grade students are a special kind of breed. Not fully practised in the sit-still-and-learn approach, these little learners are far more tech-savvy than you think and learn through entertainment. Whatever you're going to use in your math or literacy center it will need to be engaging and hands-on to keep them interested.
Kindergarten Counting Activities Bundle Google Slides ™
This bundle of Google Slides will help your students practice the skill of counting objects from 1-20, one to one correspondence, skip counting in 10s, ten frames and comparing quantities. All activities are all click and drag. These activities would make a great whole-class activity or individual student tasks in centers. Perfect for kindergarten math activities.
Kindergarten Counting Activities Bundle Google Slides ™
This bundle of Google Slides will help your students practice the skill of counting objects from 1-20, one to one correspondence, skip counting in 10s, ten frames and comparing quantities. All activities are all click and drag. These activities would make a great whole-class activity or individual student tasks in centers. Perfect for kindergarten math activities.
Kindergarten Counting Activities Bundle Google Slides ™
This bundle of Google Slides will help your students practice the skill of counting objects from 1-20, one to one correspondence, skip counting in 10s, ten frames and comparing quantities. All activities are all click and drag. These activities would make a great whole-class activity or individual student tasks in centers. Perfect for kindergarten math activities.
Kindergarten Counting Activities Bundle Google Slides ™
This bundle of Google Slides will help your students practice the skill of counting objects from 1-20, one to one correspondence, skip counting in 10s, ten frames and comparing quantities. All activities are all click and drag. These activities would make a great whole-class activity or individual student tasks in centers. Perfect for kindergarten math counting.
Kindergarten Counting Activities Bundle Google Slides ™
This bundle of Google Slides will help your students practice the skill of counting objects from 1-20, one to one correspondence, skip counting in 10s, ten frames and comparing quantities. All activities are all click and drag. These activities would make a great whole-class activity or individual student tasks in math centers. Perfect for kindergarten math.
Skip Counting in Tens 10 to 100 Google Slides™ Activity
This set of Google Slides will help your students practice the skill of Skip Counting in 10s. Students are asked to count in 10s then click and drag the correct number to the box indicated. This activity would make a great whole-class activity or individual student tasks in centers. Perfect for kindergarten math lessons.
Skip Counting in Tens 10 to 100 BOOM LEARNING CARDS Activity
This set of Boom Cards will help your students practice the skill of Skip Counting in 10s. Students are asked to count in 10s then click and drag the correct number to the box indicated. This activity would make a great whole-class activity or individual student tasks in centers. Cards are self-checking to save you time and provide instant feedback to students.
This may contain: an interactive game for kids to learn how to read the numbers in front of them
Counting Ten Frames 1 to 10 BOOM LEARNING CARDS Activity
This may contain: counting ten frames is shown on a pink background
Counting Ten Frames Boom Learning Cards
This may contain: an easter egg slider with the numbers 1 - 20
Easter Google Slides Counting Activity1-20
This may contain: an easter egg slider with the numbers 1 - 20
Easter Google Slides Counting Activity1-20