Prayer Stations

There are many sites on the web that I got these from - often just copying and pasting. Here' are a couple: and The entire purpose of a contemplative prayer station is to create a time and space for people to experience God in their lives. Prayer stations can be highly creative or an incredibly simple approach to prayer and spiritual reflection. Typically, a space is set up where people can enter and participate at their own pace and level.
101 Pins
Broken: take some time to see if you can mend the broken pieces of the pot as you reflect on how God is mending the broken pieces of you
Flickr | The best place to be a photographer online.
Broken world prayers
Prayer stations and Prayer Rooms. Some of this is a little "over the top" for FUMCO but there are some good ideas. Broken pottery shards, physically leaving problems (rocks) at base of cross, etc. - createdworship
the view habakkuk worship station
Like this idea--the view habakkuk worship station | by ratterrell
Day 21 - Prayer Station Ideas for Your Retreat - Women's Ministry Toolbox
Looking for Prayer Station Ideas for Your Retreat? I've got tips and a resource list for you at Women's Ministry Toolbox.
darkness into light- have people write on the walls of a prayer station.
Rethinking Youth Ministry Podcast
A Mountain Hearth
Advent Spiral Walk. Explains the history and what to do.