
All things history, including historical photos, historical stories, and more.
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American Things Americans Didn’t Know Were Exclusively American
America is the land of the free, home of the brave, and occasionally thought of as the center of the universe. People living in the US can sometimes forget there's a whole wide world out there that operates differently from what they're used to. Many inhabitants of the US may be surprised to learn that some of the most basic things that seem universal, fro... #americanculture #americanphenomena #uscentered #culturalsurprises #exclusivelyamerican #americanlifestyle #uniqueamerica #americancustoms
Classic Films On Netflix That Prove The '70s Was The Best Decade For Movies
Next time you're browsing Netflix and can't find something new to watch, why not treat yourself to something old? There's a crop of 1970s masterpieces available on the streaming service. Watching them again, we're reminded of why the '70s have been called the greatest in American film history. Dust off those bell-bottom trousers and dive in - and vote up the classics that are ab... #netflixclassics #70scinema #retrofilms #vintagenetflix #moviemasterpieces #filmhistory #americancinema #bingewatch
44 Of The Most Overrated Tourist Attractions Across Different US States
Every state in the US has something to offer, whether it be sprawling national parks, trademark foods, historic cities, or... the world's largest ball of twine? From roadside attractions to bucket list destinations, some of these tourist traps leave a lot to be desired. Maybe it's the endless crowds, the overpriced gift shops, or that the attraction just didn't ... #overratedattractions #touristtraps #usstates #roadsideoddities #travelflops #failedexpectations #disappointedtravelers #travelmyths
26 Funny Award Ceremony Jokes That Still Hit Hard
Award shows are polarizing events by nature. Some fans love to tune in to see their favorite celebrities decked out in daring fashion, witness musical performances and heartwarming acceptance speeches, and of course, drink in the inevitable drama and awkward moments that play out live on stage. For others, though, award ceremonies are dismissed as a self-indulgence of Hollywood, where wealthy celebrities pat each o... #comedy #awardshows #roasts #celebrities #hollywood #laughter #jokes #speeches
13 Deaths In War Movies That Were Depressingly Pointless
Not everyone dies a hero. In fact, most don’t, and in the grand scheme of things, the overwhelming majority of wartime casualties have been anything but heroic. Some of the most memorable deaths in war films aren’t the glorious sacrifices, but those unfortunate ones that can be pretty hard to watch. There’s something about a truly hopeless or unlucky end that stays with you... #warmovies #filmdeaths #pointlessdeaths #cinematictragedy #filmanalysis #unheroicends #moviecasualties #depressingmovies
Nostalgic Actors Talk About What They Spent Their First Major Paycheck On
Many of us grew up with the actors and actresses on this list. Now in their mid-forties and fifties, it can be easy to forget what these famous faces looked like as they rose to fame. It's even easier to forget that many of these stars came from pretty humble beginnings, so the paychecks that accompanied blockbuster films were not something they were accustomed to in the early days.Now we might imagine that t... #nostalgia #actors #firstpaycheck #hollywood #fame #purchases #blockbuster #humility
All About The Cotton King And Other Incan Mummy Bundles
The preservation of Egyptian mummies was a religious ritual meant to provide those who had passed with their worldly possessions as they journeyed into the afterlife and reincarnation. Many other ancient societies practiced mummification as well. In the Incan civilization, bodies were interred with food, bowls, and other items meant to assist the departed on their post... #incanmummies #cottonking #puruchuco #ancientrituals #humansacrifice #archaeologicalmystery #ancientcivilization #peruhistory
The Most Uncomfortable Celebrity Interviews Ever
When interviewing celebrities, it's common for television show hosts, news anchors, and journalists to push the limits with their questions. Interviewers boldly interrogate their guests - sometimes mistreating them - hoping to catch stars in a candid moment or be the first to uncover some earth-shattering revelation about their personal lives. For t... #creepyinterviews #celebgrilling #uncomfortablecelebmoments #emotionalinterrogation #awkwardtv #infamousinterviews #candidcelebs #stardomscandals
Fascinating Roman Artifacts That Made Us Say 'Whoa'
For a millennium, the Roman Empire left its mark on Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. It subjugated native peoples and made war across multiple continents, yet it also built roads and brought commerce to communities far and wide. Its legacy is a mixed one, to be sure, but its monuments and relics continue to astonish - not only for their craftsmanship but for... #romanartifacts #historywhoa #stunningrelics #romanlegacy #artifactsrevealed #ancientwonder #romanrevelations #timelesscraftsmanship
Things We Are Tired Of Seeing Portrayed Wrong In Movies As Of 2022
We go to the movies to be entertained. We know the big action thriller on the screen is not supposed to be a documentary. So, not every single thing has to be accurate. All we ask is that there at least aren't little annoying details that break the reality being projected and take us out of the movie. After a few films got away with this stuff without too... #cinemastereotypes #movietropes #filmfails #hollywooderrors #screenmisrepresentations #filmicfallacies #misportrayedmovies #realitybreakers
9 Super Funny Monologues in Movies
There are many kinds of humor in movies. Sometimes it's the rapid-fire back-and-forth dialogue between characters that makes us laugh. (Think classic screwball comedies.) Other times, it's shamelessly juvenile humor (think Dumb and Dumber) or expertly timed physical gags (think Buster Keaton).Occasionally, however, the humor can come from a single actor talking all by him- or herself. A well-written comedy... #comedy #monologues #movies #humor #cinemalaughs #hollywood #screenwriting #filmfunnies
9 Pivotal Moments In Movies That Set The Plot In Motion
Screenwriting books call it the “inciting incident” - the moment in a movie when the plot first really kicks into gear. It usually occurs about halfway into the first act, but sometimes it's sooner - even while the opening credits are still rolling.Sometimes it's hard to pin down. For instance, in Star Wars, does the plot kick in once the droids escape the blockade runner? Or onc... #screenwriting #incitingincident #plottwists #moviemoments #filmhistory #storytelling #cinematicturns #moviepivots
Did People Of The Middle Ages Think The World Was Flat?
When Columbus set sail in 1492, he proved - for the first time - that Earth was round. Europeans laughed at Columbus, certain he would fall off the edge of the flat Earth. If you've heard that story, you aren't alone. There's just one problem: It's completely false. Dating back to the 6th century, educated Greeks, Romans, and medieval Europeans knew Earth was a sphere... #middleages #flatearthmyths #christophercolumbus #medievalknowledge #globes #scientificaccuracy #educatedeuropeans #roundearth
The Most Infamous And Controversial Interviews Of All Time
Over the years, the world has witnessed its fair share of wild celebrity interview moments. Sometimes, a seemingly harmless question quickly morphs into an argumentative conversation because of the star's shocking response. Other times, interviewers and reporters step onto the stage prepared to ask the hard questions that onlookers secretly ... #celebrityinterviews #controversialmoments #talkshowdrama #unexpectedrevelations #societaltruths #shockingresponses #infamousinteractions #publicdisputes
What It Was Like To Live In Ancient Rome During Its Golden Age
Ancient Rome was at its apex from the second century BC through the second century AD. During the Pax Romana of the first and second centuries AD, Rome benefited from the expansion of its empire, with vast amounts of wealth and diverse cultural influences flooding into its borders. What was culture and life in Ancient Rome like? It had a little bit of everything. The city of Rome was... #ancientrome #goldenage #paxromana #romanculture #romanentertainment #romancitizen #urbanlife #socialdisparity