Grow your Blog

How to grow your blog. SEO. Social Media. Pinterest. Blogger outreach. Blog Promotion. Linkies. Guest posts. Networking. PR.
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The 10 essential elements of a successful blog post - Productive Blogging
10 Essential Elements of a Successful Blog Post Download
How much do bloggers REALLY earn in 2022? (Results from the Blogging Income Survey)
How much do bloggers REALLY earn? Which are the best ways to earn money with a blog? How long it takes to make a full-time income blogging? Here are the results from the Blogging Income Survey #bloggingincome #bloggingincomesurvey #bloggingstatistics #blogincome #makemoneyblogging #moneymakingblog #profitableblog #monetizeyourblog #blogging #blogger #professionalblogger #bloggingismyjob #solopreneur #mompreneur #fempreneur #bloggingbiz #bloggingtips #blogsmarternotharder #productiveblogging
How to set up an automated email newsletter with Mailchimp
Set up an automated email newsletter with Mailchimp and every time you publish a new blog post, your subscribers will automatically get an email with an extract from the new post. Alternatively, you can opt to send automated weekly or monthly newsletters
How to choose the right niche for your blog
Choosing your blog topic can be so hard! There are so many options. You can blog about almost anything. But that makes it so tricky to decide on the right niche. Read on to discover how to choose the right niche for your blog – and whether you really need
How to turn casual blog readers into raving super fans - Productive Blogging
WANT TO TURN CASUAL BLOG READERS INTO RAVING FANS WHO HANG ON YOUR EVERY WORD AND BUY ALL YOUR STUFF? ​Then you need to get serious about email marketing! ​BUT ISN'T SOCIAL MEDIA WHERE IT'S AT? ​Er... actually, no! ​Did you know, average social media engagement is just 0.58%? ​On the other hand, with email marketing... ​> 85% will see your email ​> 22.9% will open your email ​> 3.7% will click on a link in your email ​Are you ready to take #emailmarketing seriously and start seeing real results?
A beginner's guide to ConvertKit - Productive Blogging
ConvertKit is a fantastic tool to help you grow and monetise your blog. But how do you use it? Here’s my beginner’s guide to ConvertKit…#email #emaillist #emailmarketing #listbuilding #subscribers #convertkit #growyourblog #bloggrowth #bloggrowthhacks #pr
SEO Jumpstart Success Stories [Part 3]
If you are considering buying an SEO course, you want to know if it works, right? Well, who better to tell you than students who’ve taken the course? I interviewed 5 SEO Jumpstart students about how they got on with the course and what results they achieved… #seojumpstart #seocourse #seocourseforbloggers #SEOforbloggers #SEOforbeginners #beginnersSEO #SEO #SEOtips #SEOhacks #searchengineoptimization #growyourblog #bloggrowth #bloggingtips #blogtips #blogging #bloggers #productiveblogging
A beginner’s guide to SEO - Productive Blogging
Do you find SEO confusing and complicated? Do you wish you understood more about SEO and how it works? Then you NEED to read my beginner’s guide to SEO! #SEO #SEOforbeginners #beginnersSEO #yoast #yoastseo #yoastplugin #searchengineoptimization #keywords
Free 30 day list building challenge - Productive Blogging
Fed up with SLOW list growth? Want to grow your email list FAST? Then you need my 30 DAY LIST BUILDING CHALLENGE! This challenge will not only help you GROW YOUR LIST it will also show you how to attract the RIGHT people to your list… and show you what to do with them NEXT! #emailmarketing #growyourlist #emaillist #optinoffer #growyouremaillist #emailmarketingtips #emaillistgrowth #listbuilding #convertkit #growyourblog #bloggrowth #bloggingtips #blogging #productiveblogging
Personal branding for bloggers - Productive Blogging
What exactly is personal branding? And why is it so important for bloggers? Lucy Down, brand designer and personal branding photographer at Fresh Leaf Creative, explains why personal branding is so much more than headshots… #personalbranding #personalbrand #personalbrandphotography #brandphotography #headshots #bloggerheadshots #buildingabrand #brandbuilding #blogging #bloggingtips #bloggers #blogginghacks #productiveblogging
A beginner's guide to keyword research for bloggers [2025]
SEO is crucial for long term blog growth, and at the heart of SEO is keyword research. But what exactly is keyword research, and why is it so important for blog growth? Find out in this step by step guide to keyword research for bloggers – and watch your
How to create an opt-in offer that actually works: a step-by-step guide - Productive Blogging
Want to create an irresistible opt-in offer that will grow your email list and your blogging profits? Convinced by the theory, but want a practical step-by-step guide as to how to actually make one? Here’s my step-by-step guide to creating an opt-in offer… #optin #optinoffer #contentupgrade #leadmagnet #emailmarketing #growyouremaillist #emaillist #subscribers #themoneyisinthelist #convertkit #bloggingtips #blogging #bloggers #solopreneur #productivitytips #productivity #productiveblogging
10 reasons why you should use the Genesis Framework WordPress theme for your blog - Productive Blogg
Choosing a WordPress theme is one of the most important blogging decisions you will make, so it’s important to get it right. Here’s 10 reasons why you should use the Genesis Framework WordPress theme for your blog. #genesis #genesistheme #genesisframework #genesiswordpress #wordpressblog #wordpresstheme #wordpressgenesis #parenttheme #genesisparenttheme #childtheme #restored316 #restored316childtheme #blogging #bloggingtips #wordpresstips genesistips #productiveblogging
How to set up the Yoast SEO plugin PROPERLY!
If you have a WordPress blog it’s likely you have the Yoast SEO plugin – but do you have it set up properly? In this tutorial I’ll show you exactly how to set up the Yoast SEO plugin so you get the maximum benefit from it. #yoast #wordpress #wordpressblog
11 easy ways to boost your blog’s SEO
Blog Post SEO Checklist