Sims 4 Fantasy/Supernatural CC

26 Pins
RemusSirion's Skin cracks - skin details
These skin cracks are inspired by the character Alucard from Castlevania:Lords of Shadows 2 Found in TSR Category 'Sims 4 Female Skin Details'
Hey! Here are some markings from ts2 by nyren (extracted from tealeaf’s skins). Feel free to recolor, i didn’t do many swatches (please link back here if you do). ignore the typo on the preview, it’s...
Vampire Eyes #2
Aveira's Sims 4, Vampire Eyes #2 Vampires only 9 Colors 2 Options:...
tatygagg's [Ts4]Taty_DollyEyes_04_CL
- Female, Male Found in TSR Category 'Sims 4 Eye Colors'
Downloads sims 4:Makeup Styles Disco Diva Fantasy EyeShadow Male /Female (Alien/Humans)
Jennisims: Downloads sims 4:Makeup Styles Disco Diva Fantasy EyeShadow Male /Female (Alien/Humans)
sssvitlans: “ Downloads sims 4:Makeup EyeShadow Snake by JenniSims #alien
Lauruna Skin Enabled for Aliens by Ms Blue
Sims 4 CC's - The Best: Lauruna Skin Enabled for Aliens by Ms Blue
Nebula - 10 Non-Default Alien Eyes (Also for humans!) by kellyhb5
My Sims 4 Blog: Nebulosa - 10 Olhos Não-padrão estrangeiro (também para os seres…
[Nenpy] - scales tattoo
Rainbow fish scales It looks so amazing! I'm not sure if I ever wil use them, but I just need to pin them. :3 I want his hair. Someone, somewhere?